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... , convert to plain track, F7 to add and then F3 to lengthen. Gordon, Find a similar template (plain track, turnout, etc) and use copy to current template, then use F7 to drag and drop, adjust as necessary then Control V it. HTH Peter posted: 16 Nov 2007 17:25 from: Gordon S Thanks for your guidance guys, much appreciated. Managed to work the double track issue, Peter many thanks. You might regret letting me know you are there as I have a few more questions. Is there an easy way of joining between two points, say numbers 99 and 101 to the right of the attached plan? I see the information panel on Martin's double slip is appearing but I can't see the double slip anywhere on the screen. Once I can start to use the double slip I will be able to move on. Right now I'm stuck. Is there also a way of grouping several templates together and then moving them as a block? Right now I'm having to move them one at ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_239.php
... from: Michael Henfrey Thanks very much everyone. I did not know anything about the curviform crossing so thanks for pointing that out. (I really should read more tutorials) Borg& John, Thanks very much for those template files. I was really struggling to make the goods yard "work" but now I am one step closer to getting it started now posted: 27 May 2017 08:10 from: madscientist Thanks Dave posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:41 from: Michael Henfrey Right, I have made a few changes based off some suggestions to make the goods yard sidings longer and slightly operationally better. Iv'e printed it out and layed it out in the loft and it just about fits, but the dimensions in templot say it'll fit perfectly but I wasn't taking too much care in laying out the many peices of paper! Just got to do some timber nudging now. I seem to have forgotten where the option is to add where the ballast shoulder should be? Is there an easy way to apply it to all the track? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  84k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3030.php
... hosted accounts. In addition, I can now make my own backups again. Which means that our content is safely backed up on both sides of the pond! Unfortunately moving the whole thing means that you need to update your bookmarks to the new address, and log in again here before you can post messages. Sorry about that. If you have forgotten your log in password there is a mechanism to change it on the log in dialog, or I can help if you are stuck. There are bound to be a few teething problems with the changeover, but as far as I can tell most of it is working ok so far. One thing which isn't, is the indication of "new" unread topics. Several topics which you have in fact read may still show as "new", even if you mark them as read. That should sort itself out after a few days -- it's related to the change of time zone on the server, and the time limit on "recent" topics. If you find any other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_687.php
... topic: 245 Inserting a turnout/parallel tracks/what is a notch? posted: 23 Nov 2007 01:10 from: Gordon S A few very simple questions that have come to mind over the past 48 hours. Managed to insert a turnout without problem, but it always comes up with a B7 turnout. How do I select a different form of turnout to insert? I have selected different turnouts no problem, but when I try and insert it, the programme defaults back to a B7. Setting up parallel tracks, again no problem, but when selecting either the MS or TS variant, invariably it puts the new track on the wrong side. How do you determine which side you need? There appears no logic to it and I get it wrong more than 50% of the time.. Can you please explain what a notch is and what it does? I seem to have one on my plan and try as I may, I can't get rid of it and don't really understand what it does. Tried most ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_245.php
... me one. See the Scalefour Forum http://www.scalefour.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f =5 &t =7009 Cheers Julian posted: 2 Jul 2020 16:23 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin Since the last post here you have very kindly again designed a revised tandem for me, posted on the Scalefour Forum http://www.scalefour.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f =9 &t =7017&start=25 It certainly has the features in the photographs. I want to check as there are a few parts that show a minimum radius of 36". I think they are so short that they are not relevant to my own ruling radius of 48" but wanted to check. I design my stock and locos to be able to take quite punishing track without derailing. I would imagine these short bits are like a minor track defect? While posting on the subject, I notice you've smoothed out what was the ruling radius of about 52" on the connection to the single slip, to a much smoother 102" radius ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3685.php
... : http://templot.com/contingency/templot_companion_nov_2019.pdf If several folks download this (18MB), it's likely that someone somewhere would have a copy which could be uploaded somewhere else if ever the need arose. I will try to keep it updated. It's scruffy and intended only as a backup to the web site -- I haven't tried to create a neat publication. I set the page length as long as possible to avoid too many breaks in reading, which means there is a lot of blank space in the first few pages. The entries on the contents list should be clickable to go to the relevant pages, and most of the links within it should work, depending on the mood your PDF reader program is in. What it does do is make it only too clear how much remains to be done on there. One day. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Nov 2019 20:45 from: Rob Manchester Hello Martin, Good idea. I have downloaded the Companion PDF and saved it in my cloud storage. I would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3543.php
... topic: 3747 Track plan and using grouping posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:24 from: Graham Long HiI am a bit dissappointed. I had finally got my trackplan constructed. I wanted to rotate the whole plan by a few degrees. Rather than rotate each template individually. I thought if I grouped them I could rotate as a group. After groupin the templates I couldn't find a way to rotate them so I wanted to ungroup them. I couldn't find a way nothing seemed to work and I couldn't get back to where I started i.e. where I could add new templates and use all the functions on the main menu. Whenever I right clicked or used touch pad all I go was a medium sized+. Obviously I did something wrong and will need to start again hopefully a bit quicker next time. I must have deleted the track layout as all the other templates that I didn't need anymore where still in the storage box. As I do not want to make the same mistakes again could you explain: a) How to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3747.php
... recent renewals at that time and is almost certainly 1432mm gauge vertical switches and crossings. Which is a much heavier design than bullhead track and noticeably different. How are you intending to model it? Colin Craig supplies some 4mm/ft components for such track, and also detailed templates showing the baseplates and fixings: http://colincraig4mm.co.uk/#/s -c /4532599929 http://colincraig4mm.co.uk/#/templates/4532603468 Unfortunately it is not possible to convert a Templot bullhead track plan to this with just a few clicks. It would require a redesign, using the restricted range of crossing angles normally employed in this track (7, 8, 9.25, 10.75, 15,...) for natural-angle turnouts, and the double-curved vertical switches. These are not directly supported in Templot and would require partial templates to correctly represent them. They can be approximated using custom curved switches, and given the discrepancy in EM gauge preventing exact-scale representation of prototype track, this would probably be acceptable. Clearly if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2800.php
... to be the end of my involvement. If it doesn't work for someone else or they can't understand it, don't use it. Martin. Hello Martin, Have you thought about recruiting some volunteers from the forum to assist in answering peoples questions in order to ease your workload?I am sure there are members who would be willing to help.You never seem to sleep and the speed of your replies on many occasions is so quick other members don't have time to respond.Most forums don't rely on one person alone and I think letting a few people assist you would help you to feel more positive about what is after all an amazing creation for modellers to use. Trevor. posted: 9 Jan 2014 16:33 from: John Lewis Howard wrote: Mine is here should anyone wish to pull it to bits! Howard Did you mean, please? :- )) John posted: 9 Jan 2014 16:34 from: Paul Boyd the speed of your replies on many occasions is so quick other members don't have time to respond Trevor has hit the nail ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2373.php
... the mouse communicates magnetically instead of optically I never have any of the problems I have with the optical mouse I use with my laptop in finding a suitable surface to run it over." Hmm.... a bit of a Curate's egg. I would be interested to receive any recommendations of make and model of one that is sympathetic to users. Regards Brian Lewis posted: 16 Dec 2008 18:55 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, I agree with your friend. I bought a Wacom stylus+ tablet a few years ago and I've tried, really I've tried. But I just can't get on with the damn thing. I've tried every different way of holding it I can think of, with my arm resting on books at different levels. But I just can't get the hang of using it with confidence. But as your friend says, the mouse is brilliant! A cordless mouse without batteries, so nice and light. And it has a unique feature not possible with any other mouse. You can turn it round so that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_663.php
... topic: 2134 2mm Finescale Tandem (or 3 way?) posted: 6 Jan 2013 11:39 from: rammstein2609 Hi all, I am currently designing a stay at home layout in 2mm finescale which can be 'played with' when my exhibition layout is stored away between shows. I have a plan in mind which involves two tandem points. I downloaded the help video and followed it through. The attached template is my second attempt as the first was a bit squashed together. I was wondering if anyone had a spare few minutes to have a look at it and tell me if it would work if I built it. To my eye it looks good but I'm no track expert. Obviously some of the check rails will be built as one piece instead of individual lengths of rail. Thanks for your time Martin Attachment: attach_1555_2134_2fs_3way.box 378 posted: 6 Jan 2013 12:30 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, It looks OK to me. Sometimes a big factor in building the more complex pointwork is arranging isolating gaps since some bits of rail can ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2134.php
... topic: 3676 Back button? posted: 22 May 2020 17:16 from: Julian Roberts Hi Martin and folks It's been nearly a year since I joined Templot, and over that time I've been, on and off, thinking about what layout (if any) to make. I've mostly made steam locos in my 13 years of P4 modelling, and a few turnouts, for the club to which I belong (the West Scotland 4mm Group). Over this year I have more or less retired, and have in the last few days alighted on a plan to make an MPD scene for the 7 locos I have made (with more to come.) It is actually Kyle of Lochalsh, but the locality will be moved elsewhere in Scotland, to a fictitious location, as few of my ex-CR my locos would have worked there even in BR days (my period). However I'm planning to make an exact model of the shed location, it will be about 6 foot by 1 and a half, so hopefully achievable ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3676.php
... closing. What seems to be closing is the Yahoo Groups web site -- the email list distribution will continue. The Templot Email Group on Yahoo was our only means of discussion from 2000 to 2007. At that point we started this Templot Club web forum instead. To minimize disruption to members, I arranged for all messages posted here to continue to be transmitted via the old email group to members who wished to receive them that way. It seems that will continue, and even after 12 years there are still quite a few members who receive their Templot Club email messages that way. So no-one will need to do anything if they don't want to. What this has meant is that we have now built up a 19-years archive of Templot messages on the Yahoo web site. Which it seems we shall now lose. Which is a shame, because the Yahoo site (when it worked) provided an excellent advanced Search function for the entire 19 years worth of messages. We have other means to search the last 12 years of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3522.php
... from: Philip Griffiths Hello Martin, following your advice about creating the irregular diamond, the crossing is 1:505. This is causing a bit of an issue with creating the slip. The pictures do not seem though to show a slip of squashed proportions. posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:45 from: DerekStuart Hello Philip I hope you don't mind me sticking my oar in. It looks as if you are not laying the templates over the map.If you are trying to compress a fair length of track work into a few feet then you are going to get sharper angles. As a suggestion, if you were to ease to the left the turnout leading to the slip and make it a B7 then change the slip to a B7 or B8 it would make it flow better. If it is any help, I would suggest plotting it directly over the map to work out the real angles, even if you then have to modify it for a straight board. Apologies if I've missed the point or my comments are unhelpful at all. Derek ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3163.php
... about to ask if you could remember the last thing you clicked or pressed before making the screenshot. I was equally puzzled how you managed to make a post without any text content, because that is not possible within the forum software. Looking at the screenshot, the background shapes dialog is showing 10 shapes, but the list is empty. Clearly something odd is going on. regards, Martin. posted: 12 Jan 2018 16:09 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, The post that appears to be blank contained a few hundred word description of the events leading up to the crash and a pasted screenshot( the same as the attachment). I hit the send button and switched straight to another tab to do something else. It was only today when I went back to the Templot post tab and noticed the initial post appeared empty. To the events of yesterday :- I scanned in a picture shape of the windows and doors using the backgraound shapes dialog and sized it to match its actual size. For A := 1 to 10 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3182.php
256. PDF MAP
... Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: Wally has sent me a map 1: 1250 in PDF format. What is required to get this into TDV as background shape? Hi Phil, For a low-resolution version you can do a screen capture from any PDF reader program, and save as an image file for use in a picture shape. If you want a better resolution image for zooming you need some form of PDF editor/extractor program. I assume you don't have such a program or you wouldn't be asking. Very few of these are free. However, assuming the map is contained in the PDF file as an image (likely), there is one free PDF reader program which includes extraction tools. It's also an excellent reader program in its own right as an alternative to Adobe or Foxit readers. Free download from: http://www.nitroreader.com (Make sure you choose the 32-bit or 64-bit version as required.) 1. open your PDF file in Nitro Reader. 2. click on the map image to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1636.php
... get the 'convert half diamond to turnout' to construct a decent turnout for the later 'make slip road' operation- the only difference, that I can see, between my attempts and your video is that your video is mandraulically constructed whereas the crossover in my attempts was auto-constructed as a ladder crossover- resulting in a 1:12 slip. TIA& best rgds, Dave Pundefined Attachment: attach_1647_2221_Newcastle_NSR.box 262 posted: 9 Aug 2013 11:23 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, Thanks for posting your file. A few pointers: 1. The Down Loop is too close to the running lines. Where a loop or siding is adjacent to a running line, the rules require the track spacing to be increased by 4ft to 10ft way instead of 6ft way. In 2mm scale you need to increase the spacing by 8mm for 4ft scale. You can do that by mental arithmetic, or simply by entering #8 in the data-entry dialog. Here's a bit of Jing video showing that (in 4mm scale): http:/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2221.php
... timbering a station throat where all speeds will be low, and timbering a high-speed junction subject to heavy stresses. For the check rails and their angled end chairs, they can usually be moved along to wherever the timbers happen to come, provided there is still full checking opposite the knuckle. For your diagrams, I think I would split those two timbers in the middle, and do most of the remaining timbering of the upper crossing by extending the switch timbers northwards. If you post a .box file of just those few templates (save group) I will have a go and see how it looks. regards, Martin. posted: 6 Sep 2011 22:22 from: Brian Nicholls Martin Wynne wrote: If you post a .box file of just those few templates (save group) I will have a go and see how it looks. Hi Martin, Sorry about the haste, just had a phone call I must deal with urgently, will respond properly to your message shortly. Please find attached the grouped templates you asked for, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  115k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1610.php
... . God bless you and be strong in this terrible days, Josir Gomes Rio de Janeiro- Brazil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm an Iranian citizen and I would also like to offer my condolences to all the people of America. I know, there are many problems between Iran and USA governments but I think we are all human, and we are all associate together in this world. we should live in peace together and we should not let few fanatical people destroy our peace, our world and our Peaceful relations. Also Mr. Khatami the President of I.R. IRAN offered his condolences to all the people of America a few hours after this happened. It is very shocking to see this kind of terror and it is very cowardly. Best Wishes, Farzad Badili -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We Indians are with you. I am an Indian and would like to express my sympathy for all ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1623.php
... Please join to get the most from Templot. Templot Club is at: http://85a.co.uk/forum 1. First there is the original Templot Companion web site. Mostly written 20 years ago and barely updated since, including some lengthy static tutorials. Large parts of it are now out of date, or have been overtaken subsequently by many new features and functions. But it still contains more information in one place than anywhere else: 2_031328_430000000.png It's here: http://templot.com/martweb/templot_gs.htm 2. A few years after that, I started creating the Camtasia downloadable videos. They are also mostly out of date. There is a long list of them on this page: 2_031328_430000001.png It's here: http://templot.com/martweb/video_list.htm 3. As the old versions developed I created two long pages explaining all the additional features introduced. Those pages contain masses of information which has never been linked in anywhere else: 2_031328_430000002.png Find them here: http://templot.com/martweb/pug_info.htm 4. Separately from all that, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2750.php
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