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... of stuck with the GoG-F standard for the standard gauge as the project is for a club 'shunting plank' layout and the majority of the membership is most likely be wanting to run RTR stock or at best if they make their own (minority) will be presumably using Slaters Fine standard wheels. There is only one member who wants an 0-16.5 input (he seems to think all layouts should have a narrow gauge component...) and the amount of mixed gauge track is accordingly limited with only a few mixed gauge turnouts. 1739_091215_270000000.png The track highlighted in pink is where the mixed dual gauge is planned. We shall have to be careful with the flangeway gaps, however since the track area in question is to be set in cobbles I suspect that we will be having a surfeit of extended check rails (to stop the cobbles from moving) but these may assist in keeping the O-16.5 stock on the rails so to speak. As to the example file you pointed me towards, I am having some difficulty with creating ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2399.php
... Wynne Hi Paul, We are currently on 2 blacklists (out of over 100 such lists). See: http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a85a.co.uk&run=toolpage Using shared hosting it is impossible to stay off every single blacklist for long. Some other customer of Jim's on the same mail server has been sending out spam, or what is deemed to be spam, and all the others on the same mail server suffer as a result. What usually happens is that it clears after a few days, and then a few days later we find that we are on some other blacklist. The only solution would be our own dedicated server. Of course that is extremely expensive and out of the question now that Templot is free to use. What I can do if it's a problem and you use POP3 email is to give you your own mailbox on 85a.co.uk You would need to add an additional account to your email client. Also I can't offer much mailbox space, say 25MB, so you would need to use ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2417.php
... topic: 1765 Straights and bends posted: 6 Jan 2012 12:32 from: r_wilton I'm new to templot and have just finished my first soldered PCB turnout. My attentions are now on producing a small layout (12' x 16") using templot. I've played around a bit with templates and looked at a few of the tutorial videos but i've come a bit stuck with one (of many i'm sure) problem. I have two offset parallel straight sections separated by about 12". I want to join these with an s bend to form a single track and then add some turnouts along the length. My problem is joining the two sections with the s bend while maintaining the parallel straight section at the start and end of the track. I've tried transition curves (easement from straight) etc. but i always end up with a curve at the end or the straights not being parallel. I'm sure there's a simple solution, but i'm still trying to get my head around all the options and get lost so any pointers would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1765.php
... /companion/index.html?terms_of_use.htm They are designed to allow me to continue to develop and support Templot. The alternative was to kill the entire project because it was making me ill. I'm very sorry if this situation is difficult for you. If you need to run Templot2 where no internet connection is available there are two possible solutions: 1. use the Hibernate feature on your laptop computer. 2. obtain a USB dongle or other device which can connect to the internet via a mobile phone signal. Templot requires only a few hundred bytes of download, making a negligible impact on your data quota. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Dec 2013 12:41 from: Richard_Jones Hi Martin, That's really useful to know in advance- I am wondering how long my (actually, my wife's) laptop is going to last and have occasionally reverted to using the original version of Templot when I've not had an internet connection. However, with the growth of free Wi-Fi (particularly in holiday lets and hotel chains) I don't think the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2359.php
345. Scissors
... to offset the diamond as in that photo. Mike Johnson Thanks for that Mike. I have revisisted it in the light of your comments and that picture and, starting from scratch, redrawn the whole thing asymetrically and it seems to work. Here are the tracks. I have yet to add timbers but that is easy enough. This took a couple of hours whereas the first one took days. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_1027_1434_double_junction_6 .box 283 posted: 29 Mar 2011 16:22 from: Stephen Freeman I think you need a few check rails as well. Have a look at scissors on my website Last edited on 29 Mar 2011 16:24 by Stephen Freeman posted: 29 Mar 2011 17:15 from: Raymond Borg-Rail wrote: I think you need a few check rails as well. Have a look at scissors on my website Thanks Stephen, I make it two required, extended wing rails and I think that covers everything. Now the timbering is done as well. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_1028_1434_double_junction_7 .box 257 posted: 29 Mar 2011 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1434.php
... methods for cutting sleepers to length please, keeping the end square at the same time? I have some C&L Copper Clad strip (1.6mm thick) but bearing in mind the number of sleepers that will eventually be required I'd quite like a quicker/easier way to cut them than a mitre saw and block!! Many thanks. Best Regards, Brian Tulley posted: 15 Oct 2008 12:43 from: Paul Boyd Hi Brian What you need is the Acme Chopper. Yes, really! You'll get through a few blades cutting PCB sleepers, but it copes fine. I've replaced the plastic cutting pad on mine with aluminium though. I don't know where to get it from these days, but it least you have something to google on. posted: 15 Oct 2008 13:10 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: What you need is the Acme Chopper. Yes, really! You'll get through a few blades cutting PCB sleepers, but it copes fine. I've replaced the plastic cutting pad on mine with aluminium though. I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  77k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_589.php
... an uncommon arrangement all the published information I've seen on Corfe suggests the second road paralleled the goods shed road without any connection, which may be correct for its last days in public service. Altho' it's an OS map (?) I have occasionally seen maps where the surveyor's site notes have not been correctly interpreted by the cartographical draftsman back at the office. Bishop's Castle station is one such. Ian Not that uncommon, no, the L& Y used it in several places. In addition to what I wrote a few minutes ago about measurement of the platforms, if you align Google on the same orientation as the map, the goods shed, as it is now, appears to be aligned differently. Not much, but enough to make it more parallel to the siding alongside/through it and that brings up another point. I've recently been researching Dewsbury Market Place Station and the 1:2500 OS map bears a similarity to photos taken in the same year as the survey, but that's all. Track alignments slightly off, an obvious ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  76k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1046.php
... bounces- next week or so hopefully (of course you can use it for turnouts etc) too but you won't need an expensive setting box as it will come with a bundled PC (MS Windows) program, full details of all this and more are on my website. I didn't mention this before because the original post was trackwork related rather than anything to do with signals. Of course CBUS will be along from MERG hopefully, more fully developed, next year ready to do all this and more (possibly needing a few tweaks) but that's a thread for another place (Mergcbus Group on Yahoo or MERG's Cbus forum). Last edited on 25 Nov 2009 07:22 by Stephen Freeman posted: 25 Nov 2009 16:18 from: Donald MacLean Martin Lloyd wrote: There is a system on the market. It's interesting but pricey. http://www.copnor.enta.net/FS/TheBouncer.htm I have been trying for some time now to contact them, without any response either e-mail or snail-mail. Am in contact with another ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_978.php
... topic: 3489 changes in version 223b posted: 19 Aug 2019 02:31 from: Martin Wynne Here is a summary of the changes in Templot update version 223b, released 10th July 2019. Despite the long interval since the last update this is mainly a maintenance update to fix some bugs. There are only a few function changes this time. That's because I'm mostly working on the 3-D DXF export for chairs and 3-D printing. It's proving a slow and daunting process. So much so that this update is actually a retrograde step in that the existing 3-D option for DXF exports is temporarily disabled (no change to 2-D DXF exports). I didn't want to wait any longer to release an update, and spend time reverting the work in progress. If anyone specifically needs the previous 3-D DXF export in the meantime please continue to use 219b, and defeat the internet check by means of the method given at: topic 3337 But there are a few changes in this update: 1. It ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3489.php
... of course if you need a custom tandem of some sort. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Aug 2019 21:22 from: Martin Wynne I think there was a hint of cabin fever in my previous post. I have since been out for a pleasant evening walk, for the first time in a couple of weeks. Feeling much better now. I also ate far more blackberries than is good for me. There is going to be a glut of them in these parts this year. In fact there is a few pie's worth coming along nicely at the end of my garden nature reserve. oil_supplies_1280x800.jpg All set for Brexit? cheers, Martin. posted: 6 Aug 2019 00:20 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Eating all the blackberries now won't keep you over the winter you know There has been a rapid increase in the applications for allotment places round our way- I wonder why? Rob posted: 6 Aug 2019 00:50 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, The blackberries around Bristol area are nowhere near ready to eat. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3476.php
... topic: 340 Modernising a CJ Freezer plan posted: 19 Feb 2008 19:19 from: davelong After having a trawl through a few old books and CJ Freezer plan books, I decided to try and put one through its paces in Templot. I'm quite pleased with the result. Its based on a plan from one of his newer books, (newer as in 1992). Although he advocates minimum radii of not below 2' on the scenic and not below 18" in the hidden fiddle yard, I've managed to create the plan, albeit using an extra 6" of baseboard, with the tightest curve being 28", with only a diverging point road away from the mainline of 26.6". The lower fiddle yard has an extra road yet all but one of the curves are above 30" with some up around 40". Attachment: attach_236_340_CJF_plan_scenic1.1 .gif 359 posted: 19 Feb 2008 19:22 from: davelong second image of lower fiddle yard, albeit a rverse loop but seems to fit this plan well. Box files added ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_340.php
... . The age old problem, I can get it to print to PDF using cutePDF, adobe acrobat V9 reads the file ok, But I really would prefer to get it printed once it is all fixed as a single roll and not multiple sheets, can anyone assist with this, I am of course prepared to pay a resonable price! Just post the final .box file when you are ready and I will do it for you onto a single large PDF for roll-format printing. It's no great trouble, just a few clicks -- no charge! To see the typical result: topic 930- message 5397 regards, Martin. posted: 23 Dec 2009 09:41 from: Trevor Grout Martin Wynne wrote: Trevor Grout wrote: 1, Plain Track. when I extend the length of plain track, i keep getting an extra sleeper under the rail joint, I can get rid of it by timber shoving, but would like for this not to happen. Hi Trevor, The reason for the problem is that your custom plain track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_996.php
... use the same BGS file for several different BOX file track plans. For example the BGS file might contain your baseboard outlines, or your railway room, or your garden. cheers, Martin. posted: 1 Aug 2019 21:42 from: polybear Thanks Martin posted: 14 Nov 2019 22:56 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Have you thought about completing the EM plan for Downingham? It is a very nicely designed( and reasonably compact) plan for a garage/large spare room that would suit quite a few people's needs for a layout. BTW I have just tried converting Downingham from EM to EM-SF. I had thought there would be a slight error in alignment downstream of any turnouts due to the 0.2mm gauge difference and that appears to be the case but otherwise it looks good. Is there anything else likely to introduce small errors in alignment when converting like this? << <Insert nudge about the Template name labels warning message>>>> Rob posted: 14 Nov 2019 23:42 from: Martin Wynne ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3471.php
... a shock -- over 300 MB! I'm not too sure why it's so much bigger than the Templot videos, but I think the textured surfaces are the problem. That's why the above images are in .jpg fromat instead of the usual .png for screenshots. Also Sketchup produces a blank screen in the Camtasia recorder with graphics hardware acceleration turned off (the usual setting). Recording with acceleration on produces a jerky playback which is difficult to edit, but I had no choice. So I trimmed the video down to just a few seconds worth, but it is still 10MB. Here's the video anyway for those thinking of trying Sketchup (Flash format): video: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/fun_stuff/beam_ends_skp.swf Sketchup looks to be a great way to visualize Templot designs, and it's free! There's a problem with the track colouring which I need to investigate, and so far I haven't found the lighting controls. Anyone? Sketchup doesn't compare with proper 3D CAD like this from TurboCad (which definitely isn't free): hopton_clee_tc8.jpg ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_327.php
... from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: if I'm extending the approach length of a turnout for a headshunt, the info box goes up in mm, and I have to keep reaching for my calculator to work out what 12" or whatever is in mm Hi Paul, If you know the exact approach length you want, why not just enter it directly? That's either geometry> template lengths (in mm)... menu item, or simply click on the dimension in the mouse action panel. i12 and a few dabs on ENTER and it's done. I've made a bit of Jing video showing that. It works the same way in most mouse actions: http://screencast.com/t /TQTxtcQcjJ1 regards, Martin. posted: 5 Feb 2009 21:14 from: Don A note from the colonies Had I known that Templot didn't work in Imperial measurements I never would have bought it. Model railroading here in Canada, although the country is officially metric, is very much in the shadow of the USA and the NMRA, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  71k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_316.php
... garden which is more like a rock quarry than a garden. Mine would have to be rather sturdy. It will have to survive deer and the occasional moose stepping on it. Cheers! Andy posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:17 from: Godfrey Earnshaw To everyone, I am not criticising your efforts merely the way you have gone about doing it. As for a garden railway, I have one, it is a 4 track mainline, with a 2 track branch, the trains are almost all electric, with a few diesel freights. Not for me DCC. To be authentic it is powered at 750Vdc and the scale is 1:1. Yes, I live near the Brighton Main Line, in Three Bridges. You see there is no need to build one in my own back garden, someone has built it for me. Goedemorgen Igor, Eerst een woordje uitleg; dit alles is lichtjes geschreven. Ik woon in Engeland maar ik heb bijna 11 jaar in Nederland en België gewerkt. Ik heb ook 2 jaar in het vlakke land ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3746.php
... ... menu item. p.s. 2. CTRL+ click still works to terminate a mouse action, even if over a background template.* plural of computer mouse is mouses. cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Jul 2019 20:34 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, In all my 37+ years working in IT we never called a box full of hand-controlled pointy/clicky things 'a box of mouses'- it was always a box of mice. I thought the plural question came up a few years back and it was thought that mouse was the singular and mice the plural. I am sticking to what I know But the main point of the post seems very logical, look forward to the update containing it. Rob posted: 25 Jul 2019 20:51 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: In all my 37+ years working in IT we never called a box full of hand-controlled pointy/clicky things 'a box of mouses'- it was always a box of mice. I thought the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3463.php
... has already been said keep any explanation within the "video" window, having to look away, in my view, merely interrupts viewing and could lead to a small but important detail being missed. In my browser, Firefox, it just kept on repeating. Is that what you intended? Is it possible to make it stop after a single showing with a user controlled option to leave "Got it" or see it again "Replay". As to explanation, maybe a title page could be added, just a few words to describe what is about to be shown, or am I just getting carried away with the bells and whistles, I don't wish to add to your workload. John S posted: 21 Jul 2019 17:07 from: Charles Orr Hi Martin, Fully agree with the previous comments. Charles posted: 21 Jul 2019 17:33 from: Rob Manchester Martin, Have to admit to not using the "quick-access" buttons at all only because I forget.... I do actually remember to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  78k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3461.php
... topic: 1045 Control Panel posted: 12 Feb 2010 19:11 from: Dellboy Hi there There are quite a few suggestions around on how to make a track circuit diagram for a track control panel or how to produce one for a lever frame panel. Below for interest is my attempt using M/S Excel which I have not seen used before. The result is a professional looking diagram. It can be adjusted to any size for printing and mounted under a perspex sheet for protection. Regards Derek 1821_121405_190000000.jpg posted: 12 Feb 2010 19:44 from: John Lewis Derek wrote: There are quite a few suggestions around on how to make a track circuit diagram for a track control panel or how to produce one for a lever frame panel. Below for interest is my attempt using M/S Excel which I have not seen used before. The result is a professional looking diagram. It can be adjusted to any size for printing and mounted under a perspex sheet for protection Derek Yes, that looks very good. How did you do ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1045.php
... topic: 3625 Turnout chair plans posted: 2 Mar 2020 21:22 from: Ian Bunch Currently I'm plugging along, honing my track-building skills for the 40th time. I'm building a small fiddle yard for starters but using ply sleepers and plastic chairs. I've bought a few common crossing chair sets via the EMGS but I don't have a reference for where they all go. I've seen a plan with them marked on but don't know where it was from. Does anyone have a link to the information? I can identify some of the bits but not enough to be confident. Any help gratefully received posted: 2 Mar 2020 21:25 from: Stephen Freeman Should be something on Exactoscale website. Drawings on Scalefour but think you need to be amember posted: 2 Mar 2020 21:27 from: Ian Bunch of course there is, thank you posted: 2 Mar 2020 21:34 from: Martin Wynne Ian Bunch wrote: I've seen a plan with them marked on but don't know where it was from. Does anyone have ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3625.php
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