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... although not so noticeable. If for both of those turnouts you put the peg on FP (CTRL-4, press once only) and then change them to curviform, you should be able to orbit or snake one or other of the turnouts into better alignment with the other. If you temporarily extend the length of the turnout roads you will be able to see what you are doing. You may find that only the lower turnout of the two needs changing. cheers, Martin. posted: 4 Feb 2018 17:07 from: John Palmer 53' X 26' just to get in the layout as plotted! No, no hangar; this was purely a fun exercise. Many thanks for the suggestions, which I've tried to implement and which I hope have improved matters. One of the tricky aspects of this is fitting in the spur connecting to the turntable and to the Up Main (running north eastwards). This was equipped with an inspection pit and must, I think, have been of a length sufficient to accommodate a 7F ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3205.php
... topic: 3451 changes in version 223c posted: 22 Aug 2019 17:07 from: Martin Wynne Here is a summary of the changes in Templot update version 223c, released 19th August 2019. 1. make simple link There is a new way to create a link track between existing templates: make_link_1_1166x540.png "Simple" means making a tangential alignment at the template boundaries, similar to the result when clipping together items of set-track. This function creates a template linking from the current peg location on the control template, to make a tangential join with the selected background template, and adjusts the background template to fit: make_link_2_760x200.png A simple tangential link is suitable for use in yards and sidings at low speeds. When a smooth flowing connection is needed for fast running lines, it is better to use use the make transition link function instead. For more explanation about the difference between these two functions, see: http://templot.com/companion/link_existing.php For more about creating a simple link, see: http://templot.com/companion ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3451.php
... topic: 3202 ctrl-Z and the control behaviour posted: 29 Jan 2018 19:07 from: madscientist Martin, maybe this is the designed behaviour Say I "make the control" on a given background template, then elsewhere I select a background template, hit "D",( I'm usually doing this because I have created or suspect I have created two background templates on the same spot) I may hit "D" a few times, typically until I see the template clear from the screen, at that point, I know I have no duplicates on the screen Then I hit Ctrl-Z to restore the last deleted template, thats fine, it reappears BUT, the control template that is elsewhere disappears and is gone ??? dave Last edited on 29 Jan 2018 19:30 by madscientist posted: 29 Jan 2018 19:33 from: madscientist as an aside, A great option in Templot would be to have a double click to turn a selected background template into a control while at the same time returning the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3202.php
... posted: 19 Jan 2018 19:00 from: Rob Manchester Hello Brian, You should be able to 'whitelist' or 'mark as safe' any web pages you trust on Norton. I haven't used it for many years so can't be specific. A number of users of Templot( and the rest of the world) are happy to run Windows with the Microsoft anti-virus etc rather than 3rd party add-ons. Buyer/user beware- works both ways of course. Rob posted: 19 Jan 2018 19:07 from: Martin Wynne polybear wrote: Is there any fix to this please Hi Brian, The fix is not to use Norton. Why folks install at great expense these objectionable programs which prevent them using their own computer any way they choose is a mystery to me. I suggest using the free security programs from Microsoft: For Windows7: Microsoft Security Essentials. For Windows10: Windows Defender (pre-installed). Alternatively, an email to Norton asking them to explain exactly what they think is a threat on that page ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3190.php
... topic: 3231 Allow a limited number of start ups with no web access posted: 27 Feb 2018 07:59 from: FraserSmith Hi Martin After posting recently that you should ignore requests for improvements to Templot I very tentatively put forward the following. I have twice recently been wanting to show off your wonderful program to others via my laptop but on both of those occasions I had shut down Templot the previous time I had used it. As I was in a webless location I was unable to do so. I use DesignSpark for PCB design and that requires web access at startup but if there is no web it will allow starts for up to 30 days from the last web access. Is it possible that something similar could be included in Templot either limited to a number of days or number of restarts? Thanks and thanks for allowing us access to this wonderful program. Fraser posted: 27 Feb 2018 08:32 from: Martin Wynne Hi Fraser, I'm reluctant to do that because it is easily defeated by changing the clock on the system ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3231.php
... topic: 3184 Colour Printing issue posted: 15 Jan 2018 07:32 from: JFS I recent bought (at huge expense!) a Xerox Versa Link C405 colour laser printer. But, selecting the "Print in Colour" menu item brings up an "INVALID REQUEST- Printer is not a colour printer or is not set for printing in colour" message. But actually it is, and it is. (and it prints fine from other applications.) My previous printer was an HP colour laser and that worked alright. Is there another setting somewhere which I am missing? Just on minor note, I have to smile when the printer dialogue asks me if it is a "Dot matrix printer"- the last time I even saw one of those is at least 25 years ago! Many thanks and best wishes, Howard posted: 15 Jan 2018 15:29 from: Martin Wynne JFS wrote: I recent bought (at huge expense!) a Xerox Versa Link C405 colour laser printer. But, selecting the "Print ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3184.php
... : 9 Jan 2018 09:42 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin I like to change the orientation of my trackwork, when modifying it, so that the track is horizontal rather than vertical. However, I would like my background shapes, such as; baseboard and room outlines to rotate with it (i.e. synchronized rotation). Just 90 degree steps would help. Cheers Godders posted: 12 Jan 2018 15:50 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Bump I am feeling ignored and neglected. posted: 12 Jan 2018 16:07 from: Martin Wynne Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: I am feeling ignored and neglected. Sorry Godders. I have been looking at your suggestion and wondering how to reply. It's clearly a sensible idea. And on the face of it, it ought to be a simple thing to do. In fact it isn't, because there isn't any way of rotating the background shapes as a combined entity. It will be a major programming task to implement this. It's something I really ought to make available, but at present I don't ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3179.php
... . Dave posted: 13 Jul 2019 20:32 from: Andrew Barrowman Jim Guthrie wrote: Martin, Our own version of fake news. I've had a quick look at Brechin on Google maps to have a look at the churches() and the local stone seems to be predominantly red sandstone, so they have picked the correct general colour for the buildings- certainly the large ones. Jim. Hi Jim, I spent quite a lot of time in Brechin. As I recall the local sandstone was more light brown/pink and quite mixed. A bit different from the red/orange sandstone that was not uncommon in the Glasgow area. Mind you that was a long time ago. There was still some steam action near Edzell. Cheers, Andy posted: 15 Jul 2019 08:56 from: richard_t Thanks to everyone for the information. Given the name, I could also find there's thread on here already. So all very useful On Manchester Central, each set of platforms had a release road (A through to D), and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3458.php
... ://templot.com/companion/transition_curves.php p.s. your storage box contains 190 templates of which 155 are unused. You can remove them all if no longer wanted by clicking the box> delete unused templates menu item on the storage box. Unused templates are created when you wipe them from the trackpad instead of deleting them. It is useful when you think you might want them again later, for example when making trial changes "just to see if...". cheers, Martin. posted: 2 Aug 2019 07:31 from: Tom Allen i would never have figured that one out, truly a great program. I've been using "wipe" to clear grouped items not thinking where they would end up. posted: 2 Aug 2019 08:35 from: Tom Allen Are there any other problem areas that need sorting? Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> random (ish) objects on screen about Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3472.php
... topic: 3171 wrong gauge shown on info posted: 4 Jan 2018 20:07 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, I have a Start.box file which gets loaded each time I start Templot and it puts me into EM gauge as that is what I most commonly use. However I noticed when trying out the new tandem coding( brilliant!) that the info panel reports EM gauge at the top and then further down it says "Nominal Gauge T-55 1.000" 5.5mm:ft". Should that be in there? Info panel attached. Rob Attachment: attach_2609_3171_Info_Panel_2.pdf 249 posted: 4 Jan 2018 20:28 from: Rob Manchester ps Martin, I wasn't suggesting any connection with the Tandem function! Rob posted: 4 Jan 2018 22:49 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rob, Thanks for reporting that. It is obviously a bug, so I have moved this topic to the "I found a flaw" section. After loading this file, which menu item is showing a bullet mark on the gauge menu? Which gauge is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3171.php
... tracks). The fly in this ointment is that no prototype railway company ever used mathematical transition curves in an engine shed! Templot needs an easier means to create tangential arcs in situations like this. That's something I have had on my NOD list for years, maybe it's time I did something about it. It can be done now with some counter-intuitive working from dummy pointwork, or by using school geometry on dummy templates, but it needs something simpler. cheers, Martin. posted: 6 Aug 2019 08:07 from: drrsenior I have made some progress with transition curves: thank you.May I ask another basic question? Is it possible to separate a section of the track plan to move around on the trackpad? I am designing an engine shed layout. Apart for minor tweaking, I am reasonably happy with the layout of the facilities (coal hole, T/T, ash road etc) but have not settled on the actual shed. It will be a 4 road shed and once I have designed the throat into the shed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3474.php
... be in 218a update shortly. It's not perfect, but hopefully will be helpful for those struggling with them. A scruff video clip: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=KA3AFzb5P7AEkiMqzNa_LA2 I'm leaving the single-sided tandems (trickier to do) until I see how this goes and any issues which crop up. It's more or less ready, but I can't release 218a until I have done something about this page: http://templot.com/companion/3_way_tandem_turnouts.php regards, Martin. posted: 3 Jan 2018 07:01 from: Dave Summers This looks like another very useful feature which will only enhance the flexibility of Templot for those of us that struggle to achieve and maintain a degree of proficiency! Thanks Martin posted: 3 Jan 2018 11:21 from: Judi R Martin, that looks brilliant! Judi posted: 3 Jan 2018 13:42 from: Rob Manchester Martin, Another stunning job as usual. Well done, look forward to it. Rob posted: 3 Jan 2018 16:39 from: Martin Wynne Thanks ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3168.php
... same in a 1:50 crossing as in a 1:5 crossing, or any angle. The longest conventional turnout which can be created using the pre-sets in Templot is 1:80, for which you need the 30ft straight switch. It looks like this, its 1700mm long (5ft-6in): 2_311950_190000000.png The 1:80 V-crossing: 2_311950_190000001.png For which the vee nose would need to be filed much sharper than most switch blades. Happy New Year. Martin. posted: 1 Jan 2018 07:55 from: roythebus Thanks for that info Martin. Would such long switches be prototypical should have been the next question! There's some pretty long switches at Ashford on the HS1 line set out for 300km/h running. I was half-tempted to make a 1:50 to see what it would look like. I doubt if it would look right in bullhead rail though. No doubt the prototype would use cast vees. posted: 1 Jan 2018 11:42 from: Martin Wynne Hi Roy, The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3166.php
... crash is above Thanks Keith. That is the same crash as reported by Simon recently: topic 3311- message 27475 Two separate reports means a definite bug, although at present I haven't been able to find it or repeat it. Still looking. Anyone else, when deleting picture shapes? cheers, Martin. posted: 12 Aug 2019 17:28 from: KeithArmes Thanks, Gentlemen. Nice to know that I'm not alone, so maybe it's not me being stupid. Cheers, Keith posted: 13 Aug 2019 00:07 from: MikeB Hi Martin. I have been having the same problem recently, but this has been when trying to select a shape at the top of my list (rather than deleting). These are usually shapes that I have had a long time and are in several other lists. I then get the violation error box, then closing the error box you get another one come up. If you keep closing them (and they move about the screen), then they eventually go away and you get back control ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3481.php
... :06 from: JFS Aha!- should have searched for FINETrax- that "E" makes a lot of difference! Looks a lot better than some of the other N guage rubbish! Thanks Martin! Best Wishes, posted: 15 Aug 2019 20:09 from: Rob Manchester Howard, I have seen a couple of layouts built with this track system and it is quite 'fine' in the way it looks. Not sure about the double slip though.... Rob posted: 15 Aug 2019 21:07 from: Martin Wynne JFS wrote: Aha!- should have searched for FINETrax- that "E" makes a lot of difference! Hi Howard, I have now edited the title line. The housekeeping on a forum such as this is never-ending! cheers, Martin. posted: 16 Aug 2019 09:33 from: Hayfield Sorry I should have checked, Phil is Dyslexic and my spelling is not very good. I have checked and unless I misheard him I used his spelling. posted: 16 Aug ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3486.php
... topic: 3418 Adjacent Track Centers Default posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:10 from: Andrew Barrowman Is there a way to set default or preset values for MS and TS double track spacing? I'm getting into a bit of a pickle because they seem to revert to values I don't want posted: 17 Apr 2019 13:07 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Barrowman wrote: Is there a way to set default or preset values for MS and TS double track spacing? I'm getting into a bit of a pickle because they seem to revert to values I don't want Hi Andy, There are two approaches to this. 1. the default settings for adjacent track centres are part of the gauge/scale settings. You can create a custom setting with your required settings: 2_170823_430000000.png There are 4 custom slots located at the bottom of the list, so you can have 4 different settings in them if needed. 2. the track centre spacings are template-specific. So an easy way to retain some settings for future use is to store a template ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3418.php
... 'open' as the sleepers haven't turned green which normally indicates a 'non-active' template. David posted: 16 Mar 2018 14:39 from: David Long In fact you can't create a blank track pad. Previously, 'clear all' would clear all saved templates, now the last saved template stays on the screen and, as I previously mentioned, only disappears when you create a new template. Not a disaster but just a bit confusing when you first come across it. David posted: 16 Mar 2018 15:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi David, Nothing has changed in 219b, and I can't find anything not working correctly. clear all (CTRL+ DEL) is working fine to delete all stored templates. There is no means to delete the control template, and never has been. You can only hide it, temporarily. I recently created this page to clarify the basic working methods: http://templot.com/companion/basics.php That page is still a work-in-progress. Not all the screenshots show the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3239.php
... topic: 3149 Crossing baseplate posted: 7 Dec 2017 07:42 from: davelong Hi all, quick question. I'm planning to use a nickel silver baseplate below my common crossings. (P4) I've read that it's advisable that the Vee nose is slightly lower than the surrounding wing rails, but by how much is recommended? The reason for that question being the baseplate thickness available from Eileen's is either 18thou or 22thou thickness, and with using exactoscale chairs which I believe nominally hold the rail at 0.6mm above the timbers. Which would have the preferable height 0.45 (18thou) or 0.55 (22thou)? Many thanks. Dave posted: 7 Dec 2017 11:02 from: Martin Wynne davelong wrote: I've read that it's advisable that the Vee nose is slightly lower than the surrounding wing rails, but by how much is recommended? Hi Dave, The prototype (bullhead) is typically 3/16" below the wing rails at the nose, running out in 15". In 4mm/ft scale that equates to 2.5 thou ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3149.php
... as you wish this way with one click on each: 2_251656_080000000.png When you have finished, you can stop the function by any of the means used to stop a mouse action- press the ESC key, click the mouse-pointer tool button, zoom in or out, click any menu item, etc. There are several other ways to create and change groups when you don't want to drag the usual selection fence around them. See the other items on the above menu. regards, Martin. posted: 26 May 2018 07:39 from: johnbirch72 Thanks Martin. I had managed it before but couldn't remember how! Must be age. John Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> Click to add to group about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3274.php
... : http://templot.com/companion/crop_combine.php Hint: when cropping and combining, it is useful to put the picture borders on, which makes it easier to see what you are doing: 2_241016_320000000.png cheers, Martin. posted: 24 Sep 2018 16:05 from: Hayfield Sorry for the blank file tried again, I will now watch the video. Loaded a shape file for those interested Failed again, Attachment: attach_2753_3330_Holborn_viaduct_S ept_2018.bgs 149 Last edited on 24 Sep 2018 16:06 by Hayfield posted: 25 Sep 2018 07:58 from: Hayfield Thanks I managed to do it, took me a couple of goes as initially I tampered with the scaling accidently Attachment: attach_2755_3330_Holborn_viaduct_S ept_2018-1.sk81 196 Last edited on 25 Sep 2018 08:02 by Hayfield Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> Cropping a plan in Templot about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3330.php
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