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... much more likely that you start it once and then leave it running for a whole evening. So a few extra clicks at startup is neither here nor there. In that respect at least it's more like a CAD program. My real exasperation is that those who want Templot "more like Windows" never explain in detail what they actually want changed. The few suggestions that have been made invariably involve a significant reduction in functionality, and I'm not prepared to do that. If someone can tell me the standard Windows method to adjust the length of a transition zone while closely watching co-incidence on the radial centres -- I'll do it. regards, Martin. posted: 6 Mar 2009 09:11 from: Martin Wynne Howard wrote: Every time I load background shapes, I change the font/colours so the lines are of width 3& the colours different from the colours on the printed pages. It would be useful (to me at least) if these could be saved, either in the bgs file or somewhere else. OK ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  239k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_752.php
... topic: 3139 still finding issues with crossovers on transitions posted: 27 Nov 2017 20:42 from: madscientist 3004_271536_210000000.png so heres the thing, I created the plain track that is the current control, it has a transition curve I created template 27, as a TS creation from that original plain track Geometry is set to crossover I invoke "crossover"....( I get the" handy hint" about adjusting the transition) 3004_271539_560000000.png zooming in 3004_271541_190000000.png and theres the mismatch, I can correct it of course by adjusting the transition parameters, just to show it however regards Dave posted: 27 Nov 2017 20:48 from: Martin Wynne Dave, For the third time of telling you, DON'T USE MAKE CROSSOVER. Use make double-track, and insert a turnout in it, template> insert turnout in plain track. I will make you a bit of video, but first I want to get 216b released, after I have had a meal. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Nov 2017 21:11 from: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3139.php
... very long text descriptions of pictures for those using audio browsers; Hi Dave, I have every sympathy with the visually-impaired, but I'm puzzled by what would be achieved by providing greater disability access to the Templot web site than is available in the program itself. The program can't display an audio version of the workpad, so there seems little point in having a tutorial screenshot image which attempts to do so. I can't begin to imagine the "long text description" of a screenshot showing a mouse action in use to adjust the alignment of a transition curve, or to align track over a background scan, which presumably itself would need an audio description? There would be 10 times more text in the Alt tags than in the page itself, it would take much longer to load, and take impossibly longer for me to write -- and all to describe a program which unfortunately is never going to be of much use to those who can't see the screen. Losing one's sight must be devastating, but I can't help thinking the loss of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  89k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_115.php
... such a special with a very short machined flare on both sides that it would be difficult to cover it in Templot, you would have an intimidating screen full of tickbox options. I think this is a case where you either pencil it in on the printed template, or go in for some intricate partial templates. At present you can set only a single flare length for all the V-crossing check rail ends, and machined/bent option for the whole template. However, waiting in the wings is the option to adjust all check rail ends independently by mouse action. Here is a sneak look at the dialog -- but please note this is NYA (not yet available) and it may not be for some time, or look like this when it is: adjust_checks.png Sorry to be a pain. No pain. That's what these forums are here for. regards, Martin. posted: 30 Jun 2007 01:30 from: Phil O Hi Martin" That check rail end is such a special with a very short machined flare on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_103.php
... the ends with the mouse previously! (Memo to self, read the help screens more often.) As you have probably discovered by now, having the adjacent tracks on produces lots of lines on the screen which gets confusing as to which belongs to what, so this option needs to to used sparingly. Although the adjacent tracks appear to be stored as part of the background templates, they will not be saved like that when you finish your session and save all. The other trick to be aware of is that slight adjustments (and I do mean slight 0.1 mm or less) to the track spacing can be very useful in aligning the timbers across two roads. Tony. posted: 11 Oct 2011 17:51 from: Tony W Martin Wynne wrote: Tony W wrote: Although the ruler can be useful for measuring track centres, an alternative approach is to turn on the adjacent tracks function which will apply to the Control template. In 0.91c this can be found under the Generator> Generator settings> Adjacent tracks. Hi Tony, As ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1651.php
... , and I wonder whether that reflects NER practice, or whether the timber should be set in a slightly different position, particularly if there is a holding down bolt in front of the nose. Another feature that struck me was the alignment of timbers at right angles to one or other of the routes through a crossing. That was the way I laid out my representations of North British crossings until I read Richard Chown's comments at topic 401 – see in particular point 10 in post #92. As a result of this I adjusted my designs so as to align timbers carrying A, B, C, D, X and Y chairs on a line drawn at right angles to the bisector of the vee. I did this in the expectation that the resulting skew of these timbers would ensure that the crossing chairs they carried could be mounted on them with ample timber beneath such chairs' mounting holes into which the fixings could bite. Taking this approach to a perfectionist conclusion, you might also need to adjust the spacings of timbers carrying special crossing chairs according ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3134.php
... the first LH turnout (49) to curviform pattern. Otherwise you have an unsightly reverse curve in the vee splice rail. Put the peg on CTRL-0 first. You can use make branch track to link it back in to existing tracks. Very often when the curving is negative like this a change to curviform is needed. To complete the tandem may I suggest you join the development group? The TDV includes the option of using a partial gaunt turnout for the middle V-crossing, which is much easier to adjust. Some notes about doing that are here: message 9841 regards, Martin. posted: 18 Oct 2011 23:27 from: Bill_Lobb Tony W wrote: Hi Bill. Interesting project. I don't think there would be too many problems building it although the radius of the second turnout road seems rather sharp to me. Good luck with your project. Tony. Thank you for this reply. I hope into won't prove to be too interesting. I'm on holiday for a week or so, so I probably won't be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1656.php
... area is spread around the room in a 'u' shape with the fiddle yard situated outside in the hallway. Of course, the fiddle yard will only be erected for running sessions. The inner two lines are the 'up' and 'down' lines,the third outer most line entering the fiddle yard leads to an imaginery off scene goods yard and loco shed. The outer most line leads to an imaginery off scene harbour. There have been some slight changes made to the original design, timbers have been shoved and check rails adjusted. Working from what few pictures I have, and with a bit of artistic licence, I have tried to create N.B. interlaced sleepers. I would be grateful for any comments- good or bad. Regards Scott Attachment: attach_504_751_Box_Room.box 565 posted: 21 Feb 2010 10:02 from: Martin Wynne Scott Willis wrote: Hi Guys You may remember my previous posting regarding a layout designed to fit in my railway room. Like most modellers, available space in which to build a layout is limited. For me it is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_751.php
... intend to build the marcway track as I don't like them, but I have been asked to plan it with the ability to print proper templates. That's why I am using templot Dave As far as C&L is concerned, their plans use standard railway formula. So a C&L plan for a B6 turnout will be the same size (details such as timber placing and rail joints differ slightly) as a B6 template within Templot You could buy a set of plans from Marcway, scan their images into Templot and adjust a standard turnout fo match it. But why go to the bother if you are not going to build them. If you were going down the C&L route most builders buying kits or plans go for either A5 or A6 plans posted: 5 Feb 2020 12:05 from: madscientist I haven't bought anything yet. As I said the preference for marcway is the personal preference of the person asking me to lay out the track. As I said I wouldn't use Marcway myself as I scratch build track myself. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  80k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3606.php
... stuff... But best of all (as far as my needs were concerned) are the ability to change crossing vees and ks by steps of 0.01 using a mouse option. This means you can have two plain templates on differing curves, notch their intersection, and start to play. Firstly, copy one of the plain templates to the control. Insert a turnout and put the peg on position 3. Put it onto the notch and then turn it into a half-diamond. You can then play around by adjusting the crossing Vee and the common K-crossing until the diamond route matches you other template. Then make the second half of the diamond and adjust this in the same way. I have purposely not stated all the commands you need to press as the process is more important. And just to show off, I have managed to create a semi-outside slip where both turnout roads are diverging away from the slip route, as this first attachment shows: I know it isn't quite right yet, but it does give ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1595.php
... topic: 1680 Store and background during F4, F6, F7 etc. posted: 9 Nov 2011 17:20 from: Ian White If I select "Store and background" during an F4, F6 or F7 mouse action operation, the template is stored and sent to the background, but the mouse action operation is not cancelled as it was in 91c. For example: I select the control template, press F4, adjust the length, select "Store and background", then click the workpad to move it (the workpad, not the template)- at which point the control template reappears (and its length adjusted as I move the mouse) as Templot thinks I am still in F4 mode. Is this the intended behaviour? posted: 9 Nov 2011 18:15 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Ian for reporting this bug -- which applies only if you click store& background on the right-click menu. I will get it fixed. If that is not what you were doing, please let me know. There ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1680.php
... :06 from: Martin Wynne Hi Damien, You need a left-hand turnout there, not a Y-turnout. 1. delete the top turnout. 2. click on the other turnout. 3. delete to the control. 4. tools> make return curve. 5. template> insert turnout in plain track. 6. template> swap hand. 7. change to a curviform V-crossing. (click the green R at the top left of the screen, to C). 8. adjust the size and position of the turnout to suit. That probably means a smaller size (F5) and roam it (CTRL+ F9) forward a bit. 9. tools> make branch track. regards, Martin. posted: 11 Oct 2017 16:12 from: Damien Morris Brilliant, thanks Martin. You said in my other post the doubel slip was a standard x:x size. What other standard sizes are used as a base for BR turnouts? posted: 11 Oct 2017 16:22 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3103.php
... topic: 1715 TDV Transition Problem ?? posted: 3 Dec 2011 23:10 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, I managed to get some strange patterns on the screen today when adjusting the the 1st and 2nd radius of a transition curve. The 'errors' occur when finely adjusting the radius. You can work through it by going just a bit further on when the display returns to normal. TDV doesn't crash at all. It is hard to re-produce the problem but if I do I will stop and leave everything where it is while saving the templates in a box file for you. One of the screenshots is attached. Anybody else seen this? Rob Attachment: attach_1256_1715_Transition_crash _1.jpg 303 posted: 4 Dec 2011 05:31 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rob, Thanks for posting the file. It's a long-standing known issue, not related to TDV. Essentially you created a transition curve which was too gentle for the maths processor in your computer. "Too gentle" means the radius was changing by too little in too ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1715.php
... be a useful feature occasionally, although as you suggest, a true Y is fairly unusual. As far as explanations are concerned, that screenshot really says everything that needs to be said! Cheers, Paul posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:55 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: As far as explanations are concerned, that screenshot really says everything that needs to be said! Thanks Paul. Maybe, but there is quite a lot more which needs explaining. The importance of maintaining the split-deflection pegging when making adjustments; how to choose the most suitable switch size before starting; how to make a crossover from a Y-turnout (as for example in terminal engine release roads); what the hand of a Y-turnout means and the effect on shoved timbers; how to add a platform alongside a Y-turnout... One bug I've noticed and fixed is that movable K-crossings have never had the drive slot (tie-bar mark) showing. How come no-one ever mentioned that? Martin. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3817.php
... Martin Wynne Dear all, The latest Templot update is now available. Version 215a. Your copy of Templot should update automatically if you restart it and follow the instructions. If you have any problems with that, follow the download links on the web site. I will write a bit more about what's in it shortly. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Sep 2017 15:22 from: Martin Wynne Here's a summary of changes in 215a: auto-generated slips: tools> make slip> menu items. trackbed edges adjustable for length: real> trackbed edges... geometry> trackbed edges... menu items. experimental program sizing -- there is a small vertical slider hiding at bottom-right corner of the trackpad: 2_201440_230000000.png This replaces the previous dpi-aware functions which I introduced a couple of versions ago, to provide more control for individual systems and user preferences. Adjust for the most comfortable use on tablets, widescreen monitors, and anything in between. This has no effect on track design, it controls the size ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3072.php
... cases) from a pair of main lines which have 6ft way. This is for the safety of staff on the ground, and clearance for signal posts, etc. This rule produces the classic alternating wide and narrow spacings of track in pairs, as seen for example on the cover of David Smith's GWR track book: cvr_track_400px.jpg In addition to that, track spacing has to be increased on sharp curves to allow running clearance for vehicle overhang. See the tools> dummy vehicle menu item for the tools in Templot to check and adjust clearances. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Oct 2017 12:53 from: Tony W Hi Richie Screen shot with check rail ends bent. 2151_050739_350000000.png Screen shot with check rail ends machined. 2151_050741_050000000.png The later would be more appropriate to your era. Regarding the track spacings of quadruple tracks, there are two main ways of doing this. The WCML was generally arranged as Up Down fast, Up Down slow and would be spaced at 11'2" 15' 2" 11' 2" centres. The alternate way as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3093.php
... - here on the left: 2. low-contrast converted original: 2_241521_120000001.png But it still doesn't match the screenshot captures from smooth browser resampling. So I have found some old resampling code from Anders Melander which could be used in Templot, as a one-time conversion on the background shapes. It's very slow, several seconds per tile, but only needs to be done once. The difficulty is that there are 7 different resampling algorithms available, with varying degrees of smoothing and speed, and each one can have an adjustable edge-effect setting. Mostly they are optimised for colour photographs, rather than scans of historic maps, so the default settings are not necessarily the best for our purpose. And then in each case there is the degree of zooming to apply. An utter minefield of different settings which would take me forever to evaluate. From which I need to select 1 or maybe 2 options to offer in the background shapes. Here are some examples. In each case the original as loaded tile is on the right: 3. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3823.php
... a short stub siding where ash was dumped alongside the track at Kyle shed. Photos are few as the turnout and siding were not original, and were later removed, so don't exist on many photos of the location. I don't know in what situations centralised timbering would be prototypical- perhaps when both roads are used equally? I'm looking for an excuse to build it as it is. There will be plenty of detritus around in any case so it won't be terribly noticeable. But it's still relatively easy to start again and adjust the timbering if centralised is definitely inappropriate here. All best Julian posted: 5 Sep 2020 10:06 from: Julian Roberts Actually I think I've found the answer to the question of whether it will look OK in the situation. This photo does show more than I remembered. Hardly a pukka mainline scene! Interested to know the answers to the questions all the same! The turnout in question is the one on the right of the loco. 3591_050458_440000000.png posted: 5 Sep 2020 12:33 from: Martin Wynne Julian ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3756.php
... ) if I have a curve that I want to connect to a straight track, but I want to ensure the straight track remains at a given rotate angle, is there a way to do that. I currently find I have to tweak the curve, and re-snap the straight track and check that the K remains at zero for the straight. i.e. it would be useful to have a" swing to a K" type option Hi Dave, I've read that a few times and I think you want to adjust a curve to finish at a specified angle, so that you can attach a straight track at that angle? Lots of ways to do that, here's a bit of video showing one of them: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=kU1YjsYyIZJYO4pK8R9Xtw2 On the other hand it would be far better, quicker and easier to offset the templates a little and then use the make transition function on them. Model railway curves tend to be far sharper than the prototype, and don't look good or work well if a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3141.php
... a straight A5 turnout. The answer is yes, so if you want a fairly compact Y turnout, and you reckon that the curve in straight A5 turnout gives the sort of minimum radius you're looking for, it's possible to decrease crossing angle of the Y turnout until the radius is in that sort of region. What I suggest you do is note the minimum radius quoted for a straight A5 turnout, convert it to a Y turnout, then decrease the crossing angle until the radius is in the same region, making any adjustments necessary to the curvature of the (main road of) the Y turnout at the same time. That'll give you an idea of the crossing angle required. Alternatively, just make a guess, like A3.5, and see what that gives you. However, I think sharply curved Y turnouts look a bit peculiar; you might want to make the crossing angle a bit larger to improve appearances. Nigel Last edited on 5 Aug 2011 20:58 by Nigel Brown posted: 5 Aug 2011 23:52 from: Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1585.php
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