A very basic introduction to Templot, but which should give a flavour of the potential of this amazing piece of software. I make mistakes (I always do), but many folks have found it a very useful introduction to the perceived complexities of Templot, and have written to me to say that it has unlocked it for them.
This was my first attempt at building a Turnout, and there are errors in some of my descriptions and use of terminology. That said, it’s probably a good place to start if only to grasp the basic concepts of hand-built point work. This video should give a broad understanding of what’s involved and hopefully communicate that the process needn’t be too challenging.
An introduction to the Plug Track concept
Further details about creating chair rafts etc. There are simpler way of achieving the outcomes in this video. However, the concept of extracting chairs from the templates is a useful skill to develop and practicing the processes shown in the video will certainly build ones’ skill and confidence with Plug Track.
In this video I introduce these web pages and create 3d printed chairs and a laser-cut timbering base for a 3mm scale turnout. The scale is irrelevant, and the process is the same for any scale or gauge.
This video gives an overview of some of the techniques used to create rafts of chairs for Plug Track.