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... topic: 166 Next Steps, laying track on a printed template posted: 21 Sep 2007 03:07 from: Rextanka I think I'm reaching the point where track can be laid on my baseboards. I have some baseboards and a printout of the track. My initial thoughts are that I would seal the baseboards with varnish or paint, then glue down closed cell foam with PVA, and glue the template on top of this. Once that is done, glue copperclad on the template for sleepers and start ballasting. Then start soldering rail to the copper clad. But I have concerns about this. My templates are printed on an inkjet printer. Does the PVA distort the template. Any other suggestions? Thanks! Nick posted: 21 Sep 2007 03:36 from: Martin Wynne Hi Nick, But I have concerns about this. My templates are printed on an inkjet printer. Does the PVA distort the template. I appear to have written four times on this subject over the years: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templot/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_166.php
... system/uploads/attachment_data/file/490855/R012016_160111_Washwood_Heath.pdf See paragraphs 56-57, and 101-122. If even RAIB is now referring to a turnout as a "point", I fear we must declare the battle lost. Martin. posted: 18 Feb 2016 03:27 from: Andrew Barrowman Is good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't know where to put the chairs, although I suppose it's not so good to know if you travel on NR. And plastic pivot bearings- they'll be printing plastic wheels next posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:39 from: Matt M. Hi Andrew, Not plastic pivots but the sacrificial liner between the pivot and bearing surface. It is simply to keep the steel sections apart. This saves trying to oil or re-grease so often in a hard to get to spot. Steel against steel is a horrible bearing surface and creates a lot of friction. This is a standard item in bogie mountings. The composite used would be selected for compression resistance and self lubrication. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2844.php
... unknown. It is probably better to subscribe to their site, perhaps only for a month, which allows you to view any of their maps fully zoomed-in and make screen grabs of whatever you need. If you use the full-screen option on there to make a screen grab, you can paste the result directly into a picture shape in Templot very easily. Use the other image option, and guess an approximate width. Then scale it to correct size after pasting. To make a screen grab, press the PRINT SCREEN (or Prt Scr) button on the keyboard. If you are using a laptop or tablet computer which doesn't have that key, press the Fn+ SPACE-BAR keys. Always zoom-in to the highest crisp resolution available. One screen grab probably won't cover the full area of interest, but you can paste a series of grabs as separate picture shapes in Templot. It is easy to align them by making the image transparent and aligning it over the previous one. Once you have scaled the first one ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2865.php
... Alan McMillan wrote: I just thought I'd remind you that we had a conversation on 4th August last year about adding a flatbottom rail foot by changing the rail head size on duplicate templates and making it possible to apply these changes to all templates at once. You replied, "I will add this to the modify on rebuild options in the next pug". Will that be possible? Hi Alan, Just to let you know that this is now in the latest TDV update,# 4435. Also, you can now print the output with both FB foot edges. Be warned that this is an improvised implementation in this TDV. It works by creating duplicate templates, so makes a big demand on memory and system resources. Attempting to convert and print your entire large track plan in one go is likely to crash your computer and take a fortnight to print anything. I suggest converting a few templates to FB at a time, printing them out, then converting them back before doing a few more. More about all this: message 10600 regards ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1539.php
... turnout is working, add all the missing timbers. Jim. PS- Fallen foul of Martin's forum software somehow Jim, Thank you for your reply, your recommendations regarding assembly are duly noted and make a lot of sense to me. I appreciate your information regarding Peco Code 80 rail as my local model shop, which isn't really into model rail, doesn't stock it and I had no idea it existed hence my silly question re stripping it from Peco Flextrack. I will display my lack of knowledge and say that PCB means Printed Circuit Board to me and, as this is obviously not what you are talking about, translation would be much appreciated. It is already apparent that this field of endeavour, like all in modern times, has developed its own jargon and this I will have to learn first. Is there an acronym/ jargon glossary on the net? I haven't been able to google one up. I am behind the 8 ball a bit because I also do not have a good knowledge of prototype terminology relating to points/ turnouts/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1009.php
... topic: 2092 Labelled switch locations posted: 30 Oct 2012 21:32 from: Martin Wynne Templot has always marked the position of the switch blade tips and extent of planing on the printed templates. Getting the rails correctly aligned to these marks is half the battle in building a good working switch. But I sometimes see pics posted on RMweb and elsewhere showing turnouts built on Templot templates where this has not been achieved. Often there is no clearly defined set in the stock rail, or the blade tips are in fresh air between the timbers, or the planing length is too long making the switch blade too flexible to open properly. I think part of the problem is that the marks are not very prominent, and are usually obscured once the timbers have been attached to the template. The original intention was that users would print a second copy of the template for reference -- possibly on tracing paper so that it can be laid directly on the rail tops to check the alignments. However, I think it would be better if these marks ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2092.php
... topic: 1148 template printing posted: 14 Jun 2010 20:45 from: rstevens Help! Can anyone tell me why, when printing S4/P4 templates, they come out with sleepers 2.5mm wide spaced 6mm apart rather than having the spacing I have specified viz 24 sleepers per 60' length ie 10mm apart? posted: 15 Jun 2010 09:56 from: Martin Wynne rstevens wrote: Help! Can anyone tell me why, when printing S4/P4 templates, they come out with sleepers 2.5mm wide spaced 6mm apart rather than having the spacing I have specified viz 24 sleepers per 60' length ie 10mm apart? Hi, It's impossible to answer this without more information. Are the rails correctly 18.83mm apart? Are you referring to plain track or turnouts? The controls for timber sizes are at real> timbering> timbering data... menu item. Note that turnout timbers through the V-crossing are normally 4mm wide (12" scale) at 10mm centres (30" scale), so the gap between them is indeed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1148.php
... topic: 1820 print preview posted: 8 Feb 2012 18:30 from: sm Is there a way to preview before printing in the TDV? Rgds, StuartM posted: 8 Feb 2012 18:35 from: sm Please ignore this post; I spotted the print question below which answered my question of page outlines Workpad page outlines for printer Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Development doings- archive> print preview about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. You are welcome to use them for your own personal non-commercial purposes, and in your messages on this web site. If you want to publish any ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1820.php
... shows blank PDF posted: 26 Jan 2012 08:01 from: Matt M. Having recently been volunteered to do the plans for a layout, (both buildings and track), I managed to put together the first rough draft this week after a delay due updating both the Apple and Windows OS. Running the current version of Templot in Windows 7 on Apple bootcamp. (Martin, I'm liking this version a lot) It was saved as a one sheet 1000 mm x 9000 mm pdf. (Using a firm that prints architectural plans). Templot says it has saved correctly, and the Templot preview looks good but when opened in Adobe all I get is a blank page. Have transferred the pdf file to the Apple OS side of the computer and it is the same, though Apple's "Preview" showed the templates perfectly so the information is there, but I will throw it through the printer tomorrow Australian time and see what happens and post the result, in the meantime maybe someone can shed some light? Regards, Matt M. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1807.php
... can either use a dummy track template, or a line in the background shapes. A. For a dummy track template: 1. geometry> notch> notch on radial centre menu item. 2. get a new straight plain track template, e.g. copy an existing one, or use the NEW top button. 3. peg it onto the notch (geometry> notch> shift onto notch menu item). 4. geometry> centre-lines only (dummy) menu item. (Templates marked dummy display and print in the colour and style of the background shapes -- but don't get confused, it is a track template, not a background shape. For example it can be a curved line.) 5. F8 mouse action to rotate it to the required angle, F4 mouse action to extend it to the required length. 6. don't forget to store it. B. For a background shape: 1. geometry> notch> notch on radial centre menu item. 2. tools> spacing ring dummy vehicle menu item ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3010.php
... topic: 317 Page Optimisation? posted: 17 Jan 2008 02:12 from: russ A useful feature, and tell me if its already there! -would be, especially if on single templates, the pages could be optimised? Ie' use least number of pages' setting? I know this is a feature on Anquet Mapping software. I am new and I have probably done something wrong but I have a point template which has printed on 3 pages that could have possibly been done one and definitely two! posted: 17 Jan 2008 02:40 from: Martin Wynne russ wrote: A useful feature, and tell me if its already there! -would be, especially if on single templates, the pages could be optimised? Ie' use least number of pages' setting? I know this is a feature on Anquet Mapping software. I am new and I have probably done something wrong but I have a point template which has printed on 3 pages that could have possibly been done one and definitely two! Hi Russ, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_317.php
... file type and then click the Settings/Setup/Options button. Set the units to match the file. This is TurboCad: 2_310737_400000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 31 Aug 2016 13:14 from: Stephen Freeman Didn't make any difference still 1527% posted: 1 Sep 2016 13:13 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, In the end I finished up splitting the PDF into 2- don't know why the file size grew from 4.89mb to 17.8mb with a page size of 4000mm x 600mm- gives 6 pages to be printed in all. I did send them a DXF file but they couldn't open it in their CAD program- some sort of version of Autocad- DWG -true view 2011 apparently- could only open as a Text file DWT- lord knows what they did, so it's fingers and everything else very much crossed- I've explained about checking the accuracy with a small pdf- we shall see. I'll have a look at the view size in DoubleCad 5XT sometime (it's from the Turbocad people- free cut-down version) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2919.php
... , more informative. I've managed to import a tracing of my original double slip, but must have entered wrong dimensions somewhere, it appears as a small box in the bottom left of the default template and I can't work out how to make it full size. It's a bit of a "dotted" copy but scanned as a pdf, converted to bmp still full size hopefully! posted: 29 Dec 2013 20:12 from: roythebus Rummaging through the pile of paper on the layout room floor I've discovered the original rough print of the errant double lip. All I have to try now is to try to copy this to Templot2 and re-work it! posted: 13 Jan 2014 22:37 from: roythebus Ok, still struggling with this, I've got the Templot drawing of the original double slip to import to Templot background, now can't work out how to get that on the page to modify it. I've tried downloading the video link, but the computer says it'll take 1hr 20 minutes to download. Any more suggestions? I've ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  83k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2336.php
... topic: 857 Death of a printer... posted: 8 Jun 2009 16:14 from: richard_t Hello I've had an Epson 1200 for many many years, and it's given faultless operation over most of that time (the only time it hasn't is with banner printing with Templot, but always my fault.) The reason it's died? It's run out of Blank Ink, and I'm not prepared to pay double the price I paid last time. From 16UKP to 33UKP, both online and local store price. These are prices for Epson carts- which I've always purchased in the past. I wonder if anyone could give suggestions for "no-name" carts that won't break the printer*? Or reliable online stores for Ink? Thanks* In the past I've always been sniffy of no-names carts as I've heard stories of them clogging etc. The carts aren't chipped though. Last edited on 8 Jun 2009 16:14 by richard_t posted: 8 Jun 2009 16:33 from: Phil O Hi Richard I use inkandstuff ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_857.php
... such as C&L making important goodies for track building dropped out? It's the nature of the beast. I wouldn't worry too much. Predictions of doom are rife but quite often something pops up to keep the good work going. Occasionally something does leave a big gap; the successors to Blacksmiths Models and Coopercraft seem to have effectively hit the buffers. But by no means always. Nigel Hello, Well Templot would continue and people who wanted to build track would have to use the Brook-Smith method or use 3D printing to make their own stuff. Things progress despite the odds and new methods appear over the horizon whatever people may say or think. Regards, posted: 27 Jan 2018 12:19 from: Nigel Brown Trevor Walling wrote: Nigel Brown wrote: Think the issues are characteristic of the hobby as a whole. What would happen if Martin found a way of Templot being supported indefinitely, but all the firms such as C&L making important goodies for track building dropped out? It's the nature of the beast. I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  143k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3189.php
... topic: 1288 Sticking plots to baseboards posted: 18 Nov 2010 10:53 from: newport_rod Hello We've printed out a plot of the fiddle yard (30+ feet long, see Little Mill Junction in Share and show). We'd like to glue the plot to the baseboards to make tracklaying easier. We avoided wallpaper paste and PVA for fear that a) the ink may run and b) the paper might expand leading to inaccuracies and bubbling. So we tried a varnish, as it happened a water-based one, on a test section. The ink didn't run but the paper swelled leading to both bubbling and a 2mm expansion in approx 600mm. What experience to other Templotters of gluing plots down have? And advice would be appreciated. posted: 18 Nov 2010 16:47 from: Phil O Hi newport_rod wrote: Hello We've printed out a plot of the fiddle yard (30+ feet long, see Little Mill Junction in Share and show). We'd like to glue the plot to the baseboards to make tracklaying easier. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1288.php
... rails, BH is bullhead rails: 2_130700_220000000.png Click the real> rails> rail section data... menu item to set the width of the rail foot to match the rail which you are using. The data is in prototype inches, so you will need to measure your rail and do the scale conversion. (Templot can convert it for you if you use the input conversion factors, but I've received complaints that I include too much information in my replies.) n.b. You won't see the rail foot edges when printing the control template by itself. You will see the rail foot edges only when you print background templates (your track plan templates). If you didn't have the FB setting in force when you stored the background templates, you need to update them all to this setting by clicking the real> rails> modify group to match menu item and selecting the group select all option. Here is what the printed templates should then look like. The rail-foot edge lines will appear only on the output, and only for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2351.php
... gauge line. And maybe Templot could do that replacing itself? In the above editor the finished design, rather than being uploaded to OSM, can be saved locally as an .osm (XML-based) file. And then using one of several open-source tile generators used to create a series of tiles on the Templot server as a "Templot map" entirely separate from OSM. In a conventional slippy map the tiles are bitmaps, but I'm thinking the Templot tiles could be EMF metafiles, which could be zoomed, printed, and used as construction templates in the usual way. Possibly we don't need any of the original OSM map detail at all, and can simply use the OSM functions to provide the geo-referencing and conversions. On the NLS historic maps it is possible to use OSM as the cross-fade background layer: 2_250417_280000000.png see: http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/print/#zoom=18&lat=52.37478&lon=-2.30360&layers=168&b =7 which could be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3722.php
299. New User
... Templot Development Version (TDV), which offers a partial gaunt turnout as an easier and better way to create the middle V-crossing. More about how to do that here: message 9841 You would be very welcome to join the development group and try your tandem in the TDV. More about TDV here: topic 1510 *actually 078e or later regards, Martin. posted: 13 Sep 2011 00:40 from: Tony W Hi Mick. Your question was how to start a Tandem Turnout. You may wish to print this page as it will be easier to follow. Cut and paste it into word then print it. I find the recommended ways of doing things often overly complicated, sorry Martin. Try this method. Before you can begin you will need to set your gauge scale. Open templot and when it asks you if you wish to load your previous session select no. In the window left click the Workpad button. Left click the drop down Template drop down menu and move the pointer to the gauge and scale line, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1627.php
... topic: 629 Wrapped background posted: 16 Nov 2008 20:59 from: newport_rod I've imported a .bmp scan (300 dpi) of a track plan from an A2 print, but the image is split with the extreme RHS of the image being displayed on the right (see attached jpeg). What am i doing wrong please? An earlier scan (from A3) worked OK Attachment: attach_411_629_wrapped_background .JPG 170 posted: 16 Nov 2008 21:45 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rod, Which version of Windows are you using? Is this on a Mac computer? Does the .bmp image display correctly in other programs and graphics editors? What happens if you click the picture content> reload... button and reload the image? What happens if you adjust the size or scale of the picture shape outline using the mouse actions? What happens if you zoom in much larger? regards, Martin. posted: 17 Nov 2008 23:15 from: newport_rod Thanks for your quick reply Martin, this is what I found: Which version of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_629.php
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