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... topic: 2034 Custom timbering of turnouts posted: 27 Jul 2012 13:25 from: Alan McMillan Hi all I've just created a new custom plain track setting for Swiss Federal Railways CWR and it's just dandy. However when I insert a turnout in the new plain track or use new template (quick set), it comes up with default (presumably GWR) sleeper spacings although the lengths appear to agree with the settings I've defined. Is there any way to get turnouts to take up the spacing settings I've defined by default rather that have me do an awful lot of timber shoving afterwards? Regards Alan Last edited on 27 Jul 2012 13:25 by Alan McMillan posted: 27 Jul 2012 13:55 from: Martin Wynne Alan McMillan wrote: Is there any way to get turnouts to take up the spacing settings I've defined by default rather that have me do an awful lot of timber shoving afterwards? Hi Alan, Yes, use the modify on rebuild function. 1. Have the required settings in the control template. 2. Put ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 173  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2034.php
... topic: 1686 Custom Settings Menu not retaining custom switches posted: 16 Nov 2011 17:24 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I have some confusion about the Switch Settings Menu, it appears only to retain the very first custom switch that I created. To give you the full picture, a couple of weeks ago I created a custom 12ft switch for LNWR templates using the custom switch – slot 1, unfortunately I made the mistake of not correctly titling this custom switch, although the data in the file was, and still is, correct. When I next opened (started up) Templot, that custom switch had moved from the slot 1 position, down to the very bottom of the list and was titled "custom: untitled custom switch". I then over the next week, used this switch for several templates on my track plan, and after having made about half a dozen templates, I noticed that in the information panel where it tells you what type and size of switch you have, it stated "Untitled Custom Switch ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 172  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1686.php
... topic: 3064 Custom gauge scale setting posted: 15 Aug 2017 11:44 from: rynd2it Hi I could not find a setting for O-16.5 (sometimes called On30) so I created something useable under "custom a" and named it "O -narrow". However, on loading TEMPLOT later this option was not in the list and I had to recreate it. I can't find how to save my custom setting- I'll bet its obvious but I have searched to no avail Thanks David posted: 15 Aug 2017 12:48 from: Martin Wynne rynd2it wrote: Hi I could not find a setting for O-16.5 (sometimes called On30) so I created something useable under "custom a" and named it "O -narrow". However, on loading TEMPLOT later this option was not in the list and I had to recreate it. I can't find how to save my custom setting- I'll bet its obvious but I have searched to no avail Hi David, There are no narrow-gauge settings in the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 143  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3064.php
... surface model in another STL file. 4. Import the repaired STL file from Netfabb into a slicer program, in my case SLIC3R. This takes the STL file of the model and slices into layers which are exported as a G-code file to drive the 3D printer. Yes, the printer prints a single horizontal layer (slice) at one Z axis height before moving on to the next layer. The layers are usually all the same thickness, but they do not have to be. It is possible to generate custom G-code that does it differently, but I suspect that would be a major undertaking. The big issue with additive printing is ensuring that a layer fuses properly with the previous layer. That's difficult enough in a single plane. Doing it in 3D motion is probably not impossible, but I suspect it would take a lot of experimentation to get satisfactory results. I probably only answered half your questions, so keep asking! Best, Andy Attachment: attach_2202_2734_Chair1.dxf 431 posted: 5 Jan 2016 07:34 from: Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 143  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... topic: 1637 Customized Templates Queries. posted: 20 Sep 2011 00:23 from: Brian Nicholls Hi All, and particularly Martin, I have a few niggling queries (for me that is). Question 1. In the screenshot image of the< switch settings >, shown directly below as Figure 1, can I either Rename or Delete the custom switch template shown at the very bottom of the list, highlighted in blue? I could not see any buttons or tick boxes that would allow me to do either. Question 2. With reference to Q1. above, would a possible solution to the above question be, to ensure all templates are saved in the box folder, and backed up elsewhere, then to re-install of the TDV (build #4009)? Hopefully this will give a clean start to the Switch Settings menu, then I can re-add the custom template as before, but giving it it's correct title name and complete data. Now to the real crunch, I have a dilemma, in trying ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 140  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1637.php
... calibrated way back then! I no longer have the CD, not that it would work anyway without a lock release code. It would have been fun to play with it again though! Cheers, Paul posted: 1 Dec 2020 20:49 from: Rob Manchester Hi Paul, Thanks for the link. I see they do other sizes as well but nothing that would give me any great benefit with the printer I have. The physical 'mouth' of the printer is only marginally over 13" and the driver only allows custom paper lengths upto 23". I haven't tested the actual printed width you can get out of it. As Martin points out the difference in coverage over standard A3 is not massive and whilst your point about the cost not exactly emptying the bank account is true you could buy standard A3 and put the rest of the money towards some ink I still haven't settled on a single approach to the business of templates and tracklaying( sounds like a new topic waiting to be posted). I like building using thin paper and then ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 122  -  87k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3826.php
... adjust check rails... menu item, shortcuts SHIFT+ CTRL-F9 or full-stop. (period) key. 2. labels will appear on each rail end. Click the label to select the rail which you want to adjust. 3. use the buttons on the new dialog to select the mouse actions, etc., for the selected rail. These new functions are primarily for use on partial templates in complex formations. The original prototype settings remain as before at real> V-crossing options> customize V-crossing> wing and check rails... menu item. The new adjustments modify these original settings for each rail end individually: check_wing_rails.png bug fix: "List index out of bounds" error occasionally when shoving timbers by mouse action. Fixed. bug fix: new template (quick set) dialog. ENTER key to close dialog was not always working. Fixed. bug fix: real> V-crossing options> functions. Template was not locked at peg. Fixed. keyboard shortcut changed: SHIFT+ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 122  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1511.php
... different way how timber is alligned also some rules/policies state that there have to be two timbers together. 1, are there by any chance predefined Lenz/Peco turnout templates? 2. (how) can I add "double-timber"? 3. can I tell templot to layout the timber within a turnout how its usualy done in germany? Many thanks in advance, Stefan posted: 15 Feb 2019 03:04 from: Martin Wynne Hi Stefan, Welcome to Templot Club. Yes, you can create customized templates in Templot matching almost any conventional track, including double-timbers. However customizing templates does need a good knowledge of Templot's many functions, and there is often more than one way of achieving the desired result. As you probably know, the defaults in Templot are based on UK track practice. I have seen some pictures of German pointwork with double timbers, but I can't find any just now, and I don't recall seeing any dimensioned drawings of double-timbered turnouts. If you can provide such references, it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 96  -  100k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3388.php
... topic: 2259 Custom rail lengths not saved posted: 14 Jul 2013 20:54 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin I've just spotted that when saving a box file, any custom rail lengths and sleeper spacings aren't saved- I'm sure they used to be. This means that each time I open a box file, I have to find a template with each custom spacing, copy it to the control and then adopt those settings for each slot in turn, which gets a bit tedious Have I missed something? Am I imagining that these used to be saved? It would certainly be useful if these custom settings were saved with the box file. Cheers posted: 14 Jul 2013 23:36 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: I've just spotted that when saving a box file, any custom rail lengths and sleeper spacings aren't saved- I'm sure they used to be. This means that each time I open a box file, I have to find a template with each custom spacing, copy it to the control and then adopt those settings ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2259.php
... have I missed? Thanks Richard Attachment: attach_1135_1577_ner_pre_1908_11_0 7_27_2009_20.box 326 posted: 27 Jul 2011 23:13 from: Les G Richard Spratt wrote:...There are several things that need correcting, most of which I don't know how to do in Templot: NER experts what else have I missed? ... Thanks Richard Hi Richard, Your Skiningrove project is very interesting. I posed I similar question a few months ago, but in relation to LNER track. The reply included the following: A detailed guide to setting up custom plain track spacings is in this document compiled by Stuart Hince: http://www.templot.com/martweb/pdf_files/gwr_track_panels.pdf The numbers given are actually for the GWR, but the method is applicable for all companies. There is additional information by following the help notes in the program, also some notes on CWR (long-welded rail) and USA-style staggered rail joints: Good luck with the project. Les G posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:01 from: Adrian Marks No info directly relevant to your ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 91  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1577.php
... topic: 392 Fn3 templates and newbie issues posted: 2 Apr 2008 02:38 from: jeckardt I'm a newbie to Templot, so please forgive me if this has been dealt with before. I've tried to search this forum, but haven't found an answer to this. I need to do a design in Fn3... that is, 1:20.3, 45mm track, narrow gauge spaced ties. I've got to believe someone has already figured out the appropriate parameters to define a custom gauge for Fn3. Can anyone offer me any advice on this? Thank you for any help, Joe posted: 2 Apr 2008 03:19 from: Martin Wynne Hi Joe, There is a video showing how to customize a template for narrow-gauge in this topic: topic 376 regards, Martin. posted: 2 Apr 2008 21:19 from: jeckardt Thank you, Martin, that was most helpful. [I'll definately need to go through that video several times to catch all the details.] Thanks, Joe posted: 9 Apr ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 86  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_392.php
... the difference between the rail break and the mark line? Or am I missing something? Martin Wynne wrote: do> convert RAM to CLM The result shows the turnout radius is 2376.32mm. Dividing by 4mm/ft= 594.08 ft. Q2. In your reply you do a conversion from RAM to CLM to get the rail gauge face radius dimension, do I have to always do this and use CLM to view the data, or write data in? Q3. On the subject of the timbers, is it possible to customize a template with interleaved timbers along most of the lead length, (other than by shoving timbers when the template is on the workpad)? The reason for this question is, that earlier LNWR switches (approx from the 1870's until almost the 1900's) used considerable interleaving in their construction, and I thought it might be worth trying to customize them since they would then have all the chair positions correctly placed (i.e. the centre line of each timber). I think that's enough disturbance for you now Martin, many ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 81  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1631.php
... finalising the design of the layout that will go into it. This will be a pre-grouping NER layout in P4, so I have started trying to produce my own single junctions to various sizes between 1:6.25 and 1:8.75. I can produce the V-crossing I want and I can create the correct sizes of sleepers and shove them into position, but I am not sure what to do about the switch. I know NER switches were non-standard and I presume I therefore need to construct a custom switch. There are tables in the NER Permanent Way Standards that give me the length of switch for each angle of single junction, but I am unsure about whether I need any other information and about how to construct the custom switch. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated. Best wishes for 2008, Bob Ellis P.S. Is there anything else that I need to do to create prototypical NER single junctions other than set the V-crossing angle, construct a custom switch and adjust the sleepering? For instance ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_299.php
... of templates and then tape them down to built the track. However, time has passed and I have forgotten all then I learned of TEMPLOT. I have 2 drawings. One is a template of a standard turnout. This is a continental 750mm gauge track with a 1:7 Frog. The other drawing is a single line drawing of the station which appears to be to in the proper perspective horizontal and vertical when I drop onto Google Earth. I believe I need to approach this systematically. 1) Create a new Custom Gauge, 2) Create a standard template for turnout and track geometry and timbering, 2) Record this new template as a library, 3) Import the station track plan background into a new box, 4) Create full track template, print and build. In order to become more proficient with TEMPLOT, I need to learn the nomenclature, because it took me some time to move the peg to the frog point (FP) in order align the geometry as best as possible. Where is there a place to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 75  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2213.php
... physical end of the switch rail (point rail) and can be a nominal position some way short, usually coincident with a rail fixing (chair, baseplate, tieplate). Q5. The radius of the outer rail is called the "switch radius" in Templot. This is applicable only to curved and semi-curved switches. (For straight switches Templot displays a derived "switch radius" as a guide for rolling-stock design, but it is not measurable anywhere on the physical switch.) To create your custom curved switch start from real> switch settings... menu item. Select a custom slot in the list to contain it, and then click the set custom switch... button: 2_080445_230000000.png (The dimensions showing are for a UK curved switch of the GWR.) Enter your known dimensions. The "offset at heel" is called "Heel Gage" on your drawing (7 "). The bottom 3 dimensions relate to the physical lengths of the rails, and hence the positions marked as rail joints ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  66k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2075.php
... , and if something needed regular packing or adjustment, the labour force was available to do it. Regarding the last point in your latest message, I was not aware that I had used REA switches, I had been using the older style switches such as, 9ft, 12ft, 15ft straight heel types. Apologies. I had another copy of Templot running at the same time and got confused. Easily done these days. You are using old-pattern straight switches, which are the best option in the absence of specific customized LNWR switches. Also on this point, you suggest I need the LNWR chairing data, but can this be found in Templot? Unfortunately no. Even if it was available, there is no way Templot could contain the data for every pre-grouping company. I included the GWR data because I had it available and it is a popular company to model. Templot includes full customizing options for the switches, so the idea is that users create their own company templates from the prototype data. And hopefully share them around ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  115k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1610.php
... topic: 2522 Custom turnout matching Peco 0n30 posted: 26 Aug 2014 20:30 from: keithj15 Hi, I have been using Templot for a while to create OO finescale trackwork with great success (thanks to Martin's superb program), then recently several members of my local MRC became attracted to On30 logging modules. Initially we were able to use Peco's turnouts, Y's and flexitrack for the trackwork, but then as confidence quickly grew, and plans became more complex with crossings, curved switches and three-ways they all turned to the club's 'Templot guy'. I said OK without question, as I had always been interested in the rustic look of these North American shortline railroads. With the minimum radius of 24 inches and 36 inches preferred it was all fairly straight forward --- until I had to work on a corner module with two existing Peco On30 switches, which had to remain in situ. So that's the backstory. Scale On30 16.5mm 1:48 I thought the easiest thing was to start to generate a Templot version of Peco's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2522.php
... quide! Seing as I am mostly done with the basic layout I thought Id start working on the more complicated trackwork. I started following your instructions but got stuck after figure 3 on the following part: 3.0002. Now use< template>< switch options...> 3.0002.1. When window opens, scroll down to, 3.0002.2.< BH or FB 1:32 (B) switch for 1:7 slip> (or if you wish another ratio select that) and click OK. Problem is I use custom american turnouts (dont ask me the exact measurements, I just used some old ones I found in a box file here on the forum) Do you have any tips for what I should do when I want to make a #12 double slip with a custom turnout as a base? Also, please disregard the template info, thats a deleted template. Regards /Leo Attachment: attach_1202_1522_12_Double_slip.pn g 307 posted: 20 Oct 2011 01:30 from: Brian Nicholls leo_sandstrom wrote: I started following your instructions but got stuck ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 65  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1522.php
... topic: 1692 Custom Switch data input help posted: 18 Nov 2011 21:17 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I have a slight problem with the data of a custom switch, which is bugging me and I don't know what's causing it. The problem is as follows: I was making an LNWR 12ft straight heel custom switch from scratch, i.e. not copying a similar template into the slot, having completed the whole input sequence, when I checked the timber spacing using the shove timbers menu, I found that the S1 timber was backward (as in the custom menu dialog) by 2ins. and the centre line was in-line with the toe (blade front tip) of the switch, where the centre line of the timber should have been some 2ins. forward (as in the custom menu dialog) of the toe. Also the centre line spacing between the S1 and J1 timbers was wrong being, 2ft 2ins, instead of 2ft 4ins, which consequently put all the following timbers along the switch out, in a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1692.php
... topic: 3573 Custom slots on gauge list posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:00 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Can I make a request for a few more custom slots to be made available on the track gauge list if it isn't too much trouble. I have 3 British and two US narrow gauge settings and maybe another one or two so it would be good to have some more space. I know you back away from including NG in the presets due to there being so many. I bet you can't resist suggesting I make the changes to the source code myself- I think I will leave that to the experts. Thanks Rob posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:52 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: Can I make a request for a few more custom slots to be made available on the track gauge list if it isn't too much trouble. I have 3 British and two US narrow gauge settings and maybe another one or two so it would be good to have some more space. I know you back away from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3573.php
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