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... the rail to fit and drill two new fish-bolt holes. The sleepers will then be closed up towards the joint, 12" to the first sleeper and then mostly by eye in the remaining space. cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Jul 2020 14:36 from: Graham Long Martin What I am getting at is, as an example, if the length of track was say a 100' and panel lengths were normally 45' how would this be handled? eg would there be 2 x 45 plus a 10'. Is there a minimum length that would used eg 20'? So in this case for example would 2x 40' plus a 20' length. I suppose, as you say, this depends on the railway company. Regards Graham posted: 25 Jul 2020 15:01 from: Martin Wynne Graham Long wrote: Martin What I am getting at is, as an example, if the length of track was say a 100' and panel lengths were normally 45' how would this be handled? eg would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3724.php
... - although I'm sure there could be a way of hacking it- possibly by unerasing the backup file which contains the data. I don't have the time to experiment further at the moment. I've no doubt that Martin will be along soon with full details. Jim. posted: 13 Apr 2010 09:13 from: BruceNordstrand Hi Jim I think I may have lost me changes then because of the way I actually start Templot. I go to Explorer and double click the box file to open it and 9 times out of 10 say No to reload the session, usually because I am working on 2 or 3 different layouts at a time (different levels of the same layout). I have had a quick check of the Templot dir's and don't see any hidden files (I have hidden files turned on in Explorer), so I am not too hopeful at this point. My last hope os that Martin can suggest some black magic to get me back to where I was prior to damn Windows throwing a hissy fit, I am so glad ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1104.php
... of 1000mm: rad_at_peg.png You can find the radius at any position along the transition by moving the peg along it (CTRL+ F8 mouse action). A convenient reference to the printed template would be to record the radius at each rail joint, which you can do by jumping the peg along the joints using CTRL+ END keys. Here's a short scruff video showing how to do that, and record the results on the jotter: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/rad_at_peg.exe regards, Martin. posted: 10 Nov 2007 02:41 from: renluethi Hi Bruce, Thank you for this link. I was not aware that there are such templates. I have only a small problem with them – I am unable to print them if enlarged to 200% as needed. I have one end and with turning 180 I can print the other end, but I am unable to print the middle part in the pdf format. Regards René. posted: 10 Nov 2007 02:57 from: renluethi Hi Martin, Thank you for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_225.php
... load too much Data? I fortunately have a son who is good with Photoshop so if this is the issue expect I can get this resolved. Many thanksJulian 3169_060357_550000000.png posted: 6 Sep 2016 12:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Julian, Welcome to Templot Club. Thanks for posting a nice clear screenshot. That is a message from the system, not from Templot. When I write error messages I try to be a bit more helpful and make suggestions to avoid the problem. Your image must be heavily compressed in the JPG file to go from 297 MB in the bitmap down to only 3.89 MB in the file. It is the bitmap size which Templot has to deal with internally after expanding the file, and 297 MB is on the large side of normal expectations. Your screenshot shows it to be 20513 x 5076 pixels. There are several things you can try. The obvious one is to resize it in Photoshop to a smaller size. If you reduce it to say 33%, 6838 x 1692, that would reduce the bitmap size ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2922.php
... topic: 2982 SB hi-res draw to trackpad failed- message posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:45 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Following the addition of a branch track, (> tools>make branch track and control template copied to background). The following message came up, "SB hi-res draw to trackpad failed". However, everything seems in order. System; Desktop PC i5 processor, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD. OS Windows 10 posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:53 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Godfrey. Just to be clear, were you using the sketchboard and displaying its items on the trackpad behind your templates? (SB is the sketchboard.) Or did that message appear out of the blue? If the former, had the sketchboard items been displaying normally up until then? The most likely reason is lack of system resources due to the extreme magnification needed as you zoom in on the trackpad. There is an option setting you can change to help with that, on the sketchboard control panel, settings ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2982.php
... topic: 2910 Curved Double Junction posted: 8 Aug 2016 17:10 from: leswaters I am currently designing a large O gauge garden railway. It is very nearly there thanks to the fantastic help I have had from this group, However, I am having trouble with one last junction. If you can imagine a double track oval with a minimum radius of 8 feet, I would like to create a double junction off one of the curved ends of the double track. It does not matter what size turnouts or diamonds are required but I am unsure about how the diamond is created. Does it have to be curviform due to the asymmetrical nature of the curves? So far everything I have tried tends to create radii that are smaller than the minimum 8 foot I want to use. Regards Les posted: 9 Aug 2016 12:05 from: Martin Wynne Hi Les, Is the double-junction diverging towards the outside of the oval or towards the inside? If the inside, it will not be possible to have an 8ft radius ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2910.php
... 1 :30) and 3/8" (1 :32) scale. Cliff's track offers both standard and fine turnout options but as I don't run F/S and most visiting locos are standard scale 1C was the only option. I was having problems too because I've been learning Templot using B-7 settings for turnouts which seemed more appropriate for my needs. Why is it when we finally get to understand something we wonder what took the time! Thanks again. cheers Roger posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:10 from: Hayfield Roger Do you have to use the kits as is or can the components be built to a different configuration posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:25 from: Roger Bristow Hayfield, thanks for your message. Good question, I could make a different configuration with the kit but as I've never made a turnout before I thought it would be helpful to model it on one I bought ready made. The click together sleepers make for quite a robust assembly given it will be 800mm long. Regards Roger posted: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  42k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3749.php
... . As time moved on the the heel chock moved forward and becomes part of the unit sharing the bolts from the lead rail and stock rail with the rear of the fishplate. The A.R.E.A. heel does away with the outer fishplate altogether and shares all bolt holes with the inner fishplate. The first bolt on the fishplate has a ferrule which gives a bearing surface for the switch rail web to slide plus helps maintain the correct set on the fishplate. Hope this helps, Matt M. posted: 17 Feb 2019 09:10 from: John Palmer The topic of loose heel switches has been touched on before at in this thread, which contains an extract from Mundrey's work. If a fishplate is cranked then there's no need for any 'finger tight' nuts on the fishbolts; they can be pulled up tight against the outer faces of the fishplate. However, the tongue rail's fishing surfaces appear less likely to be held in contact with the corresponding surfaces of the fishplates except at a point immediately adjacent to the fishplate bend. posted: 17 Feb 2019 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  137k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3387.php
... topic: 3713 Masokits etched chairs for turnouts posted: 5 Jul 2020 10:08 from: Julian Roberts Hello folks Is there anyone who is using Masokits etched chairs for turnouts and diamonds? How do you find the system as a way of construction? I would prefer to go along the route of soldered construction on copperclad sleepers, rather than ply and rivet, or ply/plastic sleepers using glue and plastic chairs, even though I know the plastic chairs give a good quality of realism. The latest Masokits catalogue (No 19) hosted by the Scalefour Society refers to point kits, but doesn't then list any. The option seems to be a fret of 2 bolt chairs, and a fret of 3 bolt chairs, for pointwork. I'm now showing my ignorance, that I don't know much about chairs beyond the fact that there are special chairs for certain parts of the turnout. The catalogue also lists a fret of tiebars, so if anyone uses these, do you find they work for you? I had a Search of Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3713.php
... topic: 2892 Printer Problem posted: 22 Jun 2016 15:41 from: Rodger Chaplin Good afternoon Im not sure if this a Templot fault or my printer. When printing a track plan at 125% the printer crashed, telling me it could not print Templot plans (I have previously printed many plans on the same printer). Unfortunately the printer will not restart even after removing and replacing the drivers. Has anyone had a similar problem? Printer Epson stylus photo PX650 Operating system Windows 10 Rodger posted: 22 Jun 2016 16:33 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rodger, This looks like a case of switching the computer and the printer off and back on. Then open the printer properties in the Windows Control Panel, and delete any documents remaining in the print queue. How many pages were you trying to print? At what print quality (dpi)? If you have a large trackplan it is easy if you are not careful to send dozens of pages to the printer in one go. Which is fine if both the printer and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2892.php
... topic: 2887 Ludgate Hill posted: 8 Jun 2016 10:20 from: Hayfield I have been asked to help someone with a Templot design for an approach to Ludgate Hill, as many know I am to clever with the finer points of Templot, with the help of the Tutorials I can handle slips and in the past with help have done a 3 way. This plan is a challenge that at the moment will give me something to do as my modelling activities are servilely curtailed owing to a house move and waiting for a modelling room to be built (9 months off ?) I was given a plan with the station approach on, which was a good guide but no template. The first job was to rough out the plan getting the appearance of the prototype in a given space. I am now embarking on the next stage of turning the rough into a working building plan There is a scissors crossing, a 3 way and 3 diamonds to build. I have started by moving the turnouts into what I believe is their optimum positions ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2887.php
... not via the station. I found an article in which Paul Hurley says that the LNWR used stone blocks experimentally instead of sleepers, so can anyone else support this statement, or were these simply old tramway blocks being re-used at this site? Using stone blocks seems a very strange way to lay track. There is nothing to stop the track spreading. This might have not been much of a problem for 3 ton wagons hauled by a horse at walking pace, but it would seem much more risky with 8 and 10 ton wagons and loco haulage, even in a siding. Another interesting point in the photo is the apparent absence of fishplates. It looks as if the rail joint simply rests in the bullhead chair (look at the third chair from the camera). With expansion, contraction and locos braking, wouldn't the rail move and risk leaving the joint un-supported? It would certainly be an interesting subject to model, but I would be most grateful if anyone could throw any light on whether the LNWR freshly mined stone for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  81k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2870.php
... :37 from: Phil O Hi Panos, As others have found, Templot is a steep learning curve, for most of us, it took me around three months of just working through the tutorials, until the penny dropped I would advise you to work through the video tutorials and one or two of the beginners guides that some of the members on here have produced. Phil posted: 8 Apr 2017 17:49 from: Alan Turner It would be nice to have a scale on that plan of yours. posted: 10 Apr 2017 09:43 from: Panos Tsirigotis Pierre. Thank you very much for your kind words and for following my topic on RMweb.I decided to go with code40 on visible areas and I found that soldering rail after all isn't such a big issue. My track plan isn't complicated anyway. I made a start in templot just before Christimas and I manage to draw a draft successfully. However is only a draft and has many imperfections. So here I am, ready to post queries to get answers to move on with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3004.php
... where they are worked by hand levers they may have separate levers for each set of blades -- this makes the levers easier to work, of course. In some designs of double slip it is not physically possible to drive them separately because there is insufficient room between the wing rails to have both blades open simultaneously. *I can't believe I wrote "always", but I honestly don't know of any case of an interlocked slip with separate drives. But someone will. regards, Martin. posted: 21 Nov 2010 10:24 from: JFS Martin Wynne wrote: *I can't believe I wrote "always", but I honestly don't know of any case of an interlocked slip with separate drives. But someone will. Sorry it has taken me a while to reply to this... Well, you did ask for it Martin- but the reality is that practice varied from company to company, and guess what, the GWR *always* linked "double compounds" the other way- that is, when a slip was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1172.php
... to big perhaps? This is how i cut out the sections where the flanges are going in, with a guide to hold it into place. For cutting depth i use the lines of the multiplex sheet, this is with the first saw blade. 3669_261039_300000001.jpg The second saw blade i use is a much finer one with no corned teeth, just flat teeth and hand work To cut out the slots for the aluminium strip and trim the edges i use a jig and my jig saw: 3669_261039_290000000.jpg I can make a frog within 10 minutes with this method. But would be the frog any good, that is troubling me, before i am going to cut up some good material for the bin or derail a expensive live steamer. Please look for mistakes or improvements and tell me your thoughts and ideas about my frogs. This is just "training" material in the picture not the hard uv resistant, hammer proof, extruded pvc. For your convenience: 3669_251227_450000004.jpg 3669_251227_430000002.jpg 3669_251227_440000003.jpg Yes i am dead serious about designing and making every part, i even made ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  96k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3708.php
... topic: 3395 Runround Loops at terminus posted: 10 Mar 2019 13:01 from: David Hiya Guys Hoping someone might be able to help. Trying to plan a em track plan, end to end(Gwr). Just interested in what the prototype size turnouts would have been in the 'runround loop' at a terminus station(1930's), B6 or B7(maybe a 9ft sw). I think smaller turnouts were used in yards/sidings.... Its the old space can of worms (Planning on 30-36" platform). I guess its what's a acceptable compromise, bearing in mind scale and look. Any thoughts appreciated Dave posted: 10 Mar 2019 13:32 from: Martin Wynne David wrote: Trying to plan a em track plan, end to end(Gwr). Just interested in what the prototype size turnouts would have been in the 'runround loop' at a terminus station(1930's), B6 or B7(maybe a 9ft sw) Hi Dave, The GWR introduced their flexible switches ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3395.php
... milling Charles I do wonder if making vees is the best place to start. I would never mill them myself anyway, and as Adrian has suggested filing will be a lot quicker. The best tool for making vees in the smaller scales is a faceplate sander with suitable angled guides. How about investing in some Crossing V Filing Jigs from the EMGS? One Jig does 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 and 1:8 (£ 18-50) The other does 1:9, 1:10, 1:11 and 1:12 (£ 29-00) They also do a Switchblade Planing Jig (£ 25-00). There's also a Common Crossing assembly jig (completed assembly)(£10-00) or a brass fret only for constructing the jig yourself (£ 3 -50). I've seen all in action at the EMGS Exhibition and the task doesn't get any easier. Unless you send a cheque to Brian Lewis and buy them ready made of course.... But ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  89k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_273.php
... topic: 193 Selecting templates from the background posted: 10 Oct 2007 17:54 from: Alan McMillan Hi Martin I apologise if this is covered already but here goes. I have created a single slip in S7 where one of the slip roads is straight, ie it has been created from two opposite handed straight turnouts facing in opposite directions. Thre are about six partial templates involved in this formation and here is my problem. I cannot pick up some of the partials to move their name labels as they seem to be "buried" underneath other ones. Trying simply brings up the ones that appear to be on top. Is there a way of cycling through the template list and selecting the one whose label you want to move? Regards Alan McMillan posted: 10 Oct 2007 19:32 from: Martin Wynne Swissrail wrote: I apologise if this is covered already but here goes. Hi Alan, No need for apologies. That's what we are here for. Trying simply brings up the ones that appear to be on top. Is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_193.php
... - that worked a treat. Hi Richard, Glad it worked. p.s. A more conventional solution without using a slew, would be to use only the 2 transitions, replacing the lower one with a new one: 2_191518_570000000.png 2_191509_170000000.png The transition on the right reduces from 1800mm to 1750mm in a zone length of 700mm. However, that wasn't what you asked for, and it modifies the concentric alignments at the bottom perhaps more than you wanted. Decisions, decisions... cheers, Martin. posted: 21 Aug 2019 10:47 from: richard_t Thanks Martin- I quite like the slewed one, so I might stick with that. The curves join up a plan of Manchester Central pretty much to scale (until the curves that is), and the start of Cornbrook/Throstle Nest Junctions. I don't have enough space for all of Cornbrook, so only bits of it will be present (and I'll need to be on a permanent diet if it does ever get built to squeeze between Central and the main running lines- but that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3491.php
... topic: 3484 Round type of GWR 2 bolt chairs (4 mm scale) posted: 14 Aug 2019 13:30 from: Hayfield During a chat with Phil today he told me he has unearthed some of the earlier GWR rounded 2 bolt chairs that the GWR used on the concrete sleepers (and I guess elsewhere). C&L now sell the squarer type so whilst stocks last there are some available now from C&L. posted: 31 May 2020 10:56 from: Graham Long Hi I am a little confused about the new C&L chairs. The wording on the website description maybe a bit confusing but I read it as, their new 2 bolt chairs were used until 1926 at which time GWR came up with a 3 bolt design for use on concrete pots. The GWR must have continued using 2 bolt as it is my understanding that the two bolt pattern was used into BR days I have read elsewhere that the C&L were an earlier type, pre 1900, and used for 95 pound rail before ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3484.php
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