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... topic: 2515 Wheelset sideways slop between rails posted: 20 Aug 2014 10:45 from: Brian McK Greetings all, I'm modelling New Zealand's 3' 6" gauge system circa 1920s to 1:48 scale. While I can produce my own wheels and trackwork scaled exactly true from the prototype, do recognise that a very slight increase of the 1-3 /4 inch wide turnout flangeways with a commensurate adjustment to wheelset B to B may be a more realistic goal for construction and operational reliability. However, my question is this. In trying to ascertain dimensions for assembled wheelsets, what amount of "sideways slop" is appropriate for wheelsets in my scale on 22.2mm gauge? I'm aware that a tightening of track gauge has improved matters for O scalers (O -MF etc) and that a similar practice is occuring in 4mm scale, thus removing some of the clearance allowed for "trainset" wheels to run around curvature of dinner plate radius. I could study P4 and S7 etc and perhaps formulate something from that. But maybe there ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  60k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2515.php
... that Templot templates are not a fixed design. You get what you enter in the settings. In order to get an exact match to prototype REA bullhead design you need to set: 1. P4 gauge, or preferably EXACT scale (in the gauge/scale dialog). 2. Change to CLM crossing angle (instead of the default RAM). 3. Set a generic type V-crossing. (Or if a crossing entry straight is shown in the REA tables, set a regular type V-crossing and adjust the entry straight to match) The "natural" turnout sizes will then match the REA bullhead designs quite well (bearing in mind that there are small differences between the railway companies). Here for example is a Templot curved B-8 crossover laid over the Exactoscale templates: s4_soc_b8_curved_crossover_print_1 .png More about that here: topic 2271 The "natural" sizes are A-7, B-8, C-10, etc. What size is that turnout in your photo? If you let me know I will prepare ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3014.php
263. SM32
... help files, I have set up the 32mm track gauge, based on Peco SM32 track and have tried various combinations of switch and V crossing settings, but don't seem to be achieving the desired results. Please can anyone help?Thanks.Kim. posted: 29 Apr 2012 13:48 from: Martin Wynne kimstation wrote: as the radius is on the running line I am thinking that it would be better to use a left hand turnout with negative curve. Hi Kim, Yes, normally. However, have a look at adjusting the substitution radius for your RH turnout: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/subs_rad.exe regards, Martin. posted: 29 Apr 2012 19:55 from: wcampbell23 Hi Kim I have attached a couple of my own efforts that you may find helpful. These were built using Peco components but use the Tenmille point levers- the Peco ones are not suitable for out-doors. Regards. Attachment: attach_1433_1945_16mm_scale_32mm_R H_No5.box 214 posted: 29 Apr 2012 19:57 from: wcampbell23 Second attachment. Regards. Bill ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1945.php
... upper 3 way exit road to the RHS turnout that is not aligned, it is the road above the 3 way. I have already transitioned the link between the 3 way and the other turnout, and it fits OK. It's a pity the harbour you refer to is not the same harbour of my home town, we could enjoy a chat and a pint together. All the best, Brian. posted: 20 Aug 2014 18:16 from: Hayfield Brian Thanks, flexi track will be used but I have just adjusted the road. The beer sounds good, If you are in the Sharksfin tonight then more than happy to buy the round Regards John Attachment: attach_1926_2508_3_way_version_A4 .box 175 posted: 20 Aug 2014 18:53 from: Brian Nicholls Hi John, That adjustment looks good now. You could have transitioned the original curved track onto the exit road. I have just done the timbering to the exit roads of the other turnout. See attached box file. Thank you for the thought of buying a round, I would reciprocate, cheers ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2508.php
... you prefer that Templot didn't warn you? The discrepancy in the rail edges is likely to be noticeable when zoomed in. Most of the functions you introduce are successful, I think, but one has to use and test them in order to appreciate their worth, which is not always immediately apparent. Or ever. When I added the pad bunching function way back in the original version I thought that at times it would be very useful, allowing both ends of a long template to be seen without zooming out, while making adjustments. In practice I can't remember ever using it, and I doubt anyone else ever has. trackpad> zoom/view> paper bunching on then action> mouse actions: trackpad> adjust paper bunching Notice the jump in the grid labels: 2_281826_570000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 29 Mar 2017 09:01 from: Stephen Freeman Hi Martin, I'm sure the new Peg positions will be useful and I will probably be using them at some point in the near future. I could certainly have used them on the last ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3001.php
... , and applied only to the printed output. It was renamed output for Templot2 but not all the settings in that menu can apply to all outputs. The big difference here is that the printer is a real-world physical device with a physical paper size and physical printable area. The PDF engine is not so constrained -- it can create a document of any size you care to enter. The task of rendering that on paper takes place in the PDF reader program and not in Templot. Accordingly not all the printer adjustments are applicable. For example it is not possible to customize the trim margins in PDF output because the actual margins are determined by the printer settings in the PDF reader. And for image file exports, there are no trim margins at all. What all this means is that the output menu needs replacing with a new set of dialogs making clear which settings apply to which outputs. That's on my list of things to do, and has been for some time. I haven't given it a high priority because I believe most ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2019.php
... I added some dummy tracks at 44.67mm centres, for comparison with your track plan. You can see that there is no 1mm red gap at A which probably needs fixing, and a reduced gap in places at B which may be acceptable, although not strictly prototypical. You should always try to use the make double-track and make crossover tool functions, so that the required spacing is created automatically. This isn't always possible of course. If you tick the box to show the above on the trackpad, you can make adjustments. Set the trackpad colour to red for the same effect: 2_251100_390000000.png Swap to and from the sketchboard to update the view. The sketchboard items are added to the trackpad as a bitmap, so rounding effects may affect the precision when zooming. The track background settings are at output> output drawing options> menu items. You need to turn on the track background on the trackplan tab on the sketchboard control panel. The above is just to find tight spots quickly. For accurate work the spacing-ring tool should be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2493.php
... the sleepers and check rails but any comments would be helpful. Thank you Peter Attachment: attach_1511_2068_the_dale_2012_10 _03_2248_05.box 194 posted: 6 Oct 2012 00:18 from: Tony W Hello Peter. I presume you are concerned about the radius of the crossover road. You have two options to improve this. The first is to move the crossover to the left and bring it onto the straight, this will however shorten the track plan to the left of it. The other option is to use a much longer turnout for template 28 and adjust the crossover road to suit. Tony. posted: 6 Oct 2012 01:44 from: PeterD Tony W wrote: Hello Peter. I presume you are concerned about the radius of the crossover road. You have two options to improve this. The first is to move the crossover to the left and bring it onto the straight, this will however shorten the track plan to the left of it. The other option is to use a much longer turnout for template 28 and adjust the crossover road to suit. Tony ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2068.php
... least in the UK. At present they can be created using the methods in this ancient tutorial: http://www.templot.com/martweb/y_symm.htm and since that was written there is now also the option of using a modified irregular half-diamond template as a symmetrical turnout. This produces a better timbered result than the method in the tutorial. Or for a more rigorous approach a symmetrical Y can be created entirely from partial templates. All that being so, the incentive to rewrite the switch generator for full split-switch adjustment has rather fallen away. Nevertheless, Templot ought to have such a capability if only for the sake of completeness, and I hope one day to add it. It's been promised for too long. regards, Martin. posted: 28 Jul 2012 18:53 from: Mark C Martin, Thanks for the reply. I figured that was the case, but I just wanted to check. I guess I'll just have to consider going back and forth between the 2001 tutorial& 2008 post as a good learning experience. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2036.php
... Nicholls Hi Gordon S, PS. Should have said click the radio button HIDE, not the yellow hide square, which closes the menu. All the best, Brian Nicholls. posted: 16 Aug 2012 18:00 from: Martin Wynne Gordon S wrote: Many thanks Brian. I had no idea how it got there and even less about how to remove it. Much appreciated and another fact tucked away for future reference.... Hi Gordon, The spacing-ring tool can be very useful. You can adjust its diameter by mouse action, and move it around the trackpad by mouse action, to check or measure the clearance between tracks, or between track and structures or other obstructions. You can also leave several copies of the spacing-ring at strategic points on the screen, and receive a warning when any of them are infringed by the control template as you adjust it. For more information click the? help button on the tools> spacing ring dialog. There is also now a dummy vehicle tool on the same dialog ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2043.php
... comprises a traverser 14.5" wide, and 2 boards 40" wide and 44.5". The scan is for a layout 6'- 6" x 1' 9" and I intend to extend it to fit the available space and I am working in P4 gauge. Can anybody out there tell me in very simple terms how this could be done- I normally work with Apple Mac computers and am not all conversant with PCs. I have a small laptop PC bought for this job but I find it very difficult to adjust to PC working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. A copy of the scan is appended below. Many thanks John L 3062_181112_060000000.jpg posted: 18 Jan 2016 16:47 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, Welcome to Templot Club. You don't need a BMP file (that is from older versions of Templot). Nowadays all the common image formats work -- usually JPG for a scan. But you can still use the BMP file. Don't use the sketchboard. You can add images that way, but for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2825.php
... ! posted: 23 Sep 2012 23:45 from: Tony W Hi James. Well I have finally got something worth posting. I have gone back to basics I am afraid and have redone most of it. I was hoping to get further than this before replying, but thought I would let you see how far I have got before I go away for a few days. The Tandems (first stage) are achieved by taking a length of plain track and inserting a turnout into it (ctrl+ I), adjust to the required switch and angle then store as background template. When the control template reappears simply Roam turnout along length (ctrl+ F9) to position it and adjust the switch and angle to suit. If the opposite hand is required, then use Invert handing (ctrl+ X). As Martin has pointed out, the nearest I can get with the pre-defined options is curved FB switches for BS113a rail. At least they did not use precast crossings or transitioned turnouts from the pictures. It may look ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2052.php
... advantage there would be to me of getting the whole timbering thing absolutely perfect in Templot. If you could share the file with us then you may get some answers Using the shove timbers option is quite easy and will tidy up the plan. As for the slips go to Real -Timbering- Half diamond- slip, this is an automatic function (rails are not) for the timbers. 3 way is a manual operation but do it on the plan. The tutorials are quite easy to follow for both which include the adjustments for rails I would say tidy up the plan as much as you can first on the program posted: 14 Jun 2014 09:02 from: Phil O Some timbering can only go in one place to support the special chairs used in the crossing which need to be supported. Switches tend to be fairly standardised in their timbering as well. You will need to refer to the track standrards used by your prefered prototype for the info. Having just looked at the OP it looks as though you might have three standards BR ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2466.php
... using commercial printers. Just a thought. Hi Les, I am gad it worked well. The PDF output normally includes the grid lines, which make a good reference for calibration. The default grid spacing is 150mm, but you can set whatever you want for easier measuring (in the output menu or the trackpad menu). It's not possible to use Templot's printer calibration functions for PDF because the same PDF file may end up being printed on several different printers. If dealing with a technical printing company, they can probably adjust the scaling to match the grid lines, if you explain what you want. If dealing with a High Street copyshop, for important jobs, I suggest sending a small test PDF file to the copyshop. If you then need to make any adjustment for the final PDF, you can set the output scaling factor accordingly at output> enlarge/reduce size for print, PDF, DXF> set any%... menu item. If you do this, be sure to include the scaling factor in the PDF file ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2983.php
... that's a very good effort indeed, and it appears to be quite reasonable, the only real comment I have is, that you have allowed the 4 turnout Vee wing rails to join onto the tongue rails at the K crossing points of the central diamond. See attached image below. Now I suppose one could argue (given modellers licence) that it may give more strength and stability to those parts of the formation, but in reality, I doubt that it would be prototype practice. You can easily rectify the situation by adjusting the individual wing rails to the following settings: Rail Length= 41 ins (proto) Flare Length= 28 ins (proto), or even down to say 24 ins. This will clear the tips of the wing rails away from each of the tongue rails satisfactorily, and still give you full check rail function at the Vee gap. Just a further note on my scissors sample, you may note I chose to make all the TXP points of the 4 turnouts align at the same centre point, this gives the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2056.php
... an effective transition is created with radii 1457- 1142- 1033- 840- 775 mm. And the crossing angles are 9.5, 7.5, 5, 3.75, all curviform. Both K-crossings must be the same angle of course, and the main roads aligned. In this example the main-road radius is constant, but the principle is the same if you want to vary that through each leg of the diamond. Having created the diamond you can then add slip roads as required in the usual way. Some adjustments to the slip road radius and the position and size of the slip switches may be needed if there is a significant difference between the two half-diamonds. (To create this I made much use of the new CTRL+ F12 adjustable turnout-road length function. I knew it would be useful, but only after adding it have I realised just how useful it is.) On the other hand in models we are nearly always using sharper curves than the prototype and working in a cramped space, so I think ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2456.php
... bore tunnels which will follow a short distance beyond. Rgds Dave Attachment: attach_1856_2455_June_2014_best_ye t_4.box 214 Last edited on 29 May 2014 17:59 by Dave M posted: 4 Jun 2014 11:52 from: John Palmer Dave, As I mentioned, I wasn't entirely happy with the outside slip I had worked into the Up Main, so I have done a bit more work upon it to improve the alignment of its components and significantly altered the timbering to what I think is a neater and more prototypical arrangement. I have also adjusted the timbering of the shunting neck that lies alongside the Down Main and in one of the two goods loops. In the process I may have put the horse landing out of alignment and length, so you may want to adjust that. Hope this is to your liking. Attachment: attach_1862_2455_tor_giffard_2014 _06_04_0943_06.box 206 posted: 8 Jun 2014 23:06 from: Dave M Hi John, Many thanks for your efforts....I'm not long back from a week in Suffolk and will check out the trackplan soon. Best regards Dave ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2455.php
... , Martin. posted: 30 Aug 2017 11:27 from: Judi R 03:30? More midnight oil being burnt here Martin! When I served my apprenticeship in the P Way design office at Stephenson House all those years ago I remember being able to specify the rail spacing required for bespoke layouts, we always used standard sleeper spacing. I also remember being shown the pattern shop at Taylor Brothers' Sandiacre works where they had wooden patterns for every rail section they had ever had to use. They were able to adjust the spacing of the jaws for a double chair to suit. Of course, when vertical flatbottom design came along, we simply had to specify the overall width of the rail seat and we would specify a mid Pandrol clip housing whenever we could. Judi posted: 30 Aug 2017 13:18 from: Martin Wynne Judi R wrote: I also remember being shown the pattern shop at Taylor Brothers' Sandiacre works where they had wooden patterns for every rail section they had ever had to use. They were able to adjust ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3068.php
... advice was for Paul. No-one else should change it. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Jan 2018 01:16 from: Martin Wynne I have just now replied on RMweb: To get the missing rail back, click the reset derived partial template menu item, see: tandem_menu_750x800.png To shorten or lengthen timbers at the number end, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking the shorten or lengthen buttons (or while pressing S or L). If you use the mouse actions instead of the buttons, alternate between adjusting the length and the throw to change the timber at the number end. You can swap the numbers to the other end by changing the hand of plain track, but that won't work for turnouts. All this stuff will be at: http://templot.com/companion/3_way_tandem_turnouts.php in due course. I'm stuck with a chicken and egg situation when trying to keep the web site in sync with the Templot versions, or vice versa. regards, Martin. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3170.php
... everything had to fit into 640x480 in the earliest days. I haven't been very consistent with the naming -- it's also called "pad bunching" in places which makes more sense. In the early days I referred to the trackpad as the Templot "drawing paper". Essentially it allows you to zoom in and see both ends of a long template at the same time, on a narrow screen, by bunching up the centre part of the grid into a narrow band: 2_152231_450000000.png This can be useful, for example when adjusting a transition curve. You might want to make adjustments at one end of the template, while watching the effect on the alignment at the far end, maybe 6ft away. The mouse action works in both directions simultaneously. Moving left to right controls the width of trackpad which is bunched up into the middle band. Moving the mouse up and down controls the amount of vertical shear in the band, so that both ends of an angled template can be on the screen. Paper bunching has no effect on the finished track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3567.php
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