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... topic: 3435 Output>export a file [to .png] posted: 19 May 2019 10:04 from: Alan Kettlewell Hi, When creating a .png file using the 'Output>export a file' menu I find that any three way turnouts do not appear on the .png image. Just wondering if I'm not doing something right or if it's a bug. Cheers.. Alan Attachment: attach_2834_3435_richmond_to_catte rick_bridge_19_may_19.png 181 posted: 19 May 2019 10:06 from: Alan Kettlewell Templot v 2.19b Windows 10 posted: 19 May 2019 10:17 from: Phil O I found that a while ago, I just added standard turnout templates over the top whilst printing and then deleted them afterwards. I think it has been mentioned that the software can only handle full templates and not the partial templates required for tandem turnouts. Phil posted: 19 May 2019 11:56 from: Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: I found that a while ago, I just added standard turnout templates over the top whilst printing and then deleted them afterwards. I think it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3435.php
... that you had by now realised that successful business folk faced the marketplace and attuned their products to consumer demand.... Hi Brian, What did I do wrong? You said you didn't like receiving private messages and I explained how to turn them off. Puzzled, Martin. posted: 22 Jul 2010 08:31 from: Jerry Although a new member and Templot user I cannot resist throwing in my own 'sixpen'orth' any longer. Has anyone tried to get a manual for Windows or any Office application in the last 10 year? The most recent MS manual I have is for Excel dated 1993-1994. Even the mighty Bill G's empire has not relied on paper for many years. That has not prevented their dominance of the PC operating system market. I may not like the no manual policy but I have to live with it. Other manuals for their software cost real money from other specialist publishers. If you need to explore the depths of, for example Word, you can go on a one day seminar course, usually with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1173.php
... topic: 2668 Turnout operating units posted: 3 Apr 2015 20:10 from: madscientist I came across a nice demonstration of turnout building, where the switch blade activation was done by bringing a pin, soldered to the blade, and then run through a slot in the slide chair to a a connector strip immediately underneath the sleeper. Haven't seen this before, but looked very neat and had the advantage that the hole in the baseboard is under a sleeper as hence hidden and no ballast etc can fall down Has any one seen this used in earnest, this particular example was a demonstration unit rathe then installed on a layout Dave posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:03 from: madscientist 97 views and no comments !! posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:09 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: 97 views and no comments !! Which suggests no-one has seen it. How about a link or a picture? regards, Martin. posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:59 from: Trevor Walling Martin Wynne wrote: madscientist wrote ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2668.php
... a simple example of what I mean. (Deliberately so there is no easy drop in curve) I have say 2 shed roads which are fixed, lengthen one of the roads and insert a turnout. What is the best way to now link the other road to the turnout? To date I have had to put plain track on either end of the gap and then fiddle around with length and radius until they meet neatly: I presume there is a better way? Attachment: attach_2865_3474_linking_question .box 161 posted: 3 Aug 2019 10:28 from: Tom Allen i'm a pretty new beginner myself so i doubt my answer is correct. I would create a "branch track" and "curve" it into position to intersect the road, then adjust both tracks to meet with the "length" command. Attachment: attach_2868_3474_linking_question _1.box 137 Last edited on posted: 3 Aug 2019 10:42 by Tom Allen 3 Aug 2019 10:42 from: Tom Allen here's the result Attachment: attach_2869_3474_linking_question _2.box 140 Last edited on 3 Aug 2019 10:42 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3474.php
... suits you. Otherwise, just cut it yourself. I needed 0.8mm thick timbering to match what I had started using and got some 0.8mm (1 /32") plywood from the local aero modelling shop and slit it by hand, which is not difficult with that thickness. Jim. Hi Jim Many thanks for the pointer, I will check Antics tomorrow when I go to work as 1.6mm from Exactoscale is a bit thick when compared to the EM ply I have already. Cheers Phil posted: 26 Mar 2010 15:10 from: Brian Lewis Timber Tracks have been selling 14" timbers for quite a while Phil. In 4mm, the product ID is T4PT104. We supply them in 0.8mm or 1.5mm thicknesses. We also supply them in 7mm and I know I cut some for the S Scale Society, so they are also available from them if S Scale is your thing. Regards Brian Lewis Phil O wrote: It could probably do with some 14" timbers but these do not seem to be commercially available in 4mm. Many Thanks Phil ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1084.php
... topic: 3494 P4 gauge widening posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:46 from: Hayfield Some years ago I bought some Exactoscale P4 track gauges from C&L Set 4XX TG02 are quite straight forward as they (4 in a pack) are standard 18.83 Set 4XX TG01 are for gauge widening, there are four in a pack and are as follows 1 x 18.83 1 x+ 0.1 1 x+ 0.2 1 x+ 0.3 Sadly no instructions with the packs, I did make a note as follows 0.1 10' 0.2 6' 0.3 6 '+ Clearly I have made an error in writing it, please can anyone put me straight as to which can be usede between what radii Thanks posted: 25 Aug 2019 18:58 from: Jim Guthrie Hayfield wrote: Some years ago I bought some Exactoscale P4 track gauges from C&L Set 4XX TG02 are quite straight forward as they (4 in a pack) are standard 18.83 Set 4XX TG01 are for gauge widening, there are four in a pack and are as follows 1 x 18.83 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3494.php
... mm so they are compatible with standard chaired track construction. The reason was to prove that there is an alternative method of building the common crossing for those who are happy to build common crossings in the copperclad construction method, rather than a free standing method For those wishing for added detail the following can be used Bridge chairs, These are used from the transition of block chairs (in either the common crossing or additional slide chair packs) to standard chairs where there is not enough room for a standard chair (either side of 10 used per turnout) these are £8.50 per 100 so after deducting the cost of standard chairs add a few pence to the bill Common crossing chairs A pack contains a set of 5 different sizes (1 -5 ,6 ,7 ,8& 10) At £4.50 if you can use the whole pack then 90p a turnout but a saving of appx 8 chairs per turnout Additional switch chairs, a pack contains one left and one right hand set (plenty of bits left over) £2.25 per turnout and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2702.php
... topic: 3499 output elements- new settings and print preview posted: 10 Sep 2019 20:51 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin, I seem to be finding my way back to Templot again! There's a couple of features that would be quite nice to have, if they're not already there somewhere:- When printing the background templates, any platforms with a solid infill obliterate any text, such as timber numbering or "blunt nose" etc. Could it be arranged so that the platform is always underneath any text? Hatching partially solves this, but even so, the text then becomes chopped up. The other one, which I'm sure is an option somewhere, is to not show the template number on the output, so just "A11" instead of "PL172.A11". Cheers, Paul Last edited on 10 Sep 2019 20:51 by Paul Boyd posted: 12 Sep 2019 19:08 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: Hi Martin, I seem to be finding my way back to Templot again! There's a couple ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  124k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3499.php
... all, a simple question....i have lost the very handy shortcut bar that appears under the menu at the top of the screen....how do i get it back??Thanks posted: 17 Sep 2019 21:32 from: Martin Wynne ikcdab wrote: Hi all, a simple question....i have lost the very handy shortcut bar that appears under the menu at the top of the screen....how do i get it back??Thanks Hi, Welcome to Templot Club. It's been over 10 years since you joined, and good to hear from you for the first time. I think that may be a record. I don't think it's possible to lose the toolbars entirely, but if you have done they should reappear if you restart Templot normally without using your saved program preferences. I'm guessing that you have lost only the bottom row by inadvertently clicking the 1 row button. Having them all on one long row needs a wide-screen monitor. If you click the 2 rows button, they should come back ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3502.php
... type. uses a extended arm leading from the E-FPL mechanism, running upto the switch blade tiebars. then a cam/crank arrangement is used this can be seen here claremorris-p.jpg could you shed any light on these in more detail, what railway company manufactured them, drawings, better photos, Im trying to do a 3D non functional print of them posted: 12 Jun 2015 13:33 from: JFS Nothing on google? I just searched on 'economical facing point lock' clicked images and there ar about 10 or so different patterns- including thwo two types that I am most familiar with. Not sure what they did in Ireland, though a posting on the Signalbox Forum might well wield a response. Best wishes, Howard posted: 12 Jun 2015 14:32 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote Hi martin, I know you have extensive knowledge of Irish track work. Hi Dave, I don't know where you got that from? Not true I'm afraid. This one is in Ireland, taken at Rosslare in 1986. With ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2708.php
... topic: 2792 Irregular Diamonds and Making Transition posted: 26 Nov 2015 10:58 from: grob1234 Hi Martin, OK, so I understand from the brief RMW chat that for an irregualr crossing, I have to join the tracks up manually. So here is what I did: templot%20q2.png Which became this, after I erased the underlying tracks: templot%20q3.png OK, fine! But the timbering on the crossing looks 'weird'. How can I sort that out? Also, would the same principles apply if I wanted to create an irregular single/double slip within existing crossing plain track? I have watched the video on making slips and I think I just about have it, although thats for making ladder style crossings. My track plan seems to just have random slips all over the place, hence the need for the irregular ones. Hope my words make sense! Many thanksTom posted: 26 Nov 2015 16:27 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tom, Welcome to Templot Club. Instead of explaining in words, I have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2792.php
... time tomorrow, I shall be in exactly in the same position as you. I think I have procured an HP A3 ink jet printer from a local Computer Aladdin's Cave. Yes it is the very same Crawley but as for being just up the road we regard Reigate as being in the far north akin to being in Lapland. I appreciate very much your kind offer and may very well take it up but first let me see if the printer here is forthcoming. Thanks again Cheers Godders posted: 30 Oct 2015 00:10 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Godders I hope it works for you, but the offer's there if need be. Kind regards from icy wastes... posted: 30 Oct 2015 00:15 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Andrew Thanks again, I think it would be nice to get together and exchange notes anyway. I am, as we speak playing about with Martin's new enhancements joining transitions to transitions, it's fascinating and incredibly useful. However you have confirmed my worst fears about the climate change. Presumably my banana trees ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2762.php
... Kenneth Becket wrote: Depends on whether it is thought necessary to assign keyboard shortcuts, couldn't menu items alone be sufficient? Yes, they are necessary! If you'd ever suffered seriously from RSI, you too might realise how necessary they are! I can't use a mouse for more than about 20/30 minutes, and use a pen/tablet both at home and work- I don't even have a mouse connected at home. Besides, it's really irritating to have a keyboard with a gadzillion keys, the average number of 10 digits spread across two hands, and not to be able to use all of them instead of just permanently clutching a mouse or pen in the same position Martin- those changes don't look too daunting. The main change I'll need to remember is the F9 becoming Shift-F9. I like the idea of being able to change the V angle without changing the switch, and of course I didn't know that there was already a way of doing that! If you're at the stage of considering keyboard shortcut changes does that mean ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1124.php
... topic: 2402 Problems adding stored templates posted: 10 Feb 2014 16:26 from: wcampbell23 HELP! I created several turnout templates and stored them in individual box files. I started a new project and then attempted to add the stored templates as additional templates. I also attempted to add the stored templates as library templates. The first template loaded appears OK in the storage box which then looks like this: 54_101119_050000000.png The "add library" button is then clicked and a second file selected and opened- as I understand the current documentation, this should add it to the storage box and the list of library templates. The storage box then looks like this: 54_101121_140000000.png So, second template appears- BUT- the first template has gone! The same problem occurs when the "add file" option is used. I have tried this several times with Templot being quit and restarted so there is no left over from the previous attempt or other templates loaded. Is this a problem with Templot's file handling or have I missed something obvious? Any assistance ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2402.php
... heading and none of the other headings has "insert a turnout in plain track" in their menu. Is there a version of this tutorial that is compatible with 74b please? Tim posted: 9 Dec 2010 11:56 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tim, Welcome to Templot Club.____ The static "track plan tutorial" is at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/tut5a.htm and uses version 074b of Templot. To follow it you need to be using version 074b. This tutorial is now 10 years old and as soon as I can I intend to abolish it and rewrite it for the later versions of Templot.____ The "starter track plan" video is here: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html and was created using a later version of Templot. To follow it you need to be using version 091c. Likewise for all the other videos.____ While learning Templot you can swap to and fro between the versions, just download ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1303.php
... topic: 1650 TDV feedback posted: 10 Oct 2011 16:11 from: leo_sandstrom Hi This is a bit overdue but I feel that its finally time for me to provide some feedback. Ill start by saying that I have finally scaled the initial learning cliff, and I now have some basic understanding of how the program works. But to be honest I have not delved to deep into advanced track templates yet due to a lack of time. When I start the normal Templot as a new user I was faced with a program panel. Pressing the X in the top hand corner closes the program, quess what the first thing I did, I closed Templot because I wanted to get rid of the program panel. For a Windows user it makes no sense to press the workpad button when you start the program. Look at 95% of the office programs, you start with a blank screen and possibly some tooltip help and then you start working. (or an empty template) A great example is Solidworks where you start with a ribbon ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1650.php
... from: RichardS Hello Martin, thank you so much for doing those bits. I think I prefer the B6. I had overlooked transition curves I must admit and hadn't really realised how 'fixed' it all looked. As you might surmise Bosmellin 9 is the 9th attempt- but there were some #As and Bs too in earlier manifestations! I think I was so pleased to have completed something (almost). When I've attended to the sleepers I will post an update. Thanks again. Richard posted: 24 Jun 2017 10:37 from: RichardS Good morning, here is an update but not the one I was hoping to provide. I had decided that I would modify the curves to ease them a bit and move the points to the left along the plan. So far so good. I spent some time looking at transition curves and trying them out on a test plan. Then moved onto my new v12. And this happened. App went unresponsive after the lines appeared but now seems to be stable but I am loathe to touch ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3038.php
... ). You can browse all your .box files and see screenshots of each one using the file viewer: 2_022237_200000000.png regards, Martin. Martin, as ever thank you for a comprehensive reply and I take your point re Windows. It isn't the best (by a long way) and any software written prior to 1995 isn't likely to comply with it. I didn't realise Templot was of that vintage ;-)- it certainly doesn't look it. I shall continue on, so much the wiser David posted: 15 Aug 2017 10:34 from: Martin Wynne rynd2it wrote: any software written prior to 1995 isn't likely to comply with it. I didn't realise Templot was of that vintage ;-)- it certainly doesn't look it. Hi David, Some early history of Templot here: http://templot.com/martweb/templot_history.htm That page itself is now history, having been written 18 years ago. Suddenly I'm feeling old. regards, Martin. posted: 15 Aug 2017 10:48 from: rynd2it 6502 processor- I used to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3062.php
... , I see that you have adopted the GOG-F standard. Are you aware than many (most?) handbuilders of 0 gauge track now prefer the 0-MF standard? This gives much better running with modern Slater's-pattern wheels. There has been much discussion about this on other forums such as RMweb. I believe the Gauge 0 Guild will be adopting 0-MF in the next edition of their standards. 0-MF is 31.5mm gauge with 1.5mm flangeways. regards, Martin. posted: 12 Sep 2017 10:07 from: Andrew Howlett Many thanks Tony, Much appreciated, Andrew. Tony W wrote: Hi Andrew. Since no one else appears to have taken up your challenge, I thought I would have a go. Well done so far. The Tandem needed several changes to it to make it work, the main one being that the two turnouts were set at differing radii so would not line up. The curvature of the inner road was very tight. I have managed to ease this slightly. The next stage ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3063.php
... & background (INSERT key, or top orange tool-button). 6. delete the other switch to the control. 7. put the peg on CTRL-0. 8. click geometry> invert curving menu item. 9. click tools> make slip road menu item. Adjust it to fit as before. (p.s. instead of 5 and 6, in Templot2 you can click make the control on the second switch which will do 5 for you). regards, Martin. posted: 14 Apr 2013 10:25 from: Charles Orr Thank you Martin. I've done what you said (I think) but the result still looks a little strange. I've attached the second attempt. I wonder what has gone wrong this time? Retirement beckons in July and I then intend to start building the magnum opus I have been planning for the last 10 years. I will then be able to dedicate much more time to Templot, which is clearly necessary, so you can expect many more posts from me. Best regards Charles Attachment ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2196.php
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