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... regards, Martin. posted: 22 Jun 2008 20:22 from: Raymond Gibson[ have to buy a Mac to compile such a guide. With the risk that I might like it too much... You WOULD! In four months my Mac has given not the slightest hiccup& it is FAST; but the PC with Windows is a pain in the nether region! Raymond. posted: 22 Jun 2008 20:51 from: its_all_downhill Yeah go on Martin you know you want one!! Then you could develop an iPhone version of Templot so I can use it when I am away from home, Templot and civilisation!! No only joking.. but if you listen to the WWDC it would be a doddle to port but then I may have been taking to much notice of the Apple reality inversion babble.. Regards Tom posted: 18 Jul 2008 19:37 from: Martin Wynne I wrote: I know, because you've told me, that Templot runs fine on the latest Intel-based Macs. But as to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_454.php
... topic: 400 31.2mm gauge posted: 5 Apr 2008 21:57 from: Raymond The surveyor's drawing for the loft claims to give 13.5 feet width, which I will believe when the builders have finished. So I have spent time redrawing the layout to 31.2mm gauge using this new width and developed the fiddle yard to make for easier curves. Still not decided on what the scenic side will look like though but would appreciate comments. The reason for the fiddle yard finishing where it does before the turntable is that that is where the loft access stairs will be. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_265_400_Bexhill_loft_wide_8 .box 246 Last edited on 5 Apr 2008 21:59 by Raymond Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> 31.2mm gauge about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_400.php
... Mar 2008 14:16 from: wcampbell23 Brian Lewis wrote: It is a fine idea Richard and I do acknowledge that our web site lacks pictorial input. The problem is that we have 1159 line items- photographing them would be a massive undertaking and the web site would be huge. I think the point (ouch!) is that prospective purchasers are much more likely to buy online if an illustration of an item is provided on the website. It does not have to be a photograph- perhaps a drawing from the development of an item could be used with little additional work. In the case of etched components a low resolution copy( to prevent piracy) of the artwork could be used. Bill Campbell. posted: 27 Mar 2008 22:02 from: Richard Webster Brian, Many thanks for your response and I wouldn't wish to put you to all that work. Perhaps if all the point rodding components could be mounted on a backing, add the relevant C&L codes for identification, then photograph them all [ie 1 photograph ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_378.php
... and extending under the stock rail with .8 mm wire to hold the spacing. Plastic 35mm film stock or similar is glued on top to make the cosmetic bar with, in my prototypes case, the same plastic film at the toe for the second bar and in long turnouts a third bar of same material as appropriate. Phospbronze or N/S boiler band material is good for this. The switch drive is taken off whatever end of the 0.8 wire is most easily disguised. They are not difficult to make and have been developed from two 1980s MRN articles one in a series by Stewart Hind on track construction which ran irregularly for a number of years which included such good things as "permanent rust" using PCB of the right colour and film stock for cosmetic and slightly structural tiebars. The second was using Araldite tube and wire to for a sort of split axle construction, similar in idea to those sold by C&L as tiebars with which I dont get on with due to the rather small soldering surfac. gsmorris Parts of Templot Club may ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_560.php
... WR brown and cream BGs at the back. Hi John, Yes, photographers always do that, don't they? They wait until there are some wheeled objects in the way before taking a picture of the track. Looking at the track on the right, it's strange that there are no remnants of a connection to the diamonds. And it's odd to leave diamonds in a running line, as they are high-maintenance items. So I'm wondering if those are not redundant diamonds, but new ones laid in readiness for some developments on the right. On the other hand, looking at the colour of the ballast it's clear that they have been there for some time. Anyone know the history of this location? regards, Martin. posted: 3 Feb 2008 04:05 from: BeamEnds My 2p would be, going by the date, that the line to [insert location of choice] has been closed by that nice Mr. Beeching, and, looking at the state of the track alongside the engine, engineering work is planned in the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_326.php
... still doesn't get you the multiple monitor support, for which you need 091b. However, that version includes some further menu and terminology changes, making the tutorials and videos even more confusing for a beginner. It's all easy to follow through once you know the basics of Templot, but must be difficult to follow if you don't. So start off with 074b, but bear in mind that there is a lot more to discover in the later versions. As you can guess from the above, I'm finding it very difficult to develop the program and at the same time keep all users and beginners on board. It's just not possible to re-write the web site and change dozens of screenshots every time I make a change in the program. For some long pages describing all the changes from 074b to 082d, see: http://www.templot.com/martweb/pug_info.htm The static tutorials and videos are at: http://www.templot.com/martweb/tutorials.htm p.s. If you have a Templot CD, please regard it as a program backup only ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_319.php
... of the time this works. regards Charles posted: 27 Nov 2007 21:09 from: Martin Wynne Andy B wrote: The main thing that I find lacking in the silent videos is an overview of the sequence to be followed- it took me three viewings of the 3-way tandem turnout sequence to get clear in my own mind how the different operations were related/ grouped, and then further viewings to identify the subtleties. Hi Andy, That's the reason I spent a lot of time (and some money) developing the "Templot Synchronised Video Player", based on Windows Media Player 6.4. The problem is that it doesn't always work too well on systems with ATI graphics, and there seems to be a problem under Windows Vista. So we are back to the Camtasia Player for the present. The situation with Windows video files seems to be a complete mess. The ONLY format which I have found which is guaranteed to work on ALL versions of Windows everywhere, right back to Windows 95, is the executable Camtasia Player which we ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  65k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_265.php
... of Templot have had the menus re-arranged and other changes made. Which are easy to find your way around once you are familiar with the way Templot works -- but not necessarily straight off as a beginner. The reason the docs are so far behind program upgrades is that I simply don't have the resources to update them. There are over 400 screenshots in the Templot Companion and tutorials, and they would nearly all need revising. My Templot time is almost completely taken up with emails and user support, even program development is effectively at a standstill. However I have been making some silent screen videos from the later versions of Templot. As proper tutorials they are somewhat lacking because they are so bereft of proper detailed notes. But everyone seems to like them and not mind the scruffy unprofessional production. You can find a list of them at: topic 12 Can I upgrade directly from 0.74 to 0.91b or do I have install all previous updates first? You can go straight from 074b to 091b. But you should always install 074b first because ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_262.php
... way of storing templates? Hi Tom, When you have made your adjustments to the control template display (called "current" template prior to 091b), assuming you intend to keep the design you must store the template specification in the storage box. The usual way to do that is using store& background (which has the shortcut CTRL-V). The& background part means that in addition to storing the specification, a copy of the template is placed on the pad background -- usually as part of your developing track plan. You can see it happen because the control template is temporarily hidden, so that you can see the copy of it in different colours underneath. (Press the HOME key to see the control template again on top of it.) When templates are stored in the box they are normally placed at the end of the stored template list, and allocated a new template number. If you select instead the re-store& background menu item, the new template will be inserted at the position in the list ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_180.php
... the install sequence, (I don't think that I installed 0.74b first) but the app has created its own shortcuts in the start-up menu for; 'run Templot', 'Templot Companion online help', 'Templot email group', 'Templot web site' and 'uninstall Templot'. I haven't received any 'strange' messages whilst using Templot and the 'restore previous session' function work faultlessly upon startup. A lot of problems stem from users not reading the documentation or properly planning OS migration. Unlike XP, which was an incremental development from NT4, Vista is a completely different beast and must be used differently. There has been numerous posting on the web from 'gamers' who install games and, upon launching the game in subsequent sessions, find that all configuration data has been lost. They then re-install the game and so ad infinitum. When installing apps you should never just 'Run' it from source or by double-clicking. You should always download the app to a directory or, in the case of a disc, browse in Explorer ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  78k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_173.php
... runaround loop which I believe would allow for the tandem turnout at the throat of the layout, would you concur? I think the fiction surrounding this location was that the Yard at Barnstaple needed to be closed to allow the B&Q superstore to be built on what was becoming higher value land, being just across the river Taw from the retail area of the Town. Freight traffic was seen as desirable to take lorries off the North Devon Link road (A361). The NDDC in conjunction with BR applied for a regional development grant to allow a part of the former Bideford line to be reopened. Due to the heightened value of land in the vicinity of Fremington Quay, with it's stunning views of the Taw estuary, the terminus of this spur was moved slightly towards Barnstaple, to a new location at Fremington North Yard. Fremington Quay is here: Fremington Quay I think the location of Fremington North would be round about here: Fremington North So it's likely that this would have been a greenfield site, and whilst much of the run to Barnstaple ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  80k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_117.php
... change the text suze to suit you. This is done in the browser, not the website. Otherwise, yes, all websites are supposed to comply with the DDA these days. posted: 23 Jul 2007 20:26 from: Dave Phillips I'd welcome some ideas for how to get the Templot web site looking a bit more stylish without ending up with something as daft as this. Do you have a favourite web site which looks good and is actually readable? Martin, Personally I'd rather see your efforts going toward further development of Templot and necessary update of the web site's content, rather than the style. Dave Phillips posted: 23 Jul 2007 20:35 from: Martin Wynne David R wrote: ALL UK web-site designers should currently be considering the implications of the Disability Discrimination Act on their work. Basically this seems to involve: Having very long text descriptions of pictures for those using audio browsers; Hi Dave, I have every sympathy with the visually-impaired, but I'm puzzled by what would be achieved by providing greater disability ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  89k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_115.php
... closer to the V-crossings, but bear in mind that the points (switch tips) must be supported on a timber, must have room to open between the wing rail fronts, and the V-crossing check rails must be long enough in front of the crossing to check it properly. There is a video showing how to create a slip in 082d. This has some new functions which simplify the written tutorial (which was for for 078e). The video is at: single slip video. I have a development version of Templot in which the check rails can be modified visually by mouse action, but I can't say when it will make it into a pug. regards, Martin. posted: 26 Jun 2007 05:04 from: Peter Salathiel Thanks Borg. My beginner's mistakes were as follows: 1) Not realisng that there are two very different "Help" buttons in Templot, namely the "universal" and the "specific". Having clicked on the one (the Universal) I missed the other! I also ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_98.php
... but could anybody please give me guidance as to the sleeper length, width and spacing used on Queensland's track and turnouts. (Mainline not sugar cane railways) I took some photographs on a preserved line but they didn't come out as clear as I'd hoped and 10,000 plus miles is a bit far to pop back. Thanks Gordon posted: 8 Oct 2008 19:34 from: Roger Henry Gordon, I have copied your enquiry to a few modellers of the QGR scene. Nil response as yet but let's see what develops. I'll pass on anything that comes to me personally. Roger, Brisbane posted: 8 Oct 2008 22:46 from: Jim Guthrie gordon wrote: Rather a long shot but could anybody please give me guidance as to the sleeper length, width and spacing used on Queensland's track and turnouts. (Mainline not sugar cane railways) I took some photographs on a preserved line but they didn't come out as clear as I'd hoped and 10,000 plus miles is a bit far to pop back. Gordon, As a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_581.php
... used the forum there are a number of topics which still show as having new messages although I have read them. I have used the mark forum read and mark all forums read buttons for each screen but they will not change. I have attached a screen shot of the afflicted topics. Cheers Phil Attachment: attach_384_610_Templot_Forum.JPG 88 posted: 2 Nov 2008 14:42 from: Martin Wynne Hi Phil, There is a known but elusive bug in the forum software related to read/unread topics. Jim Hale (the current software developer) knows about this and is attempting to find a fix. The problem seems to be related to the date, and will correct itself when the topics fall out of scope of the "Recent Topics" list. That's currently set to 14 days, so these topics should sort themselves out in a few days time. If they don't, try reading them again when they are more than 14 days old. They should also fix themselves if someone posts a new message in them. Sorry about the inconvenience. regards, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_610.php
... topic: 1211 Templot beginners tutorial posted: 22 Aug 2010 12:52 from: donald peters Hi Martin, I have looked through the current majesty of Templot to try and précis my concern about the complexity it has developed, a bye-product of it's expanding breadth of capability and it's creators work limits. To answer you fully would require a total recapitulating of the material provided.. If you will take as read that my only interest in verbalising my thoughts is, and always has been, my belief that Templot deserves wider acceptance by beginners in near scale modelling, then read on. Because of the breadth of its capability and its dedication to cater for the smallest nuance of full scale practice, it has grown such as to appear a monster to the first time user. Almost everything can be achieved and in consequence the amount of instruction confronting the FTU has become prodigious, scattered and unsettling. Having collaborated over the years on several user manuals the ones that had sections, (broadly) 'what do you want to do', 'how ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1211.php
... or press the F2 key. I will write separately about how these settings can be used in partial templates, and how to merge short check rails into one long one. But I shall have to assume you are familiar with the above. regards, Martin. posted: 17 Nov 2009 11:34 from: phileakins Thank you very much indeed for that Martin. I've had some experience with programming and I don't envy you a bit mate! I read somewhere that you are using Pascal- the language I cut my (development) teeth on and is still my favourite. The diagram you have posted, worth more than a thousand words, puts the contents of the help file (which I did read) into context for me, and very probably, for others as well. I look forward to your next installment. Many Thanks for the trouble you have taken. Phil posted: 19 Nov 2009 17:26 from: phileakins Armed with Martin's diagram I have now gone through the check/wing rail options with a much greater degree of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_972.php
... - scale size calculators- yes keep that for as long as it doesn't interfere with the application's efficiency. The rest are nice features but I'm not too bothered if they go. However DXF Import and Export are the two features of Templot that should be retained to interact with other CAD software. Perhaps other CAD formats could be considered? Hi Jonathan, Many thanks for your comments. I've no plans remove any of these features. But I am interested to know which of them are deserving of further attention in line with other developments, and which can be left as they are. For example I am currently working on the Sketchbook feature. At present this is entirely uni-directional -- Templot data can go on the sketchbook, but as yet there is no data transfer in the other direction. It would seem useful to be able to use the spacing ring tool for example on the sketchbook -- but it's complicated and not worth bothering with if hardly anyone actually uses the spacing ring! Spot zoom essentially repeats the mouse wheel zooming, but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1158.php
... in first.... HTH Brian posted: 11 Mar 2010 15:06 from: allanferguson I had always been a dyed in the wool rivets and solder man, and it is undoubtedly strong and easily adjustable. However it undoubtedly the most mind numbingly tedious job I know to mark, punch, and rivet up all the sleepers. (As a Scottish pre- group modeller I use sleepered leads). Of late I have taken to functional plastic sleepers, in my case from C& L, and I have developed confidence in the method. Using the recommended Butanone solvent I have attached plastic chairs to ply sleepers, and have never had any come undone. In extremis I can with a craft knife carefully peel the chairs off without damage. The assembly is fragile until stuck down, and getting it off the template and onto the baseboard needs to be done with care. Temporarily soldering lengths of rail at right angles across the formation can help to hold it together, and the wife's hairdryer, used with discretion and permission, will to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1074.php
... have a try at what I did. I drew an outline scale drawing for my overall layout in M/S Excel, screen printed it into Windows Paint (edit/paste), carefully cropped it, saved it as a 24-bit Bitmap image (or could save as jpg etc.) and loaded it into Templot as a background picture shape, the x dimension being the actual length available for the layout. This produced a very accurate outline to work from. As the track design progressed I was able to develop/modify the Excel drawing to show shapes for the baseboards, positions for joints and framing, positions for cutouts for WITs, TOUs etc. It is a simple matter to regenerate the Excell drawing into templot as you make your adjustments to track and/or baseboards, to see the result. I ended up with a fully detailed Excel drawing to which I subsequently built my baseboards from. In Excel a 20 row height and 3 column width will produce a square grid. I used one inch (25.4mm) for each ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1077.php
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