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... topic: 2011 Understanding the docs posted: 10 Jul 2012 20:09 from: Martin Wynne This message has just been posted on the 3rd PlanIt email group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/3rdPlanIt/message/33748 There are obvious echoes there for the Templot help docs. I've heard the same thing several times over the years -- "I can't learn by reading, I have to see it". That was one of the reasons I changed to creating the videos instead of producing more static tutorials. But that message is excellently written and perfectly clear. Far better in fact than the many garbled posted messages I see on some forums. I'm really puzzled how someone who says he can't understand the written word can write so clearly. Has it perhaps been written by someone else on his behalf? It doesn't read that way. What can I learn from this about the way forward for the updated Templot docs? regards, Martin. posted: 10 Jul 2012 20:15 from: JFS If I had to lay a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2011.php
... is a programme to do the OHLE properly. See you at Modelrail Scotland again? alan@york posted: 9 Nov 2008 17:05 from: Raymond That is highly impressive. Would consider writing it up so that we can all benefit from your efforts and take some pressure of Martin perhaps? Regards Raymond posted: 9 Nov 2008 17:29 from: Phil O Hi How are you planning to construct it? I would think it could lead to some singed fingers if you are soldering it. Cheers Phil posted: 10 Nov 2008 15:51 from: Alan McMillan Templot User wrote: -- --- from Alan Hall -- --- Now all you need is a programme to do the OHLE properly. See you at Modelrail Scotland again? alan@york Hi Alan, Yes I'll see you at Model Rail. My plans for OHLE are well advanced with drawing in the process of being prepared for etched brass portals and various standard Swiss parts. I've built dead scale OHLE before so that bit will be easy. You'll ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_621.php
... topic: 3694 How to define size of second road of tandem turnout? posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:31 from: William Williamson I've got a scissors formation I'm modelling- and opposing corners have a slip and a threeway. The slip is fine, but the threeway is causing me a bit of head-scratching. I require a 1:6 turnout angle on the scissor side, but the other side can be as wide as is needed. The 'create tandem' function however always seems to insert the second road 'inside' the first route, so in this case it has created a 1:4.93 tandem: HGQvrOV.png http://i.imgur.com/HGQvrOV.png I'd be happy for this to be a 1:8 or above, but not sure quite how to ensure that. I could build it in reverse, with the 'first' road going towards the top of the plan and then generate a tandem to create the turnout that's part of the scissors- but if I were to build it in reverse, I'm not sure how I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3694.php
... topic: 2858 Yahoo Posts posted: 10 Mar 2016 13:50 from: Charles Orr Hi Martin, I've suddenly started getting two email posts for each message from the Yahoo email group. They are identical except that one has all links enabled and the other has all links disabled. I'm not aware of having made any changes. Any idea why? Best regards Charles posted: 10 Mar 2016 14:16 from: John Shelley Charles Orr wrote: Hi Martin, I've suddenly started getting two email posts for each message from the Yahoo email group. They are identical except that one has all links enabled and the other has all links disabled. I'm not aware of having made any changes. Any idea why? Best regards Charles I had something similar a while back and found out that I was getting one e-mail mesage direct from Templot Club and also one via the Templot Yahoo Group. Setting one of them to no e-mail "cured" the problem. I chose to retain the direct from Templot Club, resetting the Yahoo ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2858.php
... (r *r- b*b /4) You could just double that for the needed extra and use 40ft for the bogie centers. Or calculate the extra overhang at the end using the coach length l as= sqrt((r -c )* (r -c)+ l*l /4)- r Mike Johnson Just checked the Guild manual and it says that a BR Mk1 should need 80mm centers at 1800mm radius, so something is wrong. Last edited on 19 Feb 2012 14:10 by mike47j posted: 19 Feb 2012 22:19 from: dessire_luvals Thanks everyone. I have used Dellboy's spreadsheet which whilst calculating out more than Martin's formula does seem acceptable. posted: 19 Feb 2012 22:45 from: Martin Wynne mike47j wrote: Just checked the Guild manual and it says that a BR Mk1 should need 80mm centres at 1800mm radius, so something is wrong. Hi Mike, My copy of the Guild Manual says 84.2mm centres at 1800mm radius. edit: updated link for Templot2: http:/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  112k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1835.php
... at 90 degrees to the main road or equalized, indeed, it will often be found easier to timber a double junction with equalized timbering as the timbering of the diamond will always be of this type. It should also be bourne in mind that the nose of the crossing of the inner turnout will be in advance of that on the outer road in order to allow for the track spacing to increase entering the curve. See the example below. Tony. Attachment: attach_1321_1793_Double_Junc_EM.bo x 194 Last edited on 20 Jan 2012 00:10 by Tony W posted: 31 Jan 2012 23:58 from: DM Standard Railway Equipment Drawings showing timbering layouts for Bullhead Junctions. The drawings date from the mid 1920's so are good for the Big Four and early BR period. But it would be wise to double check before following them for a GWR/ WR layout as they always did things differently. SREDrawing38B.jpg SREDrawing38C.jpg posted: 1 Feb 2012 17:15 from: John Lewis As this contribution from DM arrived by e-mail, it included two links to photobucket ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1793.php
... :05 from: Raymond Windows 7 Professional and Bitdefender. Bitdefender invoked ransomeware warning but once Templot was identifed as an OK program, it worked fine and loaded as expected. posted: 25 Feb 2017 18:01 from: Bob Juleff Just to let you know, I too have had difficulty with the automatic update, experiencing the same problems with my anti virus as affected David and Raymond. I have now successfully updated using Martin's link above although I didn't need to run as administrator or anything thereafter. I am running Windows 10 with Bullguard antivirus. Bob posted: 25 Feb 2017 19:34 from: Martin Wynne Hello Bob, Raymond, Thanks for the reports. Did you have any problems with the previous 214a update a month ago? There is no difference in the system or installation, only the program file itself has minor changes. I was hoping to adopt a little and often approach to the updates, to avoid getting a lot of half-forgotten loose ends needing to be finished before an update is ready. Which is what happened ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2992.php
... topic: 3761 High Level Coal Railway, Liverpool posted: 10 Sep 2020 20:28 from: Nigel Brown Not much in the way of gently sweeping curves here! High Level Coal Railway, Liverpool Nigel posted: 10 Sep 2020 21:20 from: Paul Boyd That abominable track is just crying out to be modelled, once I've worked out just what's going on! posted: 10 Sep 2020 22:26 from: Andrew Barrowman Was that a single-slip before they eliminated one side of it? I can't work what it's supposed to do posted: 10 Sep 2020 23:27 from: Rob Manchester No I don't get the idea behind the track layout either. There is more info on the building of the Coal Railway here for anybody interested. Rob posted: 10 Sep 2020 23:54 from: Nigel Brown Andrew Barrowman wrote: Was that a single-slip before they eliminated one side of it? I can't work what it's supposed to do I've got a feeling that it still is a single slip, of a horrible ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3761.php
... (in one or both rails), but I don't have any details of the radii. They could of course be calculated from the specified gap, but it's time for me to cook a meal -- over to you. V-crossing knuckle gaps are given in the table on this page: http://templot.com/martweb/templot_forum.htm although some of them appear to have been muddled up in a misprint. Yes it is called a wing rail. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Mar 2016 21:10 from: DerekStuart Thanks Martin. I have filed down a little more on the point rail and it is better. I will see what it is like when finished (the real thing isn't exactly smooth). From the diagrams it does seem that the back of the point rail is just a standard flangeway gap from the wing rail. How it doesn't get hit by the back of the flange I don't know but I will just accept that if it's good enough for LNER it's good enough for 4mm. Enjoy dinner. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2857.php
... . Gone a bit OT there. posted: 24 Nov 2009 23:23 from: Martin Lloyd There is a system on the market. It's interesting but pricey. http://www.copnor.enta.net/FS/TheBouncer.htm I quite like the idea because I couldn't really get my head around the idea of using a Tortoise or Fulgurex motor for a 4mm ground signal. I've experimented with memory wire and like it but it takes up rather a lot of space. Cause for some more experimentation! posted: 25 Nov 2009 06:10 from: Stephen Freeman As far as I can see from his website, The Bouncer gives you just one bounce. Well if you just want it for turnouts, there is the MERG design, I believe the design is freely available along with the software and firmware. but you also have to have all the kit to flash program the chip. The software to do this is free from Microchip but you have to buy the Programmer (Pickit2 possibly- there are others). To buy the kit for Servo4 though, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_978.php
... . Hi Ian, No, it's a GWR 30ft straight switch: 2_170910_250000000.png The GWR had only 3 flexible switches, B, C and D, introduced for new work from 1930. For the other sizes, shorter and longer, they continued to use their older designs. There is no "normal" crossing angle, everything depends on the site, the traffic, and the line speed. If there is any curving it always means a longer crossing to avoid a severe speed restriction over the diverging turnout road. 1:10 is fine for a station throat or branch terminus area, but maybe a bit short for a running loop or crossover out in the country. On the other hand 1:16 seems generous, unless the turnouts are on a curve. Often in complex station throats 1:8 is used so that they match 1:8 diamond-crossings and slips (which is the longest angle allowed for fixed K-crossings, and then only if they are all-straight), but it does mean speeds must be kept ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3742.php
... topic: 1557 New Tiebar Design posted: 7 Jul 2011 07:49 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, I have a new insulated tiebar design available suitable for just about any gauge/scale combination now which is capable of being fitted in a prototypical manner- i.e. by drilling the point-blades and stock rails or more conventionally- details on my website Attachment: attach_1124_1557_tiebar2.jpg 685 posted: 7 Jul 2011 08:42 from: Mike Waldron website address? posted: 7 Jul 2011 10:28 from: Jim Guthrie Borg-Rail wrote: suitable for just about any gauge/scale 5mm scale?? Jim. (S scale Society) posted: 7 Jul 2011 10:58 from: Stephen Freeman website. S Scale- certainly sir! posted: 7 Jul 2011 11:46 from: PaulTownsend How can I use these on 4mm scale mixed gauge track for 4'8" and 7'? posted: 7 Jul 2011 14:46 from: Stephen Freeman I don't understand why you think you couldn't any more than with any other system ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1557.php
... 49 from: Martin Wynne See: http://quickpicbooks.homestead.com/Layout_design_contest.html posted: 12 May 2010 09:39 from: Brian Lewis Quite scandalous. Not only are the prizes miserable and cannot equate to the time and effort involved in creating the plan, but then they want your intellectual property as well! Seems to be a very cheap way of obtaining material for another layout book. Disgraceful. Regards Brian Lewis. Martin Wynne wrote: See: http://quickpicbooks.homestead.com/Layout_design_contest.html posted: posted: 12 May 2010 10:10 from: Martin Wynne Brian Lewis wrote: Quite scandalous. Not only are the prizes miserable and cannot equate to the time and effort involved in creating the plan, but then they want your intellectual property as well! Seems to be a very cheap way of obtaining material for another layout book. Well yes, if you design layouts for reward or financial gain you won't be going anywhere near this. But most folks just enjoy layout designing as a pastime, and this is a bit of incentive to do that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1119.php
... topic: 2580 Checkrail on curves posted: 24 Nov 2014 20:40 from: DerekStuart Me again... A question (or 3) for the experts- of which there are plenty here! Checkrails on curved track- 10 chains A) Assuming you are coming from a straight section (very low speed so no transition curve (or should there still be one anyway?)) how far should the checkrail lead in from the straight, or does that depend upon speed rating of road? B) I have just read that the checkrail sits proud of the running rail, but I am not 100% sure this was for British track. Is this correct and if so, how far does it sit proud? C) In model form, C&L Exactoscale says to use standard chairs and on each sleeper, alternating between running rail and check rail, with a decorative half stuck on in the appropriate places (I have plenty of 'halves', given how many I've broken!). I wonder if this is the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2580.php
... : 25 Sep 2007 01:34 from: donald peters A stunning piece of work by Rod Cameron. Wonderfully informative, full of scale detail, contrasty and exposing prototype textures and litter. If the RMJ or even the GWR Journal had this sort quality observation in them once more, I wouldn't hesitate to place a regular order again. Congratulations Donald Peters posted: 9 Jan 2008 21:30 from: Roderic Cameron Thanks for the kind comments- some more photos at Sheffield Park and Oakworth have been added subsequently. posted: 10 Jan 2008 06:53 from: Brian Lewis Beware: Advertising plug: Just a brief note to advise that almost all those items photographed- and many that were not, are available as 7mm lost wax castings in the C+ L Finescale range. They will be on display at St. Albans this coming weekend, both for sale and in some quantity on 'Llaniog'. Regards Brian Lewis posted: 10 Jan 2008 14:41 from: Roderic Cameron But not in 4mm Brian? posted: 10 Jan 2008 16 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_169.php
... topic: 951 Stupid is as stupid does! posted: 10 Oct 2009 18:37 from: marsa69 Hi all, My name is Mark and I'm new to Templot having just acquired it in the last 24hrs. All day I've been grappling with watching the tutorials and experimenting for myself. As you can imagine there have been many curses flying around the house and much gnashing of teeth Now as the title suggests I'm feeling a bit of a Forrest Gump. My first failure was in trying to draw the outline of my baseboards. I've searched the forum and folowed the guides but I still can't get an accurate drawing. All I need is two 4' x 2' boards end to end, then on the R/H end of these a 3' x 2' turned right through 90 degrees to form an 'L' shape. On the bottom edge of the 3' x 2' another 4' x 2' is added to extend the 'L'. I was hoping to be able to have an accurate baseboard drawing so that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_951.php
... chairs match those on the point chair sprue sold as TPP1. I have some of the older chairs, bought a long time ago, and frankly that tool had obviously long worn out! A picture of the plain chair sprue would be very useful! Cheers, Paul Hi Paul Very good question! Didn't even know these sprues existed! On the odd occasion I've needed to use individual chairs on plain track rather than use the plain track bases (e.g. when gauge widening) I've used the point chair sprues, which contain 10 plain chairs per sprue (as well as a slide chair and a check rail chair). Here's a point chair sprue: 528_201500_140000000.jpg and here's a point being built with them: 528_201501_330000000.jpg I'd suggest a question to the Society egroup. Edit: or I could ask if you're not a member. cheers Nigel Last edited on 20 Sep 2020 20:04 by Nigel Brown posted: 20 Sep 2020 20:11 from: Paul Boyd Hi Nigel Thanks for the info. There's an egroup? I had a good look around ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  45k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3775.php
... 091c, although I have changed some of them. The problem is that many folks have Windows set not to show the underlined accelerator keys until you press ALT. If you do that on a pop-up context menu, it kills the menu! Well done Mr. Gates. So I added the extra letters on the menu captions so that everyone can see them regardless. There isn't actually any changed program functionality at all. Likewise on the shove timbers dialog. All the buttons have accelerator keys and using the keyboard is 10 times faster than clicking them with the mouse. Now in Windows 7 you can't even get the underlines to show by pressing ALT. But they do still work. I can't believe that Windows 95 was actually quicker to use. So in due course I will add the extra letters to all buttons and menu items everywhere. It seems crazy to have such a useful feature fully working, but no-one can use it because you can't see which letter to press. regards, Martin. posted: 22 May 2011 12 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  162k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1486.php
... note to Martin I can't seem to find my notes on the scale drawings maths to get the scales to match. Dave posted: 18 Oct 2009 20:58 from: Martin Wynne davelong wrote: note to Martin I can't seem to find my notes on the scale drawings maths to get the scales to match. Hi Dave, It's in your own Stechford topic at: topic 763- message 4427 With the image showing at 100% in PaintShopPro or your favourite photo editor program, measure the number of pixels occupied by the 10 metre scale bar on the map, and also note the full width of the image in pixels (showing in the program status bar, usually). To measure pixels, you can draw a selection rectangle and look in the status bar of your photo editor program, or you can use a screen pixel ruler such as the free one available from: http://www.spadixbd.com/freetools/ Then divide the number of pixels on the scale bar into the width of the image in pixels. In your case you measured ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_957.php
... in place while the show runs isn't practical. I'm still learning my way with this software, please ignore any slight glitches. Alexander is still working on the controls, so there are likely to be some changes. Several users have asked for a "replay from start" button, so that there is no need for the endless looping. There is also a lot of stuff which I left off, such as the "share on Facebook" social media functions. cheers, Martin. posted: 22 Jul 2019 08:10 from: Phil O Hi Martin I have just tried it on my laptop running Win 10 and on the last one, I have to scroll down to get the play buttons which then cuts the top off the display, my screen resolution is set to the recomended 1366 x 768. What would you recomend I change the setting to, too get it all on the screen. Cheers Phil posted: 22 Jul 2019 08:48 from: John Shelley Martin Wynne wrote: Thanks for all the comments. John Shelley wrote ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  78k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3461.php
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