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... Martin Wynne Hi Ken, Welcome to Templot Club. I'm sure you will find lots of friendly track-building help here. I think it is fair to say that many modellers building their own track in this scale would use the 2mm finescale standards rather than commercial N Gauge -- that of course has implications for RTR rolling stock conversions, wheel changing, etc. I would be doubtful that stripping components from Peco turnouts would produce very successful hand-built track, but making your own track parts really isn't difficult with a few jigs and tools. Two obvious starting points for you are: 1. The 2mm Scale Association. Their excellent web site is at: http://www.2mm.org.uk They can supply the tools and jigs for track building, and have a detailed page about getting started with hand-built 2mm scale track at: http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/getting_started/ 2. The N Gauge Society. Their web site is at: http://ngaugesociety.com Joining these two societies would be your best way forward, if ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1009.php
... topic: 124 00-SF history and information posted: 10 Aug 2007 05:25 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, There has been a rather acrimonious discussion about 00-SF on the RMweb forum today in which my name has been mentioned. I thought I would write a few notes about the background to 00-SF. Please feel free to copy this to RMweb or the 00-SF group if you wish. I myself have manufactured hundreds of 00-SF turnouts and sold them to very satisfied customers. They weren't actually called "00-SF" at the time, I just called them "00 extra fine". Some were on plain copper-clad timbering. Some were on my milled copper-laminate timbers with raised chairing effect. They all worked just fine as advertised. What follows is my best recollection of events more than 30 years ago. After all this time I confess my memory is much less than perfect, so if anyone reading this knows different, please do say. I could probably find out ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 49  -  76k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_124.php
... have seen in this thread may be well be as a result of the differences we all have in our ability to learn new skills. 4. I bought a licence about four years ago, loaded it up and started the process of planning my layout. Within an hour, I had given up as I didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do. RTFM, I can hear you shout, but that will be of limited or no help to like minded guys. This process was repeated several times over a few months and I was on the verge of binning the whole thing as I felt it was far too complex and not user friendly at all. 5. Having a detailed manual would not have helped me at all as I have a profile that does not read manuals. I'll dive in at the front end and find my own way. Give me the very basics in the first five minutes and let me ask questions. The manual is likely to be of little help as what I think is the issue will never be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  125k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1054.php
... messy and error-prone. At some stage someone might want to have another go at that. Absolutely! At some stage in the future we will be soundly cursed by someone who stumbles across an Alladin's cave of creations in T2 format and can't read them. This is exactly the dopey kind of task I would eagerly offer to take on, but just now there is a scarily long list of more pressing matters. However, let's not lose sight of it. BTW, a thought occurred to me. We have a few formats out there now and that number will not, in my experience, go down. Is it possible by reading the first few bytes of a file to determine what format it was written in? However, I have some software which can convert old .hlp files to web pages (after a fashion), so I have done that for you... Thanks, I have not dug into this HTML stuff much, but this will no doubt be helpful in the future. Cheers, g posted: 29 Oct ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3529.php
... recently recommended "Standard Railway Equipment- Permanent Way, 1926" to me from the NERA. It covers LNER, LMS and SR, with GWR going there own way, and is a copy of trackwork diagrams, from the individual chairs (although the S1 chair is missing), through bolts and what-not to chairing details for switches (size A-E ), and common and obtuse crossings. Not all of the chair types are available from the trade, although I think you're 4mm, so you have a few more than us 7mm boys. It is post grouping, so might not help with the Midland. Sorry I could only "help" on 1 of 6 Although if you want my opinion I'd leave ballasting towards the end, so that you can bed in signal posts, point rodding supports, weeds and the like. Richard. Links: http://www.ner.org.uk/ and http://homepages.tesco.net/~david.r.rayner/lumpy/index.html#top posted: 6 Apr 2009 13:37 from: Raymond Paul Hamilton ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  169k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_780.php
... topic: 3759 Templot perceptions posted: 8 Sep 2020 07:44 from: Martin Wynne It's always interesting to see how Templot is regarded in the wider hobby. From today's Railway Modeller magazine (October 2020): "Once we had agreed on the track plan I then drew it on an AutoCAD package at work across a few lunchtimes. I also used the Templot program to obtain the various turnouts sizes and shapes I would require. [Ed. Templot is free to download at: http://www.templot.com – it is not a layout planning aid, but a programme that can be used to devise pointwork geometry]. I downloaded them in .dxf format and imported them into my AutoCAD track plan drawing." How to do it the hard way. For a small diesel depot layout in 0 Gauge. Each to his own, but I doubt we shall be overwhelmed by a sudden rush of RM readers. cheers, Martin. posted: 8 Sep 2020 08:04 from: Hayfield Martin Perhaps arrange with Railway Modeler to write up ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  45k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3759.php
... topic: 3152 tandem aids posted: 10 Dec 2017 20:07 from: Martin Wynne For the next program update I have added 3 extra functions to help in creating tandem turnouts. Now in update 217a. These will make it a bit easier to align the inserted additional V-crossing: 2_101500_510000000.png 2_101500_510000002.png 2_101500_510000001.png I will make a bit of video showing these in use shortly. The program update should be available in the next few days. There are still a few loose ends to finish first. cheers, Martin. posted: 10 Dec 2017 20:22 from: Alan Kettlewell I'll look forward to this. I spent another whole day today getting to know this part of the process and still found it difficult to get aligned. So anything to make it easier would be great. Cheers... Alan posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:52 from: Martin Wynne Alan Kettlewell wrote: I'll look forward to this. I spent another whole day today getting to know this part of the process and still found it difficult to get aligned ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3152.php
... path to the template prints in the next program update. Thanks for the suggestion. The last added/saved BGS file is shown in the same place on the background shapes dialog, and from the recent files... button on that dialog. Saved and loaded SK9 sketchboard files are not shown anywhere, so I will look at adding that info somewhere. >>> Note that I said "lasted added" not "opened". Templot doesn't use the Windows Document Model. It seems to be one of the few programs which don't -- I vehemently dislike the WDM, it drives me nuts. So we are not going there! More about this here: http://templot.com/companion/index.html?gs_baffled.htm#files While you are working on a Templot track plan, there isn't a file name. You can load and add templates from as many files as you like, Templot simply extracts the data from the file, it doesn't open the file. Likewise when you want to save your work, you can choose to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  92k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2805.php
... the timbers in the turnout road. Hi Stewart, It doesn't. That's why I suggested a method for a guide line. Interlaced timbering is very much a minority requirement, but I will try to add some additional options in the next pug to make it faster to do. If you don't want a single curvable template, you might find it faster to overlay two lots of plain track as partial templates. You would still need to shove the sleepers along, but they would all be the required length, and only a few would require any twisting, and probably none would need throwing. tools> make split> make plain track turnout road> on internal geometrical radius If it's greyed out, extend some approach track (F3) first. regards, Martin. posted: 17 Aug 2009 00:46 from: sierrasmith71 Stewart McSporran wrote: I've written up some notes on how I create interlaced sleeper turnouts with Templot and posted them on my website. Stewart: I am planing a small On30 layout that will use interlaced (zippered) sleepers ( ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  222k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_401.php
... do need some help in supporting existing users, to leave me enough time to get on with it. Suggestions for how that might be done welcome. Can I suggest that you may have been your own worst enemy here? Various people including myself have (I hope) helped people in the past. Then on another topic you post such a complete reply with so much detail that I feel that my own efforts have been left somewhat in the shade! All I can think of suggesting is that you leave responding for a few days to see if others respond first? When you get in first, there's never anything left to clarify or answer It sometimes takes me a day or so mulling over the problem by which time you've replied in far greater depth than I ever could! As far as the forum "community" goes, I suspect you know my thoughts on web forums! I felt it was more of a community when it was primarily an email group (others will disagree). Really, all I see in my Templot email folder ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  79k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_618.php
... it again and repeating the process: http://www.templot.com/martweb/videos/flash/starter/em_starter.html Sorry it's now a rather old video. Note also that the F10 swell function at the start is now on CTRL+ F10. But you can of course work the way you want if you prefer. Try this as a test: 1. start Templot from scratch and don't reload your previous session for this test. 2. you should see the control template and nothing else. Press the HOME key a few times to confirm there is nothing else there. 3. use F7 to shift it about. No ghosts ok? 4. press INSERT once to store a copy of it on the background (or click the button with 2 orange down arrows). Don't press or click it again. 5. Press the HOME key a few times to confirm there just the one background template (in blue) and the identical control template still immediately above it (in brown). 6. use F7 to shift the control template ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  109k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2534.php
... :\TEMPLOT folder and move it to say E:\RAILWAY_STUFF\MODELS\TEMPLOT or wherever you want. Everything will still work -- just create a shortcut to the TemplotZero.exe program file in the new location. The default folder for the files will then be E:\RAILWAY_STUFF\MODELS\TEMPLOT\BOX-FILES 2. Is it possible to permanetly dismiss the warning messages that appear? The ones about small fonts and multiple displays at startup are especially annoying? Sorry no. Just dab the ENTER key a few times through the start-up sequence. Each dab on the key takes only a fraction of a second. regards, Martin. posted: 15 Mar 2008 23:59 from: Nigel Brown Martin Wynne wrote: Richard_Benn wrote: 1. Is it possible to specify the default load/save directory? Hi Richard, The default folder is C:TEMPLOT/BOX-FILES That can't be changed as the default, but if you start loading or saving from elsewhere, Templot will remember where (separately for load and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  51k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_369.php
... topic: 975 Track layout options posted: 19 Nov 2009 09:43 from: Al Crooks Morning all. I've been playing with Templot for a few days now, and am having great fun, thanks Martin! However, being very familiar with electronics PCB layout s/w, I'm perhaps coming at this from a slightly different angle from those more familiar with the more engineering packages such as Autocad, and in a way, I suspect such PCB design packages have more similarities with the way we work than the engineering type do, and perhaps some of the features would be useful in track layout. Some of these might be: 1) Ability to put precisely located pegs, (with editable alignment indication) on the background, to locate entry/exit points or tie in to existing track. 2) Linked track sections, so, say if you edit the first curve in a long length of track, the successive stages stay locked to it and move as one, (it would also be really cool if you could lock the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_975.php
... trying Wine- or even starting up the Windows installation I have at home). While we're on the disclaimers, I've never even built a layout, beyond a Hornby loop laid out on the floor as a child. In other words: when it comes to this whole modelling business I'm a bit of a novice. So, back to the topic- what needs adjusting for Linux (this is not a complaints list- it's merely a list of things that I'll need to work on):- There are quite a few calls to ShellExecute for opening folders and websites, I've tackled this by consolidating into open_url and open_folder methods which can then contain the code to support all platforms. There are a few more calls for images that for now I've commented out.- Some API's from the 'Windows' unit aren't available, but most of those can by replace by LCLType/LCLIntf on Linux.- Some API's for Window and Mouse management aren't available at all, those are commented out for now (but I can hopefully find a solution for Linux ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  48k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3652.php
... 38 from: John Clutterbuck You usually have to buy it for a day at probably £15 or more. I appreciate you can start it and then hibernate, however in my experience this cannot be guaranteed to work over several days. Hibernation is also forbidden/blocked by some companies apparently for security reasons, although I appreciate Templot shouldn't be installed on such non-personal machines. Back to my original post- is it now intended to always have the internet check or will it be removed as per the statements made a few months back? posted: 26 Jul 2012 12:53 from: Martin Wynne John Clutterbuck wrote: Back to my original post- is it now intended to always have the internet check or will it be removed as per the statements made a few months back? Hi John, The internet check will remain while Templot2 is free. My previous statements were made before the decision to make Templot2 free. I'm sorry if that was misleading. If you previously purchased a paid-for version of Templot you can of course go ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 44  -  59k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2031.php
... they were not interested/skilled enough for that, and simply wanted a version of Templot which they could dabble in to understand how it works and learn about coding. I therefore released a separate source version called TemplotMEC as a zip attachment here on the Templot Club forum, and provided some instructions on how to get started with it on a free compiler, see: topic 3283 The actual interest turned out to be near-zero. After 12 months not a single contribution had been made to the SourceForge project, and very few references to TemplotMEC here, with no actual new code posted. I therefore deleted the collaborative stuff on SourceForge and left it as a simple zip download of TemplotMEC for anyone who wants it. I have also decided not to spend any more time on it, and to concentrate on further developments of Templot2 only. having two separate versions that are not part of the main product roadmap gives little incentive to participate. This link may provide further info on the open source philosophy- especially the section Understanding Community Expectations Templot2 is not ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  133k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3324.php
... of bricks and the size of each, and a method to draw itself at a given location on the screen. That could mean drawing the brick outlines, or you could find a nice photo of a brick, and create a row of TImage components on the screen. Or use TShapes rectangles in varying shades of brick red. With a mortar-coloured border. You could make each brick clickable so that when clicked it becomes transparent, to gradually reveal a photograph behind. That might make a children's game to see how few bricks they can remove in order to discover what's behind the wall. Or make each brick play a tune... cheers, Martin. posted: 17 Feb 2020 17:15 from: DerekStuart As ever, your comments are appreciated. I think the brick wall exercise is a good one, especially for what I'd like to eventually learn to do. I've just found a couple of lines of code you've written: // Windows.SetParent(data_child_form.Handle,pad_form.Handle); // 292... if data_child_form.Parent<> ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  179k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3607.php
... yet again posts that they are trap points, not catch points, the term "trap" refers to their function -- the physical object is called a catch point (with 1 blade) or catch points (with 2 blades). Trap points can be implemented as catch points, or as full turnouts, or sometimes more complex arrangements such as a double slip, sand drags, etc. I have been making some dialog changes in the make transition function, and I'm hoping to upload a program update in the next few days. I don't want to reply to your other matters until I have done that, otherwise my reply will become instantly out of date. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Sep 2015 08:53 from: rynd2it Hi Derek, Thanks for all that- I did watch the video on the three-way and got lost after about 15 seconds! I'll try the catch points soon (when I get a "round 2 it) Regards David posted: 25 Sep 2015 08:54 from: rynd2it Thanks Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  76k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2745.php
... /sun light would fall on the track formation. The reason being that a number of 3D printed materials can weaken under exposure to UV light (indeed, many plastics can), unless you go for the higher cost resin printers which use UV to cure the finished prints. Certainly worthy of experimentation and I look forward to seeing what others come up with. As mobile phones continue to shrink in thinness, battery tech is going to continue to evolve at a fast rate, so even n gauge might be possible in a few years or maybe even less. There are exciting technical breakthroughs in battery technology that are meant to be on the horizon for both mobile computing, mobile phones and cars. One of those being solid state battery tech, which is said to offer much faster recharge rates, and much smaller, less weighty sizes of battery for a given output. Will be a little while still before that trickles beyond cars and high end phones though, but it certainly gives some hope that things could improve going forward. Remember, DCC is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  116k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3578.php
... Also this topic: topic 392 regards, Martin. posted: 26 Oct 2011 00:45 from: Brian Nicholls leo_sandstrom wrote: Anyone know what Im doing wrong? I have searched for information around entering custom data for a turnout but not found it, and Im still sortof stuck If there are instructions available and I missed them please point me in the right direction. Hi Leo, I have recently been trying to write a guide document for constructing custom turnouts, however, have had to put this to one side a few weeks ago due to more pressing work. But since Martin is very busy at this time, and seeing your plight, I thought it might be helpful to you if I sent you what I have written, although it is an unfinished document, and needs much more work. I can only hope that it does help, and not confuse you or anyone else. Regarding the document, as you will see, it can only be used with some degree of confidence up to and including page 9 of 12, the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 39  -  63k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1663.php
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