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... very grateful for some help, Im also using templot 2 version 2.14b running on my MacBook courtesy of Wine. thanks in advance Michael Attachment: attach_2477_3070_4298546851_84ca3f f9ac_o.jpg 238 posted: 1 Sep 2017 15:35 from: Martin Wynne Hi Michael, With one track straight and the other curved, you have an irregular diamond-crossing, and the new make slip function won't be able to help you. Making the diamond-crossing is easy -- have one track in the control template. Click the background template and then peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection. After that you will need to add the slip roads manually. The video at help> watch a video> single slip shows you what to do. If the video is not there, first click help> obtain video list. If the curve is very sharp, a single-arc slip road may not align too well with the other switch. In that case you can create a better slip road using the make transition function. p.s. Thanks for the picture, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3070.php
... the position of the marker can be adjusted using SHIFT+ F11 mouse action. This changes the lead length of the turnout without changing the crossing angle, which can be useful in some situations." It certainly is! I have been struggling for the last few hours trying to get a conductor rail to match the the turnout stock rails on four C10 curved turnouts in a scissors crossover. I was trying to follow the instructions in message 14890 without luck. However, simply copying the turnout, changing the gauge to 28.35, aligning the datum pegs on the turnouts using the notch and then using Shift+ F11 to align the turnout centre-lines gives a perfect result! Many thanks Regards Chris Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> When to use a curviform common crossing about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2616.php
... way is to create a curviform ladder: 1. set up the first turnout and change the type of V-crossing to curviform. Adjust the size of the turnout to produce the required branch radius: 2_281652_350000003.png 2. click the option to create a curviform ladder: 2_281652_350000002.png 3. this is the result. Click to create a branch track off the half-diamond: 2_281652_350000001.png 4. create double-track from it. Split off and insert the second turnout. Snake it along (CTRL+ F6 mouse action) to align with the branch track. Zoom in for a precise result. 2_281652_350000000.png You should normally end up with the two turnouts staggered slightly. That's correct geometry and prototypical. It also helps with the point-rodding design for them not to be exactly opposite. Check before you start that you are allowing adequate track spacings for the size of radii. Ask again if any of that is unclear. Method B. you can create an irregular diamond-crossing by directly overlaying the curved tracks. This gives you more control of the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2617.php
... National Library of Scotland is great, but doesn't come far enough south for Reedsmouth.* I'm still beavering away at my fictitious equivalent of the Mallaig Extension. My design for that has now more or less crystallised, but I fear it's likely to be the last exercise in actually building a layout I shall be able to undertake. Now, if someone could come up with the elixir of life as well as the portal frame building... *Correction, yes it does. Oh dear, seems that my 'guessed' alignments are a bit out; some re-working required. Last edited on 7 Jun 2014 16:46 by John Palmer posted: 7 Jun 2014 16:59 from: Simon Dunkley You can get to the 1:2 ,500 series map (good for general alignment, and an indication of some detail) via old-maps.co.uk, using coordinates 386533 and 581974. Simon Last edited on 7 Jun 2014 17:00 by Simon Dunkley Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2467.php
... : 15 Jul 2013 21:42 from: Trevor Walling Hello, Does this post found doing a search on templot not provide the solution being sought? topic 1797 trustytrev. posted: 16 Jul 2013 08:44 from: Alan Turner Martin Wynne wrote: Sad to see this post today: http://www.scalefour.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p =24919#p24919 I know you can't please everyone, but I would try to help if I could. Martin. Templot does require some understanding of track design and basic alignment design to understand the underlying concepts. Everyone who I have encountered who claimed not to understand Templot also had no knowledge of surveying principles of curve design or track geometry. Alan posted: 16 Jul 2013 09:48 from: Matt M. Indeed it does. The layout receded into the distance while I learnt about the various phases of NSWGR plate laying. Often people seem to expect to understand both the program and the the complications of track work in an unrealistic time frame. "I've just bought Templot, next week ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  163k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2260.php
... on a running line for passenger traffic. I am sure that Matt is right in saying that they would not survive long in heavy or fast service, however, the arrangement in the picture below shows the station throat at Atlanta in the pre civil war era, so they were still in use on busy locations into the 1860s. The back to back arrangement of the two turnouts effectively creates a double slip, but, if I understand the arrangement correctly, it would apparently require the switchman to bend four lengths of rail into alignment in three possible positions, which presumably required a pretty brawny switchman! The gauge in this location is 5'. 2854_121416_430000000.jpg I think I understand the issue about needing clearances greater than that for a check rail, but this then raises the question of how you keep the moving approach rails square to the diverging rails. Surely, as soon as you swing the approach rails away from dead centre, the outer one will always become fractionally short and the inner one fractionally long. The Ffestiniog 4 way must be an extreme example ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_393.php
... when a constant radius curve fits perfectly? I am assuming you want double track there since I have not seen the video you refer to. Perhaps a dumb question but I've asked it now. Regards Raymnod posted: 8 Nov 2008 19:38 from: Alan Turner Create your two straight pieces of track. Add a curved section to one of the straights and curve such that it almost meets the extension of the other straight track. Click on the straight track and from the drop down menu that appears go to peg/align tools; make transition and try left hand. If that does not work try opposite hand. And there you are. picture attached. Alan Attachment: attach_402_620_transition.JPG 216 Last edited on 8 Nov 2008 20:07 by Alan Turner posted: 9 Nov 2008 00:57 from: Paul Boyd Hi Richard Tricky one, this! If I understand you right, you want something like the attached picture (I've deleted the second track- that can be put back later with the 'Make double track' function). The best ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_620.php
... topic: 237 How Do I Snap Fix a Circuit posted: 16 Nov 2007 02:45 from: Richard Spratt Snap fix is excellent, but I want to do a non circular circuit. How do I get the last template to snaps at both ends so the circuit is complete and the rails nicely aligned? Thanks, Richard posted: 16 Nov 2007 02:49 from: Alan Turner You can't you have to create a transition between the last two sections of track. Alan posted: 16 Nov 2007 03:22 from: Martin Wynne Richard Spratt wrote: Snap fix is excellent, but I want to do a non circular circuit. How do I get the last template to snaps at both ends so the circuit is complete and the rails nicely aligned? Hi Richard, Snapping can only snap the existing current/control template as it stands. To link between two existing tracks you need a function which can create a new template to fit. The usual way to do that is to use the make transition* function, as Alan ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_237.php
... Nov 2007 16:26 from: Capt. John Piestley Martin/group, Firstly I am operating "91b" and find frequent repeated duplication of templots when trying to change or use templot colours. eg. When I go to change a Templot colour by using the lower of the three sub items "marker colour" the last Templot will reappear as an active one again. I then have to go to store and background and then remove by delete. Thus clearing the regenerated Templot. With the above this frequently appears to align templot on templot with identical characteristics as the under templot until maybe three or four identical Templots stowed on top of one another need to be individually moved by F7 to an open space use the store and background command then use the delete command until back to the original one. This error is immediately detectable by the fact the highlighted dot at show in marker colour is highlighted but the Templot is not in a highlighted colour but original working colour. Can anybody advise if I am liable to be doing anything wrong, for this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_259.php
... : I do not understand the meaning/ use of 'Label' and 'Target Mark' as shown in the Background Box. Also can you write simple text onto the background, e.g. SB, Plat. etc? Hi John, Yes, that's what a Label Shape is for. Just enter your text in the name box: label_shapes.png You can change the size of the text and the font by clicking the label font... button on the font/colours tab. A Target Mark shape is used to put an alignment marker on the printout. It looks like the diamond symbol above. You can add these marks at strategic locations on your printed templates to help in aligning them onto the baseboard. More about the Background Shapes functions at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_bgshape.htm regards, Martin. posted: 17 Mar 2008 20:52 from: JohnM Thanks very much, Martin. John M Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_374.php
... radius at each end (keeping the peg in the centre at CTRL-3 while you do it). You have used a mix of straight and REA semi-curved bullhead switches. For your prototype in the 1980s you ought really to be using flat-bottom turnouts for the running lines. There is a range of curved switches for BS-113A flat-bottom turnouts in the list at template> switch options... menu item (scroll down the list). Changing the switch will alter some of your alignments slightly, but only enough to need small corrections. Of course you can build flat-bottom rail on the bullhead templates if you prefer, and you may feel that when everything has been so compressed to fit your space, the difference is not significant. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Dec 2007 13:16 from: davelong Thanks for the advice Martin. I was a little concerned that the diamonds may be a problem, thanks for the tip I shall have another closer look at them. A quick question ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_275.php
... special-purpose prints like this it would be a good idea to ask here for any hints or tips before starting. There are dozens of settings in Templot and most of them are specific to each individual template, so changing an entire track plan later might be a lot of work. I'm going to add extra options to the modify on rebuild function, but a full user interface to select/de-select/change every possible setting is a nightmare as so many settings are interdependent, and some changes may disrupt existing alignments. It's much easier to know what you want in advance and make the settings on the control template as you work. regards, Martin. posted: 4 Apr 2011 05:35 from: Mark Leigh Chris Mitton wrote: Hi Mark What I think you need to do is basically generator -> generator settings and untick centre-lines repeat several times to untick pretty well everything else except rails then generator -> rebuild all background which should give you the plan you want. Select pad -> hide control template ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1443.php
... re-write of Richard_t's irregular diamond crossing help guide, in the hope of finally producing a video of this. So have had to make sure of every little detail is correct and have put down the description of every step required. From the start, all templates were (are) done with timbers omitted. In very simplistic terms, the crossing starts with two curves of different radii, which cross each other at some point. Then for each half of the crossing, two turnouts are setup and adjusted to give correct alignment of what becomes the main road and the diagonal road. One of these turnouts is copied to provide the crossing vee on that side. The two full turnouts are then copied and converted in turn to half diamonds, but only the aligned roads are used in each case, the other parts are omitted, thus resulting in a quarter diamond template. The above is then repeated for the other half of the diamond crossing. The final result is an irregular diamond crossing with no timbering. Now when I come to try to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1450.php
... 1959-71 wrote: Any suggestions for creating the crossing in the 'Y' where the single track lines merge on the trackplan? The range of angles available in the 'V' crossing angles don't seem sufficient. At what point does a diamond crossing change to a flat crossing? Hi Dave, Here's a quick dabble on your rough plan: 2_091645_400000000.png Templot will go down to 1:1.5 angle. As you can see your crossings here are around 1:2.5 so easily within range, and it's easy to get the basic alignments using make diamond crossing at intersection in TDV. At these short angles the timbers will need a bit of shoving to tidy them up. By a "flat crossing" I think you mean a short-angle crossing? I don't know of a specific limit, but Templot doesn't directly support anything shorter than 1:1.5 At those angles the prototypes vary a lot and tend to be made up as one-offs. Below 1:1.5 in Templot you can only overlay plain track and then either mark up your prototype ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1823.php
... the diamond crossing. Jim. posted: 27 May 2010 09:40 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ken, I agree with Jim -- start with the diamond. For a diamond-crossing to line up correctly it is essential that the two V-crossings are exactly the correct distance* apart. So it's best to start by installing the two vees. If you print a rails-only copy of the template on tracing paper**, you can lay it on the rail tops to check the vee positions and alignment before going any further. If you print some extra copies of the template on thin card or 160gsm paper, you can cut them out along the rail edges with a craft knife and try them against the rails in various positions to check alignments as you build up the diamond-crossing. *this means using the correct template for the track gauge. Don't try to build a 00-SF diamond-crossing on a 00-BF template, or an EM diamond-crossing on a P4 template. You can just ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1132.php
... topic: 286 Printing questions posted: 17 Dec 2007 01:23 from: Gordon S I think I have now finalised my track plan and whilst having printed reduced size plans am now at the stage of printing full size. I have some questions. The layout is large at 18' square and to print on A4 sheets will require 284 sheets, each of which will have to be aligned. Questions. 1. I was considering sending a file to a professional printer to have the plan printed full size on plain roll. This has raised other questions. a) How do you save a print file? I understand how you save a box file of templates. Is this what an external printer will require? Will an external printer need Templot software to read the file? If they don't have the software, how will they calibrate their printer? I was hoping plans could be printed on wide rolls (up to a metre?) to reduce errors. If this is not possible or prohibitively expensive, then I am left with A4 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_286.php
... position on the member of the group to which you want to link. More info at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/gs_geometry.htm#linking regards, Martin. posted: 8 Jan 2012 18:38 from: r_wilton Sorted. Many thanks, Ray. posted: 9 Jan 2012 13:20 from: r_wilton Having problem with transitions. Why won't Templot make a transition between these two approoach tracks (they have been split from the turnout). 2200_090814_380000000.png I make one the control, select the other, peg align tools, make transition curve from control template. Which ever one i select as the control i get the message shown. Ray. posted: 9 Jan 2012 13:35 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, They are transition curve templates. You must tell Templot which end of them is to be used in the calculations. You do that my moving the fixing peg to the relevant end. For both of these templates, you need to swap the peg to the opposite end by clicking the red peg indicator number at ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1765.php
... by Stephen Freeman posted: 21 Jan 2012 00:29 from: Tony W Hi David. You still have a lot of timber shoving to do. Attached you will find the 0.91c version of the diamond. I presume the turntable is the length of track that I have put the peg at the mid length position, it seems rather short. The track spacing of the junction makes it difficult to get the timbering exactly right but is as good as I can get. I have made some minor adjustments to achieve a better alignment of the timbers. Tony. Attachment: attach_1322_1730_STAIRCLIFFE_JUNCT ION_v16_20-01-12.box 252 posted: 22 Jan 2012 13:04 from: David Yates Hi, Many thanks for your input. It's been most helpful and is much appreciated. Best wishes, Dave posted: 22 Jan 2012 13:10 from: David Yates Tony W wrote: Hi David. You still have a lot of timber shoving to do. Attached you will find the 0.91c version of the diamond. I presume the turntable is the length of track that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1730.php
... what exactly is a curviform crossing Hi Howard, This screenshot shows a turnout with contraflexure, or negative curving. In other words, it is clearly a left-hand turnout (trace the track centre-lines), but it is curving in the opposite direction, to the right: curviform_exit.png In fact it is two turnouts overlaid. One is set for a generic type of V-crossing. The other is set for a curviform type of V-crossing. You can see that they are identical, apart from the alignment of the rails between A and B, forming the exit for the turnout road: curviform_exit1.png In the case of a regular or generic V-crossing, these rails are curved to the same radius, and in the same direction, as the main road (the lower centre-line above). This is the normal situation, for example in a curved crossover. It means that the special crossing chairs can be fitted on the vee rails in their usual positions and spacing, even though the whole V-crossing is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_711.php
260. Printing
... printer PDF generator, and create your output as PDF files for printing elsewhere. This works very well under Windows with one of the many PDF generators -- Win2PDF is recommended. In the next upgrade version (free to existing users) Templot will be able to create PDF files natively. 2. Export you track plan and templates as a DXF file, for printing via any CAD package. I can dump to a friends networked laser printer Laser printers heat the paper, causing differential shrinkage. This can cause problems in the alignment of multiple template pages. For the best accuracy an ink-jet printer is recommended. regards, Martin. posted: 16 Jul 2010 22:43 from: julia Martin Wynne wrote: Everything you need to know about Templot on Linux, kindly compiled by Adrian Cherry: I don't know Linux so I can't answer about printing. Templot looks for a standard Windows printer driver, some of which can create files. Having had a read up on it, it seems that wine has an integral print to file option if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1171.php
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