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... get (in 18.83) and what I couldn't into my 14ft x 9ft space. I have not progressed beyond using it as a sort of more flexible 'click and connect' system where I call up turnouts and track and add them together, although 'insert turnout into plain track' has also been useful. Using this method, I have been trying to design a scissors crossover with B7 turnouts but not at a given adjacent track spacing( I am trying to emulate the throat at Cheltenham St James arrival platforms). I have inserted B7 turnouts into curved track so that they face each other, and then add plain track to each so that they cross, and then use the 'make diamond crossing' command in the peg align tools menu. This looks at first sight to work but on magnifying the view, there is a small but significant misalignment between the turnout rails and those of the diamond, and there are a number of conflicting wing and check rail images. Your advice would be most appreciated, Ray posted: 3 Oct 2016 14:21 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2930.php
... position for the main road.) TMINP is on the turnout-road centre-line, at the minimum possible setting for the turnout-road exit length: 2_021003_070000002.png Note that setting this peg position simply moves the fixing peg, it doesn't change the current exit length. The exit length is usually set using the CTRL+ F12 mouse action, but can be set directly if preferred- geometry> template lengths... menu item: 2_021003_060000000.png Setting the minimum possible turnout-road exit is helpful to minimize any discrepancies after inserting a diamond-crossing or a turnout at the intersection of other templates. The underlying template can then be split and shortened back to the exit. See also the video: help> watch a video> switch close behind V-crossing These new peg positions are included in the extend/shorten to meet function: extend_shorten_trans5a.png See: http://templot.com/companion/link_existing.php And in the align> snap functions: 2_021157_590000000.png regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2977.php
... wrote: I couldn't log in until I (re) adjusted some settings because IE was blocking cookies coming from here. Everything worked OK yesterday but not today until I made the adjustment, has something about the forum changed? Hi Martin, Nothing that I know about. But I don't use IE so I can't advise. Maybe getting a "site not found" error caused IE to change the cookie settings in some way. Which ISP are you with for internet connectivity? One thing which will give you cookie problems is inserting www into the address, or using a different domain. All these links get you to Templot Club but only the first one should be used, otherwise you will get in a nice tangle with cookies and logging in: http://85a.co.uk/forum use the above -- don't use any of these (you will find yourself logged out): http://85a.co.uk/forum http://templot.co.uk/forum http://www.templot.co.uk/forum http://platelayer.co.uk/forum http:/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_727.php
... protection is largely destroyed in the process, leading to early rotting. Alternatively you can simply leave a gap between them, provided there are adjacent timbers holding the rails to gauge. This means the gaps would be typically alternated in adjacent roads, and ideally placed in the least heavily-traffic roads. Note that if you leave a gap it needs to be a definite gap, not with the timber ends butted close together. This is so that if the timber needs packing, the gang can dig out all round it to insert jacks, etc. You can see it in your picture: 2_131152_340000000.jpg But note that there are no hard and fast rules about any of this. Each timbering layout is designed for the actual site using the practice of the local design office. If we lay down any rules here, someone will come along and post a photo showing the exact opposite. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Feb 2017 20:58 from: Jim Guthrie The Americans were doing similar- like this crossover for the Union Pacific Railroad. Scroll ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2980.php
... notes. The default step size for 4mm scale is 6mm, giving a maximum template length of 3000 x 6mm= 18000mm. Increase the step size just enough to allow the required template length. For example if you make the step size 11mm, the template length can go up to 3000 x 11mm= 33000mm. The change applies to the current control template only, and you need to do this again for any existing templates if necessary. Presumably you will be splitting this template into shorter ones, aligning templates over it, inserting turnouts in it, etc.? I strongly recommend that as soon as the templates are short enough you return the step size on them to the default 6mm. Otherwise you may find that you have inadvertently created an entire track plan with the longer step size, and some templates will be adversely affected when printed. regards, Martin. posted: 1 Mar 2012 13:38 from: Jerry Thank you very much Martin, Just for the record the Map distance of my plan is ~2300 yards. I will use ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1852.php
... .. menu item. The near end of a rail is set using blanking, most usually by means of the CTRL-F3 mouse action. The far end of a rail is set by means of the overall length, most usually by means of the F4 mouse action. Using these controls you can build up complex formations from elements of rail in any combination. Here I have made a gap in one of the rails in this turnout. (The usual reason to do that would be so that a crossing can be inserted on yet another partial template.) This is a total of 3 partial templates: partial_gap.png I have made a bit of video showing the above being created: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=WD6BqPFKL0h2J85x0pKtPQ2 Normally you would work over the background template. In the video I temporarily parked it out of the way, so that the rail adjustments would be clearer. Ask again if it's not clear. regards, Martin. posted: 21 Jan 2009 13:30 from: George Ray Martin Thank you so much ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_706.php
... " radius with those curves. That being so, you will need to modify your stock to run on 27" radius. That being so, you may as well reduce the main line to the same minimum radius and get the huge advantage of some long transition curves. These will not only run better, the severity of the curve will be much less noticeable. I'm a bit pushed for time, but I've thrown this together to give you the idea. The transitions run onto the traverser. The next step is to insert a long turnout into the curve such as a D12 or E14 to create the crossover. To ensure clearance between vehicles on such a tight curve, you need to increase the track spacing. I suggest increasing the (nominal for EM) 6ft way by 1ft-6in. That means adding 6mm to the spacing, from 44.67mm to 50.67mm. alberta_trans.png regards, Martin. posted: 20 Jan 2009 19:40 from: Alberta, Martin i am still new to this& i dont understand alote of the technical jargon involved ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_700.php
... sprung points can't be used on a single-track line. Double-bladed catch points are used as trap points to prevent unauthorised movements from goods lines onto passenger lines, as in Mick's picture. They are always rodded from the signal box and interlocked in the lever frame. Sometimes a single catch point is used instead, usually where space constraints mean that the catch point must be incorporated within other pointwork. More about catch points in these topics: click here and here. There is a short Templot video showing how to insert a set of catch points: click here. There was a detailed discussion on RMweb about catch points: click here. regards, Martin. posted: 28 Jan 2009 14:18 from: micknich Just to confuse matters, the Walton Street "Catch Point" was spring worked and therefore not rodded to the signal box. Also unusualy the line it was on was nominaly a passenger line with no booked goods traffic. Indeed after July 1955 it had no booked traffic at all. It still remains today as a single ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_640.php
... that. The user base has changed significantly since the early days. Any offers to write the next page here? It is now nearly 12 months since I wrote this one: http://templot.com/companion/4_where_do_i_start.html regards, Martin. posted: posted: 1 May 2017 18:18 from: Phil O Martin, I have looked at your link and I would say that swapping hand and swapping end would be the next two items on the list of top to do's followed by converting to plain track after which inserting a turnout in plain track. To my mind these are the very necessary basics to be able to do anything in Templot. It took me quite a while to find out how to do these things when I first download Templot. I hope these pointers are useful to you. I think it would also be important to point out how useful it is to download and print the "F" chart and have a play with that, once they have got past the first couple of hurdles. Phil. Last edited on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3014.php
... topic: 3036 Rail Joint and Timber Changes on Diamonds posted: 6 Jun 2017 11:52 from: Godfrey Earnshaw I was creating a 1 in 7 moveable K-crossing diamond in 4 -SF. I started with plain track then template> insert diamond in plain track. This created a half-diamond with fixed K-crossing. However, I wanted to have a moveable K-crossing. So, real> K-crossing options> moveable K-crossings. At this point I noticed that the main-road and diagonal-road stock rail joints had moved toward the vee and consequently the K numbered timbers had increased in quantity. However the T numbered timbers had decreased in quantity to just two which were overlapping. I am not sure whether to reduce the T to one and adjust it's position slightly or try to space the two timbers a little. I tried the same in P4 and there is a similar change in rail joint position although there are 4 rather than two T timbers My main question is, why is there ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3036.php
... enjoy more than building a loco! So all of this preamble is to say I agree with you on the Dean engines; the Dean goods being a particular favourite. I am however rather fond of the Chuchward engines and Moguls in particular. Rather handily Malcom Mitchell includes a second cab and firebox in his kit. As the real weak point of the Mainline/ Bachman Mogul( of which I have two) is the firebox being about 25% too wide I managed to chop all this out of one of my Moguls and insert the Mitchell alternative instead. Its the one shown a few pages back on this thread. And although it doesn't look anything special at present( unpainted) I think when finished and it should be hard to tell it from the Mitchell model. The 58xx of course! the Collett version of the 516 class( if I've got the number correct) attractive engines both. Well another loose heel switch calls before bed I think. Hope to have a bit more to report tomorrow. Thanks again for telling me a bit of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  138k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3342.php
... API for direct loading of tiles. But it is available as a "slippy map" web site with a useful option of adjustable transparency over an underlying base map or aerial image -- in effect you get two maps for each web URL. Which means screenshots can be made manually for use as background picture shapes. The difficulty is sizing them to the exact scale to match your model. So I thought I would look at supplementing the directly loaded maps with an option for Templot to make the screenshots for you, and insert them automatically at the correct scaled size. It's working quite well, and will be in the next program update. 2_062230_270000003.png As usual, getting it to work is the easy bit. What always makes me sweat is creating a simple user interface, and especially writing the notes in words which folks will actually read, and not glaze over when they see them. So here is the first draft for this function. Please read these notes and let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks: 2_062230_260000000.png 2_062230_270000001.png 2_062230_270000002.png regards, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  134k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3051.php
... topic: 637 Basic track planning functions posted: 22 Nov 2008 16:24 from: Martin Wynne If you have never watched it, or need a reminder of the basics, this starter video is worth a look: starter_sketch_video_trans.gif In less than 5 minutes it covers all the most common mouse actions and track planning functions: F3 approach length F4 overall length F5 size F6 curving F7 shift F8 rotate F10 swell CTRL-F6 snake CTRL-F9 roam insert turnout swap end-for-end invert handing make simple crossover make split make branch track Note also that this simple track plan is created without any direct use of the full peg and notch functions, or the F7 snapping function. I made this video originally as a guide for Russ to show how to create a track plan over his sketch. Only later did it dawn on me that it makes an excellent introduction to the basic track planning functions in Templot, and may be a better place to start than the out-of-date "track plan" tutorial. I have re- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_637.php
... expressed myself inadequately when I referred to the snapping of templates. I was referring to times, usually when I'm fiddling with an existing design and I need to connect the new templates to the existing trackwork. That is something that I've always found a bit of a challenge in Templot. My approach is to start at one end (of the new bit) and lay in a new piece of plain track (snapped to the existing design at one end) and curved to the correct radius and then I add turnouts by "inserting" them one by one with "Make Split" to facilitate this much as in your video. I then either align the other end of the new templates with the existing plan by eye(probably not the correct approach?) or I use "Peg Align Tools \Transition Curve" typically which gives me what I'm after. So when I found that snapping (to the nearest template) wasnt working I thought I must have made an unintentional change somewhere... Ended up at your post where you explained what ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3066.php
... .box file is go to Pad>Hide name labels as there are a large number of them cluttering up the drawing. I always hide these as I don't use them myself. Alan McMillan swissrail1.png Attachment: attach_413_630_P87_4-Slip_Scissors_4.5m_Centres.box 370 posted: 16 Nov 2008 22:31 from: Paul Boyd Now put the whole lot on a curve posted: 16 Nov 2008 23:00 from: Alan McMillan Paul Boyd wrote: Now put the whole lot on a curve If you were to create plain double track on a curve and the insert the turnouts you want to be the basis of the scissors into that plain track, I don't think it would be any more difficult than the straight one was! I must try it sometime. I love curved formations and Templot gives you the delicious ability to use transitions and slews all over the place. I've attached my unfinished layout plan to give you some idea of what I mean. It's based on Montreux as it was before it was rebuilt in 1996 but I'm adding to it as the basis of my dream layout ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_630.php
... 1200px-A_scissors_crossover_at_Uraga.JPG Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication There are some notes on scissors crosovers here: topic 2930- message 20790 If you post a track plan or photo, we can be sure we are talking about the same thing. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Sep 2017 16:35 from: Cornelis de Groot Hi Martin Yes that is more or less it. However I like to have a triple sciccor crossover. I had already uploaded a picture (see gallery) but will do it again and try inserting this time. Regards Cornelis3467_271134_080000000.jpg Martin Wynne wrote: Cornelis de Groot wrote: I want to build this in HO 16.5 mm with a track distance of 51-54 mm and in code 83 FB. Hi Cornelis, Welcome to Templot Club. That's a common operating practice at UK stations too. I think you mean a "scissors" crossover? 1200px-A_scissors_crossover_at_Uraga.JPG Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication There are some notes on scissors crosovers here: topic 2930- message 20790 If you post a track plan or photo ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3087.php
... topic: 3090 adjacent track centres posted: 2 Oct 2017 22:09 from: Rodger Chaplin Inserting preset seems to cause an error message "invalid floating point operation" which results in templot closure Hope it's not me being an idiot. regards Rodger posted: 2 Oct 2017 22:53 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rodger, Oh dear, that's a major fatal bug. The worst in 18 years of Templot. Thanks for finding it. I will get it fixed and post an update overnight. regards, Martin. posted: 3 Oct 2017 02:16 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rodger, Now fixed in 215d and available on the server. See: topic 3091 Thanks again for finding and reporting it. regards, Martin. posted: 3 Oct 2017 07:29 from: Phil O How many other software providers would provide such service, a bug reported and fixed in a little over 4 hours. Marvellous stuff Martin. Thanks Phil posted: 3 Oct 2017 17:38 from: d827kelly Phil O wrote: How many other software ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3090.php
... contains the instructions: http://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT204436 For CTRL-F1 to CTRL-F10 in Templot you can simply press numbers 1 to 0 instead along the main keyboard. Print out the F-key chart to see the other single-key alternatives -- help> print F-key chart menu item. The F keys and others seem to be disappearing from the latest computers and tablets, or else require using an awkward Fn key -- for example my Surface Pro tablet has no Insert key. So I'm intending to add a floating on-screen keyboard in the next Templot update. A few basic functions are already available on the beginner buttons along the top of the trackpad, and this will extend that idea. All the functions are always available on the action menu and the other menus, so that Templot could be used without a keyboard at all, but the keyboard or a touch-screen is much faster. Martin, you have been very helpful over the years and it has been some time ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  177k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1540.php
... . Adjust the turnout road exit lengths so that the rails overlap. 2. change the lower turnout to a C-11 as above, and roam it back to align. 3. use CTRL+ F12 again on one or both of them to reduce the overlap. 4. for the timbering, refer to your prototype. You could: a. widen some of the existing exit sleepers to timbers and extend the length of them, or b. set geometry> turnout road exit length> normal on both turnouts and insert a short length of plain track, or c. add some bonus timbers as plain sleepers. Shove them into position. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Oct 2017 12:29 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, I was writing my reply without seeing yours. To measure the track spacing it is easier to use action> mouse actions: control/geometry> adjust adjacent track centres TS, which also sets it. These mouse actions are also available from the dummy vehicle dialog. See this video: http: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3107.php
... some timber under them. This often means using more timbers, or wider timbers, so that the chairs are firmly supported and the chair screws are not too near to the edge of a timber. Timbers should be as near as possible at right-angles to the rails. This creates the strongest track, able to resist gauge-spread. This is especially important on curved tracks. Timbers must be able to be packed up level if necessary. This means that the gang must be able to dig out under them, insert jacks, and place fresh ballast. This is very difficult to do if timbers are very close together side by side or end to end. Rail joints are the weakest parts of the track. Timbers on each side of a rail joint should be as close together as possible. This generally means joint timbers are spaced at no more than 25" centres, so that a standard fishplate just fits between the chairs. This isn't always possible, in which case wider joint spacings should be on the diverging track rather than the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_617.php
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