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... add" the chairs to the timbers to make a single solid object. There is no need to do that, and if I did, it would make it much more difficult to revise a turnout design. Using blocks allows me to modify a block design and immediately apply it to every instance of that block in the turnout. Last edited on 4 Jan 2016 07:30 by Andrew Barrowman posted: 4 Jan 2016 13:12 from: Martin Wynne Hi Andy, Many thanks for that. It seems that adding and aligning the chairs is a tedious process? One which Templot might possibly be able to do itself? Then you could create one-off 3D files to print any template in a full track plan, rather than a few fixed turnout sizes. It would likely need a "shove chairs" function similar to shoving timbers to resolve any conflicts, such as replacing an ordinary chair with a bridge chair where needed. Which means the chairs would also need to be visible on the trackpad. So the first question is -- are ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 179  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... partly shows through. You can move images forwards and back to change which one is in front. The transparent background area around the steps is unchanged. You can see that the cattle dock is solid -- the grid line is obscured. Here it is on the workpad. The relative image transparencies are preserved, but now the whole thing is on the background behind the track, grid lines, and everything else: I asked the question about overlapping images (having made the mistake of mentioning 'transparency'), because of aligning part images, and was not really about the transparency issue. To explain, it will be much easier for others to align an image (or images) if there is something to align too. So it would be advisable to leave overlapping parts of images that can be joined accurately, one image then covering the alignment part of the lower image. To simply butt images together, particularly if complex, may be not only difficult, but could end up making the whole image scenery looking odd and disjointed. Not fully ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 148  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... : Andrew Duncan I can barely believe that its been 6 months since I've reported any progress on Pen Mill. I've not been totally idle, nor have I made great leaps forward. The catch point is in on the carriage siding. I've added all the feeds/ droppers in now, so the amount of wires underneath have burgeoned. I've almost got all microswitches switching the correct polarity. I've even got close to getting the diamond crossings being switched by their adjacent turnouts. It remains to be seen whether the micrswitches stay correctly aligned to give reliable switching over time. I maybe worrying unnecessarily but I'm beginning to wonder whether I'd have been better off either using either Megapoint electronic control( as I did on the junction baseboard)or frog juicers for this? Does anyone have any experience of the Gaugemaster frog juicer. I have bought a couple but not used them yet and since read that they will only take a couple of amps( my ZTC has a 5 amp output) power going through them? The other problem of the microswitces is that they ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 135  -  1,855k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2547.php
... topic: 1475 Hand swapping of turnout when aligning using <facing- trailing> posted: 7 May 2011 14:55 from: Brian Nicholls Hi All, (particularly Martin) When placing a turnout, which is in the control, onto a plain track background template using the following instructions: Left click on the plain track background template, (or using Shift key+ Left click on it's name label) then selecting< peg/align tools>< align control template over, and snake onto peg>< facing – trailing> from the popup menu. I find that the control turnout template swaps hand (from say, Left-Hand to Right-Hand) when it akigns with the end of the plain track background template. This kept happening, after several frustrating attempts at removing and re-handing the turnout, and then re-trying to align again. Each and every time it swapped the hand of the turnout template to the wrong hand that was required. I finally decided to try another tack and did the following: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1475.php
... =BT http://maps.nls.uk/view/104183072#zoom=7 &lat=10370&lon=10966&layers=BT Templot can load these maps for you and display them correctly scaled as a background guide for track planning. Click the background> maps menu item: 2_030244_550000000.png Getting to this stage can be a bit of a palaver for the single sheet maps, especially if the track plan crosses a sheet join, but Templot includes all the functions you need to capture the maps, scale, twist, align and crop them for use. I will maybe make a bit of video showing all of that. Here I have started aligning a bit of track over the map. You can see that Templot has got it correctly scaled to 4mm/ft, although a perfectly scaled track plan won't be possible in 00 gauge because the gauge difference causes changes in the length of pointwork. I also used Templot's low-contrast function on the image to make it easier to see what you are doing when working over it: 2_030256_040000000.png However ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 107  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3655.php
... sure all the information will make it easier for me to complete one myself. Regards. Trevor. posted: 5 Aug 2014 16:44 from: Trevor Walling Hello, I have had a go with this slip but I think something is wrong.My slip road seems to be curving incorrectly and appears too close to the sleeper ends.undefined 2110_051122_430000000.png 2110_051123_520000000.png Is this possibly due to me swapping the hand of the turnout after snapping current template onto background template at TCP? Should I perhaps invert it? 2110_051130_130000000.png Here's mine. It doesn't seem to align with either route. 2110_051131_190000000.png The end result I get just doesn't look right 2110_051138_300000000.png I have followed the slip tutorial so I am guessing at the cause of the result. I hope you can all understand my explanation .I also enclose my box file. Thank you. Trevor. Attachment: attach_1895_2496_upslipcrossover2 _2014_08_05.box 237 posted: 5 Aug 2014 17:02 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Trevor, I was just about to post this, when your latest message popped up. First let me say, I applaud you determination to do the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 107  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2496.php
... there a way to join these in Templot to make one plan? I suspect there must be. Hi Roy, You can't actually "join" them in Templot. What you do is move them around until they line up with one another. Enter the second and third scans as picture shapes exactly as you did for the first one: 2_201008_470000000.png To line them up: 1. Click the one in the list which you want to move. The border around it will change to red. 2. It is easier to align the images if the one you are moving is transparent, so tick the transparent box. (When you have the image where you want it, you will probably prefer to untick the box to work over the image. Also, images which are transparent can't zoom in so far.) 3. Click the shift button to move it about as a mouse action, until it aligns with the previous one. 4. When all done, click the save all as... button to save a .bgs file containing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1199.php
... them. A freelance plan is much easier because you can use only as much Templot as you are comfortable with. So I would always recommend getting plenty of Templot track-planning experience before creating tracks over a picture shape background. Also, it is much easier to see what you are doing without an image in the way, and panning and zooming are much faster. For a hand-drawn plan it is often a choice between nice smooth curves, or matching the plan exactly. The usual way of working is to align a couple of dummy templates of fixed radius at each end of a section, and then use the make transition function to create the curve between them. You didn't upload your image file, so I have worked roughly over your screenshot. First the sketchboard view for clarity: 2_041351_540000000.png 2_041236_330000000.png The two dummy templates are in white. These can now be deleted once we are happy with the S-curve transition alignment between them in red. On the left the radius is 1100mm, on the right between the platforms there is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  197k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2326.php
... .. "I assumed to print your mimic panel you would export a PDF from the sketchboard, and take it to your local sign printer to print on laminate?" Possibly, once I know what is needed and then worked on the drawing to add all the notes I require. Platforms and text boxes would be a starting point plus a station totem 'Eastwood Town'. I want to do all that and be 100% happy with the design before contacting a printer. I could print the sheets off here, carefully align them and then cover it with a perspex sheet, before drilling all the holes etc for the LED's and switches. I will play around with the Sketchboard signal diagram and see if that makes sense. Can you give me some clues where to start.... I can't see anything in the Sketchboard menu, but then I don't know what I'm looking for. Thanks for your time and reply. Much appreciated. Attachment: attach_3045_3667_ECoS_and_Toggle_S witches_with_Mimic_option.pdf 99 Last edited on 13 May 2020 15:50 by Gordon S posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 86  -  508k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3667.php
... for me about a year agao now. Whilst it's true that I've come on a long long way from those early days with Templot ,to my slight frustration I couldn't re create the first of the two diamonds at the north end of the platforms(top right on the plan) that comprise the line from the down Platform across the upline to the goods shed. I've been able to create diamonds else where but none of these has been on a transition curve. Do I need to first make a turnout, get that aligned and then create a half diamond after that? Can anyone give me some pointers or tell me where I can read up on this(ideally an illustrated version as I'm not too good with just words alone!) I've attached my current box file. As you will see I've moved the goods shed lines out of the way temporally and the new siding running between the up and down main lines is not yet connected at either end. Any guidance would be much appreciated Kind regards Andrew Attachment: attach_2020_2601_Yeovil-Platforms-tidied.box ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 86  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2601.php
... and not group curve functions which I would like. Is it me? is this facility is missing? and if missing is it feasible? Best regards, Peter posted: 1 Mar 2008 02:37 from: Martin Wynne Peter Ayre wrote: Is there a group version of the F6 and/or F10 functions? Hi Peter, It's a nice idea but unfortunately it's not feasible. Or at least not feasible without a massively more complex program than Templot. The problem is that as you curve an assembly of templates the alignments between them would change, and Templot would need the intelligence to know what must remain fixed, and what can be changed. There are also some important design considerations. For example if you curved a whole crossover at some point as the radius reduced the track spacing would need to increase to maintain clearances. Or if you curved an entire slip, you might want to change the switch sizes to avoid a too severe deflection. I sometimes find that after I have drawn a nice piece of straight trackwork that it needs either ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 86  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_348.php
... to turn right now. You were giving me everything, whereas all I wanted to do was just join two pieces of track together But why did you want to join two pieces of track together? What made you arrive at Templot with that as your goal? Where does it say that is what Templot is for? The fundamental assumption you are making there is that track design consists of joining discrete items together. That's a natural hangover from train set days, but prototype track design isn't quite like that. Ruling curves and alignments are set out, and then the switches and crossings are inserted into them where needed. If you adopt that approach in the model, the natural result is the flow of curves through pointwork which looks so right. If you just join A and B together like a train set, the radii may not match and you will always be able to "see the joins". Apart from that, I do feel that the very first thing a beginner should do is to create lots of individual templates, print them out ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1054.php
... real beginner to Templot myself, I understand your problems very well! I can give a few quick tips that I have found easy to understand though. Many of the tutorial are done by "old timers" (no offence intended) who do things in ways that beginners find difficult to follow- a bit like pre-Windows users who stick to all the things they had to use before mice were invented. Firstly, it is often best to start an awkward piece of track as plain track. Get it on the alignment you want, then use Template/Insert turnout to put a turnout in the formation. From there, you can use the mouse buttons near the top of the screen- Roam is particularly useful- to move the turnout along the plain track, for example. For a simple crossover, you can use the Tools/Make simple crossover once you have created the first turnout. If the turnout appears at the wrong end of the plain track, click on the F/T button at top right of the screen. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  59k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2277.php
... . posted: 14 Nov 2011 13:49 from: Martin Wynne Build# 4703 10-December-2011 PDF engine: The problem with hatched timber infill in black& white mode has been fixed. The total length of all the timbers in a track plan is now shown at box> box info menu item on the storage box menus. There are two new options for the way the fixing peg is displayed. The solid option makes the peg more prominent by making it solid red. The hollow option is useful when aligning the peg over an underlying rail intersection. The blank option corresponds to the previous peg style. These settings are at workpad> pad options for the control template> menu options. This setting is included in your program preferences. If you are using Windows7 (and probably also Vista) there are now two options for the way the menus are displayed, XP style and Win7 style. These settings are on the program panel window at program> menu style> menu options. This setting is included in your program preferences. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1511.php
... topic: 529 Aligning templates posted: 25 Aug 2008 17:11 from: Alan Turner I know how to align templates over each other on the main roads but how do you align a template over the turnout road of another template? Alan posted: 25 Aug 2008 18:06 from: Martin Wynne Alan Turner wrote: I know how to align templates over each other on the main roads but how do you align a template over the turnout road of another template? Hi Alan, That depends on what you are trying to do? 1. If the to-be-aligned template will fit within the length of the turnout curve on the underlying turnout (the distance from the heel of the switch to the start of the V-crossing entry-straight, indicated by the radial end markers), you can do this: Delete to current/control on the underlying template, put the fixing peg on the switch heel, or on CESP (for regular V-crossings), or on TCP (for generic and curviform V ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_529.php
... one email. Tandems can be single or double-sided, and the second switch can be in either the main road or the turnout road of the first switch. Each of these need a slightly different approach. This example is a double-sided tandem with the second switch in the main road of the first. As always in Templot there are several different ways to achieve the same result -- you may prefer to do things differently. Here we go: 1. 00:00- 00:55 elapsed time Align the 2nd turnout over the 1st and snake it into position. (I wiped the 2nd turnout to current to keep an unused copy of the original in the storage box, in case I need to revert to it for any reason.) In aligning the two turnouts, bear in mind that: a. there must be room to open the second blade behind the first and accommodate a slide chair for it, and at least a bolted half-chair for the first switch rail, and b. the location of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_707.php
... click on the mouse buttons and from the popup menu select< lock switch( in F5)>. The above mentioned corrected instructions should be used (or replaced if printed) wherever the< length locked> is found in the document. The second error is a little more complex as I discovered this whilst doing an irregular diamond crossing for New Street, which had a very sharp (small angled) vee at the one end, this being 1: 3.62 which the layout dictated. When I first tried using F5 to align the diamond to the centre lines of the curves with this small angle, I found the main road wing rail alignment to the vee was grossly out and had to find a method of dealing with this, hence the work around detailed below. The work around, below is listed what to do when faced with either a small angled vee (less than 1: 4) or if complete accuracy is essential (or required), this work around will be incorporated into the version 3 of this document and will become, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 70  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1482.php
... the bottom) to the control, then use the commands,< tools>< make ordinary crossover> This will fill in the exit road gap properly. The reason this happened was because you changed the adjacent centre-line spacing without redoing the turnouts (i.e. using the original turnouts, or at least one of them). For the turnout gap of the one on the bottom road near to the centre, just use, F4 and adjust the length of the main exit road. There are a few miss-aligned track joints also, which need to be corrected, otherwise overall alignment will be affected, and will make building the tracks more problematic. See attached image below. I will have a closer look at the track plan, and sort out the anomalies, using the plan as you have now generated. I will also put in a 3 way tandem on the right-hand side so you can see what it looks like. I will report the corrections to you for you to understand what to do. I cannot see ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  93k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2539.php
... topic: 1044 Print Alignment Problems posted: 9 Feb 2010 22:40 from: David Hiya Guys Been reading through forum for similar problem and could only find Possible Printer Calibration issues. I am fairly condident that my Printer is Calibrated ok, yet I am having fairly big discrepancies over 3 A4 sheets joined together in Landscape origination. During printer configuration the outer box of the printout measures 180mm x 240mm, yet when the proof sheet is printed out the horizontal bar measures 150mm, but the vertical bar only measures 249.5mm, instead of the 250mm expected. The Roller Factor is 100% and the Head Factor is 100%. On printout of a few sheets of A4 paper to join together, the grid spacings seem really good at 50mm(they had been 52mm), yet on a staggered A4 paper layout, when jointing together, the placing of an A4 sheet centred on the joint of 2 A4 sheets below, show the sheet out of alignment by 1mm at either end of the sheet. The only reason I would question this, is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1044.php
... points all the vees would be installed after the first stock rail (starting with the Vee furthest from the switches). Similar approach for diamonds, slips and for scissors crossovers but with the associated K angles/wing rails etc being built with the Vees after the first stock rail. All using the appropriate gauges of course. From what I've seen, current thinking advocates setting the Vee up first followed by the check rails and then stock rails. I cannot see the advantage of doing it this way as the slightest error in alignment of the Vee will result in overall misalignment of the point. My method of putting the stock rail in first anchors the overall alignment and the rest follows to suit. I should mention all my points are on transition curves. My question is to all you point builders out there is what is your experience, to Vee or not to Vee? And a second question; I have seen a method which initially appeals to me of using soldered rivets say every fourth/fifth sleeper with plastic cosmetic chairs in between. Has ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1074.php
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