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... 24 sleepers/60ft length back to the vee rail joint. On the other track, under the loco, the rail joint is about 8 sleepers closer to the vee -- so this is a shorter non-standard rail length. It's likely that the sleepers have all been shoved about to interleave with the foreground ones, but maintaining the closed up spacing at the joints at each end. cheers, Martin. posted: 7 Jul 2020 21:47 from: Julian Roberts 3591_080322_430000000.png 3591_080323_340000000.png 3591_071112_390000000.png Last edited on 8 Jul 2020 08:25 by Julian Roberts posted: 8 Jul 2020 08:32 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin and folks I've seen here that arranging sleepering is not always matter of right and wrong, and varied with location, conditions, etc. So this is to ask whether this looks OK Above first picture is how Templot arranges the sleepers, second is how I've interleaved them. It didn't seem possible to interleave them next to the joint without the gap being extended, thus I think that would be wrong? Does this look ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  82k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_157.php
... a means in the next program update to adjust the program size without needing access to the slider. p.s. If you have right-clicked on the? icon, the slider will have been hidden. You will need to restart Templot to see it again. cheers, Martin. posted: 14 Nov 2019 22:56 from: Robert Edmonson I adjusted program size and display settings as recommended. They're at 350 percent, and could be larger. Also adjusted screen resolution to fit my machine. posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:29 from: Martin Wynne Robert Edmonson wrote: I adjusted program size and display settings as recommended. They're at 350 percent, and could be larger. Also adjusted screen resolution to fit my machine. Hi Robert, Thanks for reporting back. Does that mean you are now happy with the way Templot is working on your system? 350% is far higher than I have ever seen anyone using before. Are there any settings in Parallels Desktop which need changing? Do you have any advice for other users of a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3550.php
... . Don't change anything on there, just click the Start IDE button. You won't see this again next time you start Lazarus. If you have got that far and wondering what to do next, I can suggest some basic stuff to create and run a simple test program. p.s. "IDE" means "Integated Development Environment" which is just a fancy name for the normal Lazarus desktop screen -- see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment regards, Martin. posted: 20 May 2017 12:08 from: DerekStuart Hello Martin Many thanks for the info. Much appreciated. "If you say something simple I will post some sample code showing how you might get started, and you could have a go at changing it or expanding it." From the examples I've looked at, it seems fairly intuitive. Using Templot's purpose as an example: It seems a programme to allow the plotting of 2 curves of X dia. Y length and intersecting at Z would be fairly straight forward (from what I've seen). ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2956.php
... git- we have other things to think about first. PDF, Sketchboard, etc etc- they absolutely have to take priority, but I would put backward compatibility (i.e. a box file reader) on the list of things required before we can say we have moved on from T2. Tell you what- let me know which files to look in and I promise not to work on it except when I'm asleep. Cheers, g Last edited on 4 Nov 2019 07:54 by Graeme posted: 4 Nov 2019 08:21 from: Martin Wynne Hi Graeme, You pasted an image bitmap directly into the editor. That won't work except for very small images. It will exceed the http entity size limit. Instead, click the Upload new image for insertion button just above the text area. The image will be inserted at the current caret position. cheers, Martin. posted: 4 Nov 2019 08:38 from: Graeme Martin Wynne wrote: You pasted an image bitmap directly into the editor. Yes Martin- for the second ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  93k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3534.php
... topic: 1591 Constructing a reversing circle posted: 20 Aug 2011 08:49 from: Charles Orr Hi I would welcome some advice on how to construct a reversing circle. Essentially I have a turnout and need to add a circle of track that leaves the main road and returns to the turnout road. The ability to be able to vary the radius of the base circle would be useful as I have to fit it into the space available. This is probably straightforward. Thanks in advance Charles posted: 20 Aug 2011 09:45 from: Martin Wynne Charles Orr wrote: I would welcome some advice on how to construct a reversing circle. Hi Charles, There is a Templot video covering this: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/return_loop.exe It's actually for double track, but if you do tools> make branch track on the turnout you should be able to adapt accordingly. Ask again if you need more. regards, Martin. posted: 20 Aug 2011 10:14 from: Charles Orr Hi Martin Many thanks for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1591.php
... I would like to connect them to the switches at the start and end of the curve. The first track looks good, but how to make sure there is no gap or angle between two track halves for tracks 2 and 3? I added a screenshot and the box file. Thanks, Mark Attachment: attach_1163_1611_Voorschoterlaan.b ox 185 posted: 30 Aug 2011 09:50 from: radiopaque... and the screen shot. (Sorry for the Dutch and the slew of NoNames!) Attachment: attach_1166_1611_[11-08-29_223508] _Windows_XP.jpg 113 Last edited on 30 Aug 2011 09:54 by radiopaque posted: 30 Aug 2011 13:07 from: radiopaque... and a pdf. Attachment: attach_1167_1611_Templot_Pages.pdf 224 posted: 30 Aug 2011 14:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Mark, Welcome to Templot Club. Thanks for posting your files. Firstly may I suggest that you now upgrade to version 091c, as explained in my order confirmation letter? There are lots of additional functions and it is easier to use. You ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1611.php
... (O Gauge) please excuse the drawings for the station but you will get the idea. Bit more to go into the yard and at the top to join up with a traverser.What would be the minimum size switch in the yard. It has been a challenge to get this far, the printer has been well used and certain pages well thumbed. I did make the mistake of starting and then leaving things for a while, the memory cells needed prodding. Thanks Murry Attachment: attach_1710_2376_Temuka_mirror_01 .box 266 posted: 12 Jan 2014 08:14 from: Jim Guthrie Murryb wrote: I have finally reached a point where I would like some comments on the attached layout(O Gauge) please excuse the drawings for the station but you will get the idea. Bit more to go into the yard and at the top to join up with a traverser.What would be the minimum size switch in the yard. Murray, Are you happy with the 53.9" minimum radius on PRO58- which is possibly getting a bit tight for 7mm scale? You might be able ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2376.php
... topic: 2303 Update problem posted: 7 Sep 2013 08:38 from: Jacques Gerber Hello All: I downloaded and installed Templot 208b. On startup, I'm informed that this is not the latest version, and then Templot closes, and opens the update page, where I get the exact same version, which on installation, repeats the whole process. Any advice? Is something buggy? BTW I'm working on Windows 7. Thanks Jacques Gerber posted: 7 Sep 2013 10:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Jacques, I can't see any problem from here. Anyone else seeing this? I think the problem must be a caching issue at your ISP. I have now edited the file on the server which hopefully will update the timestamp and cause your ISP to re-fetch the cache. Please try again now. If still now joy, please wait a few hours and then try again. Templot checks the USA server only if the UK server fails to respond at all. I will change the code so that Templot won't close without ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2303.php
... eye and I like the idea of EM as being a suitable compromise as I feel that it could theoretically be a regauged version of OO with improved flangeways and appearance. I appreciate that this is quite a simplistic view but I was hoping for the dockyard branch I would be able to get track nearer to 20" radius (with transition curves) and very tight radius points on the quayside. The line will be operated by small tank locos, (Webb 0-4 -2T, L&Y Pug, possibly an 08 shunter depending on what period I am modelling) so hoped that these would run well even down to tight radii such as 20" (with check rail). Similarly, for the main point work in the passenger and goods area, I was considering A4 or A5 turnouts as it will all be low speed terminal station operation and I am quite space constrained. Would you think this is viable for EM gauge or should I think again before I start designing and constructing trackwork? Next month I shall be obtaining my copy ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1381.php
... . Alternatively, when you press INSERT, the template is given its number. Could the new template not be given a label in the same colour as the 'live copy' that just says 'COPY TEMPLATE' until it is changed, or INSERT is pressed again? Does that help? Rich PS Yes, the 'Briefly Hide' setting has put it back as it was I must have either mis-clicked or just didnt see the brief hide! Thanks for your help on that. Last edited on 8 Nov 2012 11:08 by RT posted: 8 Nov 2012 21:41 from: Simon Dunkley Just a thought, Martin, but on store and background, why not have the control template reappear slightly to one side of the recently stored template, i.e. what you have done, but without it moving back over the most recently saved template? posted: 8 Nov 2012 22:10 from: Martin Wynne Simon Dunkley wrote: Just a thought, Martin, but on store and background, why not have the control template reappear slightly to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  109k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1988.php
... wrote: The general experience was that such 0-SF was fine for Slaters and other current "industry-standard" wheels set to 29.2mm back-to-back, but just a bit too fine for some older cast "Fine Standard" wheels set to 29.0mm back-to-back (of which there are a great many still in use). Martin, Hijacking David's thread I just checked some of my RTR O gauge stock from the likes of Heljan and Dapol( Terrier, Jinty, Pannier and 05/08 diesels). The back-to-back measurements on these locos range from 28.7 to 29.1mm which would be an issue on O-SF track but should be fine on O-MF. The wheels also appear to be more 'rounded' in the area where the flange meets the tyre of the wheel( bigger root radius if that is the correct description?) Glad I stuck with the wider flangeways Rob posted: 2 Jun 2018 00:00 from: Martin Wynne p.s. David, You will see that for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3277.php
... Nov 2007 17:06 from: Tim David http://photos.nerail.org/showpic/?photo=2007020923452025532.jpg http://photos.nerail.org/showpic/?photo=2007020923422025364.jpg While I have seen worse track, I've never seen any that was supposedly in operational use. Not surprisingly the loco derailed (or as the caption says, got stuck in the mud!) Can you beat this? Ad how would you model it? Does Templot have a 'Distress track' function? Tim Last edited on 30 Nov 2007 17:08 by Tim David posted: 30 Nov 2007 17:21 from: Martin Wynne Tim David wrote: Does Templot have a 'Distress track' function? Hi Tim, Not quite, but it does have a "crazy track" function. Try this: http://screencast.com/t /hvWLgvbhu regards, Martin. posted: 30 Nov 2007 17:31 from: Paul Boyd Does Templot have a 'Distress track' function? Yup- have a look at http://www.pbhome.myzen.co.uk/ebaypics/bizarre.jpg and http ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_270.php
... use a calculator to get my age!! I could only find an angle for the Peco crossing when trying to convert it.... Last edited on 9 Oct 2017 09:05 by Bryan Hardwick posted: 9 Oct 2017 09:19 from: Tony W Bryan Hardwick wrote: Thanks Gents, never very good at Maths, I still have to use a calculator to get my age!! And do you always accept what the calculator tells you as gospel? Tony. posted: 9 Oct 2017 10:08 from: Paul Boyd Tony W wrote: And do you always accept what the calculator tells you as gospel? Tony. I certainly do, yes. Not everyone understands or is good at maths. All I remember is SOHCAHTOA, but can't remember what to do with it! Paul posted: 9 Oct 2017 11:01 from: Bryan Hardwick Tony W wrote: Bryan Hardwick wrote: Thanks Gents, never very good at Maths, I still have to use a calculator to get my age!! And do you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  60k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3097.php
... single slip the 2nd. Last edited on 10 Oct 2017 07:11 by Damien Morris posted: 10 Oct 2017 07:35 from: Damien Morris Here is some more info. 7834a39fc13dc2e3abb41f2a4115d582.p ng 73bce865bedcce572c99c7f5c4661f08.p ng I am learning how to do the elements I need to design the layout, as there are other things I've yet to figure out how to get right. Like line up 2 different radius, so they meet without a flat edge/ kink. Can't attach the box bgs files... posted: 10 Oct 2017 08:01 from: Damien Morris Sorted, attached. Attachment: attach_2521_3102_conwaytemplot.box 216 Last edited on 10 Oct 2017 08:01 by Damien Morris posted: 10 Oct 2017 17:33 from: Rob Manchester Damien Morris wrote: As being new to templot, found the video showing how to convert intersection into diamond. Can you then convert the diamond into a double slip? Hi Damien, You can make double slips directly from the Tools>Make Slip>Make Double Slip menu option. I suspect somebody may come and suggest ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  58k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3102.php
195. deleted
... topic: 2200 deleted posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:23 from: Stephen Freeman Oops! everything OK my fault. Last edited on 16 Apr 2013 08:42 by Stephen Freeman Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> I found a flaw> deleted about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. You are welcome to use them for your own personal non-commercial purposes, and in your messages on this web site. If you want to publish any of this material elsewhere or use it commercially, you must first obtain the owner's permission to do so. The small print: All material submitted to this web site ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2200.php
... . Optimal shelf life is achieved when unopened container is stored from 36 F to 46 F (2 C to 8 C). After opening, it is not recommended that the product be stored cold or frozen. Once opened, the product is best stored tightly sealed in a dry location away from heat sources or sun exposure. Humidity and high temperatures may decrease shelf life." Admittedly, I've found that they set solid regardless, especially the thin non-gel versions. cheers, Martin. posted: 18 Apr 2018 08:16 from: Raymond Rob Manchester wrote: Hi, Do people on here just use standard superglue to bond slide chairs to the stockrail? I notice a post advocating Loctite 435 adhesive for this but is this over the top? Rob Year ago I tested out various glues. The best was Butatone, if the joint was properly made then when trying to pull them apart the jaws of the chair would fail before the joint to the timber failed and the chair is a tight enough fit to hold the rail. This ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  98k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3257.php
... topic: 738 Templates on different levels posted: 21 Feb 2009 07:35 from: dessire_luvals Hi All Could I seek some guidance as to the best approach for, (a) draw track on different levels i.e. one track below another? and (b) the best way to print seperate templates for the two levels? Thanks Russell posted: 21 Feb 2009 08:12 from: Martin Wynne dessire_luvals wrote: Could I seek some guidance as to the best approach for, (a) draw track on different levels i.e. one track below another? and (b) the best way to print seperate templates for the two levels? Hi Russell, A good way to do this is to use different marker colours for the tracks on each level. You can set the marker colour for a group of templates all in one go -- select the group of templates then group> template colours for group> marker colour for all this group... menu item. When you want to print them, select the group using the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_738.php
... , Martin. posted: 1 Apr 2018 23:02 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Sorry, Have to hold my hand up and confess to not even looking on the C&L site Thanks as always. Rob posted: 1 Apr 2018 23:41 from: Andrew Barrowman Not sure how C&L designate the chairs, but it might be something like this: 2983_011837_050000000.jpg 2983_011837_050000001.jpg posted: 2 Apr 2018 00:15 from: Rob Manchester Thanks Andy, That is helpful. Rob posted: 5 Apr 2018 08:51 from: David R Martin Wynne wrote: Hi Rob, Download PDFs explaining the Exactoscale chairs and numbering here: http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=36 More info: http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=18 cheers, Martin. There is also some prototype information on the Off The Rails website. Dave R posted: 5 Apr 2018 12:16 from: Rob Manchester David R wrote: There is also some ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3251.php
... own personal experience of Mr Shillito's Templot usage and knowledge. Hi Paul I don't think I added anything which couldn't be gleaned from the message, except to point out that Andrew has not only promoted the use of Templot but has written an article on it. I actually have no particular knowledge of Andrew's use of Templot. However, I thought the fact that he has not only designed 4 layouts in Templot but has actually built them probably puts him amongst a very select few Templot users! Cheers Nigel posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:05 from: Jim Guthrie Nigel Brown wrote: I don't think I added anything which couldn't be gleaned from the message, except to point out that Andrew has not only promoted the use of Templot but has written an article on it. I actually have no particular knowledge of Andrew's use of Templot. However, I thought the fact that he has not only designed 4 layouts in Templot but has actually built them probably puts him amongst a very select few Templot users! Nigel, In that case I wonder why Andrew ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  128k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1992.php
... Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request) posted: 16 Apr 2012 21:15 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tim, I've made a few changes to the web site. If you are not seeing the picture it is because your DNS has not yet updated. Please try again later. Or try this instead: trailing_slip.jpg regards, Martin. posted: 16 Apr 2012 21:27 from: TimRKirby That link worked just fine, thanks... posted: 16 Apr 2012 23:08 from: Nigel Brown Fascinating bit of track there at Three Cocks junction, Martin. Just cries out to be built! Cheers nigel posted: 17 Apr 2012 10:56 from: Godwinpa John has identified the inevitable exception to thr ule. The late Cyril Freezer would have put this into his "prototype for everything department". The Victorians went to great lengths to avoid facing points. See this example from Braintree (Essesx) from 1910: 2399_170555_330000000.jpg Regards, Paul Godwin posted: 17 Apr 2012 13:08 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1923.php
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