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... upgrades would then have to come from yours truly only. Dear all, I'm returning to this topic as it is now 4 months since the 206c update in November in which I re-worked a lot of the sketchboard code. As far as I can recall there have been no reports since then of any lockups and crashes while using the sketchboard -- unless you know otherwise? The reason I'm asking now is that I'm currently working on the sketchboard again -- to include the sketchboard items in the normal multi-page print/PDF template output. (The existing sketchboard printing/PDF is a conventional Windows print to a single page.) So now would be a good time to know about any other sketchboard problems still arising. Thanks. regards, Martin. posted: 30 Mar 2013 21:25 from: Phil O Hi Martin It looks as if I will have to find time to have another play, I'm also trying to get my head round Turbo Cad. Cheers Phil posted: 31 Mar 2013 12:53 from: Phil ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2023.php
... topic: 1602 Print your own brickpaper posted: 25 Aug 2011 17:21 from: Martin Wynne A useful site for modellers with some clever web programming from Derrick Stapleford: http://paperbrick.co.uk posted: 25 Aug 2011 18:31 from: mike47j Martin Wynne wrote: A useful site for modellers with some clever web programming from Derrick Stapleford: http://paperbrick.co.uk I had the same problem, but I also wanted brick arches. http://www.bwwmrc.co.uk/bricks/index.shtml Mike Johnson posted: 25 Aug 2011 18:48 from: Bruce A Wilson Looks interesting but I get an error saying there are problems with the PDF file and only one row of bricks appears Martin Wynne wrote: A useful site for modellers with some clever web programming from Derrick Stapleford: http://paperbrick.co.uk posted: 25 Aug 2011 19:27 from: Alan Turner This is similar: http://www.bricksntiles.com/ Alan posted: 22 Sep 2011 23:53 from: Derrick Stapleford Hi all Those of you who had problems with files ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1602.php
... topic: 3276 Moving pages posted: 31 May 2018 10:49 from: roythebus Hi all, I've nearly finalised my track lan, print off some templates, but the page joins are midway through a 3 way turnout and a crossover. Is there any way I can shift either the templates on the pages so they're less likely to coincide with the page edges or move the pages? posted: 31 May 2018 11:07 from: Martin Wynne Hi Roy, You can do either. To move the page outlines to match the templates better, use this mouse action: 2_020706_170000000.png move page origin (SHIFT+ CTRL+ F10). You will see the outlines of the printed pages and be able to move them to best fit your templates. Make sure you have set your printer to the paper size first. n.b. if you have been exporting PDF files, make sure the page outlines have been reset for the printer: 2_020727_520000000.png If you prefer to move the templates on the grid instead, use the shift group mouse action. The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3276.php
... geometry> notch> set notch position and angle... menu item. 2. geometry> notch> shift onto notch menu item, or multiply key* (on the number pad). The green dot datum is offset on the Y-axis to ensure that the entire template lies within the positive quadrant on the grid. If you change to a right-hand turnout while the template is on the datum you will see the datum jump higher to keep the template in the positive quadrant. Without this, when printing individual construction templates it would be necessary to offset the print origin from the grid origin, with negative dimensions showing on the Y-axis. You can do that if you wish, but by default the print origin is at 0,0 to keep things simple. To set the green dot datum, geometry> shift/rotate> settings (expert)> set datum... menu item. However, you should have a good reason to change this. For normal use you can leave this setting on the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2021.php
... topic: 1296 digital trends -- and Templot? posted: 27 Nov 2010 10:16 from: Martin Wynne 15 years ago many homes had an IBM-pattern Business Computer, desperately pretending to be a domestic appliance but in truth serving little recreational purpose and requiring a tame teenage geek to do anything remotely technical, such as connecting to the internet or printing a photograph. But it was an ideal gadget on which to plan a model railway, and I developed Templot for it. Go into PC World today and where are the desktop computers? All but gone. Instead there is a dazzling display of sleek must-have mobile devices, itouch raspberry padpod netphones with enough computing power in the palm of your hand to run a nuclear power station. It's almost impossible to come out without one. Perfect if you want to tweeter to your friends from the back of the bus, or get the closing prices on the London Metal Exchange while sitting on the train home. But run Templot? Several people have told me that Templot is now ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1296.php
... from: John Lewis Brian wrote: Many thanks again Wally for sharing your photo's, it's nice to see the finished product of an almost completed formation. Is it true that under the ballast there is a full size Templot template? posted: 4 Sep 2011 16:27 from: Brian Nicholls John Lewis wrote: Is it true that under the ballast there is a full size Templot template? Hi John, I don't know about the template for the formation in the photo, but I wouldn't mind owning the printer that could print out such a template in one. All the best, Brian Nicholls. posted: 4 Sep 2011 16:39 from: Martin Wynne Brian Nicholls wrote: I don't know about the template for the formation in the photo, but I wouldn't mind owning the printer that could print out such a template in one. Until you needed to buy a new ink cartridge? posted: 4 Sep 2011 18:23 from: R A Watson One day I might just post photos of the 2inch diameter by 6.5 inch long brass ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  115k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1610.php
... interested to see a new Tandem video. Rob posted: 18 Dec 2017 15:26 from: roythebus Great stuff, I've been battling for a couple of weeks with a same-sided tandem for the Hythe MRC's Alkham layout, converting it from EM to 00 SF. The geometry doesn't quite fit as expected. Unfortunately nobody though to do a tracing of the original track which would have made life easier. I'll have another go at the tandem tomorrow evening. tonight I'll be at the club trying the latest version of the printed track plan to see where it still needs tweaking. posted: 18 Dec 2017 17:16 from: Judi R I would like to add my voice to support a video on how to use the features in the current version. I did manage to create a symmetrical tandem (3 -way) a couple of years ago by following the video that was available then and am very pleased with the result. I am modelling the Midland main line set in the 1960s so a Midland Railway style symmetrical would be entirely appropriate ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3152.php
... there isn't any way of rotating the background shapes as a combined entity. It will be a major programming task to implement this. It's something I really ought to make available, but at present I don't feel up to doing it. I'm trying to get the single-sided tandems finished for 218b. And after that I must, just must, spend my time on the Templot Companion. Because the present situation is becoming absurd. Look at this page: http://templot.com/companion/4_where_do_i_start.php and in tiny print at the bottom: "page last revised 27-May-2016" That's more than 18 months, for something which should have been continued within a week. So many thanks for the suggestion. All I can say at present is that I have added it to the list. regards, Martin. posted: 12 Jan 2018 16:10 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Thank you Martin Of course it's not urgent and is merely a nice to have. I'm happy now and my last wish was to put pressure on you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3179.php
... plan in Templot. My US based railroad has been through another revision and as such I decided to redo the entire layout. Here are a couple of screen shots of both with& without the background scan. I have some tidying up to do around the turnouts but this is about 4 days work for me. I think I have done everything right, even if I didn't it still works 632_091846_250000000.png 632_091845_450000000.png I was going to draw the benchwork edges to make it easier to place on the actual layout but realised that they won't print anyway. As I am printing 1:1 to A0 paper via deskPDF, it should be ok without the outline but I guess I will find that out soon enough. I will upload the .box file if anyone is interested, minus the background scan due to it's size. Comments welcome Cheers Bruce Last edited on 10 Dec 2009 00:03 by BruceNordstrand posted: 10 Dec 2009 13:56 from: jadafmak Is this a room layout or an Exhibition layout? John posted: 10 Dec 2009 14:07 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_986.php
... of each type of chair. Phil EDIT: I forgot the links Last edited on 14 Jan 2018 10:11 by Phil O posted: 15 Jan 2018 18:30 from: Andrew Barrowman Thanks for that Phil. A minor defugalty has arisen: 2983_151303_500000000.jpg This is part of a 7.5 4-SF single slip. As you can see the first P chair is clonking into the L1 chair. How might this be handled on the real thing? I could; 1) Ignore it and hope nobody notices (it would print as shown.) 2) Shorten the P chair 3) Bolt on a half chair instead of the L1 4) Other ideas?? BTW, only the inner faces of the rails are shown on the template. All the chair components are referenced to that edge of the rail. Don't be alarmed by the apparent lack of space in the jaws to accommodate the rail. When the rail is positioned in the model it automatically merges together with the chair models. In fact the position of the chairs is not very ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3180.php
... topic: 1012 Printer Friendly button posted: 15 Jan 2010 07:09 from: kenbec Martin, Your Printer Friendly button isn't. It seems to ignore the line breaks in the original message and elongates a long paragraph into one or more very long lines. This causes the end of the print line to be truncated. regards ken Very strange, this is happening in the Trackbuilding Topics thread but apparently not in this one. The Printer Friendly button is partially obscured in that thread but not this one. Over to you. Last edited on 15 Jan 2010 07:16 by kenbec posted: 15 Jan 2010 07:43 from: Martin Wynne Kenneth Beckett wrote: Very strange, this is happening in the Trackbuilding Topics thread but apparently not in this one. The Printer Friendly button is partially obscured in that thread but not this one. Over to you. Hi Ken, The problem was caused by the very large attached image which Geoff posted. I have now transferred it to the Image Gallery, which automatically resizes images in messages. You ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1012.php
... topic: 2906 Templot Track Plan Scaled Down posted: 31 Jul 2016 10:33 from: leswaters Hello I have drawn in O gauge a large eight road shed and yard in Templot. Consequently, if I print it out it will be very large. Is it possible to produce a smaller scaled down drawing for baseboard planning purposes without using the full size version? I hope this is not a dumb question? Regards Les posted: 31 Jul 2016 11:04 from: Martin Wynne leswaters wrote: Is it possible to produce a smaller scaled down drawing for baseboard planning purposes without using the full size version? Hi Les, Sure, any size you want -- output> enlarge/reduce size menu options, see: 2_310601_270000000.png Set the required size before printing. You will probably want to do some trial and error to find the most convenient size for what you want. regards, Martin. posted: 31 Jul 2016 13:20 from: leswaters Martin Many thanks for this. You are always so helpful. Regards Les Parts of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2906.php
... gives you the dummy dimension equal to the distance from the running face of the rail to the outer edge of the rail foot. Convert it to prototype size and enter it as the rail head "width" at real> rails> rail section data... menu item. If the model rail section is a good representation of FB-109, BS-110A and BS-113A sections, the dimension you want is 4.1/8" (4.125"), as shown below. Another handy trick is to print a duplicate template on tracing paper (use an ink-jet printer, one sheet at a time). You can then lay this on the rail tops during construction, to check and confirm the alignments. (If expense is no object, you can print on OHP transparency sheets.) regards, Martin. outer_fb_rail_foot.png posted: 10 Jun 2009 20:11 from: MikeTrice Thanks for this. I am guessing the vast majority of users are more interested in bullhead rail, which kind of keeps flatbottom support shunted down ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_859.php
... topic: 590 Admin: Font buttons posted: 15 Oct 2008 17:43 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, You may have noticed that I have added some extra buttons at top right on every page here. By default these pages use the Arial text font, but you can now change the font being used for most items on the page if you wish, and also change the text size. This is mainly for convenience when printing the forum pages (normally after using the printer friendly button). It is generally considered that a serif font such as Times New Roman is more comfortable to read when printed, whereas on low-resolution screen displays a sans-serif font is preferable. There is a choice of 5 fonts, but I could add one or two more if anyone has a particular request? You can restore the normal page by reloading it (press F5). These changes apply only to the page being viewed, and will need to be set again after changing pages. If you want to make a permanent change ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_590.php
... EM journal reckons we will have ready to lay P4 turnouts within 25 years. Must be Peco if it's going to take that long Hi Rob, It might be a lot sooner than that if I've got anything to do with it They won't exactly be RTL, but they might be pretty darn close. Those chairs I'm mucking around with are equally applicable to P4, EM, 00 and 4-SF. I hope to get to the point where I can import a turnout template from Templot and produce a 3D model for printing in a couple of hours. I'm actually toying with the idea of putting the chair models and the assembly techniques into the public domain so anyone can print their own turnouts. The downside is I might find myself having to answer questions all day as Martin does The upside is it might be a bit disruptive. Cheers! Andy posted: 17 Jan 2018 01:17 from: Rob Manchester Hi Andy, Quite odd. I was actually thinking of you when I posted the bit about ready to lay P4 as I just ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  90k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3185.php
... template of which any part is within the rectangle is drawn (in full), otherwise it is ignored: 2_051958_200000000.png I even managed to find a spare keyboard shortcut for it -- SHIFT+ END, so it's easy to toggle on and off. When active the top row of the toolbar buttons gains a green background as a reminder. All the above applies to background templates only, and on the trackpad screen only. There is no effect on the control template, or the background shapes, or file exports, or printing. If you haven't made any use of the boundary rectangle until now, the tool-button for it is here (it turns orange when clicked), and you can then click-drag the rectangle: 2_051958_360000000.png To change the rectangle you can either draw a new one, or use the mouse actions to move its sides. It's not new, it has been there for years. To remove an unwanted rectangle, click on the trackpad without dragging a rectangle. Note that drawing and removing the rectangle is a separate ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  70k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3207.php
... The irregular diamond came out (left to right below) as: V 1: 8.38 RAM K 1: 5.75 RAM K 1: 5.75 RAM V 1: 4.63 RAM slattocks_junc_mod_c.png I can't upload that as a .box file compatible with your version 091c, so I have exported a DXF file and re-imported it into the background shapes in version 091c, like this: slattocks_junc_mod_d.png The .bgs file is attached below. Do add file... in your background shapes and you should get the result as above. Then when printed, it should look like this (assuming you have background shapes switched on for printing). It is very evident that the one half-diamond is much longer than the other: slattocks_irreg_print.png regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_580_877_slattocks_junction _irreg.bgs 359 posted: 25 Jun 2009 15:16 from: Andy G Thanks Martin, I'll upload it as we'll then have a complete Templot of the scenic boards rather than having a hole in the middle. I've looked at the slip arrangement you put up and can see that it does fit ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_877.php
... is with multiple partial templates. Which is feasible, but a lot of work -- see the example link in the above message. However, I have a development version of Templot which can do irregular diamonds. If you attach a group .box file containing the relevant area of templates, I will create the diamond for you. I can't return it as a .box file, because your version of Templot won't be able to handle it. However, I can return it as a .bgs file which you can use instead to print the diamond templates as part of your track plan. Note to everyone -- I'm happy to do this if you require a simple plain diamond, and I have done several such. But please don't send me a complex station throat or junction requiring multiple irregular diamonds and much timber shoving, as I just don't have the time to do that. Sorry. regards, Martin. posted: 19 Oct 2009 12:34 from: Gordon S Thanks for getting back to me Martin. I haven't got much hair left, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_958.php
... B, to become the point rail (nose). No need to file the end yet, but file a side notch in it to receive A as shown. The filing does not need to be very accurate. C is any scrap bit of rail or etched kit waste, soldered on top of the rail for stability while handling. Unsolder or cut it off after installing the vee in the turnout, and then the surplus vee rail ends are trimmed back as required. Assemble the vee rails as shown using a spare printed template as a guide. Double-stick tape can be used to hold the rails in place. Use high-temperature solder because the rail gets hot while sanding. Using high-temp solder also reduces the risk of it coming apart later if you are using soldered track construction. Hold the assembled vee down on the edge of a small block of wood using a penny washer on top and a couple of screws. Stick a bit of printed template on the block as a guide: 2_181049_190000000.png Adjust the fulcrum screw until ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3220.php
... Exactoscale do nothing else specifically for 00 gauge. It would be in my opinion a great loss if these bases became unavailable in the future, as in my opinion its the best available in 00 gauge. I can see that with the arrival of Peco to 00 (gauge and scale) track, crossings and turnouts it would be very difficult to recoup set up costs. However Phil who works full time in the business has just ordered a new 00 gauge track tool I would expect the longer term future will be with 3D printing, but at the moment we have little choice and its still very expensive. Don't forget we have the sleeping giant of Peco in the background with a small range of both 4& 7 mm items. 3 years ago many said there was no demand for 4 mm scale 00 gauge track and turnouts, how times change. I expect they are keeping an eye on what's going on I just wish the best for the future to both companies, I believe that having competition will raise the profile of track building and increase ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  182k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3271.php
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