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Search results for: alignments

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... topic: 3152 tandem aids posted: 10 Dec 2017 20:07 from: Martin Wynne For the next program update I have added 3 extra functions to help in creating tandem turnouts. Now in update 217a. These will make it a bit easier to align the inserted additional V-crossing: 2_101500_510000000.png 2_101500_510000002.png 2_101500_510000001.png I will make a bit of video showing these in use shortly. The program update should be available in the next few days. There are still a few loose ends to finish first. cheers, Martin. posted: 10 Dec 2017 20:22 from: Alan Kettlewell I'll look forward to this. I spent another whole day today getting to know this part of the process and still found it difficult to get aligned. So anything to make it easier would be great. Cheers... Alan posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:52 from: Martin Wynne Alan Kettlewell wrote: I'll look forward to this. I spent another whole day today getting to know this part of the process and still found it difficult to get aligned ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3152.php
... project storming ahead: 2787_051722_450000000.jpg I tend to assume that anyone who is using Templot at that level has mastered at least the basics of Templot. I have clearly failed users in not making some more progress with the Templot Explained basics: http://templot.com/companion/templot_explained.html I will try to get more done on that as soon as possible. In the meantime, the answer to your question is that most of the time you don't make templates line up with one another. What you do is create them already in alignment. Have a look at this video and notice that there is no F7 snapping: http://templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html This page also shows templates being created without any F7 snapping: http://templot.com/companion/link_existing.html contd... regards, Martin. posted: 19 Sep 2017 23:53 from: Martin Wynne... But of course there are lots of times when you do want to snap templates together. But there are then much better ways ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3066.php
... What is the best way to line up and bridge the 2 turnouts on 2 expanding parallel curves? Last bit needed before I have to go back over the layout and go through sleepers. Attachment: attach_2531_3107_conwy.zip 216 posted: 13 Oct 2017 11:50 from: John Palmer I would do it by making TL533 the control template, then making the crossover by using Tools -> make ordinary crossover. Before doing this, however, you need to adjust the turnout side adjacent track centre for TL533 so that the crossover thus formed aligns with the adjacent down main line (PR477). Because TL533 and PR477 aren't running parallel here, you will need to pick an arbitrary point on PR477 at which to measure its current offset from TL533 then make some adjustments after the crossover is created.2129_130634_140000000.png As the image shows, I picked a point on TL533 lying opposite the expected mid point of the crossover, slid the peg to this point with Ctrl-F8, placed the notch under the peg (backslash key) then jumped the sizing ring to the notch using the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3107.php
... this whilst doing an irregular diamond crossing for New Street, which had a very sharp (small angled) vee at the one end, this being 1: 3.62 (I know Templot suggests that such small angles not be used[ less than 1: 4], but the layout dictated this) Also I have recently received some copies of original LNWR civil engineering drawings of their Vee crossings and diamond crossings, and they go right down to prototype angles of 1: 2 !!! When I first tried using F5 to align the diamond to the centre lines of the curves with this small angle, I found the main road wing rail alignment to the vee was grossly out and had to find a method of dealing with this, hence the work round. Now back to the work round, below is listed what to do when faced with either a small angled vee (less than 1: 4) or if complete accuracy is essential (or required): This should be performed on the converted diamond, not the turnout switch. If the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1451.php
... topic: 3427 Curved turnout construction posted: 13 May 2019 12:42 from: Godfrey Earnshaw I am about to build a 1:8 turnout and single slip crossover on a curve. The main roads will be about 4000 mm radius. The pair will have regular v-crossings. Normally I would start the build by placing the crossings and building out from there. I am a little unsure how to align the v-crossing, because it is on a curve. Would someone care to push me in the right direction? posted: 13 May 2019 16:07 from: Phil O Hi Godfrey, I have edited this post, see the one below. Phil Last edited on 13 May 2019 16:40 by Phil O posted: 13 May 2019 16:38 from: Phil O Hi Godfrey Forget my last post. Insert the turnout in your plain track and adjust to the required 1 in 8 using the F5 function. then 'tools' 'make ladder crossover' then 'make regular crossover'. Make the half diamond joining the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3427.php
... I wait for the ones I need from C+ L). To round off an evening that had started so promisingly, I thought I'd quickly solder the vee. With my new soldering iron( http://www.maplin.co.uk/p /60w-mains-lcd-solder-station-a55kj). It was a disaster. I have only ever tried soldering wire before, but it normally goes fine, and I've soldered about 10 decoders into loco's without any problems. However, this demanded a lot more precision regarding alignment, and all I've ended up with is a lot of solder in a blob where the rails should join, and no matter what temperature setting I use on the iron and how long I wait, the solder won't melt. I am using 60/40 solder, but can't heat it up directly- I have to heat up the rail. And that doesn't seem to want to happen. I'm going to bed to be grumpy and will try again tomorrow. And hoping I will grow two extra hands during the night ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  199k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2781.php
... I believe I need to approach this systematically. 1) Create a new Custom Gauge, 2) Create a standard template for turnout and track geometry and timbering, 2) Record this new template as a library, 3) Import the station track plan background into a new box, 4) Create full track template, print and build. In order to become more proficient with TEMPLOT, I need to learn the nomenclature, because it took me some time to move the peg to the frog point (FP) in order align the geometry as best as possible. Where is there a place to learn the acronyms? I am still working on item 1 and 2. I imported the Turnout template to the background, then rescaled the image by measuring off off a known dimension. I started modifying the gauge and a GWR old style hinged template which was close to the dimensions. I pegged the template over the frog point and it fell in close alignment. I still need to alter the hinge dimensions and the length of the point. However, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2213.php
... link it back to the existing tracks. Rotation takes place around the notch, so you may want to position that first to make it easier to see what you are doing. Here is a bit of Jing video showing those functions (the single key alternative shortcuts are BACK-SLASH and FORWARD-SLASH). Wait a few moments for the video to load over the image: Music© Kevin MacLeod But if it means changing a radius or transition curve I'm afraid you can't do anything except work on each template individually to align them over a new centre-line. The video below shows the align function being used to convert an existing string of templates to a new centre-line. If they are standard templates it is usually easier just to align fresh ones as required. But if these templates have been customized for your design, they can be copied and re-aligned as shown without losing the customizing. In the video the diamond-crossing is aligned onto a transition curve. To ensure accuracy of the K-crossings it is better ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_863.php
... . regards, Martin. posted: 20 May 2010 21:50 from: John Preston Hi Martin Perhaps one of the term "asymmetrical", "unsymmetrical" or "non symmetrical" would suffice, as what is now in Templot produces only symmetrical diamonds. I strongly suspect the procedure would require two pieces of plain track crossing one another, with one or both of them curved to some degree. One would be the control template and a click on the other would require a selection from a menu smilar to the 'peg align' tools. (Just my uninformed speculation). Hope this helps. John posted: 20 May 2010 23:54 from: Nigel Brown Martin Wynne wrote: I was out and about this afternoon. I asked several people if I said something was irregular, would they think there was something wrong with it? Everyone said yes. Martin But did you ask them: "If I said that certain things were of a regular shape and some other things were of an irregular shape, would you assume that there was ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  284k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1126.php
... to trace certain KNOWN positions and as you say, working backwards from there. At the moment I really just need an idea of the trackwork that will cause me hassle later on as my skills are insufficient at present. I am now on version 50+ in Templot trying to get it to "look" right as well as geometrically working. It's always the same thing though- one photo shows a straight section and another photo shows it as a curve- both can't be right (in fact some parts were re-aligned but most is as original NER). I dare say a trip up to Whitby is in order- I am ** assuming** that the old run around loop (unless lifted by NYMR when new one built) will identify the points and I suspect most on the main running lines will be the same. Whilst there I can look in the library again- there was nothing about track plans, but quite a lot of photos of buildings etc. Thanks again for advice chaps- it is really appreciated. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2552.php
... ) falling below 3ft. Why 3ft? I will probably use three link couplings for wagon rakes that do not need uncoupling and of course in time, who knows, It could be converted to P4 just by changing the track (only joking!) I would welcome any comments and advice. Please. Thanks for reading and looking RichardS Norwich Attachment: attach_2451_3038_Bosmellin_9.box 298 posted: 20 Jun 2017 15:00 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, This turnout was mismatched at all 3 boundaries. To fix it without changing your other alignments I used a 9ft-5.6 turnout. Although very short, the contraflexure means the radii remain well within your limits. With a bit more tweaking it could be changed to a more likely prototype 1:5.5 angle. Or with more tweaking to a B-6. 2_200955_080000000.png You have made very little use of transition curves, which gives the design a bit of a train-set look. Also there was a mismatch at the top right. To show what I mean I have introduced 3 transitions (marked yellow ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3038.php
... posted: 2 Mar 2015 21:30 from: Andrew Duncan Hello Martin Back on 13th January you replied to my question about transition curves; When you say that you can't get make transition to work for you, what goes wrong? What do you see? If Templot can't make a transition in the desired place it's unlikely that you will be able physically to fit the tracks there. In answer to that question I've now, at last, done a screen shot of the problem that I experienced when using "Peg\ Align\ Make transition curve...". In fact I've done 2 screen shots one of the initial result as proposed by Templot and a second with my change to the curve to make it "match/ align". 2787_021620_120000000.png And this is what I modified it to... 2787_021617_010000000.png I used F6 to change the curve to this which I think looks ok, but without scanning along the curve with my eye down at track level I don't have any means of knowing if I've created a dogleg in this curve ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2641.php
... ?? Rob posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:49 from: JFS Hi Rob, It goes wrong of course for exactly the reason you suggest!! You need to join your "bits" with transition curves, then delete the original "bits" That way you end up with one continuous length of track with compound curves. (see Martin's transition curve video). If you insert a turnout into that, it can be roamed along then whole length. Beware that when you make it into a crossover, the alignment of the newly created second track will only be approximate (Templot warns about that) so it is best to increase spacings above the minimum to avoid any restricted clearances between the double tracks. Martin has also produced a video called Aligning track over a centre line" which is what you need- I can't seem to see it on the Templot companion, but if you search this forum I am sure it will pop up. Good Luck Howard. posted: 18 Apr 2011 11:56 from: Martin Wynne Hi Rob ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1459.php
... prototype practice. You can easily rectify the situation by adjusting the individual wing rails to the following settings: Rail Length= 41 ins (proto) Flare Length= 28 ins (proto), or even down to say 24 ins. This will clear the tips of the wing rails away from each of the tongue rails satisfactorily, and still give you full check rail function at the Vee gap. Just a further note on my scissors sample, you may note I chose to make all the TXP points of the 4 turnouts align at the same centre point, this gives the final template the appearance of having 'staggered' switch blades, i.e. not aligned adjacent to each other at either ends of the two curves, now this is not wrong and, is sometimes seen in prototype formations. However, the same technique I used to construct my sample, can be equally used to produce curved scissor formations that exhibit aligned switch blades on both inner and outer curved roads. It just means there is a number of further manipulations which are needed at certain ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2056.php
... findings. Out of interest I am using a good quality digital vernier but will check the calibration using some slip gauges. I wonder what the tolerance is on measurements? I'll give some thought to as to which standard to adopt over the weekend... Going back to the layout, I'm trying to get my head around your comments. My thoughts were to either set the terminus board at an angle or curve the whole terminus board so that the top left corner remains on the 17' mark with the top right now aligned with the 15' mark. This will give an 82' radius curve to the whole board and ease the angles required. Changing the whole board alignment should ease the transition through 90 degrees. I think what I may do over the weekend is lay out three 8 x 4 sheets of ply on the floor, mark out the 18' length, stagger them to represent the required curvature and lay out some pointwork to see how the angles stack up. posted: 10 Nov 2007 04:54 from: Martin Wynne ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  208k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_228.php
... topic: 873 Grouped templates- position and alignment posted: 18 Jun 2009 10:22 from: DANNY POSTHUMUS sorry please bear with me i am still learning i have followed the tutorial on the scissors good but how do i join all the turnouts to make it 1 scissors regards danny posted: 18 Jun 2009 11:41 from: richard_t Sorry but I don't think you can. All the templates stay as seperate templates. You can group them, using the group menu items and then shift them about but that's all. You can't, for example, snake the whole group. Richard. posted: 18 Jun 2009 12:44 from: Martin Wynne richard_t wrote: You can't, for example, snake the whole group. Hi Danny, Richard, Well yes and no. If you mean snake it along a transition curve, then sorry, no you can't. I could write a function to wrap an entire group of templates onto a new radius, but it would introduce massive distortions and be unprototypical. It may not even work - ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_873.php
... 06:52 from: Martin Wynne Hi Tim, In the case of curved track it is physically impossible. The outer track is longer than the inner track, but the rail lengths and sleeper spacings remain the same. So the position of the joints and sleepers would get increasingly out of step as you move along the curve. Here you can see that on a sharp curve the joints get out of step very quickly, starting from being in line on the left: 2_130141_060000000.png On long straight tracks it would be possible to align the rail joints and spacings, but there is no reason to do that and it would be a lot of extra work -- it's likely that shortened rails would be needed on one track or the other at the start of the straight. It would be necessary to align the joints because the sleeper spacings are not constant within a rail length, being closed up towards the joints at each end of the rail. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Oct 2017 09:06 from: Tony W Martin Wynne wrote: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  150k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2839.php
... topic: 2935 Aligning tracks onto a Traverser posted: 19 Oct 2016 20:44 from: ChrisBr Hi, I have got most of my plan sorted (I think), but am struggling with an effective way of aligning and spacing the three lines that feed onto the traverser, so that any traverser position will enable all three lines to be connected (if required). I have attached a box file to make this clear, is there a function or technique I can use to ensure the 3 lines approaching the traverser are parallel and the same distance apart? Many thanks Chris Attachment: attach_2337_2935_layout_v1.box 204 posted: 19 Oct 2016 21:45 from: Martin Wynne Hi Chris, Welcome to Templot Club. Do the straight tracks on the traverser first. Align the layout tracks to them afterwards (F7 snapping is quick.) Start with the first traverser track. Set tools> adjacent track centres... so that the MS and TS spacings are both the same (and wide enough for convenient use on a traverser). Then keep ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2935.php
... : http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/p /palace_gates/index3.shtml These are not screenshots made separately and then manually imported and scaled to size. I simply specified the OS Grid Reference (TQ 301 907) and Templot loaded the map from NLS automatically and at exactly the right scaled size ready to start track planning over it. This function will be in the next Templot program update. 2_280402_320000003.png© National Library of Scotland 2_280402_300000000.png© National Library of Scotland 2_280402_310000002.png© National Library of Scotland As you can see I have started aligning some templates over the tracks. These are in P4. To match prototype turnouts exactly it is necessary to change to CLM unit angles and in most cases to generic V-crossings (it's not worth bothering to do this if you are not using an exact scale/gauge such as P4 or S7). This crossover then turned out to have 15ft straight switches and 1:10 V-crossings. The switch toes for the crossover then matched the switch location marks on the map. The accuracy of these 60" ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  134k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3051.php
... template for which that was the case. So you could perhaps call it a "B7 plain track template". But that would be a bit confusing, bearing in mind that it would look identical to an "A5 plain track template". But it doesn't matter in the least what actual size of turnout you get when you do template> insert turnout in plain track. The sole function of that command is to change the type of template from "plain track" to "turnout" while maintaining the template's length and alignment in the track plan. Having got a turnout template, you then proceed to adjust it to the exact size or design you want. You might use the F5 mouse action for that, or the template> switch options... or template> V-crossing options... menu items. You will often want to change the direction (template> swap facing-trailing, or CTRL+ N) or the hand (template> invert handing, or CTRL+ X). Very often you will want ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_245.php
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