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... topic: 1729 drawing platform edge posted: 15 Dec 2011 10:38 from: LSWRArt I have read the very helpful Templot guides from Tony and Allan and also looked in the Companion and even tried to search, but could not find the answer to the following: Is it possible to create a line which is offset from the centre line of the track by a certain (user specified) amount e.g. to draw a platform edge line at the correct distance from the track and following the curve of the track? Looking forward to Xmas and (hopefully) the release of Templot 2. Best wishes, Art posted: 15 Dec 2011 10:47 from: Alan McMillan Yes. Real> Platforms menu item. The results are seen below. Regards Alan 412_150549_070000000.png posted: 15 Dec 2011 10:55 from: Martin Wynne LSWRArt wrote: Is it possible to create a line which is offset from the centre line of the track by a certain (user specified) amount e.g. to draw a platform edge line at the correct distance from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1729.php
342. Builder
... topic: 3355 Builder posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:21 from: Raymond I have a colleague who is commissioned to build a turnkey layout and needs someone to build track. Anyone care to quote for the work? posted: posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:49 from: Bernard Haste Hello Raymond. Can we see the trackplan? And what is the gauge and standard please? Bernard 19 Nov 2018 10:49 from: Bernard Haste Hello Raymond. Can we see the trackplan? And what is the gauge and standard please? Bernard posted: 19 Nov 2018 11:01 from: Raymond Hi Bernard, Gauge 00F. L shaped room 16'x3' and 12'x3' As soon as I have a sketch of the track plan I'll let you know. posted: 20 Nov 2018 11:30 from: Raymond Bernard, Can you please message me off-line, lost your E-mail address. posted: 20 Nov 2018 15:24 from: Bernard Haste Done! Bernard posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:54 from: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3355.php
... control template first. The make as a copy option is the same as copy to the control, but stores the existing control template first. You may find it better to stick to using either these new options, or the old ones, but not mix them up. If you change to Quick mode, the old ones are greyed out. If that's not the reason for the duplicates, can you say a bit more about the circumstances in which they arise? regards, Martin. posted: 22 Aug 2011 09:10 from: Raymond Hi Martin, No, I am not using the make command but the delete command, (it doe snot faze me) usually with the mouse. Regards Raymond posted: 22 Aug 2011 09:53 from: Alan McMillan Hi I've occasionally found the same thing. It happened recently, I created a length of plain track and stored it to the background. I then went back to it five minutes later to shove some timbers. I deleted it to the control again and started shoving. At that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1594.php
... show? It seems to me that you lose quite a lot by crossing the outer track on the flat over the inner track and then fanning out into the red loops, in terms of: a)# of loops, b) length of loops, c) conflicting movements. On the other hand, you do leave the operating characteristics of the existing FY (7 up, 7 down, 3 reversible) untouched. An alternative scheme might be to: 1. Modify Martin's plan to augment the 7 green loops with 10 more, also taken off the inner (green) main line straights. That would give you your 17 anti-clockwise (I'm not sure about which are the up/down directions) loops. 2. Have the red main line (clockwise) straights fan into two roads in order to mate with the existing FY feeds (orange and blue) and use all 17 loops of that in a clockwise direction. 3. In order to provide reversal, make the red to orange/blue fans into crossovers, facing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_236.php
... SHIFT+ F11). File attached, but it still needs the partial templates, timbering and check rails done. regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_1419_1901_staircliffe_junct ion_diamond.box 350 posted: 6 Apr 2012 14:44 from: Tony W Hi David. I have had another go at your problem and result is attached. Hope you approve. Thanks for your input Martin, but I had more or less decided on my plan of attack, although alternatives are always appreciated. Tony. Attachment: attach_1420_1901_staircliffe_junct ion_2012_04_06_1435_00.box 410 posted: 7 Apr 2012 10:59 from: David Yates Tony W wrote: Hi David. I have had another go at your problem and result is attached. Hope you approve. Thanks for your input Martin, but I had more or less decided on my plan of attack, although alternatives are always appreciated. Tony. Hi Tony, Martin, Just a quick thank you to both of you for taking the time and trouble to review my original plan and make the necessary adjustments, so that my original vision can now become a reality. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  49k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1901.php
346. Track Jig
... Cattley wrote: I have been trying to design a 60' track jig so I need to know the distance between the sleepers so I can make some spacers, I have been sent this guide to help but is it correct? Hi Len, Yes, that table is from BRT3 of 1964, page 54. It shows the spacings for traditional jointed track with timber sleepers for the BR post-nationalization era. The table shows centre-to-centre dimensions, so to create spacers for a jig you need to subtract 10" (the width of a sleeper) from each dimension. Modern concrete-sleepered CWR (long-welded) track differs. Pre-nationalization track also differs for each company and period, although not by much. Pre-grouping track for different companies varies more and generally used shorter rails. Those dimensions for 60ft bullhead rails are the default settings in Templot2, so to create a jig for such bullhead track you can simply print some straight plain track templates. To choose between 24, 25 or 26 sleepers per ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2459.php
... after Hibernation may take a few minutes longer than a normal cold start. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Aug 2014 09:58 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin Be aware that start-up after Hibernation may take a few minutes longer than a normal cold start. Really? I hibernate (not sleep) both my laptop and desktop for exactly the opposite reason- starting from hibernation is hugely faster than from cold- on the desktop, maybe half a minute and I'm ready to go! posted: 29 Aug 2014 10:27 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: Really? I hibernate (not sleep) both my laptop and desktop for exactly the opposite reason- starting from hibernation is hugely faster than from cold- on the desktop, maybe half a minute and I'm ready to go! Hi Paul, That's the thing about Windows -- it is impossible to make a definitive statement about anything. Except perhaps that of the millions of Windows computers on the planet, no two are the same! My desktop system is ready to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2525.php
... topic: 2982 SB hi-res draw to trackpad failed- message posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:45 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Following the addition of a branch track, (> tools>make branch track and control template copied to background). The following message came up, "SB hi-res draw to trackpad failed". However, everything seems in order. System; Desktop PC i5 processor, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD. OS Windows 10 posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:53 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Godfrey. Just to be clear, were you using the sketchboard and displaying its items on the trackpad behind your templates? (SB is the sketchboard.) Or did that message appear out of the blue? If the former, had the sketchboard items been displaying normally up until then? The most likely reason is lack of system resources due to the extreme magnification needed as you zoom in on the trackpad. There is an option setting you can change to help with that, on the sketchboard control panel, settings ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2982.php
... :37 from: Phil O Hi Panos, As others have found, Templot is a steep learning curve, for most of us, it took me around three months of just working through the tutorials, until the penny dropped I would advise you to work through the video tutorials and one or two of the beginners guides that some of the members on here have produced. Phil posted: 8 Apr 2017 17:49 from: Alan Turner It would be nice to have a scale on that plan of yours. posted: 10 Apr 2017 09:43 from: Panos Tsirigotis Pierre. Thank you very much for your kind words and for following my topic on RMweb.I decided to go with code40 on visible areas and I found that soldering rail after all isn't such a big issue. My track plan isn't complicated anyway. I made a start in templot just before Christimas and I manage to draw a draft successfully. However is only a draft and has many imperfections. So here I am, ready to post queries to get answers to move on with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3004.php
... with two spans and a central pier. Bridges often cause the track spacings to depart from the strict rules. regards, Martin. posted: 11 Oct 2014 22:51 from: Michael Woolford To save changing things too much, I might include something to justify the spacing by the crossovers, then ease it out towards normal spacings. Michael posted: 12 Oct 2014 22:05 from: Tony W Hi Michael. Whilst the track spacings could be altered, you should bear in mind that a wider formation will result with 10+ 6+ 10 ft spacings than 6+ 10+ 6 ft as you have them now, meaning there could be other implications as the bottom road will have to be moved further south. If this is not a problem then the question you have to answer is whether you can live with the "wrong" spacing or not. It will be much easier to alter the Templot plan at this stage than build the layout and wish you had done it differently. I also notice that your control template (plain track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2493.php
... topic: 2468 '0' Gauge track& Slaters Wheels posted: 7 Jun 2014 10:05 from: Phil O Which of the myriad of '0' gauge track standards are best suited to Slaters wheels. TIA. Phil posted: 7 Jun 2014 10:38 from: Martin Wynne Phil O wrote: Which of the myriad of '0' gauge track standards are best suited to Slaters wheels. Hi Phil, The answer is 0-MF. Then you weigh up all the pros and cons, for example see this topic: topic 2415- message 16321 and then you decide on 0-MF. It's true that 0-SF would give you slightly better results and appearance, but with the restriction of using Slaters wheels only. So you would not be able to run 0 gauge models with other or older wheels. And you would need to make your own gauge tools for 0-SF, whereas gauges for 0-MF are available from Debs (and also I believe from Roxey Mouldings): topic 1811 If you adopt 0- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2468.php
... without any luck. Please can anyone show me the thread or website. Thanks John posted: 3 Jun 2014 08:24 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, Try here: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/otr?s =0 &section=Chairs http://www.shapeways.com/shops/otr and David's topic here: topic 1503 regards, Martin. posted: 3 Jun 2014 08:25 from: mike47j Perhaps he meant: http://www.shapeways.com/designer/drrayner posted: 3 Jun 2014 10:01 from: Hayfield Thank you. Looks very promising, all I can see are check rail chairs and 1-6 crossing chairs. Clear guide as what chairs go where, does this mean there will be more to come? posted: 3 Jun 2014 13:47 from: David R Hayfield wrote: Thank you. Looks very promising, all I can see are check rail chairs and 1-6 crossing chairs. Clear guide as what chairs go where, does this mean there will be more to come ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2465.php
... topic: 3019 Small Great Eastern Layout posted: 3 May 2017 10:28 from: Josh C Good Morning All, I thought I would share with you a little project I have been scheming for a while behind the scenes. Some of you may have seen my recent thread in regards to a larger 7mm layout I am working on with a friend, but I am also working on a smaller project that I could set up within the size limitations I have at home (8ft x 2ft 6). I have frequently been playing around with this plan and I think I am nearly in a position to start printing it out and perhaps having a go at building it. However, over the last couple of days I have had some concern over the 3 way tandem turnout and whether or not the switches were to close. I have therefore made two plans, one with a more relaxed turnout where the switch are close, possibly too close and another with a less generous radius turnout but the switches are further away. I have tried to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3019.php
... posted: 30 Jun 2017 22:42 from: Stan Agar Good morning, My first time posting on here, so hope it works. Recently my hard drive crashed so a new PC has risen from the ashes with everything back where it should be from my two back-ups except my Templot files. I can't find them anywhere! This includes the current layout plan I need to print out in it's final form and various other templates.Am I looking in the wrong place? Stan Agar posted: 30 Jun 2017 23:10 from: Martin Wynne Hi Stan, Welcome to Templot Club. By default, your Templot .box files are saved at C:\TEMPLOT_DEV\BOX-FILES\ Did you save them somewhere else? Or maybe that location was not included in your backup set? regards, Martin. posted: 1 Jul 2017 01:11 from: Stan Agar Hi Martin, Thanks for the quick reply. I feared that they hadn't been saved by the stand alone hard drive. I am starting to re-draw things based on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3042.php
... using the action> mouse actions: shapes> mouse actions. 2_181416_290000000.png I have listed a selection of both mm and inch sizes to keep everyone happy. Note that selecting any of these does not change the grid units -- that's at trackpad> trackpad grid options>. In the next program update. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Nov 2014 19:47 from: its_all_downhill Now that is very neat and useful Martin. Little things like that will aid the beginners learning curve! posted: 18 Nov 2014 20:10 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Tom. Long menus like this are beginning to look very old-fashioned in many programs. But they are an order-of-magnitude faster to code than any other option, and rock-solid reliable in every version of Windows back to year dot. Templot is never going to win any prizes for cutting-edge graphics. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Nov 2014 22:55 from: Trevor Walling Hello, Templot is never going to win any prizes for cutting-edge ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2576.php
... topic: 3044 OOn3 track comparision posted: 14 Jul 2017 16:33 from: Dr G Alan Gee I model Irish 3ft narrow gauge in 4mm scale on 12mm track. I have used Peco HOm track in the past. peco points are 20 inch (508mm) radius with a V angle of 10 degrees. The distance from the bottom of the V to the tie bar is 105mm. The nearest point to this I have tried to draw with Templot is a B6. this has a similar radius of 566mm but the length from V to tie bar is 134mm and the V angle is larger. My question is why are the Peco points more compact and what do I have to do with Templot to produce something similar ie shorter in length but with a 20 inch radius. posted: 14 Jul 2017 17:16 from: stuart1600 Hello, Alan (since you didn't sign your posting I'm guessing that's appropriate) You've hit on the fundamental difference between Templot and train-set type pointwork- the latter has to be manufactured to a fixed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3044.php
... Palmer wrote: I didn't alter the carriage line and shunting neck clearances as these already provided more than the standard six foot. Hi John, The standard for those is 10ft way (60.67mm centres) from a running line. Or 9ft way minimum, 56.67mm centres, where space constraints make it unavoidable -- for example between bridge parapets. However, often on a model we have our own space constraints. Martin. posted: 17 Jul 2017 20:45 from: John Palmer Yes, I thought I had adopted the 10' spacing both between running line and carriage line and between carriage line and neck, but on re-visiting this I find that I must have adopted a rather smaller value close to nine foot- can't now recall why I did so. I admit to having been lazy this time and not opening out the spacing of these tracks! posted: 20 Jul 2017 02:43 from: d827kelly Thanks for all your assistance and comments. Thanks also to John for his efforts over on the scalefour forum to get to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  83k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3046.php
... anti-spam service. posted: 7 Mar 2014 09:24 from: Dave Summers Paul FWIW, I have a Plusnet account and have never had an issue with Templot Club (or any other) emails being delivered. Cheers Dave posted: 7 Mar 2014 09:56 from: JFS Paul, The plot thickens- try not to take it personally mate:-) It will be interesting to know what IS going on when you get to the bottom of it. Good luck! Howard posted: 7 Mar 2014 10:18 from: Martin Wynne Hi Paul, We are currently on 2 blacklists (out of over 100 such lists). See: http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a85a.co.uk&run=toolpage Using shared hosting it is impossible to stay off every single blacklist for long. Some other customer of Jim's on the same mail server has been sending out spam, or what is deemed to be spam, and all the others on the same mail server suffer as a result. What usually happens ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2417.php
... posted: 14 Mar 2014 13:16 from: Martin Wynne Pete Brownlow wrote: Or to put it another way, over what length should I transition from level to about 1 in 30. Hi Pete, Are you sure about the 1:30? That's very steep, especially if on a curve. Have you checked that your locomotives will pull a train up 1:30? Model gradients are usually around 1:60 to 1:80 for running lines. The short answer to your question is about 250mm- 10" or roughly the length of a coach as the minimum length for a vertical curve. Here is a diagram from Russ Elliott (with the gradient much exaggerated): vertical-curve.gif Obviously if you have room for a longer vertical curve, so much the better. Especially if you stick with 1:30 gradient. There was much discussion about vertical curves on E4um and the Templot email group in 2004: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/templot/conversations/messages/6779 E4um appears to be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2420.php
... ? Everything else being done on mobile devices. Raspberry Pi is out in the short term -- no x86 processor so a complete rewrite needed. But maybe this is a possible -- even a dedicated Templot gadget? Runs Linux on x86 so hopefully also Wine: http://uk.farnell.com/circuitco/minnowboard/atom-e640t-platform-without-psu/dp/2360034 http://minnowboard.org Martin. posted: 4 Feb 2014 00:26 from: Ian Allen Martin, Have you considered that say 10 to 20 years from now we may actually be using an interactive home server based system with large "monitors"? Although Tablets and their ilk are becoming more user friendly in terms of mobility, their use for computer is limited. Think of them more in terms of a web browsing/social network tool, whereas there will always, hopefully, be a need for a dedicated home PC/server. Ian posted: 4 Feb 2014 01:26 from: Matt M. Hi Martin, I'd like to say that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2397.php
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