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... probably need a monthly topic for chewing over code clips and ideas, so I have started this one. It will get tangled, so we will need to start a new one each month. See also the new TemplotMEC code archive sub-section as a record of code changes after we have adopted them. As yet it is empty. Graeme wrote: If you would like to give it a whirl I would be grateful. Hi Graeme, Many thanks for your work. We are getting there, but still quite a few issues need fixing: 2_030914_210000000.png A. this should be OTBOX of course. B. this should be OTBOX-FILES. I seem to recall fixing that in the original release, but it may have got lost somewhere along the way. Also every reference in the code. Leave that with me. C. this should contain only the disk drive. If it contains the full path it is not readable. D. this should be a list of folders, not files. Refer to the working of these boxes in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  170k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3544.php
... night before our first show when we decided to slop on some paint and thinners gunk to stain the sleepers. ALL the glue melted and we had a panicked hour trying to simultaneously re-gauge all the track and hold it in position while the gunk dried. So this time in 0 gauge I have been building track with C&L plastic chairs on wooden sleepers. To avoid the risk of the same problem I thought I would do it the other way round. I found some almost black wood dye and put a few coats on the sleepers and then glued the chairs down. It was fine for a few months then chairs started coming loose.At first I thought it was the glue not sticking to the plastic so I tried various different glues, none of which worked reliably, until I realised the problem was the wood dye. Nothing sticks to it long term. it's like Teflon!Having built a lot of track and several turnouts I am rescuing the situation as it occurs by sliding the loose chairs out of the way, grinding off the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2888.php
... topic: 752 Saving user preferences posted: 5 Mar 2009 09:28 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, Bruce Wilson wrote: However, I do like the suggestion made of having Templot remember the last user settings. OK, I give in. I have never understood the importance of saving user preferences. I seldom use the same ones twice, and compared with an hour on Templot and hundreds or even thousands of mouse clicks in a session, half a dozen clicks at the start to change a few settings seem insignificant. Especially compared with the great advantage of starting from a known repeatable condition every time -- which also makes it much easier for me to provide user support. But I've been asked for saved preferences so often that I give in. In the next pug I will include the option to save some of your settings. But I need to know which ones -- I can't do every single thing that might be changed in Templot (although I can add more in each subsequent pug). So if you would like ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  239k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_752.php
... www.emgs.org/images/stories/Price_List_32Ac_A4.pdf HTH Brian Like Steve, I would also be interested in obtaining a set of jigs but since note 4 on page 10 of the EMGS price list indicates that stocks of the "8790 Crossing V Jig 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 have been exhausted and no further supplies are planned." Is there an alternative supplier? Dan posted: 26 Mar 2011 18:49 from: Rob Manchester Hi, I got a crossing V jig from the EMGS stores a few weeks back. There was no mention then of there being any shortage of them although I was only interested in them having one for me of course. It works well on code 75 BH rail. Rob posted: 26 Mar 2011 20:54 from: JFS Chaps, I don't want to be doing the EMGS or anyone else out of business, but come on, it is not beyond the wit of Man to make your own! Here are some pics of mine- it is just made up of bits of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  126k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1386.php
... topic: 3263 Gauge changing over time using ply sleepers? posted: 1 May 2018 19:57 from: Michael Henfrey I was reading the latest issue of the scalefour news and someone mentioned about a layout using ply sleepers going under gauge after a few years due to using plywood sleepers. Is this something that happens alot? I am making mine to 4-SF so I am hoping it has a little more leniency compared to P4 as I don't want to have to attempt to fix issues with my track after a few years as i'm already going through too many just trying to thread them on lol Cheers posted: 1 May 2018 20:12 from: Martin Wynne Hi Michael, Some confusion there? Injection-moulded plastic sleepers do shrink with age, unless moulded at very high pressure. Plywood doesn't. However it does vary with humidity, expanding in moist conditions and shrinking in dry weather. Unless you start with damp ply timbers, you won't have any problems. It may be worth storing them somewhere warm and dry for a few ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3263.php
... screen captures, of course. Then use photo-stitch software from your digital camera to create a larger map for use as a Templot background picture shape. Or simply use multiple picture shapes -- use the shift shape mouse action with transparent images to align them. If you use these maps in Templot, please don't upload Templot screenshots here -- OS copyrights bite! regards, Martin. Hi Martin, This OS Planning Link doesn't seem to work on my computer. It takes me to the planning portal website with a few tools on the left hand side and a square map viewer box, but no map inside!!! Any Ideas? Mark posted: 16 Feb 2010 20:28 from: Alan Turner Mark Leigh wrote: Hi Martin, This OS Planning Link doesn't seem to work on my computer. It takes me to the planning portal website with a few tools on the left hand side and a square map viewer box, but no map inside!!! Any Ideas? Mark Give it time- it works eventualy, Alan ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 60  -  77k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_142.php
... , but before I say yes, I would like to be sure that everyone will be able to access the new server and with good connection speed. Can I ask you all therefore to try clicking this link. It is another UltraBB forum on the same server which we would be on if we move: http://www.thesongwritersforum.com If that comes up quickly without problems, fine, no need to do anything. If it doesn't, please try again later and if you still have problems please reply to this with a few details -- where you are in the world, internet provider, which browser, broadband or dial-up, etc., and the exact words of any error messages you see. Many thanks. regards, Martin. posted: 20 Jun 2009 12:25 from: Brian W Lewis No problems here. Brian W Lewis in Lakeland using Demon Internet in London posted: 20 Jun 2009 12:58 from: Roger Henry No problems here in Brisbane. Roger. posted: 20 Jun 2009 13:38 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_875.php
... John As you know I have read your blog in 'the other place' from end to end several times over, and recommend to any new starter (including Mr Jubilee42) doing the same. One thing that I think we all agree on is to try each different method and each of us will find one that works best for us. For example, I have now tried building it in sections (switch, closure, crossing- all rails separate as per the prototype, where appropriate) and now built out of as few rails as possible with cuts going in later on. Each has its merits. I think everyone CAN make track, but it is who WANTS to. Everyone would like the bits to fall into place, but not everyone wants to make all the effort. Crossing chairs: What I mean is you cannot (to my knowledge) use half chairs around the common crossing and keep it prototypical- although I did use the .68 check rail chair to hold the wings to the vee and it worked (just looked wrong) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  199k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2781.php
... to create more complex items, including native sketchboard vector graphics items in combination with bitmaps. There is a separate copyboard window in which SK9 files can be opened, and from which individual items can be copied and pasted onto the sketchboard itself. Here for example I created a combined item comprising your water tank and my scruffy goods shed as raster bitmaps, and I added on a cattle dock which was created as a vector graphic in sketchboard itself: It is strange you mentioned Vector Graphics, I was thinking along those lines a few days ago. Having used XtrkCAD (sorry for the profanity) a couple of years ago, and having made up 'Structure' parameter files in plain text format (for the numbers that is) I wondered if this could be applied to 'Sketchboard', as it would not be to difficult to write such files. However, the downside of using such files is you cannot (or to be truthful it would be very, very difficult to do) get graduated highlight or shading for the fill colours of the objects, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... seems to fit the pp plan works at out a CF17. Fantastically long points the crossover itself works out at a little over 4' long. I thought I might not be able to build the layout if the crossover was that big, but I can get a scale model of the section I want to model on a set boards 19' long. I've added a couple of photos to see if anyone could identify what the pointwork is. Not great photos at the moment, but I'll be going back in the next few days to get some better images from the other platform. I'll add a few files here to show you how its going. Kind regards Dave Attachment: attach_515_763_2009_03130075.jpg 1020 posted: 15 Mar 2009 13:06 from: davelong Here is a slightly closer one, again I should really have gone over to the other platform but I was pushed for time that day. Attachment: attach_516_763_2009_03130078.jpg 1064 posted: posted: 15 Mar 2009 13:10 from: davelong Here are the templot box file and the planning portal background image. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  105k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_763.php
... to length. You can use bits of blu-tac to hold the rails and chairs to the template while you solder everything up. You will see from the pics that I soldered up a complete assembly of the K crossing and the two adjacent switch/ stock rails and then split the crossings from the switch blades in so that they could be reassembled with the insulated fishplates. I hope that is all clear, I am about to start something a bit more complex, so I anyone is interested, I could take a few pics to show how I do it. (not that my way is the only/ best way- just it works well for me). This kind of fiddling about does not suit everyone- but I like building nice looking track for the same reason that I like building Martin Finney loco kits!!! This was a "test Track", and I experimented with the templates stuck directly to the baseboards (no underlay) and the sleepers glued directly and permanently to the Templates (after they had been shellacked ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  49k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1300.php
... bit as well, as I never had the soldering iron, the DC controller, the DCC power amp, the ZTC 511, the Resistance soldering stuff, the power amp for the Megapoints etc etc in the right place at the right time. It was a pain constantly juggling stuff around which I was finding very frustrating So when I said that I was building a trolley to put all this stuff on it was met with a smile and raised eyebrows. This I took as a good sign. So I spent a happy few hours this weekend and last, quietly glueing together some pieces of wood with this" new fangled polyurethane glue" which sets so quickly, and within fairly short order I had the bare bones of a trolley on which to put all my gubbins. "Would you paint it white to match the tool chest" she asked. Yes I said, and four coats later( two of them rolled which gives a very classsy finish) it's done and Babette said how lovely it looked. Marital harmony maintained and I'm happy as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  138k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3342.php
... somebody may be able to help and give me some guidance. I've used Templot to draw out the track plan and make sure everything works, I'm lucky in having a large area to use, fortunately. But before I start spending time on the detailed aspects and actual building, would anyone be prepared to look over the Templot file for me and check for any major mistakes I may have missed? Its things like: will signals fit between adjacent tracks, and whether coaches may catch on curves etc.. There are a few places where I have used diamond crossovers to represent double or single slips (or simply crossed straight tracks to represent crossings) because I'm not sure how to achieve slips, as yet. Any help and constructive comments would be welcomed. Rich Edit: Added Templot File Attachment: attach_2266_2872_160416-Marsh_Lane_Yard_Ver2.box 357 Last edited on 27 Apr 2016 21:15 by RK posted: 27 Apr 2016 21:58 from: Martin Wynne Hello Rich, Welcome to Templot Club. You have some close-spaced sharp curves there for a main ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  202k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2872.php
... modelling in 2015. Many thanks for all your support and Templot Club contributions in the past year. Martin. posted: 24 Dec 2014 21:41 from: its_all_downhill Yes here on Christmas Eve, wishing everyone a peaceful one. posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:51 from: Andrew Barrowman It's beginning to look a lot like... 2983_162045_360000000.jpg Greetings of the season to all. Andy. posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:53 from: Nigel Brown It was looking like... 528_170750_420000000.jpg However, after a few days, heavy overnight rain (it went milder) swept it all away. Hope it stays away until Christmas day; haven't got the turkey in yet! Merry Christmas to all. Nigel posted: 17 Dec 2017 23:03 from: Phil O Seasons Greetings to Martin and all you Temploteers. Phil posted: 18 Dec 2017 20:07 from: madscientist I've asked santa for More automated templot" wizards" User programmable buttons... An alarm every time I create a duplicate template A print out of the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 55  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2600.php
... I don't think that this issue has a lot to drive your updated Templot docs. Steven is looking for someone to take him through the software and bring him up to date in the most efficient manner he knows. This is a special case scenario. I avoided commenting the last time the subject of tutorials came up, for as you are not charging for this excellent product, you can hardly be expected to give the large amount of time required to creating "full on" tutorials. (Will do further donation in a few months). However this time some general comments on tutorials and manuals follow. As a music teacher I feel you can never beat one-on-one teaching by explanation, demonstration and emulation. That is why the video tutorials are always more effective. It is the closest thing to one-on-one, (though lacking the immediate feedback, which the "Templot Club" is providing). Written or diagrammatical tutorials are less effective, unless very carefully written, as there are more opportunities for misunderstanding. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2011.php
... , which you should be sure to read about at: 082d pug changes And the new features introduced in 091b, which you should read about at: 091b pug changes New in 091c: 1. Drag panning. You can now move the pad view simply by dragging it with the mouse. This is essentially the same as using the existing CTRL-F2 (or 2 key) mouse action. But now there is no need to select the mouse action first, you can just grab the pad and move it. A few notes: You can use either the left mouse button, or the middle button (wheel button). If you use the left mouse button you must grab the pad somewhere clear of a background template. And you can't use this method while a mouse action is in force. If you would prefer to disable this feature, untick the pad> zoom/pan options> allow left-button drag panning menu item. If you use the middle mouse button (wheel button) there are no such restrictions. You can ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  164k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_330.php
... and the point rail D is the same again but of the opposite hand. It is notched down to the web to make a soldered joint at s. In view of the solder fill and jig assembly, a hand filed notch is good enough. The final tasks are to blunt off the nose as shown, to a scale width of 3/4" (bullhead) or 5/8" (flat-bottom), and to re-instate the rail-head corner radius on the filed areas. A few strokes with a fine file and a final polish with abrasive paper will do that. It's also a good idea to take a few thou off the top of the vee nose so that it dips down slightly below the wing rails. This allows for the coning angle on the wheels as they run off the wing rail onto the nose, producing smoother running. Here are some further diagrams, showing how most of the work can be done after assembly of the vee. This requires only 3 cuts instead of 4 in total ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  152k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_359.php
... Martin Wynne Hi Ken, Welcome to Templot Club. I'm sure you will find lots of friendly track-building help here. I think it is fair to say that many modellers building their own track in this scale would use the 2mm finescale standards rather than commercial N Gauge -- that of course has implications for RTR rolling stock conversions, wheel changing, etc. I would be doubtful that stripping components from Peco turnouts would produce very successful hand-built track, but making your own track parts really isn't difficult with a few jigs and tools. Two obvious starting points for you are: 1. The 2mm Scale Association. Their excellent web site is at: http://www.2mm.org.uk They can supply the tools and jigs for track building, and have a detailed page about getting started with hand-built 2mm scale track at: http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/getting_started/ 2. The N Gauge Society. Their web site is at: http://ngaugesociety.com Joining these two societies would be your best way forward, if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1009.php
... be held with the required F key. Since I never use Function keys on the Mac I simply didn't know. My apologies. posted: 17 Sep 2017 15:18 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tony, Glad you found the answer. No reason to be embarrassed. I know nothing at all about Macs, having never used one. And there is masses of simple stuff on Windows that still comes as a surprise to me. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Oct 2017 06:59 from: Tony McGartland A few basics I don't understand.... 1. The 'peg' is the red marker on the track? 2. If I lay a length of straight track and apply a curve to it. How can I make that or any section of track 'live' if I return to it later to make further changes? Last edited on 7 Oct 2017 19:08 by Tony McGartland posted: 7 Oct 2017 23:26 from: Martin Wynne Tony McGartland wrote: A few basics I don't understand.... ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  130k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3080.php
... topic: 124 00-SF history and information posted: 10 Aug 2007 05:25 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, There has been a rather acrimonious discussion about 00-SF on the RMweb forum today in which my name has been mentioned. I thought I would write a few notes about the background to 00-SF. Please feel free to copy this to RMweb or the 00-SF group if you wish. I myself have manufactured hundreds of 00-SF turnouts and sold them to very satisfied customers. They weren't actually called "00-SF" at the time, I just called them "00 extra fine". Some were on plain copper-clad timbering. Some were on my milled copper-laminate timbers with raised chairing effect. They all worked just fine as advertised. What follows is my best recollection of events more than 30 years ago. After all this time I confess my memory is much less than perfect, so if anyone reading this knows different, please do say. I could probably find out ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  76k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_124.php
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