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Search results for: attach_30_sslip.jpg outsid

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... recalled another location... Crewe Coal Sidings... General view... This shows the first sole plate nicely. There is a point clip on the left hand blade of the second set of blades- if you look one timber closer to the camera in the right hand part of the 4ft way you will see an insulated joint in a sole plate 3017_120141_210000000.jpg When the above is edited/enlarged the second sole plate is clearer... 3017_120145_380000000.jpg I think that the lug on the soleplate that is on the outside of the chair on the right (to stop the chair being shifted outwards out-of-gauge) is just visible. Interesting thing about this though is that the sole plate is not under the blades' ends but one timber closer to the camera. posted: 12 Mar 2015 07:01 from: D Foster :-) Couldn't resist this one in the search... No sign of a soleplate- but... Outside Single Slip with a Trap Point in it... And this is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2648.php
... of steps to reach it. Regarding the GIF 'Sketchboard' image of the signal bow, I have put some paving at the steps end of the image, just to fill in the empty space, this I might add, is a bit of 'artistic licence' on my part as I am not sure what the original site was like and have no photographs as a guide. A little bit of data for those who are interested; Measured and estimated proto dimensions of the Eastbourne signal box are shown below: Length of cabin outside wall to wall, not including the roof overhanging eaves= 53ft 4in Width of cabin outside wall to wall, not including the roof overhanging eaves= 14ft 6in Overall length of box including the roof overhanging eaves, not including steps= 57ft 0in Overall width of box including the roof overhanging eaves= 18ft 0in Height from ground to signal box cabin platform (top of steps)= 18ft 6in Overall height of signal box from ground to ridge of roof, not including flue pipe and ventilators= 34ft BTW, I think I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  437k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1224.php
... topic: 926 Gauge O branch line posted: 1 Sep 2009 22:17 from: Paul Heath Here is my plan for a branch line terminus station based along the lines of the Furness Railway branches to Coniston and Lakeside. I would welcome any comments on the plan. Items 16 and 40 will eventually form a double slip (if I can get my head around working with partial templates etc). There will be an island platform in the large open space with the outside left hand edge of the railway representing a Quay side location. Attachment: attach_641_926_Deck_Railway_Versio n_4.box 413 posted: 2 Sep 2009 10:18 from: Stephen Freeman Hi, Have just had a quick look. Two things strike me first off. 1) A fairly minor point but you might like to consider widening the track centres in the sidings and possibly in the curved areas (depends on the rolling stock you intend to use of course) 2) The Double Slip that you propose, will have an unworkable inner radius. You will need to have the inner curve of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_926.php
... topic: 1085 Outside slip posted: 23 Mar 2010 00:28 from: John Lewis I attach a photo of trackwork at what I think was platform 2 at Crewe in 1969. It shows a curved outside slip. Attachment: attach_768_1085_Crewe2-1969s.jpg 848 Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Prototype pics> Outside slip about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site are copyright and the property of the respective contributor. You are welcome to use them for your own personal non-commercial purposes, and in your messages on this web site. If you want to publish any of this material elsewhere or use it commercially, you must first obtain the owner's permission to do so ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  11k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1085.php
... topic: 2166 Switched diamonds posted: 25 Feb 2013 13:14 from: Raymond I am working on a ladder crossing over two tracks. If I use a curviform crossing, the resulting diamond from the turnout (14'@ 1;10) is just over 1:5, far too tight for running lines. A regular crossing results in a 1:10 diamond but I want a single slip there too. Would it be prototypical in 1900 GWR practice to have an outside slip on a moving elbow diamond? I can find nothing in David Smith's book to suggest either way. Regards and thanks to anyone who can help. Raymond posted: 25 Feb 2013 14:15 from: JFS Yes it would! regards, Howard. posted: 25 Feb 2013 14:38 from: Martin Wynne Raymond wrote: Would it be prototypical in 1900 GWR practice to have an outside slip on a moving elbow diamond? Hi Raymond, It's not possible usual to have a UK-pattern outside slip on a switch-diamond, because it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2166.php
... topic: 3200 Info button on storage box not working when storage box dragged outside main templot window posted: 29 Jan 2018 15:50 from: richard_t I think the info button on the storage box when storage box dragged outside main Templot window doesn't work. Works fine if the storage box is still within the main Templot window. Last edited on 29 Jan 2018 15:52 by richard_t posted: 29 Jan 2018 16:31 from: Martin Wynne Hi Richard, Have you got the trackpad window dragged off to the right? The data panel is a child window of the trackpad, so can't go beyond it and normally appears at the right-hand side of it. If you set the trackpad smaller, the data panel will appear nearer to the left. Or you can drag it to wherever you want it within the trackpad. All seems to be working as intended here. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Jan 2018 17:09 from: richard_t Ah sorry, it's when the storage box is on another screen from the main ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3200.php
... topic: 3660 changes in 226a -- 2. peg positions for outside slips posted: 6 May 2020 06:31 from: Martin Wynne There are two new fixing peg positions, OSXP and OSMP: 2_060123_450000000.png These make it a lot easier than previous methods to get an outside slip road aligned and to establish the V-crossing angles and positions. At least for a regular diamond-crossing: 2_060354_000000000.png That's a 1:4.5 diamond with A-7.75 turnouts. I have made a bit of video to explain the process: http://flashbackconnect.com/Default.aspx?id=3o4-PiKKPVaAXZsePJOwSA2 For shorter diamonds the same procedure can produce the type of half-scissors where the switch deflections are in the side road: 2_060339_590000000.png But again only for a regular diamond (both roads the same radius). The above was a 1:3 crossing with A-6.75 turnouts. (We don't actually have a name for a half-scissors with the switch deflections in the side road like a slip. A normal half-scissors has the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3660.php
... my thinking cap today. At present Templot does almost everything you need, but not necessarily in the most convenient and easily remembered way. For example if you were to remember to update the project title with a version number before printing, it would appear on every printed page, like this: 2_131025_540000000.png 2_131026_450000000.png You could if you wished edit the project title to match your file name, and you would then have the very information on the printed pages which you were asking for. It appears twice on each page, inside and outside the trim margins. The font-size for the small text is adjustable in the output menu, but if you make it too large you risk obscuring the template details. I think it would be convenient to have an option to edit the project title from within the print and PDF output functions, making it easier to remember to do so. I will look at adding that. Separately from all that, every template has a name, which could be edited to include a revision number. And a serial number. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  92k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2805.php
... appear on the Background. I must have done something to make this happen- it was working fine last time I used it- but how reverse it? And how do I get the invisible templates onto the background? 1129_160311_190000000.png Many thanks, Howard posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:25 from: Martin Wynne Hi Howard, I think you have accidentally pressed SHIFT+ END, indicated by the fact that the top buttons have gained a pale green background. Press it again. See: 2_051958_200000000.png Any background templates which are entirely outside the boundary rectangle are not shown on the trackpad. This is intended to speed up screen response when you are working on a small part of a large track plan. More explanation of that here: topic 3207 p.s. your post reads a bit oddly. I know the working of the storage box is a mystery to many, despite my several attempts to explain it over the years. I wrote another explanation recently, here: http://templot.com/companion/basic_working_methods.php wipe is used only when you want to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3459.php
... topic: 703 Combined inside and outside slip road posted: 17 Jan 2009 23:09 from: Martin Wynne This picture hasn't had an airing for a few years, so having just posted it on RMweb I thought I should post it here again. It's an unusual one -- the slip road is an inside slip at the far end and outside slip at the near end: inside_outside_slip.jpg Not many of those about! Thanks to Keith Norgrove for the pic. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Jan 2009 09:43 from: John Lewis Martin Where is it, please? Clapham Jn, platforms 16& 17 before they were electrified? John posted: 18 Jan 2009 09:55 from: Martin Wynne John Lewis wrote: Where is it, please? Clapham Jn, platforms 16& 17 before they were electrified? Hi John, See: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p =565799#p565799 and scroll down. Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_703.php
... topic: 2589 Track Spacing in Stations posted: 3 Dec 2014 23:55 from: Godfrey Earnshaw I base my trackwork designs on the accepted default recommended distances of 6ft and 10ft separation. By this I mean straight parallel tracks will have a nominal 6ft way and tracks then the tracks outside this will have a 10ft way as will goods sidings. However, I also separate my tracks by 10ft in passenger stations, including terminals. This is my assumption, based on the possible requirement for staff to need access to couplings and hoses when joining/separating vehicles. Is my assumption correct? Thank you Godders posted: 4 Dec 2014 08:15 from: Martin Wynne Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: I base my trackwork designs on the accepted default recommended distances of 6ft and 10ft separation. By this I mean straight parallel tracks will have a nominal 6ft way and tracks then the tracks outside this will have a 10ft way as will goods sidings. However, I also separate my tracks by 10ft in passenger stations, including terminals. This is my assumption, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2589.php
... from: Martin Wynne p.p.s. just realised that the thick centre-lines option excludes the platforms. I will do a program mod to fix that. Anything else which needs to be included? Martin. posted: 15 May 2020 09:54 from: Gordon S Other than the facility to add text etc, platforms will be fine. I had to make some further changes this morning as the bay platform was too far to the left, meaning the crossovers above would have been inside the platform area, whereas they are outside. New file attached. Attachment: attach_3055_3667_Current_Plan_- _Mimic_Panel_- _4.box 57 posted: 15 May 2020 12:57 from: Martin Wynne Hi Gordon, There is a way to work directly in with the distorted track on the trackpad, like this: 2_150750_130000000.png I didn't mention it, because there is no finer way of doin' your 'ed in. But it would make it easier to see directly the effect of your changes. I can make a video showing how, if you want? Your text ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  508k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3667.php
... topic: 3766 Checkrail on the outside of a curve posted: 12 Sep 2020 21:50 from: DerekStuart Hello all In this picture from the late David Hey's collection (originally Yorkshire Post) there's an example of a left hand curve (quite tight- maybe 5 chains or so) and it has a checkrail, but on the outside of the curve. It is on the lead up to a diamond crossing which is estimated to be 1:2 or 1:3, but it's well clear of the diamond's own check rails. Also it might be just a trick of the angle, but it looks instead of being flared horizontally, it has been 'ramped' downwards. It could be a derailer, but on the other side of the diamond there are already trap/ catches... and there's no obvious link to this rail. Any ideas? Answers on a postcard. No prizes, except being called a clever person. Derek It might help if I add the link... http://davidheyscollection-static.myshopblocks.com ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3766.php
... topic: 465 Curved Scissors Crossover posted: 20 Jun 2008 16:50 from: phileakins Hi Folks I've been playing around with the layout design and though that a scissors crossover would be useful. As nothing in the design is actually straight- it had to be curved! I have found a photo of a prototype so I haven't completely made it all up. Thanks to Paul's outside slip .box file (thanks Paul) I worked out how partial templates worked, and here it is for your comments and, more importantly, criticisms. My main difficulty now is that I can't see how to provide the proper check rails for the lower left 'V' crossing on the opposite rail, the V of the left side of the diamond crossing is too close. Cheers. Phil Attachment: attach_286_465_scissors_crossover _08_06_20_1128_19.box 743 posted: 20 Jun 2008 18:28 from: Jim Guthrie phileakins wrote: Hi Folks My main difficulty now is that I can't see how to provide the proper check rails for the lower left 'V' crossing on the opposite rail, the V ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  95k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_465.php
... the dock siding. I would be grateful for any comments and advice. Simon Attachment: attach_2053_2618_v5_shunting_2015 _01_13_1547_13.box 277 posted: 1 Feb 2015 22:45 from: Tony W Hello Simon. I have been having a look at your box file. Whilst I appreciate that yours is a minimum space project, some of your curves are very tight. Converting the Diamond into a Slip will produce a slip road with a radius of just under 24 inches. I have just tried it. A larger curve can be produced by using an outside slip, but there is not the room to fit one in at the current track spacing. There is though an alignment problem between your sector plate track and the Diamond template. See attached file for the difference when altered. I can help you with the Slip if you get stuck. Regards Tony W. Attachment: attach_2055_2618_shunting_v5_2015 _02_01_2229_01.box 284 posted: 2 Feb 2015 09:35 from: Alan Turner I think this gives a more flowing layout. regards Alan Attachment: attach_2056_2618_shunting_v5_flow .box 288 posted: 2 Feb 2015 18: ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2618.php
... the box file of where I've got to so far, the transition curve should be using dummy1 and dummy2. I've made the two dummies full circles to make sure that they don't overlap, but however close they are, I can't get what I need. 2341_011458_350000000.png The above should show how the curve ends up. I can vary the start and end points of the transition, but I can never get the] anywhere near where it needs to be. Once that is done, I'll want to put another one around the outside of that. Adrian Attachment: attach_1408_1837_station_demot_201 2_03_25_1404_03.box 399 posted: 1 Apr 2012 21:48 from: Martin Wynne Hi Adrian, What you are trying to do won't work like that. The curves come closest within the turnout, i.e. outside the plain track template boundary. So the transition zone extends each side of that location, not wholly within the plain track template. I think this is what you are trying to achieve. I re-positioned your B-7 turnout slightly for a better join with the inner ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1837.php
... doors for an hour or so to dry. posted: 23 Mar 2015 13:22 from: Hayfield Rob I use diluted Coloron and paint un-cut strips, I find neat dye too strong. Do a few at a time smell is not too bad Last edited on 23 Mar 2015 13:23 by Hayfield posted: 23 Mar 2015 23:25 from: Andrew Fendick Rob, I spray paint the whole track before fixing it down, using Precision Sleeper Grime colour round the station area fading to Wheathered Sleeper colour outside the station area. I then hand paint the rail with a rusty colour. There are a couple of pics on the High Offley RM thread. High Offley msg #16 posted: 24 Mar 2015 00:22 from: Rob Manchester Andrew Fendick wrote: Rob, I spray paint the whole track before fixing it down, using Precision Sleeper Grime colour round the station area fading to Wheathered Sleeper colour outside the station area. I then hand paint the rail with a rusty colour. There are a couple of pics on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2655.php
... they advance in sync? Or start from scratch for OT/MEC? cheers, Martin. posted: 29 Oct 2019 23:54 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Interesting to see the help you are receiving with development I would have thought there needs to be some cohesion between T2 and MEC versions of Templot- assuming that any new features are to be rolled out at some point. Pardon me for being a little confused here but if somebody were to write some code that implemented a new feature for MEC( say outside slips or 90 degree Retford style crossings) would that get added to T2 by you as well?...and are you to be a contributor to MEC and update the repository with your new chunks of code when in appears in T2? Rob posted: 30 Oct 2019 00:28 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: Pardon me for being a little confused here but if somebody were to write some code that implemented a new feature for MEC( say outside slips or 90 degree Retford style crossings) would ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3529.php
... plaster or clay, but unless I solidify/stabilize it its hard to work to the correct size. Thought about using plastic, plain plasticard would be a too hard of finish, embossed might be too difficult to keep in register. I think either ply or balsa would be easier to work and give a softer finish 982_010410_500000000.jpg As you can see some of the cutting is better than others, but as I said its a test, the flairind on the check rails needs to be less (Machined?) and against the outside of running rails filler can be used. Also I have learnt what can and cannot be done with switch rails Still proves it can work, I will try the next turnout with Ply, perhaps I could even use air dried clay in a partially dried condition posted: 1 May 2020 14:44 from: Phil O You could try putting air dried clay on the card before you fit it in place, once you're happy that the card is correctly fitted and clear of rolling stock flanges. I might nick your idea ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3650.php
... show_bug.cgi?id=26503 There doesn't seem to be an obvious solution at present. I will see if I can find some way round it. I also cannot see most of the file details when opening a file, yet can sort them by, for example, the date. That is just weird! I'm also seeing this, for all applications I've tried on Wine, not just Templot. At present I can't find any info about this. I can only add that Templot is a Windows program, and if used outside of Windows there are going to be niggles such as these. By and large it runs very well on Crossover/Linux/Wine and is certainly fully usable for its intended purpose. regards, Martin. posted: 29 Dec 2012 12:41 from: Simon Dunkley Martin Wynne wrote: Is it possible this tool is overriding the normal automatic control of fan speed according to CPU temperature? Have you tried running Templot with this tool disabled or removed? I can only add that Templot is a Windows program, and if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2129.php
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