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... topic: 3764 No room for chair? posted: 11 Sep 2020 22:43 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin I'm building the tandem you very kindly designed for me for my Kyle project. I wonder if the prototype had this problem. I'm going to send the running rail, with no chairs, sailing over the end chair here (on the right hand crossing) that keeps the wing rail and V together. It'll be hard for the 4mm track workers to fix if it needs fixing. But I think it won't! 3591_111721_270000000.jpg 3591_111721_270000000.jpg posted: 11 Sep 2020 23:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Julian, You need a bolted half-chair. There's a picture on the Scalefour site: http://www.scalefour.org/resources/trackdetail/chairs03.html http://www.scalefour.org/resources/trackdetail/chairs04.html Modelled by cutting a slide chair in half. Martin. posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:06 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin Light dawns as always, thanks to you! On the photo the wing rail chair is difficult ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3764.php
... the rail height matter too. Rail Spikes try EDM/NGTrains they sell Micro Engineering spikes -much finer Plates- Palatine Models sell etched Nickel Silver ones designed to fit Karlgarin code 82. Hayfield wrote: Stephen Looked at Karlgarin rail, to be quite honest these codes are available from Peco and C&L Last edited on 21 Dec 2018 14:12 by Stephen Freeman posted: 22 Dec 2018 09:56 from: Hayfield Stephen Thanks for the information, much appreciated and some items would be well worth exploring if the project expands I thought that the code of the rail was a set standard within manufacturing tolerances, but if there is a difference then it would be worth looking at using it. I will compare the sizes Secondly to start off with its a small diorama using with Peco 0-16.5 flexitrack which uses Peco's standard code 100 flatbottom rail. The Peco spikes I have are quite old and for my purposes a bit long and possibly overscale but give a good visual representation to match their own track, and for a turnout with about ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3368.php
... to fit my machine. Hi Robert, Thanks for reporting back. Does that mean you are now happy with the way Templot is working on your system? 350% is far higher than I have ever seen anyone using before. Are there any settings in Parallels Desktop which need changing? Do you have any advice for other users of a similar computer system? cheers, Martin. posted: 15 Nov 2019 19:16 from: Robert Edmonson Nothing to report, and it will be a while. I have some other projects that demand my attention. I will, however, check the settings in Parallels. posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:55 from: Robert Edmonson Parallels Support informs me that Microfits is having activation problems with Windows 10. No Windows, no Templot, altho MS suggests an older version of Windows. Attachment: attach_2940_3550_Windows_activatio n.jpg 109 posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:02 from: Martin Wynne Hi Robert, Are you asking for help there? Unfortunately I know nothing about running Windows on an Apple Mac, or anything else ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3550.php
... definition. Sorry, I don't have any stats for tiled map usage. I find them very useful myself, and several others have said the same. It's the one feature in Templot I'm most pleased with, and which isn't available in any other track planning software as far as I know. But how much others have actually used them I don't know, Templot doesn't transmit any user data back home. It's worth bearing in mind that NLS is a non-profit, and the API subscriptions are helping to fund their mapping projects. I suspect that if and when a 25" API becomes available, usage would shoot up. On the other hand, some might see the tiled maps as a luxury when the screenshot equivalents are available free. The tiled maps are just so much easier to use, one click gets an extra row or column of tiles and expands the map in any direction. And they zoom and pan much faster than screenshots. If the kitty is rather empty how will/do you pay for the web-hosting that Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3308.php
... and products disappear. I have to say I'm unreconstructed and very much in favour of old fashioned cheque books, snail mail, and the like! Thanks again, Julian posted: 5 Jul 2020 19:26 from: Rob Manchester Hi Julian, I purchased some standard and 'point' etches a couple of years ago but haven't done anything with them. Please let us know if you get any details of future availability of these products. As Paul says it is difficult to know how many to buy to cover you for future projects without knowing if you can top up your supply later. Nice work with the track Paul, very neat Rob posted: 6 Jul 2020 13:38 from: Hayfield Good luck with these, initially I was quite impressed when I started building a kit. In the end it became a chore. I could not see any benefit using this method of build over anything else. For a diamond crossing the Exactoscale plastic chair system takes a lot of beating, having all the special chairs for crossing angles of 1-5 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3713.php
... Ubuntu system, but I use it only to test Templot on Wine, I wouldn't know where to begin in developing natively for it. How long have you been working on that behind the scenes? Bearing in mind that you joined Templot Club only this week? If you've been reading back through these topics, you probably realise that my main motivation in open-sourcing Templot a couple of years ago was to ensure that it remains available if I get run over by a bus. There are quite a few users with lifetime projects who would be stuck if Templot vanished with me. The possibility of getting it ported to other platforms wasn't uppermost in my mind, although of course it all helps to keep it alive if a future version of Windows takes objection to it. Not all of it could be open-sourced because it includes some copyright components for which I purchased licences. Since making it open-source the road has been a bit rocky, and the level of interest lower than I expected. Most recently we had a diversion into Gits ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3652.php
... topic: 3314 Printing problem with background shapes posted: 6 Aug 2018 12:16 from: wcampbell23 Hi everyone I am looking for help with a problem that has recently appeared with printing background shapes. I usually import a jpg file containing the baseboard outlines for a project as a background shape and print this with the track templates. Recently the background shapes have not been printing. I have not consciously changed any of the settings I normally use. Can anyone suggest what I may have inadvertently changed? Thanks. Bill Campbell. posted: 6 Aug 2018 12:44 from: Martin Wynne Hi Bill, Does it show on the screen? In order to print background picture shapes, you need to select this option on the pages dialog: 2_060731_230000000.png But it can be problematic on some printers/systems because of the very large degree of magnification required. If the image contains only the baseboard outlines, using a picture shape is a bit of an overkill. You can create rectangular outlines using the background> add a quick baseboard outline> other sizes ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3314.php
... : Frank Sergent Hello All, I am happy to have just now joined the Templot club. I have been experimenting off and on (mostly off) with Templot since the early days when it was pay for play. I have always been impressed with its capabilities. Things like turnouts on easements and right hand turnouts that curve left seem to be something that no other software package can do and practices that are not uncommon for prototypes that I (will someday) model. I'm excited about Martin's decision to begin an open source project for Templot. I know a little about software and hope to contribute to that effort. I manufacture and sell knuckle couplers in my spare time as Sergent Engineering and I recently placed my coupler designs in the public domain to ensure long term availability. I wish more companies would do the same rather than just letting their specialty products die. I'm also excited about the 3D printing conversations taking place. I have been 3D printing and investment casting couplers for about 15 years. I have often wished I could design trackwork in something ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3315.php
... this is part of the 3d setup so is this temporarily switched off? posted: 25 Jun 2020 23:51 from: Martin Wynne PHP wrote: On the dxf export file, is it possible to mark the chair positions? It seems this is part of the 3d setup so is this temporarily switched off? Hi Phil, There isn't really such a thing as "the chair positions". It's a complex subject, and varies with the different prototypes and periods. I do have an ongoing, but currently stalled, project to show REA bullhead chairing on the 2D templates (and hopefully also GWR): 2_161458_330000001.png 2_301200_590000000.png 2_301256_010000000.png It's a long way from being ready, and got more complex after I obtained a 3D printer -- I'm hoping to get Templot to export the files needed for direct 3D printing of track. 2_061704_070000000.png Unfortunately I don't get much time to work on it, my computer time being mostly taken up in supporting the current Templot functions for users. For example I recently spent several days on a re-write of the make ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3709.php
... "proper" train for market day etc... By the way, the 2 x 1 framework was salvaged from my initial attempt to build Northiam (in 4mm scale) about 45 years ago, and is a proving ground for using plywood for Singleton's baseboards. 1763_250952_340000000.jpg Attachment: attach_2725_3321_O_gauge_starter04 .box 218 Last edited on 25 Aug 2018 20:12 by Richard_Jones posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:58 from: Richard_Jones Baseboard joiners and bolts fitted- I also decided that, as this is meant to be a "quick" project so that I can "play trains", I will use Peco track- actually works out cheaper than buying components and building my own, but will need some adjustment to the templates.... 1763_240654_320000000.jpg posted: 24 Oct 2018 22:03 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Richard Good to see you're making progress. I'll be very interested to see how the Peco track looks. I've always liked the proper bullhead look of it since I was a teenager. Kind regards Andrew posted: 25 Oct 2018 09:19 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3321.php
... a smaller baseboard you need to find somewhere smaller than Ipswich as a basis for your layout. Or invent a fictional layout which fits your available space. Many modellers use a real place such as Ipswich only as a source of ideas for their layout, but they don't try to copy it exactly because most places would require far too much space. If you want to model Ipswich full-size, but don't have room for it yourself, you might suggest to your local model railway club that they build it as a club project in their clubroom. Many of the larger layouts which you see at exhibitions are built by model railway clubs. cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Scaling a background image about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3670.php
192. Brimsdown
... topic: 3325 Brimsdown posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:34 from: Tony W As some users of this forum may be aware, I have been running a thread on my current layout project Brimsdown, on the Scalefour society forum. For those of you that aren't, here is the link. http://www.scalefour.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f =9 &t =5707 I have just posted the Box file there, but cannot post the background shapes to go with it, so I will post them here. Be aware that some of the files are quite large. If you decide to copy any part of the trackwork for your own use, which you are quite welcome to do, please note that it is all to the S4X standard rather than P4. Regards Tony. Attachment: attach_2729_3325_brimsdown_2018_06 _15_1654_23.box 261 posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:35 from: Tony W The Bgs file. Attachment: attach_2730_3325_brimsdown_18_06_1 5_1655_10.bgs 203 posted: 10 Sep 2018 11:36 from: Tony W And the sk81 file. Attachment: attach_2731_3325_brimsdown_18_06_1 5_1655_10.sk81 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3325.php
... driven over the edge trying to keep up with users questions and problems. I believe removing it will render assistance for users virtually impossible due to the inevitable spread of version changes and people not keeping it up to date. I think you are doing yourself a disservice taking this route and likely making problems for the future that will end in tears. I also think you tend to forget us mere mortals struggle keeping up with all the changes and improvements you provide. Many people use Templot for a short while to achieve their latest project then put it aside and forget a lot of what they have learnt. Overall though we are in awe of the capabilities and many never get round to using them all because they build what they require without having to do so. I hope I am wrong with my forecast of doom and you continue to derive pleasure from your efforts in the future. Regards. posted: 3 Oct 2018 23:45 from: Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: could you not go on the road and do some demonstrations around the country ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3337.php
... , so that the fish-nut could be locked against it. But I've never been able to find any reference to such an arrangement. Also, are all 4 bolts left loose? Or only the 2 on the switch rail? Or the 2 on the fixed closure rail? Or the outer 2, with the inner 2 adjacent to the rail ends being tight? Or vice versa? Here's another pic: 2_152217_590000000.jpg Looking at 8 o'clock in the picture, I think I can see the top left corner of the fishplate projecting away from the closure rail. Which suggests that the fishplates are bolted tight on the switch rail on the right, and are free to move on the closure rail on the left. But despite much searching I've never been able to get definitive answers to these questions. Here is C. J. Allen on the subject, in 1915: 2_071630_310000000.jpg Which is remarkably vague, given how much precise detail he usually provides. How tight is "a little slack"? And which bolts? All of them? Likewise the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  137k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3387.php
... topic: 3272 Set template at specified location on grid posted: 17 May 2018 10:42 from: Stumpytrain Hello, A little project I'm pondering has a turntable at the heart of it, and this will have a key roll in the geometry of all track on the layout. So, I've drawn the 300mm turntable as a background image, with the centre and 155mm on the x and y to allow sufficient room around the baseboard... at least for the purpose of this planning. I then created a bit of plain track 300mm long and moved the peg to the "mid-length". I had the ambition of moving this track so the peg centred on the turntable and then I could "F8 rotate at peg" from there. Now, I'm sure that this is an incredibly rookie question, but I promise I've googled "rotation centre dimension", clicked on the "? info" boxes [error- no text 0] and checked the companion page [Sorry, nothing here yet. (page under construction ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3272.php
... the corner of a sheet). Hi Richard, Is this related to your previous topic at: topic 3373 We need a bit more information, otherwise my reply will turn into a long ramble of ifs and buts. Which maps and date? Are you on Windows or Wine/CrossOver/Linux? Does the map need rotating to get a better fit on the screen? What model gauge and scale? The old OS County Series map sheets predate the invention of the OS Grid in 1936. They use a different map projection, and don't align properly with each other on the sheet edges. For the Georeferenced slippy maps the NLS resample the scans on the global georeferencing scheme. In the process some straight lines become gently curved, some gently curved lines become straight, and the whole map is rotated slightly. These effects become more noticeable as you move a long way from the OS datum in the middle of the UK. For the "Find by place" maps the NLS publish the original single sheet scans unmodified. The basic process is simple ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3434.php
... apart the grid lines are. Then, supposing I choose the large baseboard option 1600 x 750mm I would need to select a suitable part of the prototype as what I'd like to model, and then get Templot to draw the actual tracks. Obviously not much of the overall prototype would fit on that baseboard size so the fun part would be playing around with baseboard sizes (can one also try different shapes of baseboard?- e.g. triangular?) and seeing what part of the prototype could be practical as a one person project. What I have in mind is a cameo- the view from one perspective, one place the trainspotter might have stood. Please can I leave aside for the moment the question of whether this is totally daft?! Attachment: attach_2848_3444_Capture_temporary __to_delete.PNG 162 posted: 20 Jun 2019 13:16 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin My last was sent before I saw your reply. Yes, point taken. But to reply to the question. The station was closed by 1967. There was a resignalling in 1957. I'd go ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3444.php
... be starting with commercial track such as Peco, and designing it in a pick-and-place program such as AnyRail: http://anyrail.com/ Or going for high-end stuff with full 3D representation and train running simulations: http://trackplanning.com/ Also in the pick-and-place field is open-source XTrackCAD, as old as the hills Templot and open-sourced by Dave Bullis many years ago now: http://www.xtrkcad.org/Wikka/HomePage http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtrkcad-fork/ There was some tentative talk of a link with Templot a couple of years ago, and you may have noticed I included some "XTC Connectors" in the Templot templates. But nothing more has come of it (yet). The above reads as if I'm trying to get rid of you! That's certainly not the case, I just felt you might like to see where we fit in the landscape. Hand-built track is very much a niche area within the mainstream hobby. cheers ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3546.php
... The bridge today. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Iron_Bridge_east_side_in_February _2019.jpg The famous Iron Bridge across the River Severn in Shropshire has been restored twice. The first restoration was to mark the bridge's bicentenary in 1979. Here is some writing by Anthony Blackwall, Shropshire County Bridgemaster at the time, about events on 5th July 1979: 2_042111_330000000.jpg from "Historic Bridges of Shropshire", Shropshire Libraries, 1985 The bridge has recently been restored again, a multi-million pounds project by English Heritage: http://www.shropshirestar.com/news/local-hubs/telford/ironbridge/2018/12/06/cast-iron-praise-as-iron-bridge-is-reopened/ Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Off track> 40 years ago today about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3448.php
... angle to the track centre-line. Now that you've mentioned it, I have put a note in my notebook to make the difference more prominent in some way -- perhaps make them much longer on the main side. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 May 2020 23:59 from: Rob Manchester Martin Wynne wrote: I don't know how slow or age-related you are, but I'm not far behind. Martin. Hi Martin, Depends on the time of day, what I have eaten and how many projects I am trying to do all at the same time I am 12 years behind you in the age stakes and I am not dim witted- although one of my neighbours tried to explain the principles of knitting to me last week and it made my head hurt. I trained as a Land Rover mechanic when I was at college and I can fix most car problems( of a mechanical nature). Combi boilers, washing machines and anything that needs a socket set and the rest of the tools is easy. Trying to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3664.php
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