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Search results for: printed

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... topic: 973 Page numbers on full size print posted: 16 Nov 2009 19:49 from: Gordon S Hi Martin, apologies if this is in the software, but looked everywhere to no avail. I'm really struggling to read the small page numbers on my full size track plan. By this I mean the w16, w17 etc that appears in the top right and bottom left of the printed sheets. The font is so small and really hard to read and even though the pages come off in page order, when you have 100 sheets or so to stick together, it's quite a strain on the eyes. Can anything be done to increase the font size and change the font itself? Many thanks. Gordon S posted: 16 Nov 2009 20:49 from: Martin Wynne Gordon S wrote: I'm really struggling to read the small page numbers on my full size track plan. By this I mean the w16, w17 etc that appears in the top right and bottom left of the printed sheets. Hi Gordon, I'm sorry, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_973.php
... topic: 3818 Print error on blunt nose posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:36 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin I've found a bit of a curiosity when printing templates where the blunt nose as displayed on the screen continues to a sharp point on the printouts. On the print preview attached, you can see that the centre crossing is ok, but the other two show the rails continuing to the fine point. Those two happen to be gaunt turnouts, but on the attached box file there's a normal turnout that shows the same effect. Not really a problem from a build point of view, but probably something that shouldn't happen, or I've done something strange! Cheers, Paul 105_210730_380000000.png Attachment: attach_3177_3818_group_2020_11_21 _1228_52.box 12 posted: 21 Nov 2020 13:47 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: Not really a problem from a build point of view, but probably something that shouldn't happen, or I've done something strange! Hi Paul, Yes, you have done something strange! You have set the rail-section to flat-bottom, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3818.php
... in some way. As for the CPU overheating, you can prevent that happening when using the mouse actions, by going to main> program panel... and then selecting the program> expert> cpu usage> allow full idle (slow) menu option. 10 years ago that option would produce a slower screen response on some systems, but on computers nowadays there is no measurable loss of performance. I have therefore changed the default to this option in the next Pug. If the cpu is overheating when preparing to print, as you suggest, that very likely results from using an unnecessarily high printer quality/resolution, such as a photo print setting. Using the photo quality resolution for generated computer graphics is not recommended. 300 or 600 dpi is fine for track templates and other similar drawings and graphics. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Mar 2011 21:51 from: Rob Manchester Hello Martin, Thanks for the reply and the points you make. I have very few items in the storage box. I haven't got into the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1421.php
... or Copydex) could cause you great problems as they are likely to affect the wallpaper, which could well shrink on drying resulting in distortion and possibly worse (same goes for any templates left in situ). as to the 1mm flangeway, I'm sure others will point out that the critical measurement is not the actual check-rail flangeway width itself but the distance from the inner face of the check-rail to the inner face of the crossing wing-rail. Thanks for your very helpful reply. I had held off printing the templates until I received a reply and, just as I finished printing, in came your post. Thanks for your comments regarding the wallpaper. I think I shall abandon the this approach for the reason you have given and because of the issues I have found with flatness and vulnerability. I guess I am going back to the traditional cork sheets instead. Your comments about the templates are a worry. When building turnouts with copperclad I was able to remove the templates on completion of the build before fitting them to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2829.php
... topic: 1733 Other TDV Use posted: 18 Dec 2011 23:58 from: Jim Guthrie I've just got a new use for the TDV which might help others out. I got a very large .GIF file of a station building plan from the Caledonian Railway archive. I much prefer working from paper plans and I looked at some way of printing it out- like using PaintShopPro or Gimp to split the file into individual bits to print on A4 or A3 paper. But it would have been difficult to get the printing scale on each printed sheet. Then I thought about the TDV, converted the .GIF to .PNG and imported the file as an image, adjusted it to be about A1 size, put a couple of plain track templates across it with rails and timbers turned off, then printed out to A3 PDF, printed the lot out on A3 paper, and joined them all together. I've now got my A1 drawing. Jim. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1733.php
... will lose out. It's a shame, but there it is -- my resources are limited. I'm not going to use HTML5 video (MP4) for Templot because creating it makes me ill. But I will try to keep Linux users in mind and possibly create packaged videos for the VCL player using the TSCC codec. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Jul 2013 11:59 from: Nigel Brown Having read the original, my impression is that the user in question may have simply got in a muddle during the printing dialogue. Others in the same boat would assume they had done something wrong and would have played about with things to see if they could find out what; I don't think he has, to any great extent. The problem may be a bit deeper and maybe a bit more general; how far is he really committed to getting to grips with Templot? Virtually all packages of any complexity need a decent degree of commitment; just playing around with things and hoping things would just work isn't enough. The user needs to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  163k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2260.php
... RTF format so that Mac users can also read them, for those of you running Templot under PC emulators. I have attempted to cover the basic elements that a beginner needs to be aware of and hopefully avoid the 'I wish I had realised that earlier' syndrome. It is text based with no fancy graphics. It is intended to be as step-by-step guide through the opening levels to give a basic grounding on which to build. It is not a comprehensive instruction manual. It may be found useful to print the notes out to follow, rather than constantly switching between the two on screen. If you cannot do this because you do not have a printer, then you will most likely not be able to run this version of Templot as I note from the forum that it needs a printer driver installed in order to be able to run. Any printer driver will do even a PDF generator. Sorry they are rather long but I hope they will prove useful. Tony W. Attachment: attach_1258_1717_The_overview.rtf 769 posted: 4 Dec 2011 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1717.php
... baseboards in negative territory. Third, the outline of the baseboard has been generated as a rectangular shape, and modified via font/colours and setting the trackpad line width to 3. This setting is not saved when I save the background shapes. Hi Howard, Your screenshot image was uploaded to the Image Gallery, but you didn't click on it to insert it in your message. I have done it for you. Please don't leave any part of your track plan in the negative quadrants, otherwise you won't be able to print the construction templates (without shifting the page origin). Move the whole plan into the positive quadrant using the shift group functions. The grid lines are omitted from the negative quadrants as a clear warning that you have wandered into them. The simplest way to proceed would be to start your first baseboard in its final position on the grid. But if you prefer to plan each baseboard at the grid origin, use shift group afterwards to move it to its final position. If you are not sure of its final position ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2491.php
... topic: 3281 Single slip was there, but now showing as diamond posted: 8 Jun 2018 15:32 from: Barry Brown I made a single slip which I have a print off, but now it shows as a diamond though the label shows "2 [slip 122823] slip half-diamond DL173". Have now just printed it off again and it prints as a diamond. Tried reloading several earlier box files and they all come out the same. I can regenerate it, but realigning is proving to be tricky. I have attached the box file. Hope someone can tell me what I have done wrong. Thanks Barry Attachment: attach_2680_3281_slip_20180326_201 8_03_29_1115_50.box 166 posted: 8 Jun 2018 16:15 from: Martin Wynne Barry Brown wrote: I made a single slip which I have a print off, but now it shows as a diamond though the label shows "2 [slip 122823] slip half-diamond DL173". Have now just printed it off again and it prints as a diamond. Tried reloading several earlier box files ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3281.php
... " in Templot, UK and Europe is only that part of a turnout comprising the moving points, not the entire turnout. I see that you have now posted on the Accu-Trak group about this. I think it would have been helpful to have waited for this reply first, although I understand your frustration. I now need to post a reply there to clarify some misunderstanding. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Feb 2011 12:12 from: BruceNordstrand Ok, definitely something going on somewhere... Just printed a #6 turnout from my plan and one directly from the USA box file and they are different even though they both say #6 US Style turnout. Here's some data from both of them Mine: switch front= 18.96 vertical lead= 185.63 actual lead= 186.51 blunt nose to timber A= 17 US turnouts box file version (sized up from the #5 in the file) switch front= 19.83 vertical lead= 166.07 actual lead= 166.96 blunt nose to timber A= 17 Now, using David Honers turnout ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1390.php
... lot with this exercise- I can see the sense in creating many partial templates (I have tried to avoid this in the past!) I was out all day yesterday and so apologise for not replying sooner. Best wishes Peter Modified box file attached. Attachment: attach_2191_2809_group_2015_12_14 _1026_15_(2) .box 307 posted: 15 Dec 2015 09:03 from: PeterD Hi Martin, Thanks for the links. Best wishes Peter posted: 15 Dec 2015 13:54 from: PeterD Hi all, I have managed to print a template from the boxfile and it looks OK to build from. I looked at my track plan in Sketchboard and found that the screen output only shows the final crossing V, everything else is omitted. Any advice on this please? Do I need to re-order the box file partial templates? many thanks Peter posted: 15 Dec 2015 15:12 from: Martin Wynne PeterD wrote: I have managed to print a template from the boxfile and it looks OK to build from. I looked at my track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2809.php
... from: MaxSouthOz It's hard not to get angry when dealing with Templot. I always expect the worst. I try to ask my questions in the simplest form- no good. Well meaning people always treat me as a simpleton. It's not their fault. I guess I am a simpleton. Other members of my forum have asked me questions about Templot, knowing that I'm trying to use it. I'm completely mystified as to how to save templates, so I do what they do- get it up on the screen and print it off. I've got another dumb question coming up in a new thread- this time on behalf of another member. Apologies in advance. posted: 29 Dec 2013 04:57 from: Martin Wynne MaxSouthOz wrote: I'm completely mystified as to how to save templates, so I do what they do- get it up on the screen and print it off. Hi Max, I feel sure the problem is one of terminology -- what do you mean by "save"? Can you post a screenshot showing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2364.php
... topic: 2510 Problem with Printing a Track Plan in Diagram Mode. posted: 18 Aug 2014 13:00 from: David Yates I recently posted a request for help in creating a 3 way tandem turnout for my layout 'Staircliffe Exchange Sidings'. Brian Nicholls of this parish successfully came to my aid and produced exactly what I required. Using the revised track plan I set about creating a mimic diagram of the layout in 'diagram mode'. Unfortunately every time I print the diagram it omits the 3 way tandem turnout. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but in spite of experimenting and changing various settings I still get an incomplete track plan. What's even more confusing, is that if I print the page map it prints the complete layout, including the 3 way tandem turnout! What am I doing wrong? Dave Yates posted: 18 Aug 2014 13:20 from: Martin Wynne Hi David, You are not doing anything wrong. Diagram-mode output works by filling colour between the outer stock rails, one template at a time. If ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2510.php
... topic: 1067 Printer set up....Landscape/Portrait reversed? posted: 9 Mar 2010 16:34 from: Gordon S I've been meaning to mention this Martin, but never got round to it. When you go into Print/Printer setup and select either Portrait or Landscape, they are the reverse of the normal convention in the Print Map. Selecting Landscape prints out Portrait and vice versa. Not the end of the world. Couldn't find anything in search, so maybe it's not been raised before. posted: 9 Mar 2010 18:10 from: Paul Boyd Not the end of the world. Couldn't find anything in search, so maybe it's not been raised before. Oh, it has, many times, sometimes getting quite heated! Personally, I think in the Templot context that the terms Landscape and Portrait are misleading because of people's expectations of what that means, but Martin can't change the printer drivers! It has more meaning if you consider banner printing... From the Help page: The end-run option ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1067.php
... topic: 745 Printer Callibaration posted: 1 Mar 2009 12:32 from: dessire_luvals Hi Martin, Some advice please if possible. I am trying to print a first set of templates as per the attached screen grab, the first four rows are the ones I'm interested in. I have callibrated my Dell 1720 laser printer though I do seem to get a+/- .25mm variation of the 250mm horizontal. Anyway by the time a lay out the templates I seem to accumulated an 8mm gap between C3 and C11. I assume this is the first point where horizontal and vertical ratios conflict with each other. I can't see anyway to better calibrate the printer other than print two long rows of templates and work the difference back, any thoughts? Thanks Russell Attachment: attach_499_745_Presentation1.jpg 161 posted: 1 Mar 2009 13:40 from: Brian Tulley Hi Russell, I had a similar problem when first starting out in Templot- the problem is the laser printer. These types of printer tend to heat the paper, causing errors when trying to calibrate accurately ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_745.php
... with Templot I don't think. I downloaded a map from old-maps.co.uk it is 1928 and thus produced by tape measure and not aviation or satellite of course. The proportions of everything is remarkably close in respect of each item, but the overall scale is highly questionable- to the tune of about 8%. This seems quite high, even for such an old map. (I am comparing this against bing maps which zooms quite close in and has a good scale, whereas google maps does not.) I have printed out the old maps as a PDF and then scanned it as a jpeg to use as a backdrop. When I used the scale of 2500, it was about double so I dropped it to 1250 and thought "oh well". I have since had to change it to 1:1106.226 to get the scale to what I believe to be right when compared to bing maps. Has anyone else any experience of old-maps.co.uk? Would anyone else have an opinion on whether my choice of going with the satellite drawn ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2563.php
... 2011 14:10 from: David R It's only taken me 2 years but the first chairs are now available. Currently only the 1.0mm flangeway version for Scale7 is available but gauge-widened and Overscale (sorry, O fine) ones will follow. These products are meant to complement the existing C&L and Exactoscale ranges. 100_200849_060000000.jpg Somewhat enlarged rendering of the CC or S1C chair. 100_200848_240000000.jpg What you get for your money; total size is 50 x 26 x 4mm. Note: they are NOT green but 3D-printed in an almost transparent acrylic; the rendered images above are coloured to show the details. I'm hoping to get some "real" photos of the product uploaded to the Off The Rails shop this weekend. http://www.shapeways.com/model/92016/check_rail_chairs_1_0mm.html for more details. Regards David R posted: 20 May 2011 14:55 from: Raymond They look very usefull and I look forward to the 'oversacle' versions for my own railway. Regards Raymond posted: 20 May 2011 16:03 from: richard_t ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1503.php
... foot (1.5 pixels per inch) for a really detailed item. Maybe even 24 pixels per foot, but we want the finished image files to display conveniently here in Templot Club and preferably via the Image Gallery rather than as attachments. That means 800 pixels as a practical maximum, which at 24 pixels per foot would limit the prototype item to 33ft only. The amount of cache memory needed is determined by the sketchboard rendering resolution which the user can set for himself. This affects only the sketchboard screen view, not the printed output or the view back on the workpad. Here are some example screenshots showing that: Sketchboard with internal rendering set at 150 DPI: 2_201702_280000000.png Sketchboard with internal rendering set at 600 DPI: 2_201702_290000001.png Sketchboard with internal rendering set at 2540 DPI: 2_201702_300000002.png After doing some testing I have now changed the default to 2540 DPI (100 DPMM). That's a lot higher than Nils recommends, so I'm waiting for some feedback from him about any potential problems this may cause. As far as I can determine it's working fine. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... a video showing how to insert a picture shape at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/map_picture_shape.exe (39MB, so broadband only) Use the "scanned model track plan" option in the picture shape dialog, and set the scale at 1:1. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Oct 2009 20:35 from: marsa69 Hi, well I've been having a play around with the program when I can and managed to make up a curved turnout (not brilliant mind ), but when I printed it off it missed off the sleepers. All it had was the datums for the sleepers. I've obviously missed something but can't figure out what it is, best regards, Mark Last edited on 13 Oct 2009 20:35 by marsa69 posted: 13 Oct 2009 21:36 from: Martin Wynne marsa69 wrote: well I've been having a play around with the program when I can and managed to make up a curved turnout (not brilliant mind ), but when I printed it off it missed off the sleepers. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_951.php
... of the local LNWR station in Daventry, I now need to output a DXF file for the CAD designer at our local model club, so he can incorporate it into the final overall design for the baseboards and everything else. I spent most of yesterday afternoon trying to export the DXF file but every time, whatever settings I tried i get no error message, but no file is created. I tried to create a PDF (well within the Acrobat reader limits) but whatever I did no file was created. I tried printing to my epson A3 printer, which either failed to print anything or spat out a blank sheet. I am at a loss to understand where i am going wrong, having printed and created files without problem from an earlier version of Templot2 a couple of years ago. I have trawled through the forum for similar problems, but I think now is the time to raise a topic to beg for help and suggestions. I am running Templot v208c in Windows 7 via VMware Fusion on a 17" MacBook Pro laptop. Overall ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2388.php
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