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... /companion/index.html?terms_of_use.htm They are designed to allow me to continue to develop and support Templot. The alternative was to kill the entire project because it was making me ill. I'm very sorry if this situation is difficult for you. If you need to run Templot2 where no internet connection is available there are two possible solutions: 1. use the Hibernate feature on your laptop computer. 2. obtain a USB dongle or other device which can connect to the internet via a mobile phone signal. Templot requires only a few hundred bytes of download, making a negligible impact on your data quota. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Dec 2013 12:41 from: Richard_Jones Hi Martin, That's really useful to know in advance- I am wondering how long my (actually, my wife's) laptop is going to last and have occasionally reverted to using the original version of Templot when I've not had an internet connection. However, with the growth of free Wi-Fi (particularly in holiday lets and hotel chains) I don't think the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2359.php
... it's not cheap and it's irritating (!) when 3/4 of the bottle goes off before you use it I would have one reservation about all glued construction, and that's to do with rail expansion- make sure the sleepers/timbers can move as you're fixing them rigidly to rail which will move whether you want it to or not. I believe Tasmania can get mildly warm Cheers posted: 5 Jul 2013 18:43 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Any chance of a protoype photo or two? I've got a few things for flatbottom in the pipeline but not I suspect, what you are looking for. They'd be in polyurethane resin when I do them, so it'd be a superglue job to fix them. posted: 6 Jul 2013 01:04 from: SimonH Happy to send a photo. I can see how to send it to you alone but how do I upload into this topic. Cheers Simon posted: 6 Jul 2013 08:06 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, As long as you own copyright you can load it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2247.php
... one, as many a line can be traced, but your program Templot is another that had crossed my mind. The feature wouldn't be attempting to be a 'how-to' guide as your program is probably a steep learning curve, but I would be interested in getting some screen shots of perhaps more advanced trackplans and who better to ask than its creator? Would you be able to provide me with enough material and advantages of your program to enable me to fill a page please? 5-6 screenshots and perhaps a few nice trackplans would be nice to see too. I guess it's all good exposure for you, but I often see people on RMweb mentioning they use it." I'm not looking for exposure! And I'm not convinced BRM readers need to see track plans or Templot screenshots, because anyone remotely interested can find plenty of those in the image gallery on here, and on other online forums. What they might like to see would be pictures of track under construction on Templot templates, from basic turnouts, through more complex formations ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2859.php
... bolt fishplates for joining bullhead rails? I remember them being mentioned in a topic a while back but a quick search didn't find it. Were there regional variations in their use? I am guessing they would not have been used in faster main line settings or in more recent times. "British Railway Track" does mention the use of these shorter 9 inch fishplates and comments that 4 bolt fishplates were the best option. Here is a poor quality pic( of GWR origin?) 2001_111830_180000000.jpg Should we be putting these on a few lightly used sidings? Rob posted: 12 Oct 2020 00:08 from: Matt M. Hi Rob. These were popular pre WW2. The Idea is they leave a shorter unsupported length of rail at the ends of the panels. This was supposed to counteract dip which is an issue at rail joins which collect excessive wear and damage as the wheels pass over. Yes they were seen on main lines. Which companies and where would require research. They passed out of favour in the 1950's. Regards, Matt M ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3797.php
... need to set a page size smaller than the printable area. I suggested allowing 20mm for the trim margins in my previous reply. Generally, if you will be trimming and fitting multiple pages to the red margin lines, it is better to tick the box and set a convenient size between the trim margins, usually matched to the grid lines. If you are printing a large single page, the red trim margins won't be used, so you can untick the box and set almost the full printable area. Always allow a few mm inside though -- if you set the absolute maximum printable size the printer may object (because of rounding effects). N.B. Check the printable area for the printer, it's not usually the full paper size. I doubt that an A0 printer can print 841mm width. That's the full width of A0 paper. But roll paper is usually 36 inches wide (914mm), so A0 sizes are easily accommodated. You need to get the available printable width from the print shop. regards, Martin. posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2837.php
... adjacent track is fine as far as I can see right now. posted: 25 Jan 2016 22:06 from: Martin Wynne Gordon S wrote: Am I doing something wrong or is there a reason why you cannot set MS, TS and trackbed width all in one go before going back to the 'trackbed edges' drop down menu. Hi Gordon, This applies to dozens of places in Templot. It's a damn nuisance. Unfortunately it is hours of programming work to create full property-sheet dialogs, compared with a few minutes to create menu items. One day I will get Templot finished... Also when originally coding Templot for Windows95, the bog-standard self-cancelling menus consumed far less system resources than full dialogs. Even so, Templot hogged practically the whole of Windows95 when running. That's no longer a problem in current Windows versions, but Templot is very old code in places. p.s. don't muddle up the trackbed edges with dummy templates on the adjacent track centre-line. You will get in a complete muddle ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2833.php
... whole process. Any advice? Is something buggy? BTW I'm working on Windows 7. Thanks Jacques Gerber posted: 7 Sep 2013 10:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Jacques, I can't see any problem from here. Anyone else seeing this? I think the problem must be a caching issue at your ISP. I have now edited the file on the server which hopefully will update the timestamp and cause your ISP to re-fetch the cache. Please try again now. If still now joy, please wait a few hours and then try again. Templot checks the USA server only if the UK server fails to respond at all. I will change the code so that Templot won't close without trying both servers for a correct response. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Sep 2013 16:56 from: Mick Bonwick Hi Martin, I am having this same problem. I have even completely removed the previous version from my PC but still get this "Not the current version" loop. Regards, Mick posted: 9 Sep 2013 17 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2303.php
... templates (private use only) and load them into Templot as picture shapes, you can overlay the Templot equivalents and create fully chaired versions of your Templot track plans. (For curved turnouts, use the image wrapping function in the background shapes to curve the scanned image to match.) Here I have done that with the P4 B-8 template and overlaid the equivalent Templot template. To create that in Templot, change to a generic-type V-crossing and convert RAM to CLM crossing angles. I'm hoping these few example screenshots fall within fair dealing for copyright. These templates represent years of work by Len Newman -- please be sure to buy the templates and not copy them from others. Some of the P4 templates are available as free PDF downloads for members of the Scalefour Society. I changed the image to a low-contrast negative image because I find it easier to work over, but that is entirely optional: s4soc_b8_1.png In these close-ups, everything in grey is from the C&L template, everything in colour ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2298.php
... . Stick it lightly to a sheet of glass or a glazed tile first, so that you can cut it into timber-width strips with a craft knife. This method would also be suitable for plastic timbers. If you find a better solution, let us know. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Dec 2015 17:44 from: brianod Thanks for the help, I use plywood sleepers. My worry about PVA is that it will wrinkle the paper but I will give it a try, I have found a few glues on line which claim to give a good paper/wood joint without wrinkling the paper I might try one of those and if any good will report back. Thanks Brian O'Donovan posted: 13 Dec 2015 17:54 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, This balsa cement comes with a fine nozzle attachment. No water content, so won't cockle paper: http://modelshop.co.uk/Shop/Item/UHU-Hart-balsa-adhesive-35g/ITM5005 Martin. posted: 14 Dec 2015 20:17 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2806.php
... what? No detectable viruses with latest virus definition file. All the latest Microsoft updates were automatically installed. Anyone else having launch problems with 91b? Thanks, Dave posted: 19 Aug 2007 09:07 from: Martin Wynne Dave Phillips wrote: I'm still having trouble with launching 91b.... In summary, I'm back at 82b. Any attempt to install 91b results in launch failure. Now what? Hi Dave, Thanks for your very detailed report. At present I'm stumped, because you said up until a few days ago 091b was working fine. Something on your system must have changed. Are you able to do a Windows System Restore to an earlier date? (Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore) What happens if you revert to version 091a? http://www.templot.com/tug/templot_pug_091a_setup.exe regards, Martin. posted: 19 Aug 2007 10:21 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, p.s. Something else to try -- after installing 091b, delete the file TemplotZero.exe.manifest from the Templot program ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_135.php
... Jamie Guest posted: 30 Oct 2007 09:06 from: Nigel Brown Martin Wynne wrote: Here's an interesting pic linked from RMweb (Banbury in August 1965) Interesting locomotive (a Grange?) on the left as well. Seems to still have a number on the buffer beam, or the remnants of one. And something indistinct but could be an offset number on the smokebox. Nigel posted: 3 Nov 2007 04:20 from: Phil Hi all First posting and all that !! I believe that quite a few yards had a hump for shunting, even places like Stechford, between Birmingham New St and Coventry had a small hump many years ago. From what I've seen these humps tend to be quite near to the main line too. Just wondering whether this was such a shunting hump mebbe? Cheers Phil posted: 3 Nov 2007 13:14 from: Jamie92208 Hi Phil Yes many yards had humps for shunting but after further looking at the photo I didn't get it quite correct in my previous reply. The inclie shown at Banbury ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_213.php
... much about different common crossing types, Templot ought to do it for you. To make the 3rd turnout, move the peg to the exit on the switch end and "make mirror on peg". That will make another turnout on the peg for you. to make the branch track off that, either use the "make branch track" or "make reverse curve" buttons. Fortunately Martin has made a lot of short cuts since the original versions and what used to take me days to work out now takes a few minutes. My "Earls Court Junction" box (see separate thread) took about 3 hours to do a rough version to see if it would work. and that is quite a large layout. Last edited on 23 Sep 2020 22:52 by roythebus posted: 23 Sep 2020 23:07 from: roythebus roythebus wrote: What I done was to change template to straight track; use the curve facility to make it the radius you want where you want it. so set that for 32" (having set ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3777.php
... downloads, to see larger pages. I tend to prefer the Nitro reader for viewing PDFs. http://www.nitroreader.com http://www.foxitsoftware.com/Secure_PDF_Reader/ If you are using a local print shop, you need to ask them which software they use. If they can use only Adobe, you will need to reduce the PDF page size and print your plan in 2 or 3 pages. Also, make sure they turn any page scaling off. This issue has now cropped up 4 or 5 times in the last few weeks. I think I should add a warning note in Templot not to use Adobe Reader if the page size exceeds the limit. Will be in the next TDV update. regards, Martin. posted: 6 Feb 2012 18:47 from: R A Watson Many thanks for the proposal to incorporate the message about file size in the next update, if it saves anyone else wasting a complete Sunday afternoon getting increasingly annoyed and consequently missing the clues in the previous posts as I did it will be most worthwhile! The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1817.php
... therefore in a passenger line. It looks wrong because it is clearly unnecessary and there is plenty of room to take the lower road clear of the upper one as John showed in his scissors design. I'm a bit puzzled by your remarks about the cork? Normally in an area such as this you fix a sheet of cork all over and cut away any unwanted bits after laying the track. Even if you have already cut some away, it shouldn't be too difficult to add some more alongside? It doesn't matter about a few small gaps because they will be hidden by the ballasting later. I'm not sure if you are aware of it, but there are some misalignments at the template boundaries in some of the running lines in your plan. For example in the loop line to the right of this area and also in the double-track running lines below it, which are not properly concentric with a constant gap between them. Ideally this all needs fixing, and the rest of the layout checked for similar misalignments, before you start building track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  72k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2455.php
... software) everything looks like a nail. As far as programs interfering with what I can do on the computer the OS companies do it all the time. Apple has a hit list of programs that they openly discourage and block. One of the Tif file systems won't run on native programs as it is considered a security risk. Java is blocked from interacting with the OS. Then there is Apple's hate, hate relationship with Adobe and Flash which they consider a security risk as well. (I almost got caught there a few years ago except I was running 'Little Snitch'( another program that Apple doesn't like) which a fake Adobe Flash update with a trojan was programmed to see and quite running if Little Snitch was installed). Not to mention the annoying changes they make to their own OS which disable things that users were finding useful. Labeling was one of the losers wham Apple went to Mavericks a few years ago. A lot of people were not happy about that. I used that a lot to sort large visual file collections. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3108.php
... edited on 15 Oct 2017 13:38 by Bryan Hardwick posted: 15 Oct 2017 14:09 from: Martin Wynne Bryan Hardwick wrote: The only problem now is that I have inadvertently created the whole thing as T-55 gauge rather than OO, so that when I print it out it is 25mm (1 ") gauge, can I changed the whole thing to OO or do I have to start again? Hi Bryan, You should have seen a warning that you were using T-55 gauge after a few minutes, each time you started a Templot session. Did the warnings not appear? Did you leave Templot running for several days? You may be reporting a bug there. Also I should perhaps consider adding subsequent warnings if Templot has not been restarted for long periods. Yes and no, you can convert it to 00 in one go. See: topic 3086- message 22111 Because of the big change in gauge:scale ratio for 00, it is not going to convert very well. It will need the templates ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  60k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3097.php
... a high frequency content- like those of women or children. For music, you do need higher settings for acceptable quality over all types of content, and 44K, 16 bit stereo is the usual minimum. That's the standard of your CD player. Professional broadcast normally works to 48K, 16 bit internally, although 24 bit is becoming more popular. Music mastering and original music recording is now working at 96K and 198K**, 24 bit. The lower sample rate and bit rates were quite common on computer games a few years ago when the programmers could not access the data off the hard disk at a greater rate because of technical limitations. I remember that my company did the sound FX for a computer game and we had to resample all our work (at 44K/16bit) down to 22K/8bit). So it's a fair bet that sound to the lower specs will still play on modern machinery. For example, the WAV file which is the Microsoft standard sound file, dates from those earlier times and the standard has the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  65k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_265.php
... to 3mm on curves to improve appearances. Unfortunately the less than scale clearance used by the Guild is not enough to cover the extra slop of+ 5.3mm. Add the extra slop value to the Guilds value and you end up with 89.9mm for the BR Mk1 carriage and 93.8mm for the sprinters. My conclusion is the track centre widths of 93mm and 99mm using the AMRA standards loading gauge assumptions (loading gauge 3 or 4) are close enough to the correctly caculated UK loading gauge widths and carriage lengths for practical purposes. A few mm to wide is better than 1mm to narrow. The corrected AMRA standard is now on the web at http://www.amra.asn.au/standards.htm Terry Flynn posted: 23 Feb 2012 22:04 from: Dellboy Terry "The calculations done independently by Delboy in a previous post for 1:43.5 scale at 1717mm radius produced a track spacing of 94mm" ?? ?? I don't recall this and it doesn't appear right to me as it results in 12.75mm passing clearance for a 445mm stock length which seems excessive. Is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  112k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1835.php
... to the sleeper spacing of 28", and have a single sleeper spaced at half that distance 14" from the dummy "joint". Then click the real> plain track options> rail-joint marks> none menu option. If that doesn't quite match the flexi-track, adjust the 28" accordingly. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Oct 2017 23:23 from: madscientist thanks, generally I find it quite easy to flare the ends of my 00-SF points as i just lay the last few chairs using a standard 00 gauge. for collections of points I retain the 16.2 throughout and only flare back at a plain track end thanks for the tips posted: 7 Oct 2017 23:35 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: thanks, generally I find it quite easy to flare the ends of my 00-SF points as i just lay the last few chairs using a standard 00 gauge. for collections of points I retain the 16.2 throughout and only flare back at a plain track end Hi Dave, One fine ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3096.php
... topic: 2289 Cosmetic Cross Nose Chairs in 7mm scale and 2 bolt slide chairs in 4mm scale posted: 17 Aug 2013 16:16 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Hopefully, in a few months I'll be able to do the 2-bolt GWR slide chairs in 4mm scale, once I am re-united with my casting machines. In the meantime the 7mm castings seem to have gone reasonably well and I have a small stock of the Heyback chairs for Flatbottom, I haven't decided on a price for these as yet and there is no photo as yet since I haven't got around to acquiring any Code 143FB. However, the crossing nose chairs are now available for purchase. Price is 50p for the 2 halves, though anybody wishing to purchase should probably think about buying a few, to save on postage. See attachment for picture. For anybody who has seen them on my website, please note new pricing and also could I just mention before anybody asks, the boltheads with square plates are from Grandt Line. I think they have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2289.php
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