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... topic: 227 Printing trackplan and scanned map posted: 8 Nov 2007 13:53 from: Edward Is there a way to print out a background map scan and the templot track plan superimposed on it. On printing I get the templot trackplan but the background map doesn't print Thanks Edward posted: 8 Nov 2007 16:13 from: Martin Wynne Edward wrote: Is there a way to print out a background map scan and the Templot track plan superimposed on it. Hi Edward, On the print pages dialog click the picture shapes tab and then the print pictures (stretch) option. See: print_picture_shapes.png Make sure you click the? help button and read the notes. And check your ink cartridges!( N.B. If using Windows 95, 98 or ME this is unlikely to be successful if you are printing finished templates. In most cases the degree of magnification required is too great. This is a Windows restriction, not Templot. It might work at lower magnifications, for example when printing an entire track plan using "fit single page ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 234  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_227.php
... topic: 2734 3D Printed Track and Turnouts posted: 9 Aug 2015 05:18 from: Andrew Barrowman Greetings fellow Templotters, As some of you already know, I've been messing about trying to print turnout bases on a 3D printer. It's fairly easy to create a 3D model of the timbers in CAD from any Templot template. It's also fairly simple to drag models of the chairs into the correct positions and orientation and combine them to produce an STL file to drive a printer. What is not so easy is producing 3D models for chairs that a) actually work, and b) don't look too horrible! I think I have reached a point where I'm limited by the printing technology itself. The results are actually a lot better than I thought they might be when I started out. Anyway, I've been making some wild guesses about chair dimensions, and I have not had a lot of luck finding anything on the Web. Any information would be greatly appreciated. (Here's a bit of track I've been using to test the latest chair ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 234  -  1,955k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2734.php
... topic: 3307 progress report- chairs in the output posted: 16 Jul 2018 20:34 from: Martin Wynne As I mentioned, the reports of folks using 3D printing to create bullhead chairs has spurred me to move chairing in Templot from the NOD* list to the to-do list. I started some experimental work a couple of years ago, and I have now returned to it. It seemed that if the output was to be of any use in 3D printing, the chair outlines would need to have the proper corner radii. It's a lot of extra calculation with 4 chairs on most crossing timbers, but it hasn't impacted too much on the screen response for full track plans. Obviously you would switch the chairs on only for the final printed templates, they are not needed while track planning. It's fiendishly complex. For example the REA bridge chairs (L1) have a larger corner radius (1.3/4 ") than ordinary S1 chairs (which have 1" corner radius): 2_161458_330000001.png And GWR slide chairs have a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 234  -  446k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3307.php
... topic: 1540 Odd printing result posted: 17 Jun 2011 08:23 from: Gordon S Hi guys, strange one that I need some help with. No doubt it is something obvious, but I can't see it... Printing off 30 odd pages and one page only has the rails missing and only shows the sleepers. I've tried most obvious things but cannot find the error. Any ideas? 479_170322_540000000.jpg posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:15 from: Jim Guthrie Gordon, I could be facetious and say "scrap thieves". But I note that there is also a rail missing on the adjacent page. Jim. posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:30 from: Martin Wynne Hi Gordon, That's very odd. There are no settings which can apply to an individual printed page. All settings are based on individual templates, or apply to all the pages. However, as Jim says it seems to be more than one page, and on the second page there is just a tiny fragment of rail showing at the top ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 234  -  177k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1540.php
... topic: 3499 output elements- new settings and print preview posted: 10 Sep 2019 20:51 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin, I seem to be finding my way back to Templot again! There's a couple of features that would be quite nice to have, if they're not already there somewhere:- When printing the background templates, any platforms with a solid infill obliterate any text, such as timber numbering or "blunt nose" etc. Could it be arranged so that the platform is always underneath any text? Hatching partially solves this, but even so, the text then becomes chopped up. The other one, which I'm sure is an option somewhere, is to not show the template number on the output, so just "A11" instead of "PL172.A11". Cheers, Paul Last edited on 10 Sep 2019 20:51 by Paul Boyd posted: 12 Sep 2019 19:08 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: Hi Martin, I seem to be finding my way back to Templot again! There's a couple ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 234  -  124k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3499.php
... centres. If your layout track spacing is 50mm, that means the scale of the mimic diagram is 1:10. So that would mean a diagram 450mm square. Which 800x400 isn't? Templot has a function to draw the track centre-lines only, at any width, irrespective of the gauge of the rails (and in the marker colours), which may help you make a panel. Can you post a screenshot of what you mean by jagged track edges? That may just be your screen resolution, it would print smooth. Traditionally a steam-era railway would be controlled from a signal box diagram and a row of levers. Templot and sketchboard can produce some very nice-looking signal box diagrams. But not from an existing track plan, it needs to be re-drawn as a signal box diagram all in plain track templates, something like this: slip2.gif cheers, Martin. posted: 13 May 2020 13:43 from: Gordon S Thanks Martin. ET is 18' x 14', but I plan to cut ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 230  -  508k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3667.php
... topic: 3501 Wide-format printing on roll paper posted: 14 Sep 2019 14:50 from: Tom Allen I have a problem, i've tried to use my hp designjet 800 ps to print out the track plan and templot doesn't recognise the printer. Windows sees it ok and i can print other sources ok. The printer is setup for the roll that was provided with it and it shows the print jobs in the print queue when they're sent, but not from templot. I'm assuming that templot will not send anything until it recognises the printer.I've set the print output to banner/roll and tried to calibrate with no joy. posted: 14 Sep 2019 15:35 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tom, Don't use the banner/roll paper setting. That's intended for old A3/A4 printers, not wide-format CAD printers. Use the normal single sheets setting. I need to change the menu wording to old banner/z -fold to avoid confusion. Try having the printer switched on and working before starting Templot. Is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 213  -  104k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3501.php
... likewise running on battery power in many other places around the world. Now if a full-size tram can run on LiPo battery power, not to mention electric cars, and even milk floats (remember them) -- for a model train it ought to be dead easy, surely? Which means in turn that quite soon model trains will no longer need metal rails. You can guess where this is going, and Andy got there a long time before me: topic 2734- message 23411 2983_181646_300000000.jpg My experiments with 3D printing are stalled because of the difficulty of finding consistent settings which allow model rail to be threaded through the chairs easily, without breaking. Model rail sections vary a lot, even between batches, and they all have significantly over-scale web thickness. It is a minefield of trial and error and broken chairs. And that is just for plain track -- threading rails into pointwork is a whole order of magnitude trickier, and of course requires the metalworking skills to make the rails in the first place. But if the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 202  -  116k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3578.php
... topic: 535 Help with printing posted: 30 Aug 2008 22:49 from: pjhill I have just started to get to grips with this great software and have been mapping Plymouth Millbay in P4 quite successfully over an imported background plan. Albeit that using the software "clicked" about 2330 and I was going great guns until I got dragged off about 0230 in the morning by my grumpy better half! However I cannot print more than 2 pages at best regardless of what I do. I have reduced the resolution on the printer which just means I now get to the stop point faster and have tried printing straight to printer rather than spooling. It just sits there with the software not responding until I close it out which usually triggers the end "feed" from the printer and then nothing. I have read everything I can find in the archives but to no avail so grateful for any steers. The rig is a dual core Intel with 2GB RAM and top range graphics card running Vista ultimate and SP1. The printer is an Epson DX4850 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 202  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_535.php
... topic: 286 Printing questions posted: 17 Dec 2007 01:23 from: Gordon S I think I have now finalised my track plan and whilst having printed reduced size plans am now at the stage of printing full size. I have some questions. The layout is large at 18' square and to print on A4 sheets will require 284 sheets, each of which will have to be aligned. Questions. 1. I was considering sending a file to a professional printer to have the plan printed full size on plain roll. This has raised other questions. a) How do you save a print file? I understand how you save a box file of templates. Is this what an external printer will require? Will an external printer need Templot software to read the file? If they don't have the software, how will they calibrate their printer? I was hoping plans could be printed on wide rolls (up to a metre?) to reduce errors. If this is not possible or prohibitively expensive, then I am left with A4 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 192  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_286.php
... topic: 2805 File names appearing on screen and on prints posted: 12 Dec 2015 09:01 from: Gordon S When I am designing a layout, I will save variants each time as I develop the plan, so I can always go back to an earlier version if the latest changes don't work. Once I have finished work, I may not return to Templot for several days or weeks and then can always pick up where I finished in the start up programme. Returning to the last images on screen is not an issue, but when I get there I may not be able to recall which version I was working on. I've searched high and low, but can't find a place where the file name appears on screen or within the menu items. I'm guessing it is there somewhere but blowed if I can find it. This then continues into printed items where I may end up with several templates taped together of various versions and it would be really useful if the file name appeared somewhere on the printed sheets. Apologies again, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 187  -  92k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2805.php
... if only because I said I would. Which means that topic will become redundant and need a re-write. It's easy to see how the web site got in such a mess. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Jun 2012 10:59 from: Martin Wynne Martin Wynne wrote: I'm going to put this in the next Templot2 update, if only because I said I would. Done. See: topic 1265- message 13008 posted: 19 Jul 2013 15:19 from: Trevor Walling Hello martin, Output printing from Templot: message ref: 15032 paper grade reference is useful printing advice. Is this the way you mean Martin? No I have done that incorrectly I'll try again.Sorry Output-Printing from Templot: message 15032 Trevor. Last edited on 19 Jul 2013 15:30 by Trevor Walling posted: 19 Jul 2013 15:56 from: Trevor Walling Printing after shoving timbers message 14174 How about this? Trevor. posted: 19 Jul 2013 16:01 from: Trevor Walling problem with printer calibration: topic 2120 Trevor. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 186  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1973.php
... is and yet how simple (when you know) it is to use. I've a lot of reading and video to get through here today to keep me busy. Its now time for my 'nice boiled egg' too, cheers! posted: 16 Oct 2017 06:30 from: Tony McGartland Martin, going through your tutorial video at moment. When I go to 'transition curve'- 'Easement to Straight' the arrow points in the opposite direction to yours? Why is this.... also, I tried printing the drawing just to see what it looked like and although the quality was perfect, the printer didn't seem to print it all. Is it better to export to pdf for printing? Last edited on 16 Oct 2017 10:30 by Tony McGartland posted: 16 Oct 2017 11:12 from: Tony W Tony McGartland wrote: Martin, going through your tutorial video at moment. When I go to 'transition curve'- 'Easement to Straight' the arrow points in the opposite direction to yours? Why is this. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 183  -  130k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3080.php
... topic: 2066 Printing Accuracy posted: 1 Oct 2012 20:57 from: Ray Hughes I have created a PDF file of an approximate 7ft sq track plan with centre operating well so there's a vast space in the middle with no (printed) pages. I have an HP Photosmart printer and believe that I have calibrated it as best I can. As a matter of routine I tend to re-cycle pre-used paper that has already been printed on one side so I'm not necessarily using paper from the same original packet throughout the print process of 65 sheets. My first error was not to set the PDF print option to print Actual Size which left me wondering why the layout plan did not fit on the baseboards. That and a few other things that I'd failed to do before printing has seen me print the 65 pages more than once before and discard them almost immediately. I'm now working with the first set of sheets that I've totally stuck together, all previous prints have either been loosely overlaid or only had a few sheets stuck ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 183  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2066.php
... topic: 930 Printing to PDF Files posted: 9 Sep 2009 19:44 from: Mark Leigh Hi Everyone, I have managed to find a local company that are able to print my modest 800mm x 2550mm Test Track out in one continuous run for a modest £10.00 but it has to be in PDF File. Overjoyed with this i set about converting it to PDF file. In normal DXF file print it takes about 9 A4 page lengths when converted it takes 2? I have now managed to get it with the aid of win2pdf to show as a PDF file on 3x A0 pages which is great but i'd rather it be on one continuous run. Try as i might i've now ran out of ideas. The baseboard is all but made, most of the pointwork has been made in sub-assemblies ready to be laid. This cannot happen until the Templot has been laid onto the baseboard. Being not so clever on PC i'm sure that this can be overcome- just that i can't figure it out. If you have any ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 183  -  65k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_930.php
... topic: 1511 Templot2 change log posted: 23 May 2011 15:53 from: Martin Wynne Templot2 Summary of the main changes in Templot since version 091c of February 2008 support for irregular diamond-crossings and curviform ladders platforms can be added alongside track templates check rails can now be individually set and adjusted by mouse action sketchboard layout drawing function rail foot edge lines can be shown on FB templates (flat-bottom rails) print menu renamed output menu output in diagram mode -- solid colour infill between stock rail edges Important: not available for partial templates if stock rails omitted -- temporarily lay plain track templates across complex formations to create diagram-mode output. output to PDF files, including large single pages for roll-paper poster printing export to bitmap image files in PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP formats export to vector image metafiles in EMF, WMF formats easy capture of screenshots to PNG files print now! function to bypass printer setup and calibration background picture shapes -- support for PNG, JPG, GIF image formats background picture shapes ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 183  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1511.php
... topic: 2398 Printing The Background Tracks posted: 5 Feb 2014 11:05 from: Clive Essery Hello guys, this is my first post on this forum. I decided to try and produce my plan on my own without bothering you guys with stupid beginners questions but have now hit an impasse. My background is that I am retired after 40 years of software development, which of course includes some CAD work. I thought I would eventually manage to produce something. Well I have succeeded in that area but I see that I am going to get a rollicking like Andrew- having built my track plan on an existing (but modified) map without practicing all of the features first. I guess I used only the basics of Templot and because I landed up doing a lot of rework, I have probably not done it the most efficient way. I couldn't for example get the move group to work properly so landed up moving my goods yard a template at a time many times as I moved it around the design. The issue that I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 178  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2398.php
... topic: 2983 Large format PDF printing posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:13 from: stuart1600 I know that some of you have had bad experiences with getting large format printing done, so having just had some excellent service from a printer I thought I would post a recommendation in case it was of use to any other Templotters. The firm is Heatons Office Solutions which has its HQ in Birkenhead and branches in Macclesfield, Penrith and Kinmel Bay (North Wales): http://www.heatons.net/print-and-design.aspx I only have experience of the Penrith branch. The lady who served me was very familiar with the concept of "no scaling" as they do a lot of architectural and engineering drawings. Definitely no need to shout it three times on this occasion. There was some difficulty with getting the longer files to print (the longest being 9150mm x 900mm), and she spent some time working out the problem- which was that their system had been set to a maximum length of 3200mm- she said she altered that to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 177  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2983.php
... normally use a Parker fountain pen with Quink cartridges! I've never listened to the Archers, but I do listen to Classic FM and still have a record player! I've been accused of being old-fashioned- can't think why! posted: 28 Feb 2018 19:07 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Good shooting with the close up lens. Pictures can be so cruel when taken at this distance. I assume it a Slaters PO kit- seem to remember they come with number transfers to go with the pre-printed owners name. Steel tyred wheels?- or did you weather the rust onto them It is great what you can do with macro shooting on modern cameras. These are useful if you use a tripod- Spirit level Thanks for the pics. Rob posted: 1 Mar 2018 02:01 from: Martin Wynne Another one for Geograph: offas_dyke_1280x960.jpg Offa's Dyke on Llanfair Hill http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5694861 Martin. posted: 1 Mar 2018 02:13 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: I assume ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 173  -  1,335k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3228.php
... topic: 139 [0.91b] Uncontrolled printing posted: 24 Aug 2007 15:15 from: Edward Background: recently upgraded to 0.91b; PC platform is h/w+ s/w unchanged and has successfully run all previous versions of Templot. I downloaded and installed 0.91b and uploaded Martin's "dual gauge track" example. I printed out the dual-gauge layout (unaltered) and now I get multiple printed copies everytime I switch on my PC and while I'm working on other non-Templot related stuff. To make matters worse I now cannot run 0.91b Templot (I get as far as the ready, steady click, I click and then the window vanishes and nothing happens) despite uninstalling it and reloading it. I have followed all the suggestions in an earlier thread about "Templot Launch Failure" problettes with 0.91b but without success Any remedial suggestions would be appreciated! Edward (Bristol) posted: 24 Aug 2007 20:37 from: Martin Wynne Edward wrote: Background: recently upgraded to 0.91b; PC platform is h/w ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 173  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_139.php
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