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... several is that it can be more easily shifted to a new position, twisted, re-sized, wrapped onto a curve, etc. Or a large image can be cropped to a smaller more convenient size for faster zooming. It can also be easily turned on and off on the trackpad by clicking the show on trackpad tickbox (also new in 214a), or by double-clicking it on the list. Here 2 screen-grabs from OS 25" maps have been scaled (sized) to match, and aligned one over the other. A new background rectangle shape has then been drawn over them (the red rectangle): crop_combine_1.png crop_combine_1.png At this stage it is a normal rectangle shape, and can be shifted or re-sized in the usual way. Now we can use the crop/combine function: crop_combine_2.png crop_combine_2.png 1. select the rectangle shape on the list. 2. click the modify shape tab. 3. click the crop/combine picture shapes button. This is the result: crop_combine_3.png crop_combine_3.png The rectangle has been ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2975.php
... think it was Ian Rice's idea of- a hidden return loop meaning that only one 'fiddle yard' is required. I cannot quite get the three baseboards erected in the '47J Railway Parlour' so may have to reduce the size of the FY which I will probably make as a traverser. So far so good- I hope! Regards RichardS Attachment: attach_2336_2933_oby_station.jpg 260 posted: 19 Oct 2016 19:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, That's a very round-about approach. I don't understand why it is easier to align tracks over an AnyRail plan than over an OS map? Your original plan seemed a close match to the map: 2_191437_230000000.png I was intending to tidy it up for you in places, but if you have now moved to a different prototype presumably this is no longer wanted? Generally the way to get a track aligned over a map is to add 2 short dummy templates some way apart. Adjust them to the map curve using the CTRL+ F10 swell mouse action, and then make a transition curve between them. You ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2933.php
... from: Martin Wynne grog_polymer wrote: This specific issue: I had added the works siding by adding a branch track from the loop to works siding. I have tried to make a transition to straight to make the end of the works siding straight. No matter which end I put the peg the straight always ends up at the turnout. 1920_100452_420000000.png Hi Greg, A transition curve always "starts" from the CTRL-0 datum end of a template: trans_marks.gif It doesn't matter where the peg is -- that controls the alignment to adjacent tracks. In the case in your screenshot, the CTRL-0 end is at the outer end of the siding. You can see that because the peg is at the inner end, and the peg indicator is showing "1". The two ends of a plain track template are CTRL-0 and CTRL-1. Also Templot draws a marker line across the rail ends at the CTRL-1 end of a plain track template, which you can see as the white line in your screen shot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1192.php
... up turnouts and track and add them together, although 'insert turnout into plain track' has also been useful. Using this method, I have been trying to design a scissors crossover with B7 turnouts but not at a given adjacent track spacing( I am trying to emulate the throat at Cheltenham St James arrival platforms). I have inserted B7 turnouts into curved track so that they face each other, and then add plain track to each so that they cross, and then use the 'make diamond crossing' command in the peg align tools menu. This looks at first sight to work but on magnifying the view, there is a small but significant misalignment between the turnout rails and those of the diamond, and there are a number of conflicting wing and check rail images. Your advice would be most appreciated, Ray posted: 3 Oct 2016 14:21 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, Scissors crossovers can be troublesome to ensure that all the V-crossings can be checked. In practice you will find that not all track spacings are feasible. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2930.php
... your updates didn't show until I reloaded the screen. I'm glad it wasn't something I'd misunderstood! Cheers, Paul posted: 22 May 2020 10:10 from: Martin Wynne Yes we're crossing. Sorry I didn't get my posts edited in time. I realised the bug while eating breakfast. This dialog now appears for both methods (previously only when using the main menu): 2_220502_280000000.png BTW, I have done a lot more work on make diamond-crossing at intersection, so that it is more accurate and preserves the original alignment and boundaries from the background template. That has made it quite a bit slower, but it means you can now create a diamond-crossing across a background template which is part of a trackplan and not need to do any further work on that template (apart from the usual timber-shoving stuff). cheers, Martin. posted: 22 May 2020 11:29 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: BTW, I have done a lot more work on make diamond-crossing at intersection, so that it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3675.php
... topic: 3767 Snapping, joining templates (not taking photos) posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:05 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Ever since I started using Templot, 10 years ago, I have always used F7, move and join, with snap on, to join templates together. I have noticed from time to time Martin make comments about why people use it and say it's only for beginners and it always puzzled me. About 4 weeks ago I had a "Eureka" moment I found; P, Peg/Align Tools> B, snap the control template onto background template>.... It is so useful, I wonder why it took so long to find. I think the reason is; nobody talks about it, it is just not obvious but Martin, it is brilliant. Godders posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:11 from: DerekStuart Did you find that from the same thread as me, Godfrey? It's a brilliant tool, isn't it? Even now I'm still learning Templot. For days I've been working ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3767.php
... topic: 2092 Labelled switch locations posted: 30 Oct 2012 21:32 from: Martin Wynne Templot has always marked the position of the switch blade tips and extent of planing on the printed templates. Getting the rails correctly aligned to these marks is half the battle in building a good working switch. But I sometimes see pics posted on RMweb and elsewhere showing turnouts built on Templot templates where this has not been achieved. Often there is no clearly defined set in the stock rail, or the blade tips are in fresh air between the timbers, or the planing length is too long making the switch blade too flexible to open properly. I think part of the problem is that the marks are not very prominent, and are usually obscured once the timbers have been attached to the template. The original intention was that users would print a second copy of the template for reference -- possibly on tracing paper so that it can be laid directly on the rail tops to check the alignments. However, I think it would be better if these marks ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2092.php
... have two templates. Copy the first one, move the peg to positon 9, set the timbers to equalised and then use <ctrl>F3 to blank out the beginning of the turnout using the mouse to blank out up to and including timber 26. Store and background this template, delete the original template to the control, make sure the peg is on position 0 or 1, then reduce the length of the turnout using F4. However, this is a last stage operation, which assumes you have sorted out the alignment, etc of all the roads, as any changes to the templates in terms of geometry will need to be made separately to both. (You can align one template over another, of course, but you may need to re-do the blanking operation.) HtH, Simon posted: 5 Jan 2014 11:41 from: Franz Thanks Martin, I know you have other things to do and I thank you for an early response. I will try this later in the day. Paul Parts of Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2372.php
... and then OK, after which the data-entry window appears on which to enter this dimension. (This dialog is unchanged for many years, notice the 1999 copyright in the bottom corner.) *If trig calculations are not your strong point, just ask on here and I will do it for you. Or someone else will. An alternative method would be to lay a dummy plain track background template of the required tangent length in place below this V-crossing and adjust the entry straight until you get the required alignment. Put the fixing peg on the FP (CTRL-4) while doing this. Use tools> make branch track to create the dummy template, set the length (geometry> template lengths (mm) ...) and snake (CTRL-F6) it back to align with the blunt nose. Turn off the track centre-lines on the control template so that you can see what you are doing more easily. Delete the dummy template afterwards. That sounds a lot, but once you are familiar ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  66k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2075.php
... , and from there through to Templot. I read about Templot, looked at the tutorials, went to bed, dreamt about what I might be able to do with Templot, came back to the website and decided to download it and give it a try. And over the cliff I plunged! It was a HUGE, nearly vertical learning curve, but I have rewarded myself by designing an n-scale layout which will comfortably fit on to 4' x 1', AND within the print boundaries of 5 A4 sheets aligned landscape. Initially I had planned for the train to enter the scene from the east, platform on the south side, run-around loop on the north side, with a head-shunt at the west end to gain access to a couple of sidings. Instead I've got only one siding accessible that way. The 2nd siding is accessible through a set of points off the east end of the run-around loop and crosses the 1st siding. Yes, my first plan includes an irregular diamond crossing! Next on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  147k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2377.php
... topic: 3771 Dual gauge turnouts posted: 15 Sep 2020 16:26 from: John Bristow Templot curves are based on the centre line of the track and the radius shown for a curve is for the centre of the rails, so a standard gauge curve will not align accurately with the Broadgauge curve at the same radius. I have tried adjusting the radius of each curve by half the difference between rails, which results in a much closer curve but not quite close enough. Whilst this is not a problem with plain track, it does present a problem at common crossings. Is there a method for accurately aligning the common curved rail in a turnout? Or, is there a method I could use to create the turnouts in a similar way to a tandem turnout? Secondly. Is there a method to create a common elbow in the template, posted: 15 Sep 2020 16:42 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, Welcome to Templot Club. Overlay the common rail by putting the peg on the rail instead of the centre-line ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3771.php
... :23 by Chris Hodge posted: 14 Aug 2018 16:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Chris, Templot works with prototype designs for the turnout lengths, it doesn't work as a set-track style program based on model geometry. For ladder tracks you may want to use a shorter turnout than a B-6, I suggest using A-6. Click the template> switch settings... menu item and select size A in the list. There is a trick you can use to get the ladder turnouts aligned with the yard tracks at fixed centres. Lay out the parallel tracks first and any crossovers between them. I have made you a bit of scruff video to show how then to get the turnouts aligned at each end, see: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id= _6_HghgSYxR0rnHPhrS4rA2 p.s. 23mm centres might be a bit close for a fiddle yard in N gauge. It doesn't leave much room for handling stock. cheers, Martin. posted: 14 Aug 2018 18:52 from: Chris Hodge Thanks ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3319.php
... Martin Wynne Hi Phil, If the on turnout road radio button is greyed out, it can only be because the control template is currently plain track. The dummy vehicle can only roll along the control template. If the turnout or half-diamond template you want to roll along is not currently in the control template, you need to make it so. It seems to be working fine here: 2_070717_030000000.png Ask again or post the .box file if you can't get it to work. There is a trick you can use to align the dummy vehicle with adjacent templates -- store the template, make the control template centre-lines only, put the peg on one bogie pin, and rotate the whole template to align the other bogie pin: 2_070729_160000000.png You can then make a dummy vehicle copy, before restoring the control template. 2_070741_030000000.png You may need to rotate the dummy vehicle a full 180 degrees (SHIFT+ F8). cheers, Martin. posted: 8 Dec 2020 09:23 from: Phil O Thanks Martin, I had forgotten that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3830.php
... back onto the mainline? Ray. posted: 17 Dec 2012 11:59 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, The usual way would be to follow the video to create the crossover, and then shorten or replace the existing second track to clear the new turnout. Alternatively, you can insert a turnout in the second track (make sure the crossing angle is the same as the first one), then zoom in and roam (CTRL-F9 or 9) or snake (CTRL-F6 or 6) it into alignment. Add some branch track on the first turnout first, onto which to align it. This method may feel more intuitive and is also the method to use if you don't know the exact spacing dimension. There is a more geometrical method using the notch on intersection function, but the above should work fine in most cases. If you attach your .box file I can be more specific. regards, Martin. posted: 17 Dec 2012 12:12 from: r_wilton Hi Martin. Hopefully my attempt at this is attached ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2123.php
... already- there was no expectation for you to pick up and run with this! Gratefully appreciate your help and advice. Mike posted: 17 May 2020 13:03 from: Martin Wynne Hi Mike, Here's a BOX file with my suggested design. I managed to get the slip to 1:9, which makes more sense for the switch-diamond: 2_170745_070000001.png It was a bit of a juggle to keep the 6ft way for the slip road, get the crossings in the same relative positions as the photos, and align it all to the old map. BOX and BGS3 files attached. Over to you to do the timber shoving. For the map, I captured it a higher zoom level than yours (level 19*, which is usually gives the best results), and I also used the function in Templot to reduce it to a low-contrast grey image while working over it. *that means the circumference of the Earth halved 19 times, per image tile. 2_170745_060000000.png cheers, Martin. Attachment: attach_3064_3665_mike_york_curved _slip_9xing.box 74 posted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3665.php
... above, add a name for the map, and then click the show map button, follow the instructions and you should see the map in Templot correctly scaled to match your track. However, what you see in OpenStreetMap has mostly been traced by amateur mappers (such as me) from aerial images. You may just as well do that yourself for your track planning, with greater accuracy. Also currently Google offers much better aerial imagery than is allowed to be traced in OSM for copyright reasons. Here for example I am aligning track over the yard at Ipswich. This turnout appears to be a B-7. If you zoom in it's even possible to see that the 16.2mm gauge is narrower than the prototype rails: 2_141528_390000000.jpg 2_141632_300000000.jpg This is quite easy to do. Unfortunately the Google web site doesn't work very well in the automated capture function, but Templot includes a calculator function to set the required size of a screen capture made manually in your usual browser. Let me know if you want instructions to do this. cheers, Martin. posted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3670.php
... of the best types of printer, I have a choice of a b/w laser or a colour inkjet? Laser printers heat and can distort the paper, inkjets don't. Use the inkjet posted: 17 Jul 2013 13:47 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tony, 1. use an inkjet, not a laser, as Paul said. 2. use thicker paper than standard 80gsm office paper. 160gsm paper works great. It is almost a thin card and allows the trimmed pages to be butted together like tiles when aligning them. Also it doesn't cockle when glued. 3. to save coloured ink, use the output> print in grey shades option. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Jul 2013 14:43 from: Trevor Walling Hello Martin, I saw this and thought about the New Templot companion.Would it not be a good idea to use links in Templot Companion to posts on the forum.For instance a subject for printing in the output section linking to this item and it would provide a connection to similar relevant material at the same time.Would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2253.php
... Brilliant Martin- that worked a treat. posted: 19 Aug 2019 20:20 from: Martin Wynne richard_t wrote: Brilliant Martin- that worked a treat. Hi Richard, Glad it worked. p.s. A more conventional solution without using a slew, would be to use only the 2 transitions, replacing the lower one with a new one: 2_191518_570000000.png 2_191509_170000000.png The transition on the right reduces from 1800mm to 1750mm in a zone length of 700mm. However, that wasn't what you asked for, and it modifies the concentric alignments at the bottom perhaps more than you wanted. Decisions, decisions... cheers, Martin. posted: 21 Aug 2019 10:47 from: richard_t Thanks Martin- I quite like the slewed one, so I might stick with that. The curves join up a plan of Manchester Central pretty much to scale (until the curves that is), and the start of Cornbrook/Throstle Nest Junctions. I don't have enough space for all of Cornbrook, so only bits of it will be present (and I'll ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3491.php
... have done wrong and how to correct it. Many thanks Regards Charles Attachment: attach_1582_2196_Slip_Try1_2013_04 _13_1110_05.box 343 posted: 13 Apr 2013 12:14 from: Martin Wynne Hi Charles, Nearly there. You have the curving through the slip switches going the wrong way. Try this: 1. delete the slip road. 2. delete one switch to the control. 3. put the peg on CTRL-0. 4. click geometry> invert curving menu item. Notice that the main-side stock rail in the switch now aligns with the diamond rail. 5. store& background (INSERT key, or top orange tool-button). 6. delete the other switch to the control. 7. put the peg on CTRL-0. 8. click geometry> invert curving menu item. 9. click tools> make slip road menu item. Adjust it to fit as before. (p.s. instead of 5 and 6, in Templot2 you can click make the control on the second switch which will do 5 for you). ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2196.php
... the spacing from the default 6ft way by 4mm to 48.67mm for the crossover, as you can see in the video. (The model scale for 00/EM/P4 is 4mm per ft.)* For the turnout at the start of the loop you have used a left-hand turnout. It would be very much better to use a right-hand turnout there, so that there is no switch deflection in the running line. I will make a separate video shortly showing how to do that and re-align the existing templates. You may find it helpful to watch this beginner video. It is a bit out-of-date now but shows all the most common mouse actions: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html Please note that the F10 swell mouse action shown there is now CTRL+ F10, more about that here: http://templot.com/companion/index.html?swell_function_ctrl_f10.htm* I have to include this basic info in replies because we have readers all over the world ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2342.php
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