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... of stuck with the GoG-F standard for the standard gauge as the project is for a club 'shunting plank' layout and the majority of the membership is most likely be wanting to run RTR stock or at best if they make their own (minority) will be presumably using Slaters Fine standard wheels. There is only one member who wants an 0-16.5 input (he seems to think all layouts should have a narrow gauge component...) and the amount of mixed gauge track is accordingly limited with only a few mixed gauge turnouts. 1739_091215_270000000.png The track highlighted in pink is where the mixed dual gauge is planned. We shall have to be careful with the flangeway gaps, however since the track area in question is to be set in cobbles I suspect that we will be having a surfeit of extended check rails (to stop the cobbles from moving) but these may assist in keeping the O-16.5 stock on the rails so to speak. As to the example file you pointed me towards, I am having some difficulty with creating ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2399.php
... in Wine. I was amazed that it worked first time without any complaints! A quick look shows that it seems to be working fine. I haven't yet installed any printers, so this may still be a problem area though. Are there any known problems I may face as I use it more? I'm using the latest LTS version of Mint (1.8) posted: 15 Feb 2017 23:03 from: Tony W Hi John. There are plenty of us happily using Templot via Wine/ Linux. There are very few problems mostly to do with some of the graphic symbols displaying differently, which we can live with. There is a library of generic printer drivers to suit most needs including some quite old models, like mine, so problems there are unlikely. I switched to Linux Mint when Windows XP was abandoned by Microsoft and haven't regretted it for one moment. Tony W. posted: 15 Feb 2017 23:29 from: JohnB Thanks Tony. I started changing when XP was abandoned, but ended up staying with Windows for business ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2981.php
... topic: 3604 Ventnor, I.o.W Question posted: 2 Feb 2020 00:29 from: Jim Guthrie A fellow SSMRS member has asked me about building some pointwork for a model of Ventnor, I.o.W- the tandem in the station throat and the two slips in the yard. At the moment I'm trying to identify what the slips actually were. From what few pictures I can find on the Internet, the slips look like normal slips but a BR plan of the station (attached) that I found shows the slips to be Barry slips. It appears that the track at the station was modified quite a lot over the years so it could be that the Barry slips existed at one time, to be replaced by "proper" slips at a later date. I'll also dig out my 1963 Constructors which has a series on the I.o.W railways. Jim. Attachment: attach_2985_3604_Ventnor-01.jpg 140 posted: 2 Feb 2020 01:32 from: Rob Manchester Hi Jim, There are some pictures of Ventnor in 'Isle of Wight Railways Remembered' by Peter ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3604.php
364. Scissors
... to offset the diamond as in that photo. Mike Johnson Thanks for that Mike. I have revisisted it in the light of your comments and that picture and, starting from scratch, redrawn the whole thing asymetrically and it seems to work. Here are the tracks. I have yet to add timbers but that is easy enough. This took a couple of hours whereas the first one took days. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_1027_1434_double_junction_6 .box 283 posted: 29 Mar 2011 16:22 from: Stephen Freeman I think you need a few check rails as well. Have a look at scissors on my website Last edited on 29 Mar 2011 16:24 by Stephen Freeman posted: 29 Mar 2011 17:15 from: Raymond Borg-Rail wrote: I think you need a few check rails as well. Have a look at scissors on my website Thanks Stephen, I make it two required, extended wing rails and I think that covers everything. Now the timbering is done as well. Regards Raymond Attachment: attach_1028_1434_double_junction_7 .box 257 posted: 29 Mar 2011 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1434.php
365. Trax
... : 23 Jul 2011 22:40 from: Alan Turner What happened to the release of TRAX3? I thought it was imminent some months back. Regards Alan posted: 23 Jul 2011 23:11 from: John Shelley Alan Turner wrote: What happened to the release of TRAX3? I thought it was imminent some months back. According to Noodle Books catalogue sept 2010- Aug 2011 it was due Spring 2011. Obviously this hasn't happened. I have a contact there and will pose the question. The reply may take a few days. Patience. Cheers for now John from 33820 St Ciers sur Gironde France. posted: 24 Jul 2011 00:28 from: Martin Wynne Alan Turner wrote: What happened to the release of TRAX3? I thought it was imminent some months back. Hi Alan, I received this from Noodle Books on the 9th May this year: "I regret we are still waiting the final text of this title from the Author. I understand the delay has been caused by a new computer operating system allowing the programme to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1573.php
... edited on 9 Jul 2019 08:45 by richard_t posted: 10 Jul 2019 01:53 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, Update version 223b is now on the server. Your existing version should offer to update automatically. The conversion bugs should be fixed -- let me know if not. cheers, Martin. posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:01 from: richard_t Thanks Martin. I've converted the plan again from Scale 7 to S4-X and it's looking good on a quick glance over. I've noticed a few extra timbers have appeared (I'm guessing due to some of the templates lengthening slightly?), but they are easy-ish to spot, and even easier to clear up. Again, many thanks Richard Last edited on 10 Jul 2019 09:02 by richard_t posted: 10 Jul 2019 15:08 from: Martin Wynne richard_t wrote: I've noticed a few extra timbers have appeared Hi Richard, These are possibly on turnout templates having regular V-crossings and the auto-fit setting for the crossing entry straight? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3413.php
... of 905ft-2.6" The formula is: Radius in feet= 50/ sin(DegreeOfCurve/2) There is a conversion chart at: http://www.trainweb.org/freemoslo/Modules/Tips-and-Techniques/degrees_of_curve_to_radius.htm the distance between the 2 centre lines at the end is .0873 That's 87.3mm ?? Did you mis-position the decimal point? regards, Martin. posted: 3 Oct 2008 17:37 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, Thanks for sending me the plan. I will write a few notes about it shortly. It seems to be one of those irritating drawings where the design is originally imperial but everything has been converted to odd metric sizes. Here are a few pictures of a turnout at Rhyd DDu taken in September 2006. This is modern heavy-rail narrow-gauge which bears little resemblance to the original NWNGR and WHR track of course. rhyd_ddu7.jpg rhyd_ddu6.jpg rhyd_ddu4.jpg rhyd_ddu5.jpg rhyd_ddu3.jpg rhyd_ddu2.jpg rhyd_ddu1.jpg regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_578.php
... the reverse curve and gives a better flow. It just fits your 4 foot requirement but only just! Alan Attachment: attach_290_465_st_margarets_- _ajt.box 504 Last edited on 22 Jun 2008 16:45 by Alan Turner posted: 23 Jun 2008 01:05 from: phileakins Alan Turner wrote: I've had a go at the crossing and I think that this gets rid of the reverse curve and gives a better flow. It just fits your 4 foot requirement but only just! Alan Thanks for doing that Alan- I've a few days off work this week (I think I shall need them) and will finish both yours and Jim's designs and post them here. The check rails will be a challenge though looking at photos of the prototype. Phil PS [Thinks] Now, what other weird and wonderful configurations can I bend track into? I've got one or two photos and the outside double slip idea looks attractive.... [/ Thinks] posted: 5 Dec 2008 09:52 from: John Preston Hello to all After having ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  95k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_465.php
... 2010 22:18 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, Some members have been having trouble receiving emails from Templot Club. This mainly applies to free email providers such as Hotmail, etc. They make their own rules about which sites to block, allegedly for sending spam. It seems that the Data 1 servers have recently been blocked by Hotmail -- for no reason that anyone can determine. There is no easy solution to this, because even if we get the block lifted now, it could be imposed again in a few days time, without warning or explanation. As an alternative, I can offer Templot users a free mailbox on templot-users.co.uk This is hosted on the same Data 1 servers as Templot Club, so there is no risk that emails from Templot Club will ever be blocked. As a Templot user you can have an email address and 10MB of mailbox space to use for Templot Club emails. You can fetch your emails via POP3 in your usual email program, or view them as webmail if you prefer. By using this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1290.php
... on YouTube, it went missing for a while: I will put it back as Video of the Week in due course. Martin. posted: 28 Sep 2019 20:12 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Thanks for reminding me of that video, some excellent footage there. It took them a good while to get the electric trains on the East Coast route- still it allowed the Deltics a good long run before the HSTs ran up until the wires were finally up. Bearing in mind the Beeching report of a few years later the mood seemed very positive towards railways when this film was made- I guess the main lines survived mainly intact. I wnt to college in the 70's next to one of the depots that maintained the Woodhead electrics. At least the route is a nice walk now Rob posted: 29 Sep 2019 18:45 from: Andy Reichert I'd like to (selfishly) propose my evolving developments in model tram track as a candidate for "video of the week". It does rather show what can be actually reliably ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3505.php
... the resolution thing doesn't matter. Scanners like the V550 have much more resolution than most applications require. posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:07 from: John Shelley My thanks to Martin and Nigel for what they have added to this thread. Before I go any further I must say that this morning by mistake I plugged in my Epson 1670 instead of the external hard disk that I use for backups, and it burst into life as if nothing had happened. I don't understand it, one day it works, then a few days later it won't ackle at all and then three days later it is back and happy with life again. Nett result is that it seems that I don't have to shell out for a new scanner just yet, maybe the 1670 overheard that it was to be replaced and had second thoughts about retirement. I am still puzzled by Peter C's comments about different horizontal and vertical resolutions, but may have come across a partial explanation. I was looking for information about the V550 and initially ended up in the USA site and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3588.php
... topic: 3513 Web site problems today. posted: 2 Oct 2019 18:48 from: Martin Wynne Sorry we were offline for a few hours today. Maybe again tomorrow for a few minutes while Jim installs a new backup server to replace the one which died today. Until then anything posted here won't be backed up, so don't post anything irreplaceable. cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Web site problems today. about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. You are welcome to use them for your own personal non-commercial purposes, and in your messages on this web ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3513.php
... it's a massive task -- I suspect those who keep asking for it have no idea what they are actually requesting. Several months work at least. I purchased an XML component with the hope that it would simplify the task, but so far "simplify" isn't the word which comes to mind. Personally speaking, I have no idea why it's so important to some users. I have been using Templot in its present form for over 10 years now without feeling any great need to save preferences. It takes only a few clicks at the start of a session to set things up how you want them, and often that's not the same as you wanted them before. Perhaps it is knowing how much work it would involve that makes me happier than most to accept the status quo. My inclination is to work on new track functionality rather than saving a few clicks here or there, but I know I shall have to do something about it soon. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Dec 2008 23:56 from: Howard Martin Wynne ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_585.php
... topic: 1308 Max unsupported rail length posted: 16 Dec 2010 12:39 from: richard_t Hello I wondered if there was a maximum length of rail that was permitted without support from a chair and sleeper/timber? I've got a few complex junctions that I'm shoving timbers around but I keep ending up with biggish gaps between them. TIA. edit: Company is CLC (according to the plans I have the LMS took over the infrastructure). Bullhead practice from the 1930s. Last edited on 16 Dec 2010 13:48 by richard_t posted: 17 Dec 2010 07:42 from: Jim Guthrie richard_t wrote: Hello I wondered if there was a maximum length of rail that was permitted without support from a chair and sleeper/timber? I've got a few complex junctions that I'm shoving timbers around but I keep ending up with biggish gaps between them. TIA. edit: Company is CLC (according to the plans I have the LMS took over the infrastructure). Bullhead practice from the 1930s. Richard, The widest pitch of sleepering ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1308.php
... to install AutoHotkey 2. Copy the script file (TemplotGUI_0_15.ahk) and store it somewhere useful ensuring it still has the .ahk suffix 3. Edit the script using Notepad or suchlike and change the following settings: (line 9) ensure the variable TemplotExe points to the full path of TemplotZero.exe on your system between the quotes (line 12) set variable DoCntrlZremap= 1 if you want undo/redo to be Cntrl Z and Cntrl Y as per windows standards. (line 15) set variable SkipIntroDialogs= 1 to skip the first few dialogs on startup (line 18) set variable IgnoreActiveCheck= 1 to disable the active template check (disables auto mint). Should be 1 for Vista. RUNNING THE SCRIPT If AutoHotkey_L has been installed correctly and the script has the .ahk suffix then all you need to do is double-click to activate the script. This should start Templot if the config settings have been changed correctly (as in 3 above). While the script is running a little H icon appears in the Windows control bar bottom RHS (at ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1311.php
... methods for cutting sleepers to length please, keeping the end square at the same time? I have some C&L Copper Clad strip (1.6mm thick) but bearing in mind the number of sleepers that will eventually be required I'd quite like a quicker/easier way to cut them than a mitre saw and block!! Many thanks. Best Regards, Brian Tulley posted: 15 Oct 2008 12:43 from: Paul Boyd Hi Brian What you need is the Acme Chopper. Yes, really! You'll get through a few blades cutting PCB sleepers, but it copes fine. I've replaced the plastic cutting pad on mine with aluminium though. I don't know where to get it from these days, but it least you have something to google on. posted: 15 Oct 2008 13:10 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: What you need is the Acme Chopper. Yes, really! You'll get through a few blades cutting PCB sleepers, but it copes fine. I've replaced the plastic cutting pad on mine with aluminium though. I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  77k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_589.php
... topic: 1317 Should I Upgrade to 091c? posted: 22 Dec 2010 10:15 from: RedgateModels Very new to Templot, but have managed to produce a very simple track plan for my first foray into O gauge and now am wondering if I should upgrade BEFORE I get too familiar with all the F numbers and menus or would it be best to wait a bit?2013_220514_380000000.png posted: 22 Dec 2010 10:46 from: PaulTownsend I sniffed around previous version for a few days as a beginner and then upgraded to 0.91c to do my first plan. It has many advantages and I would definitely recommend it. posted: 22 Dec 2010 11:36 from: phileakins Emphatically yes! If you don't you'll find your learning curve doubled. Phil posted: 22 Dec 2010 11:39 from: RedgateModels Already done it, thanks for the advice posted: 22 Dec 2010 13:17 from: Nigel Brown Notice that you've got some overlapping sleepers. This could be a good time to get some practice in sleeper shoving. Push them about ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1317.php
378. Dock Road
... topic: 1260 Dock Road posted: 2 Oct 2010 18:05 from: phileakins A while ago I introduced a design for Blue Town, base on Sheerness Dockyard post- 1883 track plan. Having thought long and hard I have decided to go back a few years to a simpler layout (no tandem points!) which is attached for your comments please. The main line is laid to the LCDR standard track for the period to 1882 with 21 foot rails with 8 sleepers per length. However, the branch opened in 1860 using 21 foot rails but only 6 sleepers per length and I have retained this track in the sidings. I have rather guessed how the points might have appeared but have retained longer sleepers under the crossing for ease of building. Further information much appreciated though. The main line will be covered with 'top ballast' as was normal at the time so the point sleepering (I've used 10in wide sleepers rather than 12in timbers) will not be seen. Until the sketchboard appears.... the loco shed is on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1260.php
... So... effort 3 is well under way, and It is already ahead of where version 2 go to I expect to soon (maybe tomorrow) have something worth looking at.. Cheers, Graeme posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:37 from: Graeme Graeme wrote: So... effort 3 is well under way, and It is already ahead of where version 2 go to I expect to soon (maybe tomorrow) have something worth looking at.. Well, I am pleased to have made relatively few changes on this version and have the directory population/file display working OK for both JPEG and PNG options. However, I seem to be having trouble with the HTML component. When I clicked on an image (or the "Load this File" link) nothing seemed to happen. When I look at the code, I would not have expected anything to happen! Perhaps something magic is taking place behind the scenes, but there is no obvious reason for anything to take place. There IS an OnImageClick action in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  93k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3534.php
... cross from the bottom of the station to the carriage sidings which will be top right when drawn are going to have to be omitted. I've not mastered the finer points of the system such as shoving timbers or doing three way points properly, but any comments gratefully accepted. regards Rovex Attachment: attach_965_1332_snow_hill.box 426 posted: 9 Jan 2011 10:02 from: JFS Wow, lots of track! Should be an excellent operational layout when its done. Just one tip which I learnt the hard way. There might be a fair few devils in the detail of your plan in that some of the track might not be buildable- just to take one one of the three ways in the throat- the switches of one road overlap the crossing of the other. This kind of problem of course is MUCH worse in 00 than in nearer-scale guages- even formations which would fit in the prototype cannot be built in the model. 1129_090455_280000000.png The worry is that you might not uncover all of these until you get deep into the detail of partial templates, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1332.php
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