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51 pages of results.
... topic: 3804 Templot user guide? posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:09 from: Phil O Hi Martin, I have had what is probably either a Eureka moment or more likely a moment of total lunacy, with regards a Templot user guide. Produce a couple of videos, the first is to show how to build up the templates for a basic BLT, with a main single sided platform with a loop, a short bay platform and a few sidings. This would give the beginner the rudimentary basics to get started. Then a more comprehensive video, importing a map, with more complex trackwork, including tandems and slips, double junctions etc. Possibly including a shed with a turntable. I think that would cover most formations that any modeller would need to produce a layout. And finally one showing how to produce mixed gauge trackwork. I think that would cover virtually all the eventualities we are likely to encounter. It might help if you explained where necessary the prototypical reason for such and such was done in a particular way, or ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3804.php
... ? Is it possible to separate a section of the track plan to move around on the trackpad? I am designing an engine shed layout. Apart for minor tweaking, I am reasonably happy with the layout of the facilities (coal hole, T/T, ash road etc) but have not settled on the actual shed. It will be a 4 road shed and once I have designed the throat into the shed I would like to be able to move this part of the design around a little, eg rotate a few degrees or laterally a few cms. until it looks 'right' and then relink it to the rest of the plan. posted: 6 Aug 2019 08:49 from: Martin Wynne drrsenior wrote: I have made some progress with transition curves: thank you.May I ask another basic question? Is it possible to separate a section of the track plan to move around on the trackpad? Hi Richard, Sure. You first need to select the templates as a group. Lots of ways to do that, but the fastest ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3474.php
... building my test track is because I want to test all those things you talk about in your email. I haven't the space for a circular test track so the only way to find out if my stock will run through tight curves is to run them through turnouts. I used to belong to the North London Group which did have a circular test track which was great. Please feel free to email me if you need any further help. Kind regards Len Cattley posted: 21 May 2009 08:34 from: newport_rod A few thoughts then... Good idea to include one double slip – if you want to test your track-building technique. But maybe two in one too many; the top plan is very dependant on them. Good idea to include both facing and trailing crossovers to see how stock will run over them, although this will be limited by only having 340 mm to the left of the trailing crossover will limit its use. Although presumably you're constricted by only having 8' to play with. What are the minimum radius ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_812.php
... the mouse communicates magnetically instead of optically I never have any of the problems I have with the optical mouse I use with my laptop in finding a suitable surface to run it over." Hmm.... a bit of a Curate's egg. I would be interested to receive any recommendations of make and model of one that is sympathetic to users. Regards Brian Lewis posted: 16 Dec 2008 18:55 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, I agree with your friend. I bought a Wacom stylus+ tablet a few years ago and I've tried, really I've tried. But I just can't get on with the damn thing. I've tried every different way of holding it I can think of, with my arm resting on books at different levels. But I just can't get the hang of using it with confidence. But as your friend says, the mouse is brilliant! A cordless mouse without batteries, so nice and light. And it has a unique feature not possible with any other mouse. You can turn it round so that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_663.php
... about it. edit: now done, see below. p.s. many companies which used 12" joint sleepers, also used special larger joint chairs on them. I don't know anyone who makes such chairs. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Mar 2015 13:34 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Brilliant, thank you. A chance to use up my supply of 12" wide sleepers included in all the bags I got from Brian/Pete/ et al! I know you can use them for the first few timbers on turnouts but I always forget. If you have had the rains down there I bet your river is up a bit? Rob posted: 31 Mar 2015 14:01 from: David R Martin Wynne wrote:... many companies which used 12" joint sleepers, also used special larger joint chairs on them. I don't know anyone who makes such chairs. regards, Martin. 100_310859_070000000.jpg Available in 7mm scale in packs of 16 or 80 from Off The Rails Regards, Dave R Last edited on 31 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2661.php
... hosted accounts. In addition, I can now make my own backups again. Which means that our content is safely backed up on both sides of the pond! Unfortunately moving the whole thing means that you need to update your bookmarks to the new address, and log in again here before you can post messages. Sorry about that. If you have forgotten your log in password there is a mechanism to change it on the log in dialog, or I can help if you are stuck. There are bound to be a few teething problems with the changeover, but as far as I can tell most of it is working ok so far. One thing which isn't, is the indication of "new" unread topics. Several topics which you have in fact read may still show as "new", even if you mark them as read. That should sort itself out after a few days -- it's related to the change of time zone on the server, and the time limit on "recent" topics. If you find any other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_687.php
... recent renewals at that time and is almost certainly 1432mm gauge vertical switches and crossings. Which is a much heavier design than bullhead track and noticeably different. How are you intending to model it? Colin Craig supplies some 4mm/ft components for such track, and also detailed templates showing the baseplates and fixings: http://colincraig4mm.co.uk/#/s -c /4532599929 http://colincraig4mm.co.uk/#/templates/4532603468 Unfortunately it is not possible to convert a Templot bullhead track plan to this with just a few clicks. It would require a redesign, using the restricted range of crossing angles normally employed in this track (7, 8, 9.25, 10.75, 15,...) for natural-angle turnouts, and the double-curved vertical switches. These are not directly supported in Templot and would require partial templates to correctly represent them. They can be approximated using custom curved switches, and given the discrepancy in EM gauge preventing exact-scale representation of prototype track, this would probably be acceptable. Clearly if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2800.php
... topic: 915 My First Attempt, and post! posted: 30 Jul 2009 12:07 from: Josh C Recently Bought Templot a few days ago, Haven't got round to getting a printer sorted out yet, so instead I'd thought I'd have a quick go at designing a track plan. So I thought I'd show you how it turned out, Any sugestions of how to improve it or feedback would be very much appreciated 1691_300703_320000000.jpg The top left track is the station, then a few trees coming in form the left to gradually disgise it, the track below would serve a small gds shed, coal staithes with a small yard. Then the road infront is the headsunt then the two top lines go out to a traverser, with a small scene in front maybe a dairy? and last but not least the short line in the middle is a small end on loading dock and cattle pen! posted: 30 Jul 2009 17:58 from: Paul Boyd Hi Josh Looks good, but could you upload a box file please? That way ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_915.php
... . I believe that most of the suppliers of RSUs in the UK are/were small businesses or cottage industries. I don't know all the ins and outs of it, but under present EU law for scrap reclamation, makers of domestic electrical equipment now have to be certificated in some way. That costs a lot of money and renders the supplying of items like RSUs completely unprofitable for the levels of turnover and profit involved. I could probably dig up quotes from other lists since I remember the matter being discussed in detail a few months ago, with all the relevant EU detail. And because we are the UK, we will apply the rules to the nth degree. Jim. posted: 14 Aug 2007 20:46 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: So- is this down to a very low demand for an expensive and bulky item to stock, or just that no-one really wants the hassle of selling a very lumpy bit of kit? Is there still a reasonably healthy demand? I wouldn't be without an RSU now and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_129.php
... helping find information especially if the index can be cross referenced to the various forms of terminology used ie. tandem turnouts and three way turnouts, compounds and slips etc. I find when using the search facilities I have known that the answer is there but can't remember the terminology used and have to try the various terms to find what I'm looking for. Also could the scruff video's be added. Keep up the good work. Cheers Phil posted: 7 May 2009 15:41 from: Phil O Hi Martin I had a few spare minutes yesterday and I have compiled a list of useful messages from the forum for tandem turnouts, I have not searched for 3 way turnouts nor have I searched Yahoo.. In Templot Talk messages 3278& 3278. In Prototype Pic's messages 3288, 3548, 3705,3907, 3908. Video Message 41. Cheers Phil posted: 7 May 2009 20:50 from: donald peters Hi Martin I have nothing but encouragement to offer at present but thought an interesting effect I have experienced may be of modest interest. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_797.php
... is considered a proper glue? Is the curling problem worse on turnout timbers due to the extra lengths involved or better due there being( in some cases) more rails holding them down. Are Veropins always flat under the head or is there any irregularity in this area that could result in the heads not being the same height above each sleeper. Rob posted: 29 May 2015 11:14 from: madscientist Hi rob, hard to make a comparison chart as no one person is building all methods. I'm currently examining a few so I'll try to. Build a cost matrix Vero pins are flat topped and regular, they are quite precise dimensionally Personally I am favouring a combination of methods with copperclad and vero pins at strong points posted: 29 May 2015 13:18 from: Nigel Brown Hi Rob Think a chart would be difficult, as there are many imponderables. The advantage of raising the question on here is that you may receive new information. In building my 3mm layout I used mainly chairs from Ian Osborne with Plastruct 0.75mm thick sleepers and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  149k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2698.php
... topic: 105 Posting messages posted: 28 Jun 2007 18:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, Having made the effort, I do like the format of the forum. Thank you for taking elists, (I know it is not exactly an elist), out of the 'Notepad' text only era. I'm glad you like it. There are still a few rough edges but in general it is working well. The primary intention was to get away from Yahoo, which many Templot users would not join, either because of Yahoo registration and privacy issues, or because of (unjustified) fear of spam and viruses. A few questions: Do I have to insert my signature, or will it appear automatically- I do wish folk would not put anonymous or meaningless signatures on their contributions. I agree, I dislike taking part in other forums where everyone uses nicknames or cryptic names, sometimes silly ones. It's difficult to start a serious reply "Dear Blood and Custard"! There is an automatic signature function in this forum software ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_105.php
... compilers. Which is a significant deterrent to making much use of the open-source versions (OT/MEC). Not before time, I have now got round to doing something about that. I have created a new MECBOX file format to perform transfers between them. It is quite slow to save and load for large box files, but you need only to transfer a file once, after which you can save it in OTBOX format for future working. Attached below is a scruff release 224z of Templot2, with a few new features. The screenshots should be self-explanatory: 2_301753_450000001.png 2_301753_440000000.png The above option is on by default and you probably want to leave it on, so that any work you do in Templot2 will be automatically backed up for possible future use in OT/MEC. If you have a large quantity of BOX files to export, you can export a folderful at a time using the file viewer: 2_281902_510000000.png I will post a scruff version of TemplotMEC shortly which can import/export the MECBOX files. But first I want ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3535.php
... more tap to get Templot to open, if that is the case. I have made some changes in terminology. I know this will be contentious for existing users, but the idea is to make things easier to understand for new users: I guess we'll get used to it "Portrait" printing has been renamed "end-run". "Landscape" printing has been renamed "side-run". Hmmm.... I personally think that's more confusing, but then I never did understand why a very few people had problems with Portrait and Landscape. A template running along the long edge of the screen printed out along the long edge of the paper. Simple? The other changes look useful. I hope the strange minimizing action has been sorted finally. I'll let you know. The mouse wheel one won't affect me though- I no longer even have a mouse attached to my PC Cheers posted: 19 Jul 2007 17:01 from: Brian W Lewis Hi Martin! Thanks for that! I had stuck with .82 up ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_113.php
... keithj15 Nigel Brown wrote: Hi Keith Any chance of loading some of this stuff here? I think some of us would be interested to know what the broad gauge track at St. Ives looked like. Also we might be able to help with further questions. Cheers Nigel Hi Nigel, Naturally, with half a dozen of us in the broad gauge project all scouring the internet for any information about St Ives Cornwall c1890 we gathered lots of stuff, sadly not all broad gauge nor railway related. However, I found a few of the links which should lead you on to many more. http://www.broadgauge.co.uk/locations/torquay_station.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locomotives_of_the_Great_Western_R ailway http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St_Ives_station_view_c1890.jpg http://www.francisfrith.com/st-ives The last is very protective of copyright, and will pursue all infringements very aggressively — so you can share the link, but never the image. Hope this helps regards Keith posted: 7 Apr 2015 14:50 from: Nigel Brown Keith Thanks. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2669.php
... makes it your new control (or current, depending on version) template. Probably the one I use the most. 'Copy to control' leaves it in both storage box and background, and makes the template your new control template. This one is a sure-fire way of getting multiple templates on top of each other if you're not careful! Hopefully understanding that will prevent multiple copies of templates floating about! I've certainly seen the "I've got lots of duplicate templates- how did that happen?" question quite a few times. posted: 14 Dec 2007 00:44 from: Martin Wynne mattots wrote: I noticed the other day when using Templot on my laptop that nearly all the other functions I regularly use have a keyboard shortcut assigned to them (which I already use) but 'Wipe to current template' does not. Hi Matt, There aren't enough conventional shortcuts to go round, unfortunately. However, wipe to current/control does have a shortcut -- the letter p. Just click on the template and then press P ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_285.php
257. 3D view?
... . Ballasting is in progress in the foreground. The Santa Fe Railway has running powers over these GWR metals, and a train will shortly be arriving in the bay platform on the left. hc_3pi_2.jpg Here is my track plan for Hopton Clee. I created it in Templot and then exported a DXF file using the 3D Solid option for the DXF. The screenshot above shows the result after importing the file into 3rd PlanIt. The coloured rectangle is my attempt to sink the sleepers (ties) in some ballast. I added a few sample structures from the 3rd PlanIt libraries to create better perspective effects. The 3rd PlanIt file for this plan can be downloaded from http://templot.com/3pi/hopton_clee_and_trains.3pi It can be opened and the trains run in the free demo version of 3rd PlanIt. You won't be able to draw additional tracks from scratch in that version or save files, but you can add further trains and buildings from the supplied libraries. Or import your own Templot track plan by exporting it from Templot as a DXF file. If you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2297.php
... very confusing for the reader. At present I have set three equals signs as the delimiter. Note that this forum software has THREE different posting editors: 1. Fully WYSIWYG and almost a word processor in IE with spell-check and auto para spacing. 2. A more restricted WYSIWYG editor in Firefox without spell-check and needing blank lines between paras. 3. A basic plain text editor in Opera and other browsers. Which means you need to say which browser you are using when reporting problems. I expected a few teething problems... regards, Martin. posted: 13 Jun 2007 19:34 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin> The problem is to find a nested quoting format which looks good and clear on the forum, and at the same time is properly delimited when received as plain text emails. At the moment it's proving elusive. The normal boxed panel quoting used on web forums appears in plain text emails without any delimiters at all, which is very confusing for the reader. At present I have set three equals ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_51.php
... s12t-touchscreen-laptop-e1-2100-dual-core-4gb-500gb-wifi-bt-hdmi-webcam-usb3-win-81?utm_source=google+ shopping&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CMys-qfGmMUCFYHKtAod7DEAUQ Regards Maurice posted: 28 Apr 2015 11:24 from: Dave Summers Maurice It's not just about power- screen size is also an important consideration and that product's screen is not much bigger than an iPad! I run Templot on a Macbook Pro using Crossover. There are a few minor issues documented elsewhere on Templot Club regarding the running of Martin's helpful videos, but overall, it is perfectly usable without major capital expense. posted: 28 Apr 2015 11:30 from: Martin Wynne Hi Maurice, Welcome to Templot Club. If you have a modern Apple computer you don't need to buy a Windows computer, Templot runs on Apple computers quite well using CodeWeavers Crossover (inexpensive) or Winebottler (free). Many users run Templot on Mac computers this way: http://www.codeweavers.com http: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2675.php
... . *On older systems Hibernate is usually activated by holding down the SHIFT key and then selecting Sleep or StandBy instead of ShutDown. On newer systems Hibernate or Hybrid Sleep are usually on by default when you click Sleep. On desktop computers Hybrid Sleep allows you to turn off the computer power after going into Sleep mode. For more information see: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows7/sleep-and-hibernation-frequently-asked-questions Be aware that start-up after Hibernation may take a few minutes longer than a normal cold start. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Aug 2014 09:58 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin Be aware that start-up after Hibernation may take a few minutes longer than a normal cold start. Really? I hibernate (not sleep) both my laptop and desktop for exactly the opposite reason- starting from hibernation is hugely faster than from cold- on the desktop, maybe half a minute and I'm ready to go! posted: 29 Aug 2014 10:27 from: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2525.php
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