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... email copies of Martin's postings. This morning I received eleven emails with Martin's posting number 473. timed in here at 21:02. The emails were timed between 00:39 and 08:23. It's not a big issue, although there is a risk of me deleting good emails with the rubbish, But I wondered if anyone here might have any idea why this happens. It only seems to affect Martin's postings. Allan F posted: 1 Mar 2020 11:10 from: Paul Boyd Hi Allan I posted a few days ago about some Templot emails not arriving or arriving very (days) late. I'm fairly sure there's something not right about the forum emails at the moment. With missing emails it's a bit tricky to see what's happened because I don't have them! I'm still missing some Templot emails, so now it seems they arrive either on time or not at all. Maybe you're getting extras to make up for my missing ones! Cheers, Paul posted: 1 Mar 2020 13:16 from: Martin Wynne allanferguson wrote: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3622.php
... topic: 2744 Confused beginner posted: 15 Sep 2015 11:36 from: rynd2it Hello, I'm just getting started with Templot which is clearly a very powerful tool indeed, probably more than I need. I'm trying to create a track plan of Faringdon (GWR) as close to full size as I can. I've scanned in the background having shortened it a bit to fit and started laying track. I've run into a few areas where I need clarification (it must be me, not the tool) and I'd appreciate some input. a) I read that the recommended starting point is to lay plain track and then add turnouts to it and not build the plan from small pieces. However after adding some plain track to the turnout road, I can't now bend the end of it to start the next curve. So should I shorten the straight track to the point of beginning the curve and then add a curved piece or is there a way to curve (or bend) around a midpoint (or other location)? b) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2744.php
... to a thread there. As for Templot forum, one thing does bother me and that is I have had so much help and advice, usually from Martin but some others as well, and yet I don't really feel confident enough to pass advice on to others as so far I have either been wrong or at the very least not advised best practice. It feels like "take take take" all the time- which is one of the reasons I am so loyal to the programme. I have tried to write a few wiki pages to help with background information- badly as it happens, but I shall re-write and carry on. I would just like to put something back after being given so much help. As for being a Yorkshireman, nothing wrong with that. Yorkshire is the fabled land of Eden. Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: DerekStuart wrote: You are a good sport. A higher force sent to punish me? Hmmm... you mean one that tells you after countless hours of designing a location with REA turnouts that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2743.php
... multiple overlapped picture shapes. There are other options on the background shapes dialog to lock scaling to the grid -- i.e. to the bottom left corner, or to the spacing-ring instead.) regards, Martin. posted: 22 Aug 2015 13:29 from: Hayfield Martin Thank you very much and when you know how its quite easy, should be out painting the soffits and will do now but here is a quick download, the bridge end is not quite decided on as we have had to make a few compromises. This is a rough and I will need to tidy it up a bit, but that's later We plan to make a half size card mock up, just to have an idea of what goes where and has it a balanced look. At the Stanmore end we plan to make a representation of the narrow gauge railway used by the contractors building the housing The club has had to move premises and are planning to make a quickie layout based about the 30's LMS period. (I hope they will let the odd ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2737.php
... like this and Templot used to work perfectly happily on this PC. Geoff posted: 6 Aug 2015 13:46 from: Martin Wynne Hi Geoff, Templot needs to connect briefly to the internet during start-up. The most likely reason for the problem is your anti-virus/firewall settings. Try allowing Templot through your firewall, or temporarily disabling your anti-virus. Is it Norton? Are you using AOL as your ISP? There have been over 4000 downloads of the current Templot program update, and very few reports of any problems. See these old topics: topic 2551 topic 2463 Lots of programs nowadays connect to the internet to check for updates, access online help, etc. Do they work ok on your system? regards, Martin. posted: 6 Aug 2015 21:36 from: GeoffJones Martin wrote: The most likely reason for the problem is your anti-virus/firewall settings. Try allowing Templot through your firewall, or temporarily disabling your anti-virus. This was my first thought. I use Firefox ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2733.php
... please let me know. Thanks. For the time being you probably want to stick to Templot2 for actual work. cheers, Martin. posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:06 from: madscientist Hi Martin, could you add to the visible list Thanks Dave posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:00 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: Hi Martin, could you add to the visible list Hi Dave, You are already on the list (user name showing green). There has been no activity about Templot3 in the last few days. cheers, Martin. posted: 1 May 2020 16:52 from: Andrew Hunt Hi Martin, I'm guessing I have to be on this list to view the TemplotMec forum (I currently see "Sorry, you do not have permission to view this section." when I click on the TemplotMec button)? If so: could you please add me to the list too. I'm interested in potentially contributing to the open source version too (I've managed to get Templot compiling and running on Linux locally, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  81k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3539.php
... Y turnouts parallel to each other with diamond crossings on the ends of them crossing over each other and on a curve also, just to make it more interesting. My question is- can I import some the plan from 3rd planit into templot as this will mean I do not have to work out all my dimensions again. I am lead to believe that templot data can be inported into 3rd planit which will allow me to see if my plan works or not. I like the flexibility that templot provides and I know a few people who have used it to great success and I look forward to using it to solve my problems. Many thanks in advance Trevor posted: 29 Jul 2015 18:38 from: Martin Wynne Hi Trevor, Welcome to Templot Club. It is not possible to import 3rd PlanIt data directly as actual track objects in Templot. What you can do is to import your track plan from 3PI as a background in Templot which you can then use as a guide for your Templot track design. There are 2 ways to do ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2729.php
... for the background shapes. So for BGS3 I have used XML instead. Like INI it is text-based and readable, and editable in a text editor, although I wouldn't recommend doing that. Fortunately we already have Nils's open-source XML engine used for the sketchboard SK9 files: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simdesign/files/trunk/nativexml/ So I was able to use that more or less as-is, and much to my relief I found that it compiled in Lazarus with only a few minor tweaks. Here is an example of what a BGS3 file looks like: <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 "?> <BGS3> <HEADER> <program_name>Templot2 background shapes, saved from version 2.25.a</program_name> <program_version>225</program_version> <file_date>27/11/2019 01:50:17</file_date> <shapes_count>6 </ shapes_count> </ HEADER> <BGND_SHAPE_0> <shape_name>baseboard joint< ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3561.php
... timbers should not be too close end-to-end. In that case either a single long timber is used instead, or two shorter timbers are halved and splice together to create a long timber. Such spliced joints have old fishplates bolted across them -- a nice modelling touch. 6. sometimes timbers must be moved from the ideal position to allow for point-rodding runs, signal wires, etc., and must sometimes be shortened at one end to clear catch pits, drains, etc. Here are a few links covering this subject on here: topic 2628 topic 2460 topic 1610 There are many more timbering topics if you do a search. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> Timber Shoving. From where to where? about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2726.php
... SHAPE-FILES\ folder (if it is not too large -- upload size limit 6.5 MB) (The BGS file contains the size and position info, but not the actual image.) regards, Martin. posted: 17 Mar 2015 08:57 from: JFS Hello Trevor, Just a question:- are you sure that 50mm track centre spacing is adequate on curves of only 24" radius? I don't know much about about 00-SF but when I built something to that standard for a friend a few years ago, I was shocked at how much end slop there was when the stock went round curves (talking front bogied steam locos). We got away with it- but only just and I was sweating about having to washer-out all the side play for a while. Mind you, they were "ready to run", and yours are probably not. Best wishes, Howard posted: 17 Mar 2015 11:40 from: Martin Wynne JFS wrote: Just a question:- are you sure that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2653.php
... topic: 2679 Scruff video- diamond-crossing on transition curve posted: 3 May 2015 01:29 from: Martin Wynne I have revised and extended the Scruff video which I made for Andrew Duncan showing how to create an irregular diamond-crossing at the intersection of transition curves. There is a new section showing how to use partial templates to get a more accurate match to the underlying transition, and I have added a few more notes. When you next restart Templot, you should find it in the watch a video list: 2_272027_490000000.png If it's not there, click the help> obtain video list menu item and try again. For those who can't play the FBR videos, it is also available online from FlashBack Connect here: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=ib65pLfUkgNxFBDqAZSNyA2 That's an MP4 online video, so the text is a bit fuzzy. It is much clearer in the FBR version. regards, Martin. posted: 4 May 2015 01:13 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Martin Thanks again for helping me out with ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2679.php
... chair positions for switches and crossings: http://exactoscale.com/track-components/chair-positions/ Click the links below each diagram to download the PDF files. They are vector files and can be zoomed in to reveal the full detail. You can then use them as a reference while constructing pointwok on Templot templates: 2_191943_000000000.png© Exactoscale I'm currently working to add chairing to Templot, at least for the basic turnouts. It's extremely complicated and varies for different prototypes and periods, so it can never be just a few clicks. The chairs also have to re-arrange themselves when timbers are shoved. Here is an idea of how it will look on the trackpad: 2_301200_590000000.png The main reason for doing it is to create files from Templot for home 3D printing, like this: 2_260016_310000003.png 2_220920_110000000.jpg 2_252113_340000000.jpg But there is still a long way to go. At present I'm fully occupied with other more pressing stuff, such as a new file format for the open-source version of Templot. cheers, Martin. posted: 20 Oct 2019 15 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3525.php
... each of the crossing corners will pass down through the large plated thru co-located holes to be soldered. The 4 smaller holes on the LHS allow my bare wire connections to be made, without any crossing over wires to worry about. The layout of the PCB is such that it can be cut up and used to more easily wire any normal railway single or double crossing or linear set of linked crossings as well as quad one used for the Union. Hopefully, I'll be able to show a running video in a few weeks time. There still needs to be a lot of work with relays as many of the other possible Grand Union routes will require DCC polarity reversals. Andy posted: 20 Nov 2019 21:21 from: Martin Wynne Andy Reichert wrote: Hi Andy, That's very clever! It does look a bit expensive though? But your statement: just for the central crossings alone, there are 16 separate switchable corners has me pondering. On a conventional diamond-crossing, only the two V-crossings need to be switchable ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3559.php
... browsers use a resampling image upscaler to provide a smoother result than a simple stretch of each pixel. Such resampling isn't available in Templot when zooming background shapes on the trackpad, because at the high zoom levels we normally need it would take forever and reduce the screen response to a slow crawl through treacle. But the result isn't very pretty or comfortable to work over: 1. map tiles as loaded: 2_241521_110000000.png It can also be confusing -- see for example how the platform edge has merged with the rail above. A few updates back I added a function to reduce the contrast of map images when working over them, which makes it a lot easier to see what you are doing -- here on the left: 2. low-contrast converted original: 2_241521_120000001.png But it still doesn't match the screenshot captures from smooth browser resampling. So I have found some old resampling code from Anders Melander which could be used in Templot, as a one-time conversion on the background shapes. It's very slow, several seconds per tile, but only ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3823.php
... , all in one go at any time. This way you could make up useful shapes, such as a bracket signal post with several arms. Copy to the copyboard and save a useful .sk9 file from there for re-use. If you need to get back to the original items, select the combined item and then click the edit> split items menu item. regards, Martin. posted: 5 May 2015 13:45 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Phil, For the next program update I have added a few more basic shape items on the sketchboard: square, triangle, arc, ring, segment, are new: 2_011318_400000001.png These provide a bit more flexibility in creating symbols and custom combined items. For example the ring will be useful for goods line signal arms on signal box diagrams. Also I have improved the working of the editor dialog for the formatted text blocks. I'm currently working on some code to make the outline of the freehand lines and patches editable after adding them. Martin. posted: 5 May 2015 14: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2681.php
... :45 from: Ian Bunch It may have been asked before but is there any technical reason why Templot couldn't be a browser based, platform agnostic, program? posted: 24 Feb 2020 21:58 from: Nigel Brown Ian Bunch wrote: It may have been asked before but is there any technical reason why Templot couldn't be a browser based, platform agnostic, program? Wouldn't this require a root and branch rewrite? Wouldn't this require a web based server with associated costs? Wouldn't this increase support requirements? Just a few thoughts posted: 24 Feb 2020 22:06 from: Ian Bunch It very well might. The question was just to see if the subject had been raised. It came to mind after seeing some online CAD solutions. posted: 24 Feb 2020 22:22 from: Martin Wynne Ian Bunch wrote: It may have been asked before but is there any technical reason why Templot couldn't be a browser based, platform agnostic, program? Hi Ian, All things are possible. But writing for the web is hard work ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3616.php
... topic: 2709 FAO. Martin Wynne posted: 12 Jun 2015 14:09 from: Phil O Hi Martin I tried to send you a PM on a non Templot subject a few weeks ago and I have just received an auto reply to that email asking me to join here. As the subject is a little delicate. I do not wish to post the contents on here. Last edited on 12 Jun 2015 14:35 by Martin Wynne posted: 12 Jun 2015 14:48 from: Martin Wynne Hi Phil, This morning my "pending" email folder contained over three dozen emails. I just can't handle this any more. I auto-responded to all of them and deleted them. Any more received will go the same way. If it can't be posted on here, I'm afraid I don't want to know. There is a very clear note under my name on the left. It has been there for a long time. See also paragraph 11 at: http://templot.com/companion/index.html?terms_of_use.htm My ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2709.php
... This is useful if you have a large number of BOX files to export -- you can if you wish export an entire folder-full in one go (there will be time to make a coffee while waiting). The MECBOX files are exported into the same folder as the source BOX file: 2_281902_510000000.png It is likely that the MECBOX functions will need refining in the light of experience -- please report any issues here on Templot Club. I haven't found any errors yet, but I feel sure there must be a few waiting to be discovered. The open-source versions of Templot can be found at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentemplot/ N.B. They are still in development and don't yet provide the same full functionality as Templot2. 2. saved program preferences Your saved program preferences now include your chosen colour scheme for the trackpad, and your current setting for having the background template name labels on or off (END key). More about saving program preferences at: topic 2652- message 18289 3. adjacent track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3555.php
... chaired turnout, how would you implement 00-SF. posted: 7 Jun 2015 12:44 from: Hayfield madscientist wrote: Yes. But exacto scale fast track and rail at about £7 a metre is very pricey compared with smp or C&l, both of which are very acceptable visually By the way, on an all plastic chaired turnout, how would you implement 00-SF. I said it was a bit dearer, I for one think the cost is justified and on a small layout just a few pounds extra This may sound stupid but building to 00sf gauge on plastic sleepers is exactly as I would build on Ply, and the same methods I use to build to EM, P4 or 00 gauges, which is using the appropriate track gauges, 00sf needs no special build methods that are not used in other gauges Possible with the exception of using a weaker solvent than Butanone with plastic to plastic that I would with plastic to ply posted: 7 Jun 2015 19:26 from: Rob Manchester Hi, Does anybody know ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2705.php
... of Templot's way of working. Rob posted: 19 May 2015 17:04 from: Alan Whitaker Alan Whitaker wrote: Hi Just watched the video, lost after 2 mins, I kind a need a diamond a bit like it starts but at the end it don't show how to curve the rails to look like the start of the video. Alan Hi been making SMP points since the 70s but Templot is something I don't know if I will grasp, won't stop trying to master it,Have been using now for a few weeks, so may get it in the end, I am trying to make a diamond as in the file, I have a turnout I want to change but don't know to change it 's position and it's hand, it changes the whole track not just the turnout. Attachment: attach_2127_2689_Alan_Template_1.b ox 245 posted: 19 May 2015 17:37 from: Martin Wynne Hi Alan, Welcome to Templot Club. To make the diamond-crossing, 1. click on the blue background template: 2_191225_460000000.png 2. The menu on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2689.php
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