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... installer added on another Templot_Dev folder to give the...Templot_Dev/Templot_Dev location. I pulled out of the installation and started again and selected the OneDrive root folder for installation and when I clicked OK, it didn't add a Templot_Dev folder. I finally got the installtion where I wanted to by getting back to the Templot_Dev/Templot_Dev destination and editing the excess Templot_Dev off the end and the install went ahead into my Templot_Dev folder and I had all my preferences and files. This might be a wee bit hazy since it was a few days ago and I can't go back and reproduce it but I do remember the installer adding Templot_Dev on if I selected the Templot_Dev folder as a destination, but not adding Templot_Dev on if I selected the OneDrive root folder. Jim. Last edited on 31 Jul 2019 21:23 by Jim Guthrie posted: 31 Jul 2019 22:15 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Jim. That rings a bell with some issues on a forum about other software which uses the same Inno Setup installer. The dialog is: 2_311635_530000000.png How it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  45k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3470.php
... topic: 1169 Free Download Site for Older Railway Books. posted: 15 Jul 2010 16:23 from: Brian Nicholls Hi All, Have just discovered, a few days ago, a great link to FREE downloads of old railway books. The link is as follows: http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignallin00wilsrich This link will take you direct to the book "Railway Signalling: Automatic; First Edition 1922", but from there you can search for other books as required. Please note I am not sure exactly how many books are available, as I am still searching the site from time to time. So far I have downloaded the following books: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- "Notes on Permanent-Way Material, Platelaying ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1169.php
... specifically intended. It is certainly too close to the track to protect it from anything. In fact if something should dislodge it over the running rail it would present an even greater hazard. Hmm... Martin. posted: 13 Nov 2014 15:38 from: DerekStuart I am going to Whitby (taking photo's of the one remaining original turnout) I will drop a copy of this into NYMR permanent way department and ask them. I agree with Martin's assesment that it can't be a deliberate barrier. I have a few people still sending me pictures of the station so perhaps it will show up on another one. posted: 13 Nov 2014 18:17 from: Trevor Walling Hello, Is it something to retain the groundwork away from the rail and enable access to knock the chair keys in? Trevor posted: 13 Nov 2014 20:16 from: DerekStuart Hi Trevor, the ground there is very stable on 100 years (at the time of the photo) compacted cinder/ash ballast that was level with the sleepers. The stone ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  103k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2573.php
... in the Netherlands. Unfortunately Nils suffered a brain injury in a serious horse-riding accident in November. He is on the mend, but not yet back at work. If you are reading this Nils (not very likely), best wishes for a full recovery. I have purchased full sources and made significant changes to suit Templot, and not having Nils available for user support has been a difficulty. I'm confident I can solve most of the outstanding issues, but the first release of the Sketchbook may still have a few rough edges. regards, Martin. posted: 6 Mar 2009 01:37 from: Nigel Brown Excellent stuff Martin. I like the look of Sketchbook. Personally I wouldn't worry about the two origins; so long as people know what the two different sets of axes are for that ought to be sufficient, and in fact having two origins may help to illuminate the difference. cheers Nigel posted: 6 Mar 2009 19:07 from: Ashley Excellent stuff Martin. I look forward to this update. posted: 6 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_753.php
... : http://templot.com/contingency/templot_companion_nov_2019.pdf If several folks download this (18MB), it's likely that someone somewhere would have a copy which could be uploaded somewhere else if ever the need arose. I will try to keep it updated. It's scruffy and intended only as a backup to the web site -- I haven't tried to create a neat publication. I set the page length as long as possible to avoid too many breaks in reading, which means there is a lot of blank space in the first few pages. The entries on the contents list should be clickable to go to the relevant pages, and most of the links within it should work, depending on the mood your PDF reader program is in. What it does do is make it only too clear how much remains to be done on there. One day. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Nov 2019 20:45 from: Rob Manchester Hello Martin, Good idea. I have downloaded the Companion PDF and saved it in my cloud storage. I would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3543.php
... possibly allow them to be broken out with minimal force? Would your software provide for that? Provided the top corner was clean, any roughness in the break would be hidden by the ballast. As I understand it, the laser cutter uses raster (bitmap) data in the image to engrave the surface, and red vector line data to cut through. What happens for other colours of vector data? Can you set a different cut depth for each colour? regards, Martin. Hi Martin, A web site is a few weeks away, but when finished, will include details of track bases amongst other things. Yes a half depth cut can be made on the edges of all tags. This would weaken the whole structure, but the tags are only there to keep sleepers in position and not for strength. My software can certainly do that. Another alternative is to half etch all the web pieces, the part being left can be covered by ballast, although with .8mm material will this be enough? Universal Laser Systems supply a basic driver ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  132k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_767.php
... when turning your computer off, Templot (and all your other running programs) will restart where you left off when you turn the computer back on, without needing an internet connection. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Apr 2014 07:06 from: Hayfield Martin Thank you, I must have misunderstood what has been said in other replies in the past. The reason for the question is that I am doing a track building demonstration at a local show in May. The last one I did I was asked quite a few questions about Templot. Its much easier to show the answer so I have just borrowed an old laptop which I can take with me to show (providing its not too technical) rather than talk in answering any questions that may arise. The most common statement is that I cannot make a template, or how do you start (these are questions I can answer) You have just answered my question, thanks again John posted: 13 Apr 2014 07:37 from: Alan Turner A word of warning however, as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2442.php
... closing. What seems to be closing is the Yahoo Groups web site -- the email list distribution will continue. The Templot Email Group on Yahoo was our only means of discussion from 2000 to 2007. At that point we started this Templot Club web forum instead. To minimize disruption to members, I arranged for all messages posted here to continue to be transmitted via the old email group to members who wished to receive them that way. It seems that will continue, and even after 12 years there are still quite a few members who receive their Templot Club email messages that way. So no-one will need to do anything if they don't want to. What this has meant is that we have now built up a 19-years archive of Templot messages on the Yahoo web site. Which it seems we shall now lose. Which is a shame, because the Yahoo site (when it worked) provided an excellent advanced Search function for the entire 19 years worth of messages. We have other means to search the last 12 years of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3522.php
... topic: 2385 Building a Aussie Layout posted: 22 Jan 2014 06:45 from: Linton78 Hi, My name is Linton and I am very new to Templot. I am currently building an Australian based layout, centred around Picton, NSW, circa 1955, link- http://stonequarrycreek.blogspot.com.au/ I have found Templot to be very good so far. It was a little hard to get my head around a few things at first but things are now slowly sinking in. I have drawn my track plan, including a single slip (I was very happy that it worked) but I am having a few troubles in trying to replicate NSW Government Railway point characteristics, particularly sleeper layout. My dramas so far: 1. My single slip L/H point blades do not flow into the stock rail properly. My R/H points blades are fine. Realistically it wont affect building the slip but I would like to know where I went wrong; 2. My track plan includes a passenger siding bay within one of the platforms ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2385.php
... topic: 2521 3 way turnout in copperclad posted: 25 Aug 2014 20:03 from: Hayfield I thought I would share the build of this turnout especially as I was given so much assistance with the plan. Built to 00sf through the crossings, then flared out to 00 gauge to match flexi track 982_251458_180000000.jpg I stick the plan to a building board, then tape tracing paper over it, followed by a few very thin strips of double-sided tape which is what I use to hold the sleepers to the paper. Don't put any tape where the tie-bars go. My prefered start place is from the Vee furthest on the right the work back with the next two 982_251458_520000000.jpg Most of the rails are now in place, though at this point just tacked to the sleepers in a few places for initial testing during the build Last edited on 25 Aug 2014 20:08 by Hayfield posted: 26 Aug 2014 17:56 from: Paul Boyd Hi "Hayfield" That looks good! Can I make one suggestion though? In the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2521.php
... www.comcast.net/help/faq/index.jsp?faq=SecurityMail_Policy18627 N.B. This problem applies only to forum members who are Comcast users. As far as I know, all other forum members are receiving email without problems at present. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Aug 2007 03:41 from: Dave Phillips Martin, I'm on Comcast and receiving Templot Club email just fine. When this problem originally occurred early in June, I contacted Comcast and asked them to unblock your ISP, which they did. It only took a few hours for Comcast to do this. You can submit a request to unblock the Templot IP address at http://www.comcastsupport.com/rbl. The IP address (at that time) was Is your IP address the same? Maybe if each affected person requested unblocking, Comcast will eventually get the message! Best regards, Dave posted: 5 Aug 2007 04:20 from: Martin Wynne Dave Phillips wrote: I'm on Comcast and receiving Templot Club email just fine. When this problem originally occurred early in June ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  100k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_19.php
... 6 Mar 2015 00:11 from: Dave Summers Hi Martin It looks very similar. Like this: Attachment: attach_2082_2514_Screen_Shot_2015-03-06_at_00.08.20.png 297 posted: 6 Mar 2015 00:28 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Dave. But that can't possibly be the official Apple format for screen recording, surely? But if not, what is? Martin. posted: 6 Mar 2015 00:45 from: Matt M. Hi Martin, Just caught up with this as I have been busy and not reading emails for the last few days. It looks like that when playing FBR in Templot, using Windows 8 in Bootcamp. There is something about that video format that just doesn't agree with the way Apple's OS handles display information. (Including recent Retina displays). I have had other weird results regarding display problems with Windows software running in Bootcamp. My favourite still being the CAD program where any circle drawn would disappear behind the work surface never to be seen again. Not a problem that occurred when running on a non Apple PC. FBR is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  144k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2514.php
... : 3 Dec 2019 12:49 from: Martin Wynne Hi Graeme, Many thanks for doing that. Yes I can live with that. I might even get to like it in time. I think it is important to see what it looks like with syntax highlighting, because in practice that how it is almost always viewed: 2_030735_420000000.png I confess it is unnerving to see an else and not be able to glance vertically above it to find the then. For one thing you don't know how far back to look, a few lines or several pages? One change I would prefer if it's possible, would be a blank line below "procedure..."/"function..."? You probably noticed that I already sometimes put ends below a block rather than strictly below the begin. But in that case I often comment the end; to indicate what it is the end of. For example with bananas do begin if ripe=True then eat_now else keep; end;//with or for n:=0 to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3564.php
... topic: 2460 Station Throat Timbering posted: 16 May 2014 22:20 from: Michael Woolford Since my plan is now finished, other than the turntable and back road, I would like to start work on the timbering. I have looked through a few topics on here to see what I could find out, but I have come to find that it is very much a black art, especially in more complex areas. I am modelling the end of the LMS into Nationalisation and would like some information on their practices when it comes to the alignment of timbers. One of the first things I need to do is choose between square on/equalised timbering. Any info re the correct way of doing things? I have also attached the box file. Thanks in advance. Michael Attachment: attach_1852_2460_Station_Layout_16 May14.box 417 Last edited on 16 May 2014 22:58 by Michael Woolford posted: 18 May 2014 13:14 from: Martin Wynne Michael Woolford wrote: One of the first things I need to do is choose between square on/equalised timbering ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2460.php
... custom timbering layouts (called "timber shoving"), but it doesn't do it for you. That's because there is an infinite number of prototype permutations, and only you know what you want. When you click "make crossover" Templot automatically leaves a space in the timbering on one side, to remind you that some timber shoving will be needed to extend long timbers across from the other side. It's quite quick to do -- just click on the timber's number and then press the L key (lengthen) a few times. Each press adds 6" (scale) to the length. If you wish, every individual timber and sleeper in Templot can be adjusted for exact size and position, but normally it's only necessary to adjust a few of them where they conflict. Here's an example of a printed template from Templot, showing long timbers and the results of some timber shoving: long_timber_shoving.png regards, Martin. posted: 2 Feb 2009 13:44 from: Martin Lloyd What would the maximum length likely to be for such timbers? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_720.php
... buildings, so I am not sure anyone would notice the difference to the same extent as in 4mm or 7mm scale ;) There are other aspects of the diorama that would be difficult to reproduce exactly, as information is sparse- like the station buildings, for example. It would most likely have to be a diorama "in the style of Dudley" rather than an exact model. Having said all that, I have just managed to get a copy of the British Railways Illustrated edition featuring Dudley, which does have a few better photos of the trackwork on the LNWR side- so I will study this carefully and make any amendments that seem necessary to the Templot plan. Closeups of the 2 slips are still elusive though. posted: 14 Jun 2014 19:02 from: sp1 Is the Dudley in Worcestershire (now West Midlands)?- I live the other side of town from where the station used to be! posted: 14 Jun 2014 19:21 from: Dennis Mowatt sp1 wrote: Is the Dudley in Worcestershire (now West ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2466.php
... to be the end of my involvement. If it doesn't work for someone else or they can't understand it, don't use it. Martin. Hello Martin, Have you thought about recruiting some volunteers from the forum to assist in answering peoples questions in order to ease your workload?I am sure there are members who would be willing to help.You never seem to sleep and the speed of your replies on many occasions is so quick other members don't have time to respond.Most forums don't rely on one person alone and I think letting a few people assist you would help you to feel more positive about what is after all an amazing creation for modellers to use. Trevor. posted: 9 Jan 2014 16:33 from: John Lewis Howard wrote: Mine is here should anyone wish to pull it to bits! Howard Did you mean, please? :- )) John posted: 9 Jan 2014 16:34 from: Paul Boyd the speed of your replies on many occasions is so quick other members don't have time to respond Trevor has hit the nail ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2373.php
... topic: 3546 back stories posted: 6 Nov 2019 02:23 from: Martin Wynne Graeme wrote: I am still profoundly ignorant of Templot from a user perspective, so I think I will wind my neck in for a few days and just play with the program and see what I can do with it. I will obviously not become an expert in that time, but I will probably increase my knowledge tenfold. Sure. I think you said that you are not only new to Templot but new to railway modelling in general? Which makes it a bit surprising that you found us, and all the more welcome for that. An outsider's first impressions can be very valuable. 99 new modellers out of 100 would be starting with commercial track such as Peco, and designing it in a pick-and-place program such as AnyRail: http://anyrail.com/ Or going for high-end stuff with full 3D representation and train running simulations: http://trackplanning.com/ Also in the pick-and-place field is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3546.php
239. Minories
... rail, I going to use it for my small collection of old locos and carriages. Double slips are a bit of a pain at the best of times, as the blades are too stiff in code 75 if built as flexible type, so they have to be built as hinged. I think I have read somewhere with smaller sized crossings were switched diamonds rather than double slips. I have some old American ready made code 100 turnout rail parts, which will be ideal for saving time. Just need to firm up a few areas before the soldering iron comes out posted: 1 Dec 2014 17:29 from: Hayfield Martin Thanks, most of the locos are on old RTR chassis, though some do have Romford wheels. Most may even have flangeless centre drivers (I also have a selection of Romford flangeless drivers. I think at worst I could possibly drop in a straight turnout on the outer curve and just adjust the plain track to suite. I think I will build the station throat first then see what happens after. I will be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  64k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2584.php
... 23 Feb 2009 08:41 from: Martin Wynne Update -- Monday morning. The cause of the DNS failure still hasn't been found, but as a temporary measure to circumvent the problem, Jim has given us a new IP address. If you were previously having trouble accessing Templot Club, you should now be able to gain access using this address: You will need to login again. Please don't bookmark this, it is a temporary kludge and will be changing again shortly. A few of the links on Templot Club pages may not work, but most of them should do. If previously you were not having trouble, you may now find that you get "404 Not Found" errors until the new DNS has propagated round the world. That may take a few hours -- in the meantime the above alternative address should work. In the next few days Jim will be moving us to a different data centre in Ohio with a better connection to the UK. When that happens the IP will change ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_739.php
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