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Search results for: attach_117_baseboardtop.dxf few

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... about it. edit: now done, see below. p.s. many companies which used 12" joint sleepers, also used special larger joint chairs on them. I don't know anyone who makes such chairs. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Mar 2015 13:34 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Brilliant, thank you. A chance to use up my supply of 12" wide sleepers included in all the bags I got from Brian/Pete/ et al! I know you can use them for the first few timbers on turnouts but I always forget. If you have had the rains down there I bet your river is up a bit? Rob posted: 31 Mar 2015 14:01 from: David R Martin Wynne wrote:... many companies which used 12" joint sleepers, also used special larger joint chairs on them. I don't know anyone who makes such chairs. regards, Martin. 100_310859_070000000.jpg Available in 7mm scale in packs of 16 or 80 from Off The Rails Regards, Dave R Last edited on 31 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2661.php
... 6 Mar 2015 00:11 from: Dave Summers Hi Martin It looks very similar. Like this: Attachment: attach_2082_2514_Screen_Shot_2015-03-06_at_00.08.20.png 297 posted: 6 Mar 2015 00:28 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Dave. But that can't possibly be the official Apple format for screen recording, surely? But if not, what is? Martin. posted: 6 Mar 2015 00:45 from: Matt M. Hi Martin, Just caught up with this as I have been busy and not reading emails for the last few days. It looks like that when playing FBR in Templot, using Windows 8 in Bootcamp. There is something about that video format that just doesn't agree with the way Apple's OS handles display information. (Including recent Retina displays). I have had other weird results regarding display problems with Windows software running in Bootcamp. My favourite still being the CAD program where any circle drawn would disappear behind the work surface never to be seen again. Not a problem that occurred when running on a non Apple PC. FBR is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  144k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2514.php
... topic: 3261 Memories for Martin posted: 22 Apr 2018 21:32 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Spotted for sale today. 2001_221629_380000000.jpg 2001_221630_040000000.jpg Bet that brings back a few memories. Build date on the chassis 1993. No I didn't buy it but it was nicely built. The thing that struck me was how very light it was compared to todays RTR offerings from Dapol and Heljan. Rob posted: 22 Apr 2018 22:21 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Rob. The details are still on the web site: http://templot.com/martweb/go_hunslet.htm And the instruction sheets for the kit: http://templot.com/martweb/kitins.htm exploded.jpg The web pages from 1998 do look very dated! We made very few of the assembled version. The red lunch boxes drew some comment, but in fact they made a very sturdy container for the model. Designing and toolmaking for that made an enjoyable interlude in our usual work. Sweating over a hot moulding machine proved to be less enjoyable. cheers, Martin. posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3261.php
... this is the only report of any problems. regards, Martin. posted: 2 Jan 2012 23:41 from: Ian Allen Hi Martin, Both the PC and laptop are my own and build #4505 ran perfectly on the PC, it wasn't loaded onto the laptop. Downloading the program to either PC or laptop is via my O2 wi-fi USB, the same as when I updated to Templot 0.91 and TDV #4505. Nothing has changed in respect of firewall settings on either machine. I think a fair few of the 300 downloads have been my attempts to re-download. I've just switched all Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Pro-active Threat and Network Threat Protection off on my laptop to see if I have any success with another download. Regards Ian posted: 2 Jan 2012 23:59 from: Ian Allen No success there either. I've even placed Templot TDV into the list of programs allowed to communicate through Windows Firewall. File Version: Product Name: Templot2 Development Version 0.96a Product Version: 0.96a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1760.php
... specifically intended. It is certainly too close to the track to protect it from anything. In fact if something should dislodge it over the running rail it would present an even greater hazard. Hmm... Martin. posted: 13 Nov 2014 15:38 from: DerekStuart I am going to Whitby (taking photo's of the one remaining original turnout) I will drop a copy of this into NYMR permanent way department and ask them. I agree with Martin's assesment that it can't be a deliberate barrier. I have a few people still sending me pictures of the station so perhaps it will show up on another one. posted: 13 Nov 2014 18:17 from: Trevor Walling Hello, Is it something to retain the groundwork away from the rail and enable access to knock the chair keys in? Trevor posted: 13 Nov 2014 20:16 from: DerekStuart Hi Trevor, the ground there is very stable on 100 years (at the time of the photo) compacted cinder/ash ballast that was level with the sleepers. The stone ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  103k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2573.php
... turnout is 1:6 with a 12ft switch. I intended it only to convey the idea -- were you to actually go with such a plan it would need to be re-done more carefully, and adjusted for the optimum fit at the board joint. regards, Martin. posted: 4 Jan 2012 10:17 from: RedgateModels Show off TBH I think I'm pretty happy with the double slip and GWR 9ft heel- 6. Current stock will fit and I always have scope to expand the layout by a few feet should I ever have the need to run a 9F into the station. Good fun this layout design- Summat Colliery was already done for me in Peco code 75 so I didn't have all these things to consider :LOL: Attachment: attach_1294_1762_fourgig_east_exte nded_engine_shed_plus.box 256 Last edited on 4 Jan 2012 10:48 by RedgateModels posted: 4 Jan 2012 10:54 from: RedgateModels For reference, the attached .box file represents the track that has already been laid Attachment: attach_1295_1762_mini1.box 246 posted: 4 Jan 2012 12:15 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1762.php
... to sign up to Western Thunder to get the pictures at full size. He used baulks under the crossing rather than timbering. Phil posted: 2 Apr 2019 08:02 from: Stephen Freeman The Southern certainly seemed to have a penchant for this type of arrangement, usually brought about be the lack/cost of available land (I assume). One thing I'd like to see in Templot is the ability to alter the actual angle of the end of rails (check or wing). At the moment there are a few things I have had to fudge on the latest project. Doesn't affect ability to build it but it would be nice rather than essential. One other problem is that the maps are scanned and sometimes folds distort the image. Last edited on 2 Apr 2019 11:18 by Stephen Freeman posted: 2 Apr 2019 12:21 from: Martin Wynne Stephen Freeman wrote: One thing I'd like to see in Templot is the ability to alter the actual angle of the end of rails (check or wing). At the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3405.php
... topic: 3804 Templot user guide? posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:09 from: Phil O Hi Martin, I have had what is probably either a Eureka moment or more likely a moment of total lunacy, with regards a Templot user guide. Produce a couple of videos, the first is to show how to build up the templates for a basic BLT, with a main single sided platform with a loop, a short bay platform and a few sidings. This would give the beginner the rudimentary basics to get started. Then a more comprehensive video, importing a map, with more complex trackwork, including tandems and slips, double junctions etc. Possibly including a shed with a turntable. I think that would cover most formations that any modeller would need to produce a layout. And finally one showing how to produce mixed gauge trackwork. I think that would cover virtually all the eventualities we are likely to encounter. It might help if you explained where necessary the prototypical reason for such and such was done in a particular way, or ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3804.php
... ) two copies of which are then printed- one to make a "rail forming and sub assembly pre-fabrication jig" and the second to stick to the base board so that the track can be built directly upon it. It is important that the prefabrication jig is perfectly level so I make mine by spray-mounting the Template to a piece of 10mm thick laminate flooring which is flat, hard and rigid. If you have not just redone your flooring, go to you local flooring shop- they usually have a few bits to give away as samples. The pics show the first stage of building the trackwork- to build ACCURATE pre-fabricated assemblies for the crossing work on the "rail forming and sub assembly jig"- this is how they did it on the Real Thing- building the important bits as assemblies in the workshop before taking them to site in lumps. The Template is the guide for positioning the rails along with the Crossing Flangeway gauge. For me, the secret in this stage is to build the assemblies with the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1433.php
... watch fuzzy screen videos, which is ok for a minute or two but liable to give severe headache after longer periods. cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Oct 2017 04:11 from: Matt M. While Flash does have some issues and Apple is a bit of a control freak, Apple's problems with it stem from the fact that two of the most aggressive trojan attacks on their OS were delivered using Flash. As Flash is something they can't control it is out. Apple has a tendency to do that with a few things. I have watched MP4 files of high quality on my computer so it may just be a codec compatibility issue. I have also seen some weird things graphically in Windows 7 on the Bootcamp side of the computer my favourite being the CAD program were every time you completed a circle it would disappear behind the work surface never to be seen again. Only happen when running on Windows in Bootcamp. Didn't happen on a PC. I personally can cope with the light fuzzy that I get as the videos are very useful ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  176k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3069.php
... the thin film of oil which is on most steel sections as supplied. This leaves the area around the joint fully exposed to rusting caused by atmospheric moisture. The usual answer is to protect soldered joints on steel with a good dollop of grease, or a thick coat of paint. That's not very practical for trackwork, of course. So you have to rely on keeping it in a warm dry atmosphere for the lifetime of the layout. That means, for example, that if you are unexpectedly away from home for a few weeks, there has to be someone to keep the heating on in the railway room, and know that it needs to be kept on. I know steel should look like steel, but model steel rail has a dull grey colour which doesn't to my eyes look any more like real railway track than nickel-silver. Real rail is subject to high contact pressures and rolling wear which tends to burnish the surface. Our models don't do that. Which means that steel rail comes with all the worries about rusting, and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_321.php
... topic: 2180 Templot 009 Template posted: 16 Mar 2013 21:24 from: chrisveitch I've just started using Templot again after toying with it a few years ago. Can anyone tell me if there's a suitable 009 or HOe (i.e. 9mm narrow gauge) track template around? I seem to recall seeing one when I first tried out Templot but can't find one on the forum. Apologies if it's already there and I overlooked it. Regards, Chris Veitch posted: 21 Mar 2013 10:30 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Try starting with with message 11832 Stephen chrisveitch wrote: I've just started using Templot again after toying with it a few years ago. Can anyone tell me if there's a suitable 009 or HOe (i.e. 9mm narrow gauge) track template around? I seem to recall seeing one when I first tried out Templot but can't find one on the forum. Apologies if it's already there and I overlooked it. Regards, Chris Veitch Last edited on 21 Mar 2013 10:47 by Martin Wynne posted: 5 Apr ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2180.php
... topic: 3752 finding intersections posted: 30 Aug 2020 17:27 from: Martin Wynne A few days ago Roger asked about a diamond-crossing on a transition curve. So I watched again the video from 2015: http://flashbackconnect.com/Movie.aspx?id=ib65pLfUkgNxFBDqAZSNyA2 It uses the method of finding the intersection by moving the mouse manually along the rails and judging the intersection position on the screen by eye. It struck me as a bit agricultural to be still using such methods after all these years, relying on close hand-eye co-ordination and limited by the screen resolution and rounding effects in the drawn lines on the screen. For a long time we have had the notch on intersection functions: 2_301120_060000000.png which are fine as far as they go. But they are limited to fixed-radius curves, and apply only to plain track and/or the main road of a turnout. They are based on conventional circular geometry, which means they always find two intersections. Resulting in a clunky interface in which Templot asks you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3752.php
... building my test track is because I want to test all those things you talk about in your email. I haven't the space for a circular test track so the only way to find out if my stock will run through tight curves is to run them through turnouts. I used to belong to the North London Group which did have a circular test track which was great. Please feel free to email me if you need any further help. Kind regards Len Cattley posted: 21 May 2009 08:34 from: newport_rod A few thoughts then... Good idea to include one double slip – if you want to test your track-building technique. But maybe two in one too many; the top plan is very dependant on them. Good idea to include both facing and trailing crossovers to see how stock will run over them, although this will be limited by only having 340 mm to the left of the trailing crossover will limit its use. Although presumably you're constricted by only having 8' to play with. What are the minimum radius ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_812.php
... topic: 3546 back stories posted: 6 Nov 2019 02:23 from: Martin Wynne Graeme wrote: I am still profoundly ignorant of Templot from a user perspective, so I think I will wind my neck in for a few days and just play with the program and see what I can do with it. I will obviously not become an expert in that time, but I will probably increase my knowledge tenfold. Sure. I think you said that you are not only new to Templot but new to railway modelling in general? Which makes it a bit surprising that you found us, and all the more welcome for that. An outsider's first impressions can be very valuable. 99 new modellers out of 100 would be starting with commercial track such as Peco, and designing it in a pick-and-place program such as AnyRail: http://anyrail.com/ Or going for high-end stuff with full 3D representation and train running simulations: http://trackplanning.com/ Also in the pick-and-place field is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3546.php
... . This way the rail never gets too hot. If you work your way along soldering each sleeper the rail does get quite hot and although it may not cause you any problems as you work it will have expanded slightly and as it cools all those joints will be under stress. If you are soldering single lengths on the bench it shouldn't make any difference. Geoff posted: 25 Jul 2013 15:08 from: Paul Boyd Charles asked: By the way, are we both in Leicestershire? I moved up here a few years ago, to the Loughborough area. posted: 25 Jul 2013 15:13 from: Paul Boyd Hi Geoff Thanks for the info. Although I tend to work "on the bench", in practise this is a temporary bench (a slab of Contiboard) that may be 6ft long and slid across the dining table as I progress, so probably not much different to working on the layout. I've just ordered another batch of chairs from Masokits so I'll try your method when they eventually arrive! Cheers posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  87k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2268.php
... when turning your computer off, Templot (and all your other running programs) will restart where you left off when you turn the computer back on, without needing an internet connection. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Apr 2014 07:06 from: Hayfield Martin Thank you, I must have misunderstood what has been said in other replies in the past. The reason for the question is that I am doing a track building demonstration at a local show in May. The last one I did I was asked quite a few questions about Templot. Its much easier to show the answer so I have just borrowed an old laptop which I can take with me to show (providing its not too technical) rather than talk in answering any questions that may arise. The most common statement is that I cannot make a template, or how do you start (these are questions I can answer) You have just answered my question, thanks again John posted: 13 Apr 2014 07:37 from: Alan Turner A word of warning however, as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2442.php
... helping find information especially if the index can be cross referenced to the various forms of terminology used ie. tandem turnouts and three way turnouts, compounds and slips etc. I find when using the search facilities I have known that the answer is there but can't remember the terminology used and have to try the various terms to find what I'm looking for. Also could the scruff video's be added. Keep up the good work. Cheers Phil posted: 7 May 2009 15:41 from: Phil O Hi Martin I had a few spare minutes yesterday and I have compiled a list of useful messages from the forum for tandem turnouts, I have not searched for 3 way turnouts nor have I searched Yahoo.. In Templot Talk messages 3278& 3278. In Prototype Pic's messages 3288, 3548, 3705,3907, 3908. Video Message 41. Cheers Phil posted: 7 May 2009 20:50 from: donald peters Hi Martin I have nothing but encouragement to offer at present but thought an interesting effect I have experienced may be of modest interest. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_797.php
... so). We're only just at the planning stage for this expansion so anyone on this forum who is interested is more than welcome to provide suggestions or make comments (by all means use the templot already posted and have a go at designing the fiddle yard expansion). There are some limitations on the design of the new storage roads:-- we cannot extend the straight sections of the layout since the straight scenic part is an accurate re-creation of the prototype.- the layout has exhibition commitments for the new few years (when the extension is planned to be built) and has to be kept 'on the circuit' whilst the majority of the new construction takes place. At this stage we think a new fiddle yard of similar dimensions to the existing one- but built about a metre behind it and accessed via double junctions may be the best solution. Regards, Richard Attachment: attach_130_236_fiddleyard2.jpg 3196 posted: 16 Nov 2007 07:16 from: Russ E Richard Oldfield wrote:- we cannot extend the straight sections of the layout since ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_236.php
... topic: 2385 Building a Aussie Layout posted: 22 Jan 2014 06:45 from: Linton78 Hi, My name is Linton and I am very new to Templot. I am currently building an Australian based layout, centred around Picton, NSW, circa 1955, link- http://stonequarrycreek.blogspot.com.au/ I have found Templot to be very good so far. It was a little hard to get my head around a few things at first but things are now slowly sinking in. I have drawn my track plan, including a single slip (I was very happy that it worked) but I am having a few troubles in trying to replicate NSW Government Railway point characteristics, particularly sleeper layout. My dramas so far: 1. My single slip L/H point blades do not flow into the stock rail properly. My R/H points blades are fine. Realistically it wont affect building the slip but I would like to know where I went wrong; 2. My track plan includes a passenger siding bay within one of the platforms ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2385.php
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