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... think in terms of lengthening the leads on TL186 and TR260 so as to reduce the end throw on vehicles passing over these connections, as I would expect that to ameliorate or even eliminate such a conflict. This may involve the toe of TL186 becoming repositioned adjacent to a platform face, which in turn could have implications for the signalling/locking of facing movements over these points. posted: 13 Nov 2018 15:28 from: Rob Manchester William's original RM post is here for anybody interested. Rob posted: 15 Nov 2018 07:35 from: William Williamson Thanks Rob! The more I think about it, the more I reckon that a consolidated entry to the 'old goods yard' (i.e. a CCD siding and a carriage siding) makes more sense. I don't want to bring the front-left tracks too close to the front, but I wonder if a large S curve will give me the geometry I need. Life has gone a bit mad in the last couple of days, but I think that may be my next port ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3353.php
... Martin Wynne Jim Guthrie wrote: You might find it easier to go to page 467 in their virtual catalogue to see what's there- I can't seem to give URLs into the catalogue. Hi Jim, Thanks. Here's the link to page 483, which has some very thin grooving inserts down to .019" wide, see middle of page: http://edition.pagesuite.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=9c3eabd2-e3ba-4a9f-8bd3-aa6475bd6e37&pnum=483 (click the pink links to order) UK heavy-rail widths (2.75") in thou: 4mm/ft: .036" 7mm/ft: .063" cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Nov 2018 19:42 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, I use a couple of parting off tools, suitably altered for 7mm and 4mm scale, so can do width for 7mm scale Bullhead and 4mm scale bullhead (approx 1mm). I can probably do smaller if needed. Rob Manchester wrote: Stephen Freeman wrote: Depends on the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3354.php
... 18:08 from: madscientist thanks posted: 14 Sep 2018 08:55 from: madscientist I managed to track down a numbered signal diagram of the station, badminton, that we based the current layout on, so I now have a lever numbering guide, I still have to work out the text for the leads as that wasn't included What was interesting is the levers are grouped in the frame by road direction rather then physical location grouping( which I thought was more common) Interesting posted: 14 Sep 2018 10:07 from: Jim Guthrie madscientist wrote: What was interesting is the levers are grouped in the frame by road direction rather then physical location grouping( which I thought was more common) I remember a friend who worked for BR in Scotland telling me that levers were normally arranged so that the order of working a set of levers for a movement was in one direction. The direction of working levers could be from the end of the frame to the centre or the centre to the end. I believe different rail companies had their ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3322.php
... be opened in the Templot video player. or, 3. if the SK5 file association was not set by the installer for some reason, Windows will ask you what you want to do with the SK5 file. The answer is to open it with the templot_video_loader.exe program, which is in the C:\TEMPLOT_DEV\ folder. Everything is working fine here, on Windows10 and Windows7, even using Chrome, and I have received no other reports of anyone having these problems. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Jan 2019 07:29 from: Mike Wilks Hi Martin, thanks for the reply. Having thought about it a bit more let me be clearer:- when I have time I will close everything down, open an IE window and re-install and, if what I thought I saw (no tick box for file associations) is the case, will screen shot and send you- otherwise I will confirm it was there and I was hallucinating. I already understood the clear instruction that it was important the installer is allowed to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3317.php
... happen when saving templates or quitting. When saving templates the error comes up but the file is saved. It also comes up when trying to exit Templot and the application won't quit and I have to use Task Manager to end it. It doesn't happen all the time- only on occasion. Running Win 10 64 bit with all the latest updates. It's not a major problem since I don't seem to lose anything and having to quit occasionally via Task manager is the only slight hassle. Jim. posted: 27 Jul 2018 07:53 from: Martin Wynne Jim Guthrie wrote: I've started getting occasional Access Violation messages on the current version. The message is "Access Violation Address 00452734 in modle 'templot_2.exe' Read of address 00000004" Hi Jim Can you define "occasional"? Every time? most times? now and then? once in a blue moon? It's very difficult to locate problems unless I can make them happen here, which at present I can't. And even more difficult if they occur only intermittently. Anyone else seeing this? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3311.php
... I select my png file, modify shape& wrap along control template.... Except now I get an error message which seems to imply I do not have enough umph in the system to do the necessary calculations and should maybe reduce dpi etc etc. I've a relatively new laptop with umph and no other applications open at the time so am thinking I might just be doing something wrong in earlier steps when 'by-passing' straightening step.... Any thoughts anyone. posted: 24 Jul 2018 16:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Steve, The file saving instructions are simply to provide a backup of the various stages in case something goes wrong or you need to adjust something and try again. They are not part of the process and are optional. The image must have been scaled (resized) to match your model scale before you begin. If you are working with the background maps function, Templot does this for you. You can skip the straightening function if the track line in the image is already dead straight AND ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3310.php
... topic: 3304 Setting the bend radius for obtuse crossings posted: 9 Jul 2018 07:33 from: richard_t Is it possible to set the bend radius for obtuse crossings in a similar manner to setting the knuckle bend radius? The NERA booklet "Standard Railway Equipment- Permanent Way, 1926", suggests this is 16" multiplied by the crossing angle for angles between 1:4 and 1:8. It also seems to apply to the check rail as well. Thanks Last edited on 9 Jul 2018 14:48 by richard_t posted: 9 Jul 2018 15:31 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, The bend radius for K-crossings isn't currently supported. It's somewhere on my to-do list. Of course, now that the code is open-source, it can be on everyone else's to-do list too. It would be part of the journey over the years from Templot templates being simply construction aids, to being full descriptive drawings. Bear in mind that for wider than scale model flangeways, for good tracking ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3304.php
... on these locos range from 28.7 to 29.1mm which would be an issue on O-SF track but should be fine on O-MF. Hi Rob, Yes, that's why I was a bit surprised to see the Guild suggesting that 0-SF is ok for current wheels. Generally most folks have gone for 0-MF for the very reason you say. 0-SF generally requires sticking to Slaters wheels or similar, and modifying some of the recent RTR models. cheers, Martin. posted: 2 Jun 2018 07:51 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: 0-SF generally requires sticking to Slaters wheels or similar, and modifying some of the recent RTR models. I think I remember, some years ago, that Brian Lewis (then of C&L) advocated using Scale7 wheels with 0-SF. Jim. posted: 2 Jun 2018 09:11 from: Stephen Freeman Actually Jim, I think you might find it have been Jim Snowden since as far as I know he first proposed the standards. Brian ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3277.php
... topic: 3276 Moving pages posted: 31 May 2018 10:49 from: roythebus Hi all, I've nearly finalised my track lan, print off some templates, but the page joins are midway through a 3 way turnout and a crossover. Is there any way I can shift either the templates on the pages so they're less likely to coincide with the page edges or move the pages? posted: 31 May 2018 11:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Roy, You can do either. To move the page outlines to match the templates better, use this mouse action: 2_020706_170000000.png move page origin (SHIFT+ CTRL+ F10). You will see the outlines of the printed pages and be able to move them to best fit your templates. Make sure you have set your printer to the paper size first. n.b. if you have been exporting PDF files, make sure the page outlines have been reset for the printer: 2_020727_520000000.png If you prefer to move the templates on the grid instead, use the shift group mouse action. The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3276.php
... topic: 3273 Your data and privacy on Templot Club posted: 21 May 2018 23:07 from: Martin Wynne Your data and privacy on Templot Club 1. receiving emails: There are 2 ways in which you may be receiving emails from Templot Club: a. directly from Templot Club, or b. relayed via YahooGroups (or possibly both). 1a. You can see and change the circumstances in which you receive emails directly from Templot Club by going to: http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?edit_profile=1 http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?edit_preferences=1 http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?watched_forums=1 http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?watched_topics=1 and ticking or unticking the relevant boxes on each page. Click the Save button on each page after making any changes. 1b. Emails relayed via YahooGroups are controlled by YahooGroups and your Yahoo membership and settings on YahooGroups. You can change your settings on there by going to: http:// ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3273.php
... topic: 3411 Modelu 7mm scale GWR sliderail chairs posted: 11 Apr 2019 15:04 from: Stephen Freeman 142_111007_080000000.jpg Sample dropped though letterbox this morning Attachment: attach_2819_3411_modelu7mmchairs.j pg 135 Last edited on 11 Apr 2019 15:07 by Stephen Freeman Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> Modelu 7mm scale GWR sliderail chairs about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. You are welcome to use them for your own personal non-commercial purposes, and in your messages on this web site. If you want to publish any of this material elsewhere or use it commercially, you must first obtain the owner's permission to do ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3411.php
... wheels and Loksound/Zimo sound decoders. There isn't a hope of me being able to kit-build a loco with this level of detail and I wouldn't want to pay to have somebody do it for me. Widening the frames is excellent though as they do look a little odd with EM wheels and a OO chassis. Say hello to Phil at C&L for me- I will try and catch up with him as I see he is on the Stafford show list next month. Rob posted: 22 Jan 2019 07:16 from: Andrew Duncan Rob Manchester wrote: Hi Andrew, Sorry, wasn't very well yesterday and missed your post. Thanks for the kind offer but believe it or not I just unpacked a box of glassware that has been in the loft since we moved in( 25 years !!) and there are some 'posh' glasses in there. I promise to try one out next time I head for the whisky bottle providing you keep your running rails nearer the vertical Rob Hello Rob Ok that's a deal, but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3375.php
... p which I have added to my collection The slip cover design is cool. Rob posted: 15 May 2018 00:51 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: You quoted P74 of the 3rd edition in your reply earlier. Hi Rob, See "Sleepers, Life of" in the index to other editions. cheers, Martin. posted: 15 May 2018 01:00 from: Rob Manchester Martin, Page 62. now how do I put some 7mm fungi on my sleepers? Rob posted: 15 May 2018 07:35 from: richard_t There's also the PWI "British Railway Track Bullhead Supplement", which, as it says "Being extracts from the first and second editions of..." British Railways Track. When I picked my copy up from PWI, some years ago now, it was only 12UKP. posted: 15 May 2018 19:12 from: Tony W I wonder if you would want to go to these lengths for distressed sleepers. 2151_151401_080000000.jpg 2151_151401_080000001.jpg 2151_151401_090000002.jpg These sleepers are or rather were 40 plus years old ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  59k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3270.php
334. Printing
... the printed pages and be able to move them to best fit your templates. Make sure you have set your printer to the paper size first. n.b. if you have been exporting PDF files, make sure the page outlines have been reset for the printer: 2_020727_520000000.png cheers, Martin. posted: 2 May 2018 12:35 from: Malcolm Sayer Thanks Martin. posted: 3 May 2018 05:49 from: Malcolm Sayer Hi Martin I got it to print but parts were missing? Malc posted: 3 May 2018 07:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Malcolm, Which parts? Can you take a photo of it and post it here? cheers, Martin. posted: 3 May 2018 11:02 from: Malcolm Sayer Hi Martin Wil do when I get home this evening. Malc posted: 3 May 2018 18:11 from: Malcolm Sayer 3509_031300_000000000.jpg posted: 3 May 2018 18:13 from: Malcolm Sayer Hi Martin As you can see there is at least two pages missing. Malc Parts of Templot Club may not function ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3264.php
... topic: 3383 Sketchboard error message posted: 8 Feb 2019 21:07 from: Richard Spratt 68_081557_490000000.png I'm trying to find the image that this message is refering to. Whatever it is appears to be slowing down my PC which was a reasonable spec gaming PC 4 years ago. When I don't load the sketchboard file it flies along even though there are 240 templates! Is there a way of starting with item 1 in the sketchboard file and moving through them to find the offending item? posted: 8 Feb 2019 22:54 from: Martin Wynne Richard Spratt wrote: 68_081557_490000000.png I'm trying to find the image that this message is refering to. Whatever it is appears to be slowing down my PC which was a reasonable spec gaming PC 4 years ago. When I don't load the sketchboard file it flies along even though there are 240 templates! Is there a way of starting with item 1 in the sketchboard file and moving through them to find the offending item? Hi Richard, What happens when you click OK? Do any other messages appear ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3383.php
... of one LH and two RH B6 turnouts at the other with a B6 crossover as drawn by templot in the middle, but the straight connecting rails from the crossover to the two ends don't meet correctly as it appears that when the turnouts are joined together to form the ladder, the resulting tracks from the diverging side that will form the storage yard are at different track centres to those set up on the crossover. regards Chris Last edited on 14 Aug 2018 14:23 by Chris Hodge posted: 14 Aug 2018 16:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Chris, Templot works with prototype designs for the turnout lengths, it doesn't work as a set-track style program based on model geometry. For ladder tracks you may want to use a shorter turnout than a B-6, I suggest using A-6. Click the template> switch settings... menu item and select size A in the list. There is a trick you can use to get the ladder turnouts aligned with the yard tracks at fixed centres. Lay out the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3319.php
... : 2 May 2018 08:40 from: Michael Henfrey Thanks Rob, Yeah the ply is cut with the grain. It's a loft layout and so it is quite dry up there so they will only get moisture when I add water/pva mix for ballasting. I'm using exactoscale chairs at the moment and they are really brittle, breaking no end, might switch to c&l ones as they don't look much different, when painted I don't think anyone would be able to tell posted: 2 May 2018 12:07 from: Rob Manchester Michael Henfrey wrote: Thanks Rob, Yeah the ply is cut with the grain. It's a loft layout and so it is quite dry up there so they will only get moisture when I add water/pva mix for ballasting. I'm using exactoscale chairs at the moment and they are really brittle, breaking no end, might switch to c&l ones as they don't look much different, when painted I don't think anyone would be able to tell I prefer the Exactoscale chairs to the C& ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3263.php
... you have the inclination) to show the total lengths of plain track and turnout timbering as two figures rather than rolling them into one. This would help me( and others?) in checking that sufficient materials are to hand before building comences. I realise that some scale/gauge layouts may have odd timber widths or combinations but I suspect the vast majority of plans drawn using Templot have either one width throughout or a standard plain track width/S &C width mix. Thanks Rob posted: 19 Apr 2018 23:07 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: The Storage box facility to add up the total length of timbering on all or some background templates is very useful. You can group some templates( say the ones containing only plain track) to sum the sleeper lengths but templates that have S&C work inserted are mixed between two widths- such as 3.3mm/10" and 4mm/12" on an EM or P4 plan. Hi Rob, This is already on my list asked for by John (hayfield). ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3260.php
... between the rail and chair and that always seems to suffice. Ian posted: 17 Apr 2018 23:40 from: Rob Manchester Ian Allen wrote: Rob, To be honest, I've just used Butanone to make a bond between the rail and chair and that always seems to suffice. Ian Hi Ian, Thanks for the reply. The Butanone won't actually key into the rail will it? Does it work by melting enough of the chair material to grip round the rail foot? Rob posted: 18 Apr 2018 00:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rob, There are two types of "superglue". The cyano types cure in the presence of humidity in the air. As you found, once opened they have a very short shelf life. They are usually transparent, or the rubber-toughened types are black. The anaerobic types cure in the absence of air and the presence of metal ions. They are typically used for engineering thread-locking, fitting shaft bearings, etc. They are usually red, blue or green, e.g ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  98k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3257.php
... implement other methods because so few folks seemed to know what DPI they were scanning at (despite the fact that it is normally clearly shown on the scanning dialog, or at least on all the ones I have used). Plus many picture shapes needing scaling are georeferenced maps, where the scale is taken from the zoom level and the Latitude. That calculation is available directly if needed at help> calculate size of a map screenshot on the background shapes menus above. cheers, Martin. posted: 21 Apr 2019 18:07 from: philchudley Many thanks Martin, go it now. All the best] Phil Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> Importing and scaling background plan about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3396.php
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