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... smp or c&l plain track? So would the consensus be( for turnouts construction) (A) thick plastic sleepers and mod chairs as required for 00-SF (B) A above but substitute copperclad at various strong points with rail rail lifted by shims or vero pin method (c) ply with plastic chairs, modded as neccessary for 00-SF( D) as above with either copperclad or perhaps rivets at strong points Last edited on 27 May 2015 09:47 by madscientist posted: 27 May 2015 10:06 from: Hayfield Pack up the flexitrack with thin card/cork/plastic to the same height or use thicker base flexitrack Punching holes in ply weakens the sleeper/timber, if you want to solder use copperclad Use whichever method you feel easier with not what others suggest For novices I would advise the use of copperclad sleepers for an easier building method posted: 27 May 2015 11:38 from: Charles Orr Hi All, This topic has cropped up at just the right time as I need to make a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  149k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2698.php
... topic: 2910 Curved Double Junction posted: 8 Aug 2016 17:10 from: leswaters I am currently designing a large O gauge garden railway. It is very nearly there thanks to the fantastic help I have had from this group, However, I am having trouble with one last junction. If you can imagine a double track oval with a minimum radius of 8 feet, I would like to create a double junction off one of the curved ends of the double track. It does not matter what size turnouts or diamonds are required but I am unsure about how the diamond is created. Does it have to be curviform due to the asymmetrical nature of the curves? So far everything I have tried tends to create radii that are smaller than the minimum 8 foot I want to use. Regards Les posted: 9 Aug 2016 12:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Les, Is the double-junction diverging towards the outside of the oval or towards the inside? If the inside, it will not be possible to have an 8ft radius ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2910.php
... etc) and then" insert" the crossovers and other turnouts. Or( b) start with the central track work and proceed to work left and right adding turnouts as I go etc. This is about templot, not about how I lay the actual track. My main issue is to get the main trackwork in place in Templot, to confirm my baseboard dimensions, but I want to avoid as much as possible the reiteration that occurs when you move something on a large design. Thanks Dave posted: 27 Mar 2015 10:35 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: I've my initial layout design of Claremorris station in Ireland( a) should I start by laying out all the plain track in Templot( 6 parallel roads, a diverging twin track throat etc) and then" insert" the crossovers and other turnouts. Or( b) start with the central track work and proceed to work left and right adding turnouts as I go etc. Hi Dave, Others are doing the same, see: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2657.php
... DXF template, which due to the nature of the diamond crossings I've had to modify the track plan away from the xtrkcad backdrop (which incidently is the xtrkcad image in the files folder). Any tips or alterations I'd love to hear your views. nb the open point at the top of the plan is like that intentionally as it will lead to a lower level fiddle yard. Kind regards Dave Long http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templot/files/Proof%20Housed%20Junc/ posted: 5 Dec 2007 10:39 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, Thanks for posting your plans. You've made some rapid progress there! I noticed that in a few places you have made diamond-crossings where the crossing angle differs between the two half-diamonds. That will produce a dog-leg in the diagonal road through the K-crossings. Getting diamonds to run nicely is always tricky in 00, so it's best to keep the same angle both ends. That's easy to do -- starting with one of the half- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_275.php
... . It's not simple. I've got multiple copies over the top of each other. Is there a Manual, Martin? posted: 27 Nov 2013 09:37 from: Martin Wynne MaxSouthOz wrote: Is there a Manual, Martin? Hi Max, Sorry, no. The rail-foot feature was added for Templot2. The only explanation is in the change log at: message 10638 message 10403 If you attach your .box file here I will sort it out for you. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Nov 2013 10:34 from: MaxSouthOz Ha ha. I was joking. Make me work it out. It's character building. posted: 27 Nov 2013 10:47 from: Martin Wynne MaxSouthOz wrote: Ha ha. I was joking. Make me work it out. It's character building. Thanks Max. The new strapline for Templot: "Character-building software for model railways." Martin. posted: 27 Nov 2013 15:31 from: Martin Wynne MaxSouthOz wrote: How do I adjust the spacings of the ties ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2351.php
... . Just to repeat, this is a change by Microsoft in Windows10, I haven't changed anything in Templot. You may find similar nuisances in other software. *a dialog showing modal means Templot can't continue until it gets an answer to the question, so you must respond to the dialog before you can click anywhere else or do anything else. You get a "ping" if you try. cheers, Martin. posted: 18 Mar 2018 23:34 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, I am not using Windows 10 but changes in Microsoft's operating parameters mus be murder for people like yourself. Just been having a quick browse around and( old) pages like this are hard enough to follow without having to write code to be compliant with them :- Older Window Management Sometimes it is hard enough when using web pages to make sure you don't stray into embedded items on the page when scrolling though. Scroll down through this page using the mouse wheel( on Win 7) and if you are on the left hand half of the page ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3243.php
... of 1000mm: rad_at_peg.png You can find the radius at any position along the transition by moving the peg along it (CTRL+ F8 mouse action). A convenient reference to the printed template would be to record the radius at each rail joint, which you can do by jumping the peg along the joints using CTRL+ END keys. Here's a short scruff video showing how to do that, and record the results on the jotter: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/rad_at_peg.exe regards, Martin. posted: 10 Nov 2007 02:41 from: renluethi Hi Bruce, Thank you for this link. I was not aware that there are such templates. I have only a small problem with them – I am unable to print them if enlarged to 200% as needed. I have one end and with turning 180 I can print the other end, but I am unable to print the middle part in the pdf format. Regards René. posted: 10 Nov 2007 02:57 from: renluethi Hi Martin, Thank you for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_225.php
... 50 from: julia Is there a definitive tutorial on creating 3 way turnouts in the latest version of templot? Thanks J posted: 21 Oct 2012 23:12 from: Martin Wynne julia wrote: Is there a definitive tutorial on creating 3 way turnouts in the latest version of Templot? Hi Julia, Sorry not yet. One of the reasons Templot is currently free is that the existing docs are all out-of-date. A new tutorial and video is on my to-do list. Unfortunately this stuff takes 10 times longer to do than writing the actual program. However I wrote a quick run-down of the Templot2 changes for tandems here: topic 1487- message 9841 and some notes about it here: topic 1567 The old video is here: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/3_way_tandem.exe regards, Martin. posted: 21 Oct 2012 23:23 from: julia I really am struggling to do anything more than just create a single turnout with templot. Following all these instructions I don't end up with the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2086.php
... . I will look at doing that for the next update, which I'm hoping to have ready in the next few days. For a typical single track railway, the formation would be 15ft wide between each cess, the cess/drain being 2ft-6in wide on each side, giving a total width of 20ft. These dimensions can vary, the formation may be wider, in which case the bottom of the ballast shoulder may not reach to the edge of the formation. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Oct 2012 10:31 from: Ray Hughes Martin Thanks once again for your response. I've printed off the templates for the whole layout with the trackbed edge marked. I've cut round the templates on this mark, drawn a line around the edge of the cut template. I cut the cork tile underlay to this mark for the fiddle yard where scenery will not be a problem. I just wondered whether anyone had an easy way of marking the other side of the cess on the templates so that they can then be trimmed again in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2083.php
... topic: 2078 Catch Points posted: 10 Oct 2012 15:53 from: MarkAustin I've just started to use Templot in anger, and have succesfully created a number of templates, including two for Catch/Trap points. These have two switch rails, but I only want a single switch rail. How do I delete the other rail? posted: 10 Oct 2012 16:25 from: Phil O Hi Mark I've just started to use Templot in anger, and have succesfully created a number of templates, including two for Catch/Trap points. These have two switch rails, but I only want a single switch rail. How do I delete the other rail? DO- OMIT- RAILS AND JOINT MARKS. On the right hand side of the menu are the turnout rails select as required by UN-TICKING THE BOXES to delete what's not required. Cheers Phil posted: 10 Oct 2012 16:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Mark, Catch points are one of the few topics so far included on the new Templot Companion web site ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2078.php
... the menus. Pressing keyboard shortcuts makes it almost impossible to follow. But it was so fuzzy I could barely make out what was happening. I couldn't see what was the issue you are reporting. If you want to make screen videos may I suggest the free version of the FBR recorder: http://www.flashbackrecorder.com/fbexpress/ FBR files can be attached here. p.s. despite the name it is not related to Adobe Flash format. cheers, Martin. sorry martin FBR is only windows I have a MOV at 10,5 megs, but you have a limit on uploads Ill see if I can transcode a higher quality MPG Don't get too het up about it its just a funny artefact appears at the end of the undo posted: 29 Jan 2018 21:55 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: sorry martin FBR is only windows But your video was made on Windows? Martin. posted: 29 Jan 2018 22:04 from: madscientist Martin Wynne wrote: madscientist wrote: sorry martin FBR is only windows But your video was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  52k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3202.php
... puzzling because a camera photograph of a map wouldn't normally produce such round-figure numbers. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Nov 2012 02:16 from: julia Ok, am I going mad, I can't seem any obvious way to load the image as a background to work from. There is a bewildering array of options, none of which matching the description above: "new(dialogue box), picture (radio button), add clicked shape" What on earth am I doing wrong? J posted: 10 Nov 2012 11:44 from: David Higgs Juilia, I asked a similar question here:- topic 1278- message 7858 Last edited on 10 Nov 2012 11:45 by David Higgs posted: 10 Nov 2012 12:01 from: Martin Wynne David Higgs wrote: Juilia, I asked a similar question here:- topic_1278&forum_id=1 &jump_to=7862#p785 Hi David, Thanks for posting that. I have just edited my reply there to update it for Templot2. The video is out of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2058.php
... the radius a bit tighter at 49"): 2_041411_240000000.png I moved the turntable about 2mm to the right to make it all fit. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Feb 2018 00:28 from: John Palmer Yes, that works well to get a better flow. I have attached a further boxfile incorporating these changes and a couple more. I have upped the turntable diameter to 60', which I think was the correct size, and checked that the spur can indeed accommodate a Seven, which was 58' 10" over buffers. Unfortunately this starts to push the turntable pit too far to the north-west, so that it almost encroaches into the bund which marked the western boundary of this part of the yard. Things are made even more difficult by the fact that the exit crossover from the locomotive spur to Up Main was taken out before closure, making Down Branch the only means of access to the table, with the spur becoming a kickback off the access track from the branch having no other connections. There appears to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3205.php
... photos I have. Once again thanks for Templot. Without this I wouldn't have even attempted this kind of trackwork. The pointwork is a mixture of B6.5s and B7.5s and the tightest radii is iirc 45.7" with the highest coming in around the 85" mark. The tight knitting of the points in the sidings was only possible with handbuilt track, and doesn't actually take up that much room, which is perfect. Kind regards Dave Last edited on 28 Jul 2008 17:46 by davelong posted: 28 Jul 2008 18:10 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, Many thanks for posting the pics. The layout is looking great! It seems you had a good day out with it. I think you may have set some sort of record with the first public showing of a layout in 00-SF. Which is pretty amazing for me to see, after the idea lay dormant for so long. When I added "EM minus 2" to the gauge list in Templot 10 years ago, and called it 00-SF, it was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_507.php
... only if I attempt to scroll too fast.( 2.7Ghx 4 core i5, 16 GB ram, running native windows 7 in Parallels under OSX !! !, 27-inch (2560 x 1440) AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512Mb video ram) thanks again dave Last edited on 12 Feb 2018 23:52 by madscientist posted: 13 Feb 2018 00:03 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, If you are using Parallels, are you seeing the same problem as Philip? regards, Martin. posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:19 from: richard_t Although I didn't see much if any improvement on scrolling with Templot 218d over the previous version- I think panning is a tad quicker. The plan is around 14M x 8M (not all will be modelled!), and some of the platform road templates are around 4.5M long. But the boundary rectangle redraw option was a great help- and I think I've "finished" my plan with its help (i.e. as in real model railways I wonder if a Templot plan is ever really ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  124k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3214.php
... topic: 2123 Creating a crossover between 2 existing parallel tracks posted: 17 Dec 2012 10:39 from: r_wilton I know how to create a crossover using the >tools>make simple crossover but i get stuck trying to create a crossover between two existing tracks spaced at say 100mm apart. I usually try to guestimate the position of the second turnout. There must be a more accurate way but being only an occasional user i've not figured it out.Can anybody give me a pointer to a relevent tutorial or suggestion. RegardsRay. posted: 17 Dec 2012 11:01 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, If you know the spacing exactly, say 100mm: 1. insert a turnout in one of the tracks. 2. tools> adjacent track centres... and enter 100mm for the TS spacing. 3. tools> make simple crossover. That will give you the rail geometry, but the timbering will not be very prototypical. A proper prototypical wide crossover needs a bit more work. There is a video about creating a wide crossover ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2123.php
... laughed at as a serious suggestion, but it actually worked very well. And for items such as a cattle dock or engine shed, it had the advantage that they moved with the track if it was modified or repositioned. Using dummy templates for curved baseboard edges is an established method, and there is even an option to display them in the same style as the background shapes: 2_130853_390000000.png which can get confusing if you forget that they are not actually in the BGS file. p.s. Templot works to 80-bit (10-byte) extended precision for the track design. That's how straight track can be represented as a radius of 62 miles (in the model) and still work in the curve calculations. The sketchboard engine uses 32-bit precision. cheers, Martin. posted: 14 Feb 2018 22:28 from: Tony W Tony W wrote: Hi Martin. The background shapes may be basic and primitive but in combination with track centre lines and a bit of ingenuity, it is surprising what can achieved. I have designed ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3215.php
... item. As your junction is on a transition curve, it will need some extra adjustments. I'm planning to make you a bit of video showing that. See also tools> make ladder crossover menu item. regards, Martin. posted: 22 Jul 2012 09:36 from: acoake Martin, I've read elsewhere on this forum that seem never to sleep. Many thanks for the responses and the additional information. I look forward to the video, whenever you can manage to produce it. Warm regards Allen Oakes posted: 10 Jul 2016 18:07 from: Gavin Rose Just a quicky. Amaxingly I have been able to make curved double junctions, the tutorials helped here. I've had a few goes at it trying to perfect things and so far I have managed to create the double each end, the issue I am having is being able to create a perfect mirror so they can join up with non wonky straights in between. Is there a way to select all the track you want, copy it, mirror it then paste it in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  55k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2025.php
... topic: 2012 Name labels moving unexpectedly? posted: 10 Jul 2012 22:48 from: dave turner Hi perhaps someone could explain whether the following is expected behaviour or not. I have been experimenting with creating slips and took advantage of the arrange name labels function in order to make it easy to select partial templates. I notice however that once I select a partial template again the label immediately moves to a random position whether or not any changes are made to the template. I have found this irritating as I have to rearrange the labels repeatedly. Have I missed something? regards Dave posted: 10 Jul 2012 23:18 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, No, you haven't missed anything. The control template doesn't have a label, so when you delete a background template to the control template, the label position data is lost. There is a setting at main> program panel> program> template name labels> to control the initial label position, but that doesn't take any account of any previous position. The functions to arrange ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2012.php
... led stays on, and presumably the SBY line remains at 5v. This appears to be logical. If you have a line called SBY you would expect it to be on in Stand-By mode. If it was intended to be on in Hibernate mode it would surely be called HIB instead? Whether all this is configurable in some power setting I've changed, I've no idea. A zillion Windows computers on the planet, and every single one appears to be slightly different. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Jun 2012 10:36 from: Phil O A zillion Windows computers on the planet, and every single one appears to be slightly different. Back when I was on a computer course they loaded win 95 on to a dozen or so computers all of the same model on every one there were slight differences. Later my brother and I bought identical computers and both have slight variations on how the software works when installed. Cheers Phil posted: 27 Jun 2012 13:22 from: Nigel Brown Seems its a complex business. This is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  128k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1992.php
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