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... of working all hours of night and day to give us the amazing product that he has and with the unbelievable support. Again, Martin has asked us a question. Whatever our answer, we owe him the courtesy of a response. Glen Do remember that each time you visit this thread it counts that as a view. I've visited this thread now probably getting on for 15-20 times. So it's easy to see why viewing numbers get so high but responses so few. Kind regards Dave posted: 4 Mar 2009 08:20 from: Brian Lewis Martin Wynne wrote:... but it will be one more thing where Templot differs from the Windows standard. I can scarce believe that this could be said seriously. Like it or not, Windows is an accepted and easily understood standard world-wide. Surely the fact that Templot operates so differently to Windows is the core reason why folk find it so hard to master? I think I will go ahead and make this change anyway. So much for the poll... ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_743.php
... mentioned that would happen. It's caused because you have a second monitor, which is set with its top more than 50 pixels above the top of the monitor on which Templot is displayed. If you adjust the monitor rectangles so that the tops are level, or Templot is on the higher one, (i.e. re-arrange them in the Display Properties) the problem will be cured. Thanks for reporting this. I have changed the code now for the next pug. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Mar 2009 08:09 from: Pete Brownlow Hi Martin, In fact my second monitor (with a lower resolution, only 1024x768) which is on the left, had its top below that of the primary monitor (resolution 1280x1024). I am displaying Templot on the primary, larger, one of the two. In fact, the secondary was centred so its top was below and its bottom above the primary. I've now moved the secondary up so the tops are level and, as you say, that has fixed the problem ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_742.php
... must also type something in the message part. It's not possible to post an attachment by itself. cheers, Martin. posted: 17 Oct 2018 20:45 from: Bernard Haste Thank you. I`ll have a go in the morning. Bernard By the way. To be really correct the rail to be used should be about code 55. I have some code 55 rail which (I think) will have a narrower head than the code 70. This might help with clearances. posted: 18 Oct 2018 08:23 from: Bernard Haste For those that are interested there is a useful picture of the two points in question at http://www.bahnbilder.de/bild/schweiz~rhaetische-bahn~strecke-berninabahn-sm-ti/408763/nur-kurz-ist-das-ebene-stueck.html Hope I have got that all in correctly. Bernard posted: 18 Oct 2018 08:50 from: Martin Wynne Hi Bernard, I have amended the link for you. (Always copy and paste links from the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3344.php
... from: Phil O Hi Martin I have downloaded the latest update to my laptop, the other two PCs are yet to be done, but I am getting blocked by AVG from opening it, see the attached screen shots.38_030251_040000000.png I have clicked on the I trust this file and now get this next image. 38_030253_160000000.png My problem is I don't have a clue how to configure settings to allow me to open Templot. This is the first time AVG has blocked Templot. I am using Win 7. Phil posted: 3 Oct 2017 08:20 from: wcampbell23 Hi Martin Same problem here- Windows 7, AVG anti-virus on an HP Pavilion with an AMD processor. Regards. Bill Campbell. posted: 3 Oct 2017 08:45 from: Matt M. Hi Guys, You need to go into AVGm and specify the file path. It will give you a a choice to browse and when you click on that Templot will appear in the list. Click on the box at the side to tick and all should be well. AVG is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3091.php
... sleepers per panel end length Last edited on 31 Mar 2015 20:44 by madscientist posted: 31 Mar 2015 20:49 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: Sorry one last question for today I have set my plain track to suit SMP etc and rail joints are in effect in the middle of two plain sleepers. I notice on transition curves( I'm happy with these now) that it still makes two close sleepers per panel end length Hi Dave, What's the question? Martin. posted: 1 Apr 2015 12:08 from: madscientist can I stop templot when it generates a transition curve from applying closer sleepers at the panel joins. Im trying to make all plain track confirm to flexitrack measurements, so that the resulting templates are correct DAve posted: 1 Apr 2015 12:58 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: can I stop templot when it generates a transition curve from applying closer sleepers at the panel joins. Im trying to make all plain track confirm to flexitrack measurements, so that the resulting templates are correct Hi Dave, ? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2664.php
... topic: 2257 Roller gauges for 14mm posted: 13 Jul 2013 08:04 from: SimonH Hi There Does any "Temploter" know of a supplier of 14mm roller track gauges please? I can find a few 14.?? gauges but not 14mm exactly. Cheers Simon Handby posted: 13 Jul 2013 08:15 from: polybear Hi, If this is for 0-14 Track Standards you may be well be lucky here: http://www.kbscale.com/track-parts.html HTH polybear Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Roller gauges for 14mm about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2257.php
... a little overscale for production purposes but I don't think it is out of place. Just maybe it could also work in 7mm scale ?? Now what did I do with those Gem lever frames I got back in 1976.... Rob Overscale or not it looks like a great way of avoiding the nightmare of mounting point motors under the baseboard. The logical extension would, of course, be a robotic signalman to operate the levers (not quite as ridiculous as it might seem.) posted: 8 Oct 2018 08:32 from: Hayfield Andrew Barrowman wrote: Rob Manchester wrote: Quick picture taken on the DCC Concepts stand at Wigan show today. 2001_061616_410000000.jpg They admit to it being a little overscale for production purposes but I don't think it is out of place. Just maybe it could also work in 7mm scale ?? Now what did I do with those Gem lever frames I got back in 1976.... Rob Overscale or not it looks like a great way of avoiding the nightmare of mounting point motors under the baseboard ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3328.php
228. Brimsdown
... Hello Tony Have you shown anywhere what is "layout" and what is "fiddle yard". I don't know if I'm being very dense but just by looking at your plan I'm finding it quite hard to decipher whats what. If I've missed your description on E4 forum please just point me in the right direction. Very good to meet you at Scaleforum and I'm sorry we didn't have more time to talk as I would have liked to know more about Brimsdown and its owner! Kind regards Andrew posted: 14 Oct 2018 08:40 from: Tony W Hi Andrew. Have you tried loading in the background shapes as this will make it obvious which side is which? Or just download the SK81 file and view it as a picture. Regards Tony. Last edited on 14 Oct 2018 08:42 by Tony W posted: 14 Oct 2018 21:26 from: Rob Manchester Andrew, As you may have seen by now the station is the double track at the bottom of the plan. The majority of the trackwork is staging for trains ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3325.php
... , so the date and time on them is irrelevant. On reloading this evening (Monday) it reappeared and the track diagram has reverted to the same state as on Saturday.( I think it may have done the same did the same yesterday). You haven't by any chance installed Templot somewhere under C:\Program Files\? Or in any other folder owned by Windows? Templot won't work if you do that. Please see the installation notes at: topic 1500 regards, Martin. posted: 6 Mar 2012 08:04 from: Jerry Hi Martin, I perhaps did not explain myself clearly. Firstly I understand that the bumping of the version number will cause that message to appear. But I would not have expected that after I had loaded the box file, let's call it vA and then saved it when it becomes vB, with the upgraded filoes incorporated. When I restarted Templot I would expect it would reload vB and the message not appear. Secondly I have not actually 'reloaded' any files, I am 'restoring' my ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1864.php
... topic: 2242 Adding a conductor (third) rail to a template posted: 28 Jun 2013 12:08 from: TonyHagon (This text and images awaiting review by Martin for accuracy and because I am sure that there is a better way of doing it than I describe here!) In developing the templates for Brighton 75A, I wanted to add the position of the conductor rail to the running tracks of the West Coast (Hove) branch and West Sidings. Here's how I did it: First of all, some sums... The extremely helpful webpage: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/russelliott/3rd-4th.html shows the distance from the inside face of the running rail to the centre of the conductor rail to be 1' 4"= 5.3mm in 4mm/ft (I ignored the tolerances given on the webpage). Using the rail section drawings lower down the same page for the 106lb rail, the rail head is given as 1.08 mm. Take half of this (0.54mm) and subtract from the dimension above to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2242.php
... and 2 lie normal for the slip road, so that pulling only 3 provides a main line crossover. However, I see from your RMweb topic that you are modelling GWR practice, in which case things may be done differently. We need a reply from Howard (JFS) who is the signalling expert in these parts. It's important that the levers are arranged in the frame so that it is never necessary to pull a lever between two which are already pulled. cheers, Martin. posted: 30 Aug 2018 18:08 from: madscientist thanks posted: 14 Sep 2018 08:55 from: madscientist I managed to track down a numbered signal diagram of the station, badminton, that we based the current layout on, so I now have a lever numbering guide, I still have to work out the text for the leads as that wasn't included What was interesting is the levers are grouped in the frame by road direction rather then physical location grouping( which I thought was more common) Interesting posted: 14 Sep 2018 10:07 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3322.php
... topic: 3309 Switched Diamond with Slip Road in Bullhead posted: 20 Jul 2018 08:38 from: Jim Guthrie I'm helping someone out fine-tuning his design for a layout in 0-MF and there is a ladder of diamonds on a curve where the crossing angles are over 1:8. So the diamonds should be switched. But I have to place slip roads on two of the diamonds and I wonder if this had been done on the prototype in bullhead days. I'm interested in how the switches for the slip and the switches for the diamond co-existed. Jim. posted: 20 Jul 2018 08:53 from: Raymond There were, if I remember correctly, switched diamond slips at Snow Hill but I am unsure if such things were used on main running lines. I drew up Snow Hill in Templot some years ago including the switched slips in Templot. Unfortunately I do not have the plans any longer. Regards Raymond posted: 20 Jul 2018 21:23 from: DM There used to be quite a few ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3309.php
... brass fish-plates soldered between sections of track rather than wire connections below the baseboard. I'm also contemplating using strategically positioned brass chairs to solder the feed droppers to, to get the power to the track. My question is, has anyone out there tried this method and if so, have you found any pitfalls with this method? Regards, Dave posted: 10 Apr 2012 19:22 from: Raymond I'd have thought that they woould work exactly the same of droppers. Regards Raymond posted: 10 Apr 2012 20:08 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, A general engineering principle is that you don't use a mechanical fixing as an electrical connection. Mechanical fixings are subject to the stress of thermal expansion/contraction, timber shrinkage, vibration, etc. The original Protofour riveted plywood track system used an electrical feed through one of the rivets, and it was always unreliable. When a soldered rivet fractured due to thermal expansion, guess which one it was? Most users soon abandoned the system. A suitable wire for short droppers is bare 1 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1918.php
... roads are yet to be drawn) before I start shoving the timbers and tidying things up. So, I am eager to get it finished so that I can start building something! Michael Last edited on 12 May 2014 21:29 by Michael Woolford posted: 12 May 2014 22:19 from: Ian Allen Michael, Can you post your .box file as there are a couple of options you could use, depending on how the siding(s) are connected to the running lines. Ian posted: 13 May 2014 08:32 from: Michael Woolford Hi Ian, I have attached the box file. Also included is a sketch of the plan. As you can see there is an additional crossover and the area that has the box around it has changed to a single and double slip (right to left) .2786_130322_370000000.jpg Attachment: attach_1846_2457_Station_Layout_13 May14.box 248 Last edited on 13 May 2014 08:36 by Michael Woolford posted: 13 May 2014 11:38 from: Martin Wynne Hi Michael, There are two types of wide-to- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2457.php
... . To my mind Robs suggestion of an evaluation period would seem the best way forward as it seems to be able to addresss all the concerns? Like many others I have never had a problem with Paypal. I have held an account for over four years and would always welcome it as a means for payment. More and more companies are now offering Paypal which is good news to me. Incidently I have used online banking for longer than I can remember, couldn't live without it! posted: 14 Jun 2011 23:08 from: Les G Hi Martin, I am not a lawyer either, but as a customer, the provision of a personalised access code tailored to a my specific computer clearly seems to fit the description of being specifically personalised. There is also Caveat Emptor, which places a responsibility on the purchaser to ensure that what is being purchased is what they want. It is therefore up to me, as customer, to decide if the software will meet my requirements before I buy. Which I did, and I have. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1534.php
236. Track Jig
... topic: 2459 Track Jig posted: 15 May 2014 22:18 from: Len Cattley I have been trying to design a 60' track jig so I need to know the distance between the sleepers so I can make some spacers, I have been sent this guide to help but is it correct? Len Attachment: attach_1851_2459_Sleeper_spacing_c hart.jpg 216 posted: 16 May 2014 04:08 from: Martin Wynne Len Cattley wrote: I have been trying to design a 60' track jig so I need to know the distance between the sleepers so I can make some spacers, I have been sent this guide to help but is it correct? Hi Len, Yes, that table is from BRT3 of 1964, page 54. It shows the spacings for traditional jointed track with timber sleepers for the BR post-nationalization era. The table shows centre-to-centre dimensions, so to create spacers for a jig you need to subtract 10" (the width of a sleeper) from each dimension. Modern concrete-sleepered CWR (long-welded ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2459.php
... topic: 1122 Switch blade spacing posted: 15 May 2010 08:33 from: Arthur Budd I'm building my first P4 track using Templot and I've reached the point where I've got to fix the blades to a turnout operating device. I've decided, for the sake of simplicity, to use Norman Soloman's method as described in MRJ 151. This uses a 2.5mm wide strip of PCB material with brass lace pins soldered to the blades. The spacing of the pins is given as 15.5mm for both EM and P4 but having tried this, it gives a gap between the blade and the stock rail of about 2 mm which, to my untutored eye seems too big. Many years ago I read an article by Iain Rice where he advocated cut down "Dinky" hair grips Araldited together to give a joint clamp/gauge for setting point blades. This device would give a gap of about 1.3 mm which would seem to be much closer to the prototype gap of about 4 inches. What do other people use as a blade/stock rail gap in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1122.php
238. Index
... while now, but why don't you install one of the free Wiki products floating around. With one people could add their own info and take a hell of a load off yourself. There is tons of software products out there that use them so I can only see it being beneficial in the long run. Maybe even Brian would use it Cheers Bruce posted: 25 Feb 2010 07:54 from: BruceNordstrand this is the sort of things I am talking about: http://twiki.org/ posted: 25 Feb 2010 08:14 from: Martin Wynne BruceNordstrand wrote: I have thought this for a while now, but why don't you install one of the free Wiki products floating around. With one people could add their own info and take a hell of a load off yourself. Hi Bruce, Thanks for that, but I'm not sure how it differs significantly from what we have already. If anyone has something to contribute, please just post it here on Templot Club and then send me the link to include it in the index. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1055.php
... haven't managed this one!). I can, and have in the past, built the track on the template, making the various crossings to suit. But I'm sure it can be done more sophisticatedly. I don't want to change any of the existing alignments, as I struggled for a long time to get the whole thing to flow. Ignore the timbering -- I'll be using interlaced sleepering a la Caledonian Railway. Can anyone advise me? Please! Allan Ferguson Attachment: attach_746_1061_Muckhart_north_10 _03_07_0124_09.box 318 posted: 7 Mar 2010 08:48 from: Martin Wynne Hi Allan, It's not generally a good idea to run a slew through pointwork -- slews are intended mainly for plain track. If possible it is better to use a transition curve instead. I found that this transition matched your alignment very closely: initial radius= 10980 mm final radius= straight length along the initial radius= 0 length along transition section= 995 mm 2_070316_330000000.png I snaked (CTRL+ F6) the turnout forward by about 2mm to line up the V-crossing with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1061.php
... column 'g.group_skip_auth' in 'where clause' [1054] An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists. Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: finescalefred@gmail.com No doubt he will get it fixed and back up in due course. regards, Martin. posted: 20 Mar 2010 17:59 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, I'm now getting the main pages again but I'm not able to access any individual threads. Maybe I'll try later. Jim. posted: 21 Mar 2010 08:03 from: Martin Wynne Hi Jim, It seems their hosting provider is upgrading all hosted boards to the latest version of phpBB3: http://twitter.com/forumhost If they are all down, he has some unhappy customers. The latest news on his front page at: http://www.phpbbhosts.co.uk is over 12 months old, and his support forum is also down. regards, Martin. posted: 21 Mar 2010 08:20 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, There may be something to be said in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1083.php
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