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... AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EXERCISE ANY RIGHT UNDER DISTANCE SELLING LEGISLATION TO CANCEL YOUR ORDER. BEFORE ORDERING PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT TEMPLOT WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS BY REFERRING TO THE DETAILS DISPLAYED ON THE TEMPLOT WEB SITE. IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SURE WHETHER OR NOT TO PROCEED I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT PROCEED. Also, please note that the option to buy Templot by post is now withdrawn. Online via PayPal only please. I would just add that the price of Templot has now remained unchanged for over 10 years. regards, Martin. posted: 14 Jun 2011 09:40 from: mike47j Have you checked that is OK? I suspect it's not, and that DSR will still apply. I think the most you can do is to reduced the default period of 28 days down to 7 days and only if its clearly stated on your site. Also by having such a term in your contract there is a risk that the whole contract becomes worthless. Mike Johnson posted: 14 Jun 2011 11:22 from: Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1534.php
... limit for the rodding run from a signal box. It's odd that the actual position of the ground frame isn't shown. regards, Martin. posted: 4 Dec 2014 08:47 from: Phil O I don't think that a FPL would be required as the key will be attached to the token and thus any passenger train will not be using the turnout in a reversed condition. The clue is, there is no advanced starter beyond the turnout. I await being shot down in flames. Phil posted: 4 Dec 2014 10:38 from: Martin Wynne Hi Phil, It is a single-track line, so passenger trains running east to west will see it as facing points. The points need to be locked for that. regards, Martin. posted: 4 Dec 2014 13:59 from: Alan Turner Richard_Jones wrote: Hi, I've got involved in yet another project!- Not sure yet whether it will turn into a complete layout, but at present it is planned as a diorama from the road overbridge to the end of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2588.php
... only background templates can be exported): On the DXF dialog, click selected group only. Change all the DXF colours to none, except for timber centre-lines and timber numbering. Set mm or inches for your preferred units (these will be model sizes, not prototype). Save the DXF file. 8. Open the DXF file in a text editor such as Windows Notepad (DXF files are plain text). 9. Search for the word "ENTITIES" and delete everything above it in the file. 10. You should now have a long list looking like this short extract for each timber. Search for the word "LINE" to mark the start of each block of data:......... 0 LINE -- -- -- start of data for this timber 8 TIMBCENT 10 171.96 -- -- -- X dimension to this timber centre 20 65.10 11 171.96 21 11.10 0 TEXT 8 TIMBNUMB 10 169.96 20 6.63 40 2.47 1 1.T6 -- -- -- template number ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1438.php
... topic: 3181 Background shapes- Crop/Combine posted: 10 Jan 2018 18:48 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, I can see how to combine two picture shapes into one as seen in the help notes example which is very useful. Am I right in thinking there isn't a way to combine a number of background shapes into one shape that could then be duplicated at will. For example if you had baseboard outlines showing as background shapes and you added shapes to represent wiring connector boxes/control modules/etc to one of them it would be good if you could grab a few of these shapes and replicate them on other boards without having to draw each one again. Regards Rob posted: 10 Jan 2018 19:25 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: For example if you had baseboard outlines showing as background shapes and you added shapes to represent wiring connector boxes/control modules/etc to one of them it would be good if you could grab a few of these shapes and replicate them on other boards without having to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3181.php
... topic: 3389 Adding background maps posted: 23 Feb 2019 10:16 from: Hayfield I always have difficulty in enlarging a background shape getting it to the correct size, and an having the same issue now The plan is an OS 5 feet to the mile 1-1076? and have a couple of questions, but I have no idea if the plan has been enlarged The first question is, are the two lines the rails or the sleeper/timber widths? As this is the only item where the size is known, as there are no grid lines or a scale line to act as a reference Help please posted: 23 Feb 2019 11:28 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, The two lines on the map are the rails. Bear in mind that they are to scale gauge, so if you are designing for 00 gauge they will be a bit wider than your model rails. When working with maps in Templot, the very first thing to do is to set your scale. It's no good trying to change from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3389.php
... topic: 3113 MERG DCC system posted: 21 Oct 2017 23:52 from: Rob Manchester Hi, Prompted by a reply on another Templot thread tonight I would be interested to know any thoughts or owners experiences on the MERG kits for a DCC command station and handset as reviewed in BRM last year. It would make joining MERG worth it to get a full feature system for a very reasonable price. Some of the kits for signal and turnout control sound interesting too. Regards Rob posted: 22 Oct 2017 10:50 from: Charles Orr Hi, I have been a member of MERG for at least the last 10 years, Templot even longer. I have built a full CBUS DCC system, comprising a handset, command station and boosters. I use it to control my still evolving layout. I started many years ago with a ZTC system, changed to Lenz and now CBUS DCC. I'm very happy with the precise, flexible control it provides and would thoroughly recommend it. So for me it's TEMPLOT for track and MERG for control ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3113.php
... Oct 2010 21:05 from: Phil O Hi Nigel First it would help to know which version of Templot you are using as some versions have differernt approach to how to get at SHOVE TIMBERS which is where you add or remove sleepers or timbers plus other changes to them. I would not start on partial templates until you have mastered the more basic elements of Templot, have you worked through the various tutorials? because with this you won't be able to run before you can walk. Cheers Phil posted: 9 Oct 2010 10:19 from: Nigel Osborne Thankyou for the reply the version I am using is v:0.91.c.The reason I would like to construct a template for these points is that they save space which I have little of. Nigel posted: 9 Oct 2010 12:24 from: BeamEnds Nigel Osborne wrote: How do you construct a template for the following, scissor crossing, double slip and a three way.I've seen the video on how to construct a 3 way but it dosen't tell you how to wipe the sleepers from the centre ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1267.php
... mm so they are compatible with standard chaired track construction. The reason was to prove that there is an alternative method of building the common crossing for those who are happy to build common crossings in the copperclad construction method, rather than a free standing method For those wishing for added detail the following can be used Bridge chairs, These are used from the transition of block chairs (in either the common crossing or additional slide chair packs) to standard chairs where there is not enough room for a standard chair (either side of 10 used per turnout) these are £8.50 per 100 so after deducting the cost of standard chairs add a few pence to the bill Common crossing chairs A pack contains a set of 5 different sizes (1 -5 ,6 ,7 ,8& 10) At £4.50 if you can use the whole pack then 90p a turnout but a saving of appx 8 chairs per turnout Additional switch chairs, a pack contains one left and one right hand set (plenty of bits left over) £2.25 per turnout and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2702.php
... for a while, but I thought that I would load the latest version and try out the new NLS mapping function. I tried to open Templot, but when it tried to check for the latest version, there was an error message "Sorry, unable to connect to the Templot website. Please check your internet connect and then try again." I restarted the computer, but with the same result. I then manually downloaded and installed version 2.15.d, but with the same result. This was on the laptop running Windows 10 home 64-bit version. I then tried to open Templot 2.13.a on the desktop computer, also running Windows 10 home 64-bit version, but get the same result. The internet connection is fine- I have restarted the router. Any ideas? Mick Ralph posted: 9 Oct 2017 16:14 from: Martin Wynne Hi Mick, Sorry to hear you are having problems. The first thing to try would be to right-click on the Templot icon and Run as administrator. The general rule is that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3100.php
... Black Ash. A tin goes a long way. posted: 3 May 2018 08:54 from: Michael Henfrey I'm not sure, I just seen it recommended a few times from different people, I've gone abit too far now to switch it over so hopefully it should be ok. I will have a look at the Iso Alcohol version though.. Yeah I have stabbed myself a few times so far but I reckon that for every 2 chairs I put on 1 will break on the underside posted: 3 May 2018 10:16 from: Jim Guthrie It could be that the problem of the chairs breaking is not with them, but with the rail section if the web of the rail has got thicker for some reason- i.e. if the rail the chairs were designed for is no longer available and a close substitute has been sourced. Jim. Last edited on 3 May 2018 10:17 by Jim Guthrie posted: 3 May 2018 10:34 from: Hayfield Phil I tend to agree with you on this one, also if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3263.php
271. 26D
... topic: 2005 26D posted: 5 Jul 2012 20:27 from: Ian Allen Hi Temploteers, Just thought I'd have a play and replicate as close as I could Bury Shed from photocopies of drawings from *somewhere*. It isn't the final version as this is just the rough draft. Ian Attachment: attach_1462_2005_Bury_Shed.box 349 Last edited on 12 Jul 2012 21:10 by Ian Allen posted: 6 Jul 2012 20:33 from: Martin Wynne That's great, Ian. 2_061530_560000000.png Now you just need to add all the structures on the Sketchboard. Martin. posted: 7 Jul 2012 00:22 from: Ian Allen Here's the .bgs file Martin. Ian Attachment: attach_1467_2005_img099.jpg 309 Last edited on 7 Jul 2012 01:11 by Ian Allen posted: 7 Jul 2012 00:57 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ian, Thanks for that, but BGS files do not contain the picture shape image. We also need the Bury Shed.sk81 file from the same folder, or the original scanned file. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Jul 2012 01 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2005.php
... topic: 3371 Trainset Point Planning posted: 10 Jan 2019 13:14 from: Bill Adlington I have an N Gauge Group that would find Templot and making points like Witchcraft but happily chop-up track over a printed plan. I can get along with Trax and use it well to make the best of set-points in a plan but the printing side of Trax complicated on larger plans. I am asking here (on 85A) if it would be possible to make "point plans" as such (would stay within Templot as a saved file or a saved track section on the plan) that only match the rail geometry of set-points at the outer edge of the turnout as made- say at where the check rail end and the other end at point blade toes?...yes, all the sleeper/timber locations that Templot produces would be ignored as they have been set by the manufacturer on the set-point. Bill posted: 10 Jan 2019 13:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Bill, Welcome to Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3371.php
... heading and none of the other headings has "insert a turnout in plain track" in their menu. Is there a version of this tutorial that is compatible with 74b please? Tim posted: 9 Dec 2010 11:56 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tim, Welcome to Templot Club.____ The static "track plan tutorial" is at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/tut5a.htm and uses version 074b of Templot. To follow it you need to be using version 074b. This tutorial is now 10 years old and as soon as I can I intend to abolish it and rewrite it for the later versions of Templot.____ The "starter track plan" video is here: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html and was created using a later version of Templot. To follow it you need to be using version 091c. Likewise for all the other videos.____ While learning Templot you can swap to and fro between the versions, just download ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1303.php
... topic: 1367 System crashes when zooming and manipulating with large background file size posted: 10 Feb 2011 22:10 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Sorry to say I think I have found a fault that crashes my system. The crash occurs when I use one of my large size bitmap files of Birmingham New Street as background in Templot, (with, I might add, no other application running on my PC). The bitmap file loads perfectly OK and provided I do not zoom in too much I can carry on working ad-infinitum (as far as I can estimate). However, when I zoom in very close for alignment purposes, and try to manipulate the control template, it crashes the system. Without the large background file loaded, Templot works fine right up to, and including the largest zoom factors, it is only when I have the large file version of background on the workpad does the problem occur. Please note, if I use smaller background files, these do not seem to give rise to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1367.php
... special plastic moulds and cast rail parts- not cheap, I bet. But it does make up into an excellent looking turnout, and not a gauge in sight. Jim. Last edited on 21 Jul 2014 08:35 by Jim Guthrie posted: 21 Jul 2014 09:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Jim, Following the link in the video, the cost is 180 Euros (about £140): http://www.rst-modellbau.de/rstshop/index.php/gleisbau/weichen.html For comparison, the C-10 Exactoscale P4 kits from C&L are currently £54: http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=346_384_390_537 regards, Martin. posted: 21 Jul 2014 10:05 from: JFS Very interesting! But I am not so sure about using a double edge razor blade with just a bit of masking tape for protection!! Cheers, Howard posted: 21 Jul 2014 10:47 from: Jim Guthrie JFS wrote: Very interesting! But I am not so sure about ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2492.php
... topic: 2668 Turnout operating units posted: 3 Apr 2015 20:10 from: madscientist I came across a nice demonstration of turnout building, where the switch blade activation was done by bringing a pin, soldered to the blade, and then run through a slot in the slide chair to a a connector strip immediately underneath the sleeper. Haven't seen this before, but looked very neat and had the advantage that the hole in the baseboard is under a sleeper as hence hidden and no ballast etc can fall down Has any one seen this used in earnest, this particular example was a demonstration unit rathe then installed on a layout Dave posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:03 from: madscientist 97 views and no comments !! posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:09 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: 97 views and no comments !! Which suggests no-one has seen it. How about a link or a picture? regards, Martin. posted: 12 Apr 2015 18:59 from: Trevor Walling Martin Wynne wrote: madscientist wrote ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2668.php
... topic: 1919 Three Way Tandem Point posted: 10 Apr 2012 19:50 from: Les Waters I have been using Templot for off and on for several years as and when the need arose. I have just started on planning for my new layout which is prototypical. I have had the track plan scanned and I am using this as a background shape. All has gone very well using TDV except for a three way tandem point- the very last piece of the jigsaw. The problem is my lack of knowledge and terminology. When I try to follow the excellent Templot video I can sort of understand it until my lack of knowledge takes over. Specifically, I do not know if what I am trying to do is allowed bearing in mind the background shape of the prototype requires two staggered B8 LH switches. These appear to be the best fit. Would this be allowed? The other area where I am failing is the third crossing and blades which from the video seem to be a user choice and I have not got a clue ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1919.php
... topic: 1892 LNER 1930s crossover- rail lengths and timbering posted: 30 Mar 2012 10:02 from: ESJAYTEE This is perhaps a little esoteric, but perhaps one of you may have some info. In templot we can set rail lengths to produce standard panels of plain track. We can specify switch lengths and crossings corresponding to REA and some pre-REA specs, but can we specify the rail length used to make up a turnout? The straight stockrails of the C9's I'm making a crossover from appear to arrive with a joint approximately along with the joint for the switches and another a scale 60' further along the exit road. What would the lengths of blank rail supplied to a P-way yard/manufacturer be? I know 30'/45'/60' is a common measurement for plain track panels, but in what lengths was fresh plain rail supplied? (no bonus points for saying P4exactoL Stores say 0.5m through the post or 1.0m at shows!) I'm trying to replicate an LNER 1930's spec crossover using the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  58k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1892.php
... MF tandem which I think may be fairly close. The .box file is attached below. If you print it out, place the Marcway tandem over it and take a photo as square on as possible, I may be able to adjust it for a better fit. The V-crossing angles in order are 1:4.5- 1:7.5- 1:5.5 The radii are 1972mm (77.6")- 1287mm (50.7") 2_111801_390000000.png 2_111801_390000001.png cheers, Martin. Attachment: attach_2745_3326_short_tandem_for _ray_2018_09_11_2232_38.box 192 posted: 12 Sep 2018 10:37 from: r_wilton Hi Martin,Many thanks for the box file. Ive attached a scan (pdf) although its in two pages as my scanner is only A4. The turnout angles of the .box file seem a little too sharp. I'm not too worried about the accuracy of the switches etc, just the exit angle as i'm not making the turnout, just want to incorporate it in a new layout. Many thanks for your help PS i did find that for a starter the REA semi-curve B ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3326.php
... I seem to be getting "failure notice" from something called "mailer-daemon" Geoff Hi Geoff, Everything at my end is OK, am receiving emails quite happily. It seems as if you are not getting past your provider server, the "mailer-daemon". Have you spelt my email address correctly? bmerlinxix@sky.com Or is the JPEG file a very large one, sometimes if that is the case, there can be a limit to what your provider server will handle. I often send files of 10 MB to others and have no trouble at all. I would be greatful if you can check these points and then try again. Many thanks for letting me know. All the best, Brian Nicholls. posted: 6 Mar 2011 16:59 from: Martin Wynne Hi Geoff, Brian, If you both create topics in the My notes and files forum: http://85a.co.uk/forum/view_category.php?id=4 and upload the file as an attachment, I will swap it from one topic to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1403.php
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