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... for the slip and the switches for the diamond co-existed. Jim. posted: 20 Jul 2018 08:53 from: Raymond There were, if I remember correctly, switched diamond slips at Snow Hill but I am unsure if such things were used on main running lines. I drew up Snow Hill in Templot some years ago including the switched slips in Templot. Unfortunately I do not have the plans any longer. Regards Raymond posted: 20 Jul 2018 21:23 from: DM There used to be quite a few bullhead double slip switch diamonds at Euston before the last re-mod. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Prototype pics> Switched Diamond with Slip Road in Bullhead about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3309.php
... topic: 3318 Labels on templates posted: 13 Aug 2018 16:02 from: Chris Hodge Hi Guys,I've recently started using Templot, and after a few aborted attempts, I have managed to construct part of a simple track plan, but (sorry if there is a topic on it) but how do you hide the labels on the templates so you can see just the track diagram, in order to be able to join new templates without having to zoom in and so losing the overall track plan I can see how to move, rename etc but not how to hide them. I am working in N Gauge so everything is going to be small on the overall track plan anyway, and the plan is completely hidden by the template labels, so it hard to judge the positions of new templates. Regards Chris posted: 13 Aug 2018 16:40 from: Martin Wynne Hi Chris, Welcome to Templot Club. To toggle the template labels on and off, press the END key on the keyboard. It's on the right, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3318.php
... seem to me quite random. Until about 6 months ago I used to get occasional messages, but, I clicked on something and stopped them. Could someone help me to stop these new ones Thanks posted: 27 Jun 2020 08:21 from: Martin Wynne Hi Terry, Go to: http://85a.co.uk/forum/my_account.php?watched_forums=1 Untick the boxes on the left for the forum sections from which you don't want to receive emails. Click the Save button at the bottom. If something changed a few months ago, you are probably receiving emails via the old Yahoo group. Yahoo changed its system in recent months. To change your settings on there you need to access your Yahoo account. cheers, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Email notifications about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3711.php
... heading". If you want to use a banking engine, you might wish to drive that separately in any case so that you can accelerate to catch up at the beginning of the push and then drop away gently at the top of the climb. Declaration of interest: I am the Kit Sales Manager for MERG. Judi posted: 23 Oct 2017 10:27 from: madscientist I'm a MERG member and can vouch for the MERG DCC system, that EV found it does what it says on the can, and a few more things as well Obviously you need a certain competence in electronics and debugging, but the MERG forum is a great resource The other advantage is you can customise see the whole system, I'm currently building my DCC throttles for not a panel mounted system aka what we all used before" walk around" controllers( which are largely useless in a signalled layout anyway) posted: 23 Oct 2017 22:46 from: Tony W Rob Manchester wrote: I was thinking about remote level crossing gate operation the other day and started ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3113.php
... Wynne All, If you use this link to access Templot Club: http://85a.co.uk/forum/ Most of the pages will come up secure, or with only yellow padlock. It would be worth changing your browser bookmark if you use one to get here. If you end up with the red padlock showing, possibly from a link in an email or an old topic, you can swap to yellow by clicking the top picture on the page, or by clicking the Recent Topics buttons. I've just made a few changes so that the Companion is also yellow. A complete conversion of the entire site to fully secure, and with all old links still working, is a major task. Given that there is nothing on here which needs to be ultra-secure, I will leave that for another day. cheers, Martin. posted: 4 Jun 2020 21:42 from: polybear Hi Martin, That's excellent- new bookmark duly sorted, and now the "Change Password" page is coming up as secure Many thanks Brian Parts ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3691.php
... 4mm scale, 00 or EM? To create a tandem turnout in Templot, click the tools> make 3-way tandem turnout> menu items. There are quite a lot of settings and options, you probably need to read this page first: http://templot.com/companion/3_way_tandem_turnouts.php cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Sep 2018 20:27 from: r_wilton Hi Martin,Sorry i should have been more specific, it is O gauge (fine). I've attached a photo (hopefully) with a few measurements penciled in, hope that helps. In the meantime i'll have a read of the article. Ray. Attachment: attach_2744_3326_Marcway_3way.jpg 554 posted: 11 Sep 2018 23:15 from: Martin Wynne Hi Ray, Thanks for the photo. To make an exact copy I would need something more precise, such as an actual scan of the Marcway tandem. p.s. I note that it has a check rail missing. Also a vee nose hanging in fresh air, and strangely narrow spindly timbering. I have created this 0 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3326.php
... picture. Tony. Last edited on 15 Oct 2017 23:11 by Tony W posted: 16 Oct 2017 16:46 from: FraserSmith If you want to cheat/confirm your answer then near top right corner of 25" OS 1937 survey will help a lot. The sequence going back in time is quite interesting: 1916, 1899, 1877. It looks like the answer might be 20 16, if the first link is indeed correct to match the photo. Interest was raised as I used to live only a few miles from there in the 70s but never realised there had been just so much railway activity there in the coal export heydays. Fraser Last edited on 16 Oct 2017 16:52 by FraserSmith Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Prototype pics> How many diamonds can you see in this picture? about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3110.php
... J chair was for. Here's an example of memory. How many times has Martin told people the difference between catch and trap points. (X is the device, but it's doing the job of Y). I still cannot remember which way around it is.. It's as hard as remembering who is who between 'ant and dec.' PS I'm not as old as I look/ sound- I just damaged my head a little while back. Hello Rob I'm terrible with faces, but always have been. A few times I've thought I recognise someone and talked to them like we were long lost friends whilst trying to remember their name(s) ... Only then to realise I'd never met them before. As an aside, I'm really glad I got back into railway modelling- it's nice to converse with people about, and let's be honest, something and nothing as opposed to the urgent matters of daily life. Keep well Derek posted: 15 Sep 2020 15:42 from: Martin Wynne Martin Wynne wrote: DerekStuart wrote ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3690.php
... just a straight wire connection to the tiebar no rodding posted: 9 Oct 2018 06:05 from: Andrew Barrowman Hayfield wrote: I remember something similar being done years back in an early Railway Modeller or Model Railway Constructor. Something like an Airfix railway worker with his arm pivoting, just a straight wire connection to the tiebar no rodding Maybe we should ask Martin to include point-rodding in the next version of Templot? I mean, how hard could it really be? (I might be off the air for a few days. I'll be in my underground bunker.) posted: 9 Oct 2018 19:58 from: Trevor Walling Hello, No don't do it Martin. posted: 10 Oct 2018 00:33 from: Martin Wynne Hi Trevor, Andy, There is a page in my Templot NOD* book which has been there for many years. The heading is: Point Rodding? The rest of the page is blank. But now that Templot is Open Source, maybe someone else could be filling it in? *Nice ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3328.php
... topic: 3332 Importing background shape on Applemac posted: 25 Sep 2018 22:59 from: roythebus Help, having used Templot for a few years, I'm now trying to import some old Frank Dyer track plans to see how they pan out. I'm running Templot on my Apple Macbook pro using Wine and Templot seems to run well in that but, trying to import a background shape doesn't seem to work. I have the plan in both JPEG and PDF format which both appear on the C drive on Wine. I select the file, click on it, click copy, but when I go back to the "import shape dialogue it won't drop the shape onto the track plan. What am I missing? Track plan attached, it's a bit faded but should be useable! Attachment: attach_2756_3332_New_Annington_tra ck_plan.jpeg 196 posted: 25 Sep 2018 23:16 from: Martin Wynne roythebus wrote: I select the file, click on it, click copy, but when I go back to the "import shape dialogue it won't drop the shape onto the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3332.php
... topic: 3333 Photos, PRIZES and fresh air posted: 27 Sep 2018 15:33 from: rodney_hills G'd Afternoon all from sunny Surrey. Are you a photographer? There seem to be quite a few, looking through topic: "Fresh air and photos" topic 3228 Could your photo win you a prize? You have until next Monday, 1st Oct 2018 to submit you entry. That gives you all weekend to look through those piccys that you already took, OR/AND take that winning picture. If you don't make the deadline in 2018, apparently the competition runs EVERY September... I'm guessing that that may be because Heritage Open Weekend is also every September. Anyway, look here: http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org.uk/ SOME. railway subjects are eligible, see eg http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org.uk/tips-for-photographers Check the Rules carefully Good luck! Regards Rodney Hills Wiki Loves Monuments is an international event which takes place every September. The competition brings together amateur and professional photographers alike to capture images of the world's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3333.php
... topic: 3093 Creating 1990s Flat-Bottomed rail with concrete sleepers posted: 5 Oct 2017 01:55 from: Richie Kynaston Hi All,Thanks to Martyn for adding me to the forum. I'm just getting back into model railways after a fair few years away, just involved with the big railway instead! I'm going to be modelling EM gauge with hand-built track and turnouts using EMGS Code 83 flat-bottomed rail. My plan is to use Colin Craig's components (such as the Pan11 baseplate) on the scenic section to replicate a small part of the electrified WCML in the 1990s. While emailing Colin he mentioned that a things such as interlaced sleepers are a big no-no for concrete sleeped track, which brings me to my question. Hidden fiddle yard track will be copperclad so it doesn't really matter what standard i use for that I guess! How can I get Templot to model the layout and produce the templates based around Code 83 flat bottomed rail on concrete sleepers? What do I need to changed, and indeed, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3093.php
... with AVG when uploading Templot. I have AVG Internet Security package running on a PC with Win7 Home Premium version. I've just uploaded 215d and it installed perfectly, as usual, without a murmur from AVG, which leaves me a bit puzzled, but relieved! Am I living in a charmed parallel universe? Stuart... First time I've ever had a problem with AVG and Templot. The previous version installed fine. This is on a newly installed Win10 Home and AVG Internet Security; newly installed because the PC a few weeks ago ended up stuck in a Repair loop and I couldn't resolve it. Nigel posted: posted: 3 Oct 2017 23:04 from: Tony W Hi Martin. Just downloaded and installed the latest version of TEMPLOT onto my Acer laptop running in Wine under Linux, no problem as usual. Regards Tony. 3 Oct 2017 23:04 from: Tony W Hi Martin. Just downloaded and installed the latest version of TEMPLOT onto my Acer laptop running in Wine under Linux, no problem as usual. Regards Tony ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3091.php
... version 215b now available. posted: 22 Sep 2017 23:14 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, The latest Templot update is now available. Version 215b. Your copy of Templot should update automatically if you restart it and follow the instructions. If you have any problems with that, follow the download links on the web site. This is a maintenance release with only 2 significant changes: 1. the get screenshot map function now also works with the individual NLS "Find by place" map sheets, subject to a few restrictions. All map images are now converted to 24-bit colour depth, removing the alpha channel. This allows much deeper zooming when aligning tracks over them. background> maps menu item. 2. adjacent track centres are now entered in full-size prototype inches instead of model mm. This leads to more friendly numbers, for example 134 inches instead of 44.67mm. Model mm can be entered if preferred by using the S prefix, for example s50 to enter 50mm centres. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3081.php
... topic: 3689 Invalid Floating Point posted: 3 Jun 2020 20:49 from: Julian Roberts Hello Martin I got this message this afternoon when creating a 3 way turnout. i was off-line but had used the PC in a separate session this morning on-line. I assumed it was something I was doing wrong in positioning the turnout, but couldn't get rid of teh message wherever I placed the turnout (within the few inches of space there is in the plan). However a friend tells me it is a fault and that I should report it. I assume my Templot version is the latest as it updates each time I go onto it (I think). It says 2.26.b Attach file just in case useful. 3 way was the one on extreme left of layout plan Cheers Julian Attachment: attach_3080_3689_Kyle_2020_3_June1 855_50.mecbox 81 Last edited on 3 Jun 2020 20:50 by Julian Roberts posted: 4 Jun 2020 07:31 from: Julian Roberts This morning Templot has sent an update, it is now 2.26.c Whether that is related ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3689.php
... me at least) when joining a group onto a notch, rather than overlaying it into a notch. Not only is Shift-F6 reallocated, but there is no keyboard shortcut for rotating a group 180 degrees. Why? posted: 26 Nov 2017 00:20 from: Martin Wynne Simon Dunkley wrote: Not only is Shift-F6 reallocated, but there is no keyboard shortcut for rotating a group 180 degrees. Hi Simon, As every software developer knows, you tamper with established keyboard shortcuts at your peril. A few points: 1. no actual functionality has been removed. You can still rotate a group 180 degrees via the menu. 2. there is still keyboard access if needed via the menu accelerator keys. In this case: a. press and release ALT, press U, press 1. You don't need to remember these because they are shown underlined on the menu*. or b. press and release ALT, right-arrow key along to the group menu, down-arrow key down to the rotate group 180 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3130.php
... topic: 3132 Templot web site posted: 23 Nov 2017 00:30 from: Martin Wynne I'm trying to tidy up the Templot web site after 20 years of random piecemeal development. Some links may be dead and some images may be missing for the next few days. In future the starting point for finding anything will be the Templot Companion pages at: http://templot.com/companion/ Martin. posted: 23 Nov 2017 00:44 from: Rob Manchester...while listening to the cricket I hope Rob posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:05 from: John Shelley Rob Manchester wrote:...while listening to the cricket I hope Rob Presumably so that when he is at a loss to know how to proceed he can claim to be stumped. John, from 33820 St Ciers Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Templot web site about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3132.php
... -virus/anti-malware called Defender. They are only selling it to make even more money. Defender is more than adequate for peoples needs! I have been using nothing but Defender for years and years and have never been struck down by a virus. The latest version in windows 10 is even better and is always kept up to date, unless you configure windows to ignore the updates. Oh and by the way, I have never had a problem installing or updating Templot, including this update. I think the few people that do have issues have other problems with their PC such as permissions, ant-virus or something else. It has nothing to do with Templot. Nice photos Andy, it takes me back a bit. Oh and by the way, Martin, thanks for this update. Regards David Last edited on 9 Sep 2017 08:29 by DaveJ61 posted: 9 Sep 2017 10:08 from: stuart1600 Martin Wynne wrote: Dear all, In addition to the report here today about installation problems with the latest program ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3075.php
... topic: 3159 skeleton mouse draw posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:36 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin, Am I just getting old and forgetful or did the following happen randomly or did I switch something on? I selected F7 (Move) and when I pressed the mouse button to activate and actually move the control template, the timbers disappeared and reappeared at the end of the move. The same happened for Shift-F9, I liked it but can't remember if it's happened before. I have just tried a few more; F6-Curve, F4_Length, F8-Rotate. Cheers, Godders. posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:56 from: Martin Wynne Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: Am I just getting old and forgetful or did the following happen randomly or did I switch something on? Hi Godders, You switched on the skeleton mouse draw function. It also removes the outer edges of the rails, drawing the gauge lines only. 2_160748_150000000.png 2_160748_410000000.png In addition to the F keys shown, you can toggle it on and off quickly by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3159.php
... topic: 3193 Templot update version 218c now available. posted: 21 Jan 2018 21:32 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, The latest Templot program update is now available. Version 218c. Your copy of Templot should update automatically if you restart it and follow the instructions. If you have any problems with that, see the download and notes at: http://templot.com/companion/installation.php This is a maintenance update with only a few changes and fixes. See recent topics for details. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Templot update version 218c now available. about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3193.php
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