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Search results for: attach_117_baseboardtop.dxf few

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... topic: 3332 Importing background shape on Applemac posted: 25 Sep 2018 22:59 from: roythebus Help, having used Templot for a few years, I'm now trying to import some old Frank Dyer track plans to see how they pan out. I'm running Templot on my Apple Macbook pro using Wine and Templot seems to run well in that but, trying to import a background shape doesn't seem to work. I have the plan in both JPEG and PDF format which both appear on the C drive on Wine. I select the file, click on it, click copy, but when I go back to the "import shape dialogue it won't drop the shape onto the track plan. What am I missing? Track plan attached, it's a bit faded but should be useable! Attachment: attach_2756_3332_New_Annington_tra ck_plan.jpeg 196 posted: 25 Sep 2018 23:16 from: Martin Wynne roythebus wrote: I select the file, click on it, click copy, but when I go back to the "import shape dialogue it won't drop the shape onto the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3332.php
... topic: 3333 Photos, PRIZES and fresh air posted: 27 Sep 2018 15:33 from: rodney_hills G'd Afternoon all from sunny Surrey. Are you a photographer? There seem to be quite a few, looking through topic: "Fresh air and photos" topic 3228 Could your photo win you a prize? You have until next Monday, 1st Oct 2018 to submit you entry. That gives you all weekend to look through those piccys that you already took, OR/AND take that winning picture. If you don't make the deadline in 2018, apparently the competition runs EVERY September... I'm guessing that that may be because Heritage Open Weekend is also every September. Anyway, look here: http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org.uk/ SOME. railway subjects are eligible, see eg http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org.uk/tips-for-photographers Check the Rules carefully Good luck! Regards Rodney Hills Wiki Loves Monuments is an international event which takes place every September. The competition brings together amateur and professional photographers alike to capture images of the world's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3333.php
... topic: 3159 skeleton mouse draw posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:36 from: Godfrey Earnshaw Hi Martin, Am I just getting old and forgetful or did the following happen randomly or did I switch something on? I selected F7 (Move) and when I pressed the mouse button to activate and actually move the control template, the timbers disappeared and reappeared at the end of the move. The same happened for Shift-F9, I liked it but can't remember if it's happened before. I have just tried a few more; F6-Curve, F4_Length, F8-Rotate. Cheers, Godders. posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:56 from: Martin Wynne Godfrey Earnshaw wrote: Am I just getting old and forgetful or did the following happen randomly or did I switch something on? Hi Godders, You switched on the skeleton mouse draw function. It also removes the outer edges of the rails, drawing the gauge lines only. 2_160748_150000000.png 2_160748_410000000.png In addition to the F keys shown, you can toggle it on and off quickly by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3159.php
... which you mentioned: 2_100740_260000000.png It is a flexible switch, not loose-heel, and the geometry differs significantly from a 9ft switch. It can be created as a custom switch in its own right. It could then be selected and obtained into any template in the same way as the other switches in the list: 2_091700_410000000.png It won't need any timber shoving for the timber positions (although the four 14" wide timbers will need to be widened that way). I seem to remember covering all this in a video a few years ago, but I can't find it at present. I will make a new Templot2 video showing how to create and re-use a custom switch, based on this MR example, but it will take me a day or two. cheers, Martin. posted: 11 Oct 2018 12:15 from: Graeme Lewis Martin I am aware that A (9') switches weren't used in running lines which is why I was surprised when the perway engineer suggested it. To be honest I have used one on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3338.php
... and Vee posted: 30 Nov 2018 16:15 from: Martin Wynne Hayfield wrote: A question or two, should the common crossing have a slab and bracket chair? Secondly there seems to be a infill between both wing rails and Vee Hi John, Pre-grouping designs usually had a conventional chair casting with keys for the "A" timber. The bolted slab& bracket designs were introduced after the grouping, but the earlier designs would have lasted well into the 1950s in places, and there may still be a few around. Here's a couple of slab& bracket pictures: 1. GWR design, plain bracket castings, the slab has square corners and an angled section for the holding-down bolt through a pojection on the vee point rail: 2_121258_410000000.jpg 2. BR design, ribbed brackets, rectangular slab with radiused corners, no holding-down bolt, extra nose spacer blocks instead: 2_202055_480000000.png In both pics you can see the spacer blocks between the wing rails, but they don't fill the entire space. A fully filled space looks ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  43k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3351.php
... to use it. 4. The program size slider can sometimes get in the way or otherwise be annoying. You can now right-click on the? icon to dismiss it from the screen: 2_221148_440000000.png To get it back you would need to restart Templot. 5. Not everyone likes the bold timbering to show the most recently stored background template. It can be turned off in the background details dialog, but for faster access and easier to find I have now included the setting on the trackpad menu: 2_221156_550000000.png Plus a few other maintenance changes to fix bugs, etc. Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Companion> Release notes> changes in version 223c about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3451.php
... ). Plenty on a thread it yourself basis and the track base is well stocked. Rob Manchester wrote: Hello John, Interesting. I wish Phil all the best with it. Do you have any idea on production schedules and do you have to 'fund' the product start-up to be eligible to purchase later? Remind him that the old Great Western used 2 bolt track...for the future. Rob posted: 30 Jul 2019 16:54 from: Hayfield Martin I have seen it written in a few articles that this is correct. On the other hand I understand what the local permanent way staff did sometime would differ. I am the messenger and the customer has the choice Martin Wynne wrote: Hayfield wrote: Branchline which has keys which alternate Hi John, Looking good. The usual rule on single lines was to drive keys "towards the river, towards the station, towards the rail joint". That means the direction in which the keys are driven, i.e. they remain projecting in the opposite direction. So ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3465.php
... in which livery I decide upon. The initial idea was to build it in 00 gauge finescale, after seeing Mikkel's latest work I decided to use ply timbers for the plain track, then if I am going that far why not in EM gauge (I can build track to P4 standards, but the cost and time in re-wheeling stock is a step too far) as I have a large stock of Romford/Markit wheels as well as Gibson and Keen Maygib coach and wagon wheels, I also have a fair few Romford loco axles in EM gauge Here is a screen shot of a quick doodle in Templot, on this plan is the Y turnout into the engine shed the same as it is now with the 2 catch or is it trap points within it? Edit I see the catch points are after the turnout on the plan, I fancy building it as it is now Attachment: attach_2308_2894_bodmin8.png 488 Last edited on 6 Jul 2016 12:32 by Hayfield posted: 6 Jul 2016 12:34 from: Hayfield undefined undefined undefined The ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2894.php
... are used because the rules-of-thumb formulae which are used by the p.w. gang when setting out pointwork on the ground are simplified, and produce closer approximations to the true mathematical result. Nowadays with everything done on computers there is no real need for unit angles, we could work directly in degrees or radians. But tradition dies hard and the unit numbers are brain-friendly and easy to remember. regards, Martin. posted: 28 Oct 2016 20:21 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Dave, A few things to be aware of when creating USA prototypes in Templot. UK switch tips are designed sharp at the toe (zero thickness). USA switch points are typically 1/8" thick at the tip. There is a virtual toe position in front of the toe where the thickness would be zero if the point was extended (called the "vertex length"). You need to add on this vertex length to the "lead to heel" dimension when creating a custom switch in Templot, and when comparing the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  49k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2936.php
... will jump in the car and drive up there right now. Oh hang on, it's a cold December night, raining, and storms forecast. And even the tree seems to be making a political statement with a strong lean to the left. Martin. posted: 8 Dec 2019 21:39 from: Nigel Brown Grey day is right! Mouth of the Dovey estuary this afternoon: 528_081639_350000000.jpg posted: 9 Dec 2019 08:46 from: Graham Idle Hi Martin, that's because you have not gone far enough. Another few hundred yards, turn round, the trees will be looking right. Much better. Regards, Graham. Martin Wynne wrote: A grey day and troubled times, so I've been looking for an escape: 2_081536_510000000.jpg I think I will jump in the car and drive up there right now. Oh hang on, it's a cold December night, raining, and storms forecast. And even the tree seems to be making a political statement with a strong lean to the left. Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3569.php
... 22:36 from: FraserSmith I was looking through Wikipedia for pictures of timbering at wide track formations and spotted this photo by Signalhead under CC BY-SA 3.0 in the Switched Diamond section. I have a couple of similar situations and I was unsure as to how the timbering would be dealt with but having seen this I think I might use this method. 3137_121655_330000000.png Is it common for the timbers to be arranged like this with alternate timbers having joints in the 4ft of the crossing tracks? It's not clear whether the last few timbers towards the concrete sleepers are similarly joined. Between the right hand tracks on the three before the concrete it appears that the sleepers might be shorter but it's difficult to tell with the ballast as it is. The left hand side is similarly vague. Since when would this arrangement have been used in such junctions? Thanks in anticipation Fraser posted: 12 Feb 2017 23:50 from: Tony W Hi Fraser. Yes, this would be a typical method of timbering such a situation avoiding overly long timbers in the process ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2980.php
... topic: 2969 214a changes- extend/shorten to meet posted: 25 Jan 2017 03:47 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, If you have run Templot in the last few days you will know that there is a new program update 214a available. No need to provide a link- Templot will download it for you. There are several new features in 214a, but for established users the most useful will probably be the new extend/shorten the control template to meet function. I created this mainly to make the make transition function less tedious to use, but I have since found it very handy in other cases too. It is no longer necessary to swap peg ends and carefully adjust manually the new transition template length to the required template boundaries. Templot can now do it for you. The ancient make transition tutorial can now be deleted, and replaced with this new one at: http://templot.com/companion/link_existing.html which explains both functions. For this tutorial I have reverted to a static text tutorial with screenshots, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2969.php
... using the Trackpad to plan and mark the position of 3rd rail installations? The task is quite tricky, requiring the careful positioning of rail runs, insulated supports every fourth sleeper, side entry ramps and not to mention side protection boards. The marking out for drilling the locating holes is taken care of by a C&L jig but that is only good for when you know where the final positions are going to be. Working out where it all fits would be quite easy using a Templot function- or is that a few years' worth of extra program writing?! Colin posted: 25 Jan 2017 18:47 from: Martin Wynne Hi Colin, Templot has no direct support for conductor rails. As you know it is a complex subject in its own right, and one I know very little about. So I have no plans to add it to Templot -- it would be a major programming effort and other things must come first. For example I have done a lot of work on showing bullhead chair outlines, but it is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2971.php
... wrote: I would very much appreciate comments on the attached plan. It has been drawn up to match a friend's idea of what his layout should look like, a small loco depot in a small space. My concern is that it may not be operationally viable and the Tandem may have errors in it. So for all you people who actually built railways, does it work as plan? Thank you for takimg the time to look at it. I think it will probably do what he wants, however there are a few errors in the 3 way. I've made a start in correcting them but still needs a bit of timber shoving. Attachment: attach_2378_2967_high_road_2017_01 _19_1708_30.box 248 posted: 19 Jan 2017 18:54 from: Raymond Thank you Stephen, I will work on the timbering. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> Locomotive depot about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2967.php
... fired up v2.13a on my Mac using Crossover and the update to 2.14a was quick and flawless. Hi Dave, Thanks for letting me know. I tested it on Ubuntu, but I don't have a Mac to try. I'm glad it worked ok. Sorry it has been such a long time since the previous update. I haven't yet prepared any release notes for this one. The existing change-log topic is far too long to have any more added to it. I will start a new update topic in the next few days. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Baffled beginners> Importing a photo about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please read this important note about copyright: Unless stated otherwise, all the files submitted to this web site ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2966.php
... , there is a new option in Templot2 version 225d: 2_100619_180000000.png If you click it, your running version of Templot2 will minimize to the taskbar, and Templot3 will open in its place. If you are in the middle of some important work, it would be a good idea to save it first. This is not a finished version of Templot3, there is still a lot of work in progress. But it is fully functional and usable apart from the missing functions -- no sketchboard, no PDF exports, and a few others. Don't get confused -- try using a different trackpad colour scheme from the one in Templot2. Notice too that the yellow hard-hat icon is green for Templot3. Close it when you have seen enough, and restore your Templot2 from the taskbar. If you choose to do some work in it, you will find the usual collection of sub-folders in the C:\TEMPLOT_DEV\TEMPLOT3\ folder. I'm posting it now mainly so that you can find and report the bugs -- there is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3571.php
... about all this, and some download files to play with, at: topic 2297- message 15275 topic 2297- message 15298 http://templot.com/3pi/dxf_3d_hc_3pi.htm http://templot.com/3pi/dxf_3d_3pi_3d_controls.htm PS- You may have overlooked my observation about the real track work page link being invalid on the site, perhaps? You have caught me at a difficult time in the middle of a re-vamp to the web site and docs. Everything will reappear on the new Templot Companion site over the next few weeks/months. All the old stuff was on the web for the best part of 20 years, so there was plenty of opportunity for everyone to read and copy it if wanted. You can probably find it on the Wayback Machine. Bear in mind that a lot of it was very out-of-date, which is why it needs a re-vamp. Sorry about that. cheers, Martin. posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:31 from: Adam Richards Martin,Thanks for the info and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3230.php
... than an exact pattern, but there are enough things to think about and remember already so the more the template points you in the right direction the better in my view. Maybe one day this will make it to the top of the list.... Chris posted: 15 Jan 2017 04:58 from: Martin Wynne ChrisBr wrote: Maybe one day this will make it to the top of the list.... Hi Chris, You hit a raw nerve with this request, so I have spent a few hours in the code. There are some discrepancies with curviform and generic crossings shorter than about 1:3, but otherwise it is looking promising. It makes a more noticeable difference to the appearance of the template than might be expected. The default setting will match GWR practice, or you can set a custom knuckle radius. There will also be an option to revert to a sharp knuckle if preferred. In the next program update, which I hope will be very soon, as it is long overdue. regards, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2964.php
... topic: 2930 Scissors crossovers posted: 2 Oct 2016 17:13 from: Ray Martin, I have been using your fascinating programme for a few years now, though intermittently, to see what I could get (in 18.83) and what I couldn't into my 14ft x 9ft space. I have not progressed beyond using it as a sort of more flexible 'click and connect' system where I call up turnouts and track and add them together, although 'insert turnout into plain track' has also been useful. Using this method, I have been trying to design a scissors crossover with B7 turnouts but not at a given adjacent track spacing( I am trying to emulate the throat at Cheltenham St James arrival platforms). I have inserted B7 turnouts into curved track so that they face each other, and then add plain track to each so that they cross, and then use the 'make diamond crossing' command in the peg align tools menu. This looks at first sight to work but on magnifying the view, there is a small but significant ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2930.php
... second template to the control and move the peg to the Ctrl 4 position, you can adjust the switch type without the crossing moving. I have done this and attached the A-6 version box file. The next problem is that the middle crossing will be very close to the adjacent running rail so a full crossing vee will not fit. Regards Tony W. Attachment: attach_2353_2946_3_way_A6.box 232 posted: 13 Dec 2016 01:50 from: Martin Wynne Hi, Welcome to Templot Club. As others have said there are a few issues with your tandem to fit in the check and wing rails for the middle crossing. Ideally the first turnout needs to be a bit longer, maybe a B-7 or a 12ft switch -7. You might also do better changing to 4-SF (00-SF) rather than 00-BF, as the narrower flangeways make more room. If you can post a bit more of your .box file so that we can see how the connecting tracks align we may be able to find a better solution ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2946.php
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