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... the transition curve would be more gentle than the current MAX SPIRAL limit permits.", and the slews I've tried don't look very good, and break my minimum radius. Has anyone any suggestions? TIA Richard. posted: 23 Jan 2009 20:31 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, There are some ideas at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templot/message/3400 But you should be able to do it with a slew. Have you tried selecting a mode 2 slew, for which you can adjust the slew factor by mouse action? Over what length/angle of turn do you want to link these circles? Is this a loop on single-track or increasing separation on double-track? regards, Martin. posted: 24 Jan 2009 09:32 from: richard_t Martin Wynne wrote: Hi Richard, There are some ideas at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templot/message/3400 But you should be able to do it with a slew. Have you tried selecting a mode 2 slew ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_709.php
... !! Hi Paul, Unfortunately you can't have one without the other. There aren't enough keyboard shortcuts for everything, so I need to shuffle a few around to make room for the irregular diamonds. I know changes to the shortcuts can cause strong feelings, so I thought I would post some notes about the impending changes as advance warning. Still provisional and comments welcome: function:| current shortcut:| new shortcut:___| ____| _____|| mouse action: adjust|| V-crossing angle only| none- new| F9 (note 1)|| mouse action: adjust|| K-crossing angle only| none- new| F10|| mouse action: adjust|| gaunt offset| none- new| SHIFT+ F12|| mouse action: adjust|| V-crossing entry straight| currently none| SHIFT+ F11|| mouse action:|| slide through peg| F9| SHIFT+ F9|| mouse action:|| swell curving ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1124.php
... to tandem a B8L (1420mm) and C9R (5314mm), but can't seem to get it right- any suggestions? Also for some reason I couldn't change one of the Templates to marker colour.. Richard Jones posted: 18 Jul 2011 15:27 from: Martin Wynne Richard_Jones wrote: I've been working through the Tandem turnout video a step at a time and have a small query- do you always set the extra "vee" at 4.5? Hi Richard, The middle V-crossing angle has to be adjusted to match the rails. 1:4.5 is just a useful starting point. Generally with a bit of practice you can guess the angle quite closely. Note that this adjustment will be much easier in the next Pug -- why not join the development group and try it in the TDV? Gaunt turnouts are now available, mainly for this very purpose -- to provide a V-crossing as a partial template in which the crossing angle and turnout radius can be independently adjusted. template> gaunt options> gaunt turnout ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1567.php
... crossover from it: 3. Set a suitable track spacing according to the running-line radius. Curved double-track requires wider spacing than straight track to allow for passing clearance on vehicle overhangs. Click the geometry> adjacent track centres... menu item to set the turnout-side (TS) centre-to-centre spacing as required. 4. Click the tools> make simple crossover menu item. This stores the first turnout and creates a matching second one for the other end of the crossover, and adjusts the running-line radius to suit. 5. Store the second turnout too, by clicking the main> store& background menu item. 6. To print both turnouts, click the print> print entire pad menu item. This is the next item down from the menu item in the above video, which is for printing single templates. A crossover is two templates. 7. Answer some questions about the printer. If this is your first time printing in Templot, it is best to select use printer uncalibrated ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1199.php
... topic: 1059 This Is It posted: 5 Mar 2010 17:13 from: Dellboy Hello folks Well I've now drawn a line under my Templot EM gauge layout and expect to start track building soon! All the baseboards were finished last year based on the 'finalised' layout but the detailed finishing-off by refining alignments, adjusting check rails& timbering etc, plus of course some tinkering about with it have only just managed to be completed. Congratulations to Martin for such a brilliant program. The layout is completely freelance. It consists of a main station, a single line branch and an 8 train turntable for the storage sidings element. Maximum train length of six carriages plus loco. I have two fully interlocked signal frames for controlling the points& signals, one for the station the other for the branch, on order from Modratec. Huge credit to Harold of Modratec for the design of these using their SigScribe program. The working potential of the station has been a major consideration for me and has resulted in a rather complex S&C ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  87k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1059.php
... /view_forum.php?id=17 posted: 18 May 2011 11:39 from: Martin Wynne There are some changes to the shortcut keys in TDV. These are not yet reflected in the help menu items or the F-key chart, so please don't waste ink printing them out. Full details of the changes were discussed here: topic 1124 from which: function: |old 091c shortcut:| new TDV shortcut:___| ____| _____|| mouse action: adjust|| V-crossing angle only| none- new| F9 (note 1)|| mouse action: adjust|| K-crossing angle only| none- new| F10|| mouse action: adjust|| gaunt offset| none- new| SHIFT+ F12|| mouse action: adjust|| V-crossing entry straight| none| SHIFT+ F11|| mouse action:|| slide through peg| F9| SHIFT+ F9|| mouse action:|| swell curving| ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  130k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1499.php
... , That does clarify the colours. My difficulty is duplicating my reference design is dimensioned to 9.5 meter from the Fine Point of the V-Crossing to the Datum "Joint" (term used above). I can not get the dimensions less that about 10.5 meter without altering the V-Crossing to less than the 1:7. 1:7 is correct for all the other dimensions. I can not find a solution which allows me to reduce the Joint-FP length Perhaps I need to leave this long and adjust all the other dimensions to compensate for the longer entrance, but I expect there is a better solution. Paul posted: 15 May 2013 11:52 from: Martin Wynne Franz wrote: My difficulty is duplicating my reference design is dimensioned to 9.5 meter from the Fine Point of the V-Crossing to the Datum "Joint" (term used above). I can not get the dimensions less that about 10.5 meter without altering the V-Crossing to less than the 1:7. 1:7 is correct ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2213.php
... you have correctly used straight cut switches for your turnouts. You have used the standard track centres of 44.67mm to generate all your parallel tracks. This is alright for straight track and curves down to about 8800mm radius, but for sharper curves increased track centres are required. This is a common error. To allow for vehicle end and centre throw between templates 11 and 12 they should be at 53mm centres for 1067mm radius and between templates 28, 30 and 40 they should be at 49mm centres for 2085mm radius. This can be adjusted using the Adjacent track centres option under the Geometry drop down menu before generating double track, crossovers etc. Altering these will affect the design of the scissors crossover and give more room for the slip roads at that end. Your Tandem turnout in the platform will not work as it stands as the switch blades of the second turnout are much to close to the first and do not have enough room to open fully. You have made a good start and it is better to find out now than later, so well done ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2555.php
... to replicate NSW Government Railway point characteristics, particularly sleeper layout. My dramas so far: 1. My single slip L/H point blades do not flow into the stock rail properly. My R/H points blades are fine. Realistically it wont affect building the slip but I would like to know where I went wrong; 2. My track plan includes a passenger siding bay within one of the platforms. I specified a track spacing between adjacent track of 85mm however Templot has drawn it at 71mm and I can not adjust further; 3. I am after a plain track and point sleeper spacing of 600-628mm between centres (prototype). When I go to 'real' and then adjust point timbering it seems to only adjust the middle set of sleepers. I do not know how to adjust the plain track sleeper spacing. It seems there are only pre-set values i.e. 60ft rail/25ft sleeper spacing options. I have tried the customised spacing option however it seemed I would have to input the spacing of every sleeper on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2385.php
... also read the recent exchanges re:Brighton tandems, but still can't work out what I'm doing wrong. I've positioned the peg using CTRL-F8 on the intersection of the two rails and put the notch on the peg. I've created a new template with the crossing at 1:12 (it's obviously going to be much more than that anyway), curviform, and gaunt options selected as per instructions. I then peg this to the notch (using the *multiply key). The notes then suggest using F6 to adjust the curvature to match the underlying template- but it's obvious that the control template is not aligned over the background template(s) at all and adjusting it's radius is not going to alter that. But there is no mention of needing to use F8 to rotate the template to get an alignment- which is what leads me to conclude that I must have gone astray somewhere. What am I doing wrong, or misunderstanding here? I'm sure there must be a simple explanation, but despite no end of playing around it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  64k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2273.php
... curves posted: 13 Oct 2017 10:04 from: Damien Morris 0eda7dda3d887297a0b1fb0a1ed4cfd0.p ng What is the best way to line up and bridge the 2 turnouts on 2 expanding parallel curves? Last bit needed before I have to go back over the layout and go through sleepers. Attachment: attach_2531_3107_conwy.zip 216 posted: 13 Oct 2017 11:50 from: John Palmer I would do it by making TL533 the control template, then making the crossover by using Tools -> make ordinary crossover. Before doing this, however, you need to adjust the turnout side adjacent track centre for TL533 so that the crossover thus formed aligns with the adjacent down main line (PR477). Because TL533 and PR477 aren't running parallel here, you will need to pick an arbitrary point on PR477 at which to measure its current offset from TL533 then make some adjustments after the crossover is created.2129_130634_140000000.png As the image shows, I picked a point on TL533 lying opposite the expected mid point of the crossover, slid the peg to this point with Ctrl-F8, placed the notch under the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3107.php
... understanding and implementation is where the shortfall is Attachment: attach_1748_2399_GoGF_O165-DualGaugeTurnout002.box 279 Last edited on 9 Feb 2014 18:28 by Steve Bedding posted: 9 Feb 2014 18:38 from: Martin Wynne Steve Bedding wrote: Although starting with a 9ft GW switch, the 'Switch Setting' increases to GW 10ft and then between V5.85 and V5.89 jumps rapidly to GW 12ft. This causes the turnout crossing rail to jump either side of the partial template for the wing rail already created. Hi Steve, Use F9 instead of F5 to adjust the V-crossing angle without changing the switch size. Alternatively, while using F5 you can right-click and select the lock switch (in F5) menu option. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Feb 2014 20:56 from: Steve Bedding Thank you Martin- it seems so straightforward and easy when you point out the obvious (reminder to self- keep looking at the Function Key Chart!) I had consciously deselected the 'Lock Switch' option having misunderstood what effect it would have For the three K ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2399.php
... involved route restrictions because of clearance issues. Even on modelled 6'/1800mm radius curves, there is still a substantial visual difference between track centres spaced at 99mm and 84.6mm (not 80.6!). I suspect that the clearances quoted for UK-outline stock in the Gauge 0 Guild Manual have stood the test of time and scrutiny by a generation of modellers and will suffice for most of us. Clearly, the modeller will need to decide what the maximum dimensions of the stock he/she intends to operate are and adjust the track centres accordingly- which is where we came in! My apologies to non-7mm scale modellers, but the arguments still apply irrespective of your chosen scale. Dave posted: 22 Feb 2012 14:06 from: Tony W Hi Dave. Not sure where your figure of 2820mm for track centres comes from as 11'2" works out at 3403.6mm which does scale at about 78mm for O scale. Tony. posted: 22 Feb 2012 14:15 from: Martin Wynne Tony W wrote: Not sure where your ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  112k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1835.php
... topic: 1687 K-check rail setting posted: 16 Nov 2011 19:28 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, It seems a day when things are going rather strange. I was just, a short while ago, adjusting the K wing and check rails of a half diamond template in the TDV, when I found the check rail did not adjust correctly. Now what I did, was the following: First I changed the length of the wing rail using the new K-crossing options menu, from 185.0 ins to 180.0 ins (the LNWR wing& check rails both being 15ft joint to joint& tip to tip respectively), when I clicked OK the wing rail changed to what seemed the correct position (and was in fact perfectly OK when measured with the ruler). I then changed the check rail using the same menu (the new K-crossing options menu), I changed the data from 185.0 inches to 180 inches, but when I clicked OK the rail changed length, but appeared to be shorter than the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1687.php
... it? Cheers posted: 30 Aug 2010 17:39 from: Martin Wynne JFS wrote: The only improvement might be to tweak the colours- is there a re-colour image button? Hi Howard, There are two ways to add drawings on the sketchboard page. 1. You can draw directly using the sketchboard controls. The Engine Shed in this view was created that way. This way you can create coloured rectangles, circles, and lines, similar to the existing background shapes functions -- but much easier to adjust, stretch, rotate, combine, items. It's tedious to add fine detail using this method, but very easy to change colours, line thicknesses, etc. Such drawings are vector graphics, so they don't break up as you zoom in on them. Such drawn items can be shared as .sk9 files. 2. You can add a bitmap image created elsewhere in a full drawing package such as DrawPlus or CorelDraw. The Goods Shed in this view was added that way. This way makes it easier to create fine ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... Pipex. posted: 10 Feb 2009 12:32 from: Paul Boyd...and it wasn't working at all well last night connected via Zen. posted: 10 Feb 2009 13:32 from: Martin Wynne I'm pleased to report it's back to normal here. If anyone is still having trouble, please let me know. (In due course I should find out what was wrong.) regards, Martin. posted: 10 Feb 2009 16:05 from: Martin Dobbins I couldn't log in until I (re) adjusted some settings because IE was blocking cookies coming from here. Everything worked OK yesterday but not today until I made the adjustment, has something about the forum changed? Martin 2.1 posted: 10 Feb 2009 22:43 from: Martin Wynne Martin Dobbins wrote: I couldn't log in until I (re) adjusted some settings because IE was blocking cookies coming from here. Everything worked OK yesterday but not today until I made the adjustment, has something about the forum changed? Hi Martin, Nothing that I know about. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_727.php
... the main road for both switches. Or single-sided (both the same hand), where an outer road is the main road for both switches. Or they can be type 2 tandems (less common) where the second switch is in the turnout road of the first switch instead of the main road. The two turnouts can be dozens of different sizes, or quite odd sizes. The V-crossings can each be regular, generic, or curviform type. If regular type, the turnout lead lengths can be adjusted by changing the crossing entry straight. Somehow you have to find a way through this maze and find a workable design which fits your site. It is nearly always possible, but in the process there are several issues which you have to keep in mind and look out for, otherwise it won't work. Here are some of the things to watch for on a single-sided tandem: 2_022021_130000001.png 1. The first thing to look at is the relative position of the two switches when snaking the one over the other. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  45k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2394.php
... get an exact match to a plan produced by other means, if you are not sure of all the options in Templot. This page may help: http://templot.com/companion/index.html?swell_function_ctrl_f10.htm As Tony explained, that length of track will need to be at least two templates. Start off by doing tools> make branch track on the turnout template. Curve it to create the first part of the S-curve. Then create the lower straight track separately, and make it a transition curve template. adjust the transition to get the right-hand end curving to form the second part of the S-curve. A transition curve with one end straight is called an easement. Put the fixing peg at the curved end, and then do make transition on the first part of the S-curve. For some notes about the make transition function, see: http://www.templot.com/martweb/info_files/make_trans.htm Sorry that page is 12 years old and in need of an update to the screenshots. regards, Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  93k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2539.php
... "How_to_Construct_an_Irregular_Diam ond_Crossing_v2.pdf" below). I have decided to re-post the currently available version so that people who need such a document can use it straight away, however, I have discovered two important errors in the guide which need attention, so am listing the details here and now, but will eventually correct these errors and include them in a version 3 of the guide, which hopefully will be posted shortly when time permits. The first of the errors is related using the F5 size key, which is used to adjust the turnout side of the templates. It is wrongly stated in the guide that you should do the following: Then select< action>< F5 sizing options>< length locked>. The correct instructions should be as follows: Then select< action>< F5 sizing options>< length free (CNTRL+ pgUp)>. Next, use< action>< mouse actions: real>< adjust turnout size only (F5)> When the icon window for the F5 size appears, do the following: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1482.php
... that. Does that include the train shed overall roof? Or would you prefer that part to be straight? In theory you could have curved platforms under a straight roof, but it might look a bit odd. Changing the subject, you mentioned using 1mm flangeways. I assume this means you are using the DOGA Fine track gauges and will be widening all your wheel back-to-backs to 14.7mm accordingly? If you haven't already done that you might want to consider 00-SF instead, which avoids the need to adjust the wheels. There is more about that at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/00-SF and some notes from me at: topic 124- message 567 Orders for 00-SF track gauges are now being taken and if you get in quick you might be in time to get some. It does have a slight bearing on the design process in that 00-SF turnouts are a fraction shorter than DOGA-F. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Nov 2007 17:08 from: Gordon ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  208k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_228.php
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