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... , it does, but i really want to replace the track with something that looks better. I know both makes of proprietary track aren't anything like scale measurements, but is there an easy way of making Templot templates that will closely match the Peco OO gauge series? Relaying the track won't be too much hassle, it's the wiring that took the time, involving a whole string of single and double slips in true Frank Dyer fashion, and not using digital control. But then I like relays! posted: 3 May 2010 10:45 from: Martin Wynne Hi Roy, There are a couple of templates available for downloading which exactly match Peco 00/H0 turnouts. Download from: topic 294 peco_00h0.png But it's not too clear what you are asking? If you are replacing the Peco track you don't necessarily need an exact match. For example a crossover made from Peco Large Radius turnouts could probably be replaced with an ordinary A-7 crossover, and look much better as a result: 00sf_a7_v_peco1.png If you want a closer match to the original, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1117.php
... to ease them is with a round file as you've suggested, but the amount needing taking off is small. If you have more to take off, can't you find larger washers? What diameter hole are you looking for? Is it the 2mm or 3mm you mentioned? Nigel Last edited on 28 Mar 2018 01:19 by Nigel Brown posted: 28 Mar 2018 09:08 from: Phil O Try using a broach, it may be a bit hard going in 1mm thick material. Phil posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:35 from: Jim Guthrie Rob Manchester wrote: Next try is to solder the washers to a metal strip and then just drill them before unsoldering and cleaning up the solder. unless anybody has any other ideas Rob, I would either solder the washers to a bit of brass or nickel silver and drill through then unsolder and clean up, or, if you were dealing with materials which wouldn't solder, stick the washer to the material with cyano glue and drill through then heat with a torch or clean soldering iron to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3250.php
... (no WMF -- there are online converters if anyone wants the old WMF format), and the print-page previews. Whether it is enough to work in the Sketchboard remains to be seen. Because of licensing issues that will have to be in a separate helper exe anyway, at least for the present. It might even become a separate program in its own right TemplotSketch (closed-source). Likewise TemplotPDF perhaps, for the PDF export, which also relies on metafiles. cheers, Martin. posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:11 from: Martin Wynne The metafile export is now working in T3 quite well. Metafiles are vector files. That's great because instead of containing an actual image, they contain the instructions for drawing the image. Which means they don't have a fixed size and can be drawn crisply into a specified rectangle of any size. What has surprised me is how few graphics programs are able to handle metafiles properly. In fact I haven't found any. Gimp and Inkscape won't load them at all. Irfanview and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3545.php
... out to make sure. Easy enough to do. 00-SF Gauge 16.2mm BRMSB Back to Back 14.5mm 00-SF Check gauge 15.2mm According to NMRA after converting from Imperial HO Back to Back 14.55mm Check gauge 15.32mm Stephen julia wrote: Does anyone have any experience of running continental stock from the likes of roco and fleischmann on oo-sf track? I'm finding the idea of OO-SF track appealing, but need to know if a friends H0 stock will run on it ok. Thanks J posted: 7 Mar 2013 10:22 from: Dasatcopthorne julia wrote: Does anyone have any experience of running continental stock from the likes of roco and fleischmann on oo-sf track? I'm finding the idea of OO-SF track appealing, but need to know if a friends H0 stock will run on it ok. Thanks J You may very well find that the deep flanges of the Roco etc. wheels will bump along the tops of the chairs in this gauge. Wait a mo. Just tested some wheels I have recently removed from a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2170.php
... full hi-resolution scan is at (right-click, Save Link As...): http://templot.com/info/rea_src_12_switch_diamond.png cheers, Martin. posted: 8 Aug 2020 20:40 from: Phil O That looks like a job for Modelu, if someone could lay their hands on the appropriate chairs and get them to Modelu for scanning. Other 3d printers may be available. Cheers Phil. Last edited on 8 Aug 2020 20:41 by Phil O posted: 8 Aug 2020 21:10 from: Nigel Brown Depending on how amenable C&L chairs are to cutting up, it may be possible to cut 1/3 off a couple of chairs then glue them together, to create to wider slide chair. Nigel posted: 8 Aug 2020 23:30 from: ikcdab Martin Wynne wrote: Here is the REA/SRC drawing of a 1:12 switch diamond. In this case the middle timber is 14" wide. Low res: 2_081530_450000000.png 2_081531_110000000.png The full hi-resolution scan is at ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3733.php
... my attention to this. There is more flexibility if you do a PDF export directly from the sketchboard file menu. In this case the document size is set to match the sketchboard page size (on the yellow rulers). You can then print it from a PDF reader program using whatever scaling and tiling options that program provides. The sketchboard page size can be changed to whatever you want -- like this: 2_240029_410000000.png (normal means 260mm x 180mm; custom means you have set any size, including large sizes up to 10 metres for wide-format roll paper printing at a digital copyshop.) Then to make your sketchboard design fit the new page, click the update now button: 2_240035_220000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 24 Jan 2014 10:35 from: Dasatcopthorne Thank you very much, Martin. All sorted. As usual, my fault as I hadn't noticed the new print commands on the last print dropdown. Dave Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2387.php
... align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection menu item. However, that works only where the resulting diamond-crossing is flatter than 1:1.5 angle. Looking at your screenshot, it seems that you may be looking for a much shorter crossing than that. In which case you would need to create it manually using multiple partial templates. You also need some detailed prototype data, because there is nothing standard about short-angle crossings, they vary by company, period and location. There is a drawing in this 10-year-old topic, but I don't know how relevant it will be to your prototype: topic 160- message 812 regards, Martin. posted: 11 Apr 2017 21:43 from: Panos Tsirigotis Many thanks posted: 11 Apr 2017 23:06 from: Panos Tsirigotis Is it possible to make a diamond crossing (with flatter than 1:1.5 angle) and one of the two tracks curved? Thank you in advance Martin Wynne wrote: Hi Panos, Have one template as the control template and the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3008.php
... easier to build and more reliable running, win-win. Just need to provide the additional point motor(s). Here's a nice pic from Mick Nicholson showing a prototype double-slip with movable K-crossings (flat-bottom): fb_movablek_dslip.jpg It is also a good picture for judging the size of ballast stones -- those timbers are 12" (4mm) wide. p.s. according to the database this is my 6,000th post to Templot Club, no wonder I'm feeling tired today. We started 10 years ago on 11th May 2007 (with 7 years of Templot Email Group before that). regards, Martin. posted: 13 Sep 2017 09:28 from: Andrew Duncan Thanks very much Martin and congratulations on your 6000th post and tireless(?) answering of all our questions. Kind regards Andrew posted: 15 Sep 2017 18:52 from: Phil O My god, have I been playing with Templot, for in excess of 10 years. Tempus Fugit. Phil. posted: 15 Sep 2017 21: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3077.php
... topic: 2378 SER Trackwork ca 1880 posted: 17 Jan 2014 16:49 from: newport_rod I'm putting a plan together for a friend who's interested in the SER ca 1880, a subject of which I know nothing. For the track work specs I'm guessing something like this: 9' sleepers, Plain track- 12" wide sleepers at rail joints, 10" wide elsewhere Turnouts- 12" wide timbers 30' rail length Straight-cut switches Turnout timbers perpendicular to axis of turnout BH rail Anybody know (or care to conjecture) whether I'm close or not? Rod posted: 17 Jan 2014 16:54 from: Jim Guthrie Rod, A possibility might be interlaced sleepers rather than timbering in the pointwork. Jim. posted: 17 Jan 2014 17:01 from: newport_rod Jim Guthrie wrote: interlaced sleepers Interesting Jim. Not something that I thought about. I thought that interlaced sleepers were more of a northern England/Scottish thing, but I'd be happy to be corrected. Though whether my friend who's got to build the things ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2378.php
... topic: 3007 turnouts sleeper spacing help posted: 10 Apr 2017 14:13 from: Panos Tsirigotis Hi This is my first question in this forum I have a query regarding sleepers spacing in turnouts. Whilst I found a way to set the sleeper's spacing in plain track (menu: real --> Plain track options -- -> Rail length and sleepers spacing), I couldn't find a command that changes sleepers spacing in turnouts. Is it possible to set that? Regards! posted: 10 Apr 2017 15:15 from: Martin Wynne Hi Panos, For timber spacings within turnouts, see: http://templot.com/companion/timber_spacings_overview.html There are more notes within the program if you go to the menu items given. However I regret that the links at the bottom of that page do not yet go anywhere. regards, Martin. posted: 11 Apr 2017 09:36 from: Panos Tsirigotis Hey Martin! Thanks for the help. Last edited on 11 Apr 2017 09:38 by Panos Tsirigotis Parts of Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3007.php
... topic: 2375 O Gauge Lambourn Revisited. posted: 10 Jan 2014 19:48 from: Devonian Hello Martin, Following your invaluable, nay, essential advice re uploading track-plan (Nov) I got it right on the second attempt. Not bad for someone who usually can't be bothered to read instructions. I can retrieve it from Templot_Dev OK but the graph lines are no longer superimposed? What have I overlooked? My previous attempt was about 85% finished over eight years ago with hand built track and all buildings completed. I found out several months later when briefly returning from a terminal matrimonial dispute that it had been thrown out. Two years work went up the creek. Luckily, rolling stock and most of the buildings came to me unharmed. Being of bloody-minded bent, I am now ready to start again. The top left point is the only 'conventional' one. The others are curved (some only very slightly) one way or the other but I successfully adapted C&L plans to the desired configuration. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2375.php
... to reposition page boundaries when printing control templates posted: 9 Apr 2017 16:25 from: vistisen OK I discovered that if I move the point in the track plan so that it is no longer attached to the surrounding track then the preview fits two pages. But it is IMHO a bit of a kludge. As the adjoining track is no longer in the correct position and that makes matching sleepers at the end of points difficult Last edited on 9 Apr 2017 16:28 by vistisen posted: 9 Apr 2017 19:10 from: Martin Wynne Hi, No need to move the template. SHIFT+ CTRL+ F10 mouse action to move the page origin to a more convenient position. action> mouse actions:trackpad> move page origin. See also output> page origin menu options, and output> trim margins. The page origin is marked with a small purple square. Then to set it precisely click the bottom line on the mouse action panel in the usual way instead of going to the above menu item: 2_110526_410000000.png pad_symbols.png regards, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3006.php
... topic: 22 building track work posted: 25 May 2007 10:17 from: SimonH Hi, Now that I am starting to produce some template from the templot software I am now looking for some tips on making track. Can members advise if there are any track making forums that one might join, to put the templot info to good use? Cheers Simon Handby posted: 25 May 2007 10:32 from: Martin Wynne Hi Simon, This Templot Club covers track building in addition to use of Templot. So ask away. The only group I know about specifically for building track is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/handlaidtrack/ It is mainly concerned with spiked flat-bottom track as used in the USA and elsewhere rather than UK track. regards, Martin. posted: 25 May 2007 12:29 from: SimonH Hi Martin The first question I have is re the joining of the switch blades. What do modellers use for strecher bars. The first point I made only had the bars between the switch blades. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_22.php
... slip but I seem to be hitting the buffers so to speak.I followed the tutorial for a single slip but instead of swapping the turnout hand I have inverted it.It sort of works but I seem to end up with extra lines at the switches and confusion. Any help would be most appreciated please as I seem to be at an impasse.I think once I have mastered this first slip I should be able to complete the other.I also enclose the box file.2110_291142_090000000.png Thanks. Trevor. Attachment: attach_1893_2496_upslip_crossover .box 254 posted: 30 Jul 2014 12:10 from: Martin Wynne Hi Trevor, You moved it while I was preparing a reply! Hi Trevor, You have used standard switches instead of the preset slip switches: 2_300644_220000000.png Also one of your switches is a 9ft switch, which is unnecessarily short for a 1:7.25 slip. If you use the preset slip switches and peg them on to the TCP and MCP positions, the blade tips will be correctly supported on the timbers and clear of the check rails. (At present you have them in fresh air, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2496.php
... :17 from: Paul Heath Here is my plan for a branch line terminus station based along the lines of the Furness Railway branches to Coniston and Lakeside. I would welcome any comments on the plan. Items 16 and 40 will eventually form a double slip (if I can get my head around working with partial templates etc). There will be an island platform in the large open space with the outside left hand edge of the railway representing a Quay side location. Attachment: attach_641_926_Deck_Railway_Versio n_4.box 413 posted: 2 Sep 2009 10:18 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Have just had a quick look. Two things strike me first off. 1) A fairly minor point but you might like to consider widening the track centres in the sidings and possibly in the curved areas (depends on the rolling stock you intend to use of course) 2) The Double Slip that you propose, will have an unworkable inner radius. You will need to have the inner curve of the slip as an Outside Slip. Bad news is that this really does ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_926.php
... I could keep the main radius down to 300' (47") without geting the other exit going into the red. Built another point and that worked out fine other than main line radius looks a bit tight. In reality I think my crossover will be on a starting radius of 400' (63") which would keep the other exit road shallower! On the basis that curving the point does not extend the length too much (re SMP points) would I be better advised to go for a 9 of 10 crossiong angle? Any advice welcomed please John posted: 6 Apr 2008 16:45 from: Martin Wynne Hayfield wrote: My previous experience with curved turnouts was with the SMP 36/24" radius kits, which came out nearly 2 foot long (well 18 inches).... On the basis that curving the turnout does not extend the length too much (re SMP turnouts) would I be better advised to go for a 9 or 10 crossing angle? Hi John, Please ignore the curved turnout templates ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_403.php
... /groups/00-SF/conversations/messages/1123 I know Brian is sometimes away from home. regards, Martin. posted: 6 Dec 2013 09:48 from: Martin Wynne alangdance wrote: I have the same problem. Sent an email in October enquiring about some gauges but like you did not get a reply. Hi Alan, See: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/00-SF/conversations/messages/1123 (posted in October) Martin. posted: 6 Dec 2013 10:13 from: alangdance Thanks MArtin have just resent the email. Regards Alan posted: 6 Dec 2013 11:36 from: Chris Dark Thanks for that martin. Helpful as always posted: 6 Dec 2013 11:46 from: polybear Hi Chris/ Alan /Martin, I've just seen these posts regarding 16.2mm 00-sf Track Gauges. I've been away for a few days on business in sunny Bolton and so didn't see Chris's email until today- hopefully you should now have a direct reply to your email chris ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2357.php
... the advice for the person in question would be to use paper and pencil to make it up as they go along.No that wouldn't work because they would need something called geometry as well then and then and then.... Trevor posted: 27 Nov 2013 17:13 from: Nigel Brown The bottom line is that it is plain wrong. There is nothing difficult or obscure about saving a track design. As Dave Summers said, it's a reflection on the commentator... Nigel posted: 27 Nov 2013 18:10 from: Martin Wynne I know Templot isn't for everyone. You can't please everyone and I don't even try. And I welcome sensible criticism, it gets the grey cells working and pondering how things might be done differently -- short of starting again with a completely different program of course. But what I find intensely irritating is when (as here) the comments are made based on the use of an out-of-date version of the program. I can understand, just, that some folks may prefer to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2352.php
... all out: 2_281637_560000000.png 2_281637_580000004.png And the printed templates: 2_281637_570000002.png 2_281637_570000003.png File attached. regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_1936_2522_peco_0n30.box 222 posted: 28 Aug 2014 23:41 from: keithj15 In one word --- WOW! Martin you have been working so hard, and the extensive amount of information is both fascinating and goes a long way to explain some of the running issues that have plagued several members of our On30 group who have some of the larger x-6 -x, x-8 -x and x-10-x locos -- these run fine on the main but can be troubled by the turnout. I have also been busy, working on the RH Peco clone, and I almost got it (more by luck than judgement) with all the timbers and the rails in the right place apart from the knuckle and the point of the V. More study and training needed i think. I also found that the 19.4'' radius was the only match, not surprising really, although some retailers have it noted as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2522.php
... topic: 2342 Help With First Track Plan posted: 12 Nov 2013 10:31 from: Chris Dark Hi all, I am very new to the world of handbuilt trackwork and Templot, I have decided to stop designing my 18X4ft peco code 75 layout in favour of a 8x4ft P4. I have made this decision as I feel I would gain more satisfaction, plus the fact is is more achievable project. I have come up with a design which gives me some usability but I would like some help/advice on some of my track settings: Firstly the points at the far end of the run-around loop look far too long. I had drawn up a rough plan in Scarm to give myself an idea of layout which I then sketched over. Can somebody explain how I can shorten the points but keep the curve of the track? My second question is how to add a straight piece of track. I created a separate piece by adding a branch from an existing point then moving using the f7 command and snapping onto the end ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2342.php
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