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Search results for: attach_117_baseboardtop.dxf few

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... topic: 3093 Creating 1990s Flat-Bottomed rail with concrete sleepers posted: 5 Oct 2017 01:55 from: Richie Kynaston Hi All,Thanks to Martyn for adding me to the forum. I'm just getting back into model railways after a fair few years away, just involved with the big railway instead! I'm going to be modelling EM gauge with hand-built track and turnouts using EMGS Code 83 flat-bottomed rail. My plan is to use Colin Craig's components (such as the Pan11 baseplate) on the scenic section to replicate a small part of the electrified WCML in the 1990s. While emailing Colin he mentioned that a things such as interlaced sleepers are a big no-no for concrete sleeped track, which brings me to my question. Hidden fiddle yard track will be copperclad so it doesn't really matter what standard i use for that I guess! How can I get Templot to model the layout and produce the templates based around Code 83 flat bottomed rail on concrete sleepers? What do I need to changed, and indeed, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  53k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3093.php
... with AVG when uploading Templot. I have AVG Internet Security package running on a PC with Win7 Home Premium version. I've just uploaded 215d and it installed perfectly, as usual, without a murmur from AVG, which leaves me a bit puzzled, but relieved! Am I living in a charmed parallel universe? Stuart... First time I've ever had a problem with AVG and Templot. The previous version installed fine. This is on a newly installed Win10 Home and AVG Internet Security; newly installed because the PC a few weeks ago ended up stuck in a Repair loop and I couldn't resolve it. Nigel posted: posted: 3 Oct 2017 23:04 from: Tony W Hi Martin. Just downloaded and installed the latest version of TEMPLOT onto my Acer laptop running in Wine under Linux, no problem as usual. Regards Tony. 3 Oct 2017 23:04 from: Tony W Hi Martin. Just downloaded and installed the latest version of TEMPLOT onto my Acer laptop running in Wine under Linux, no problem as usual. Regards Tony ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3091.php
... version 215b now available. posted: 22 Sep 2017 23:14 from: Martin Wynne Dear all, The latest Templot update is now available. Version 215b. Your copy of Templot should update automatically if you restart it and follow the instructions. If you have any problems with that, follow the download links on the web site. This is a maintenance release with only 2 significant changes: 1. the get screenshot map function now also works with the individual NLS "Find by place" map sheets, subject to a few restrictions. All map images are now converted to 24-bit colour depth, removing the alpha channel. This allows much deeper zooming when aligning tracks over them. background> maps menu item. 2. adjacent track centres are now entered in full-size prototype inches instead of model mm. This leads to more friendly numbers, for example 134 inches instead of 44.67mm. Model mm can be entered if preferred by using the S prefix, for example s50 to enter 50mm centres. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3081.php
... .. Attachment: attach_2482_3071_radstock_17_09_01 _1312_55.sk82 291 4 Sep 2017 14:57 from: John Palmer...sk83 file... Attachment: attach_2483_3071_radstock_17_09_01 _1312_55.sk83 340 posted: 4 Sep 2017 14:58 from: John Palmer...and the shapes file Attachment: attach_2484_3071_radstock_17_09_01 _1312_55.bgs 277 posted: 4 Sep 2017 15:07 from: John Palmer Although NLS' range of town plans is concentrating on the West Country, they have not as yet scanned Radstock, unfortunately, so I have had to use the 25" series. There are a few departures from the OS plan, partly because I hae me doots about some of the alignments, but more importantly because I wanted to show the 1936-37 alterations to the layout, primarily affecting the ladder of slips across the yard and the connection into the Up Main. Whilst excluding what I take to be the tramways, I have included the lower end of the Clandown Branch, and the standard gauge incline across the bridge giving access to Tyning colliery and batches. Also shown are the connection towards Ludlows and the British ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3071.php
... -virus/anti-malware called Defender. They are only selling it to make even more money. Defender is more than adequate for peoples needs! I have been using nothing but Defender for years and years and have never been struck down by a virus. The latest version in windows 10 is even better and is always kept up to date, unless you configure windows to ignore the updates. Oh and by the way, I have never had a problem installing or updating Templot, including this update. I think the few people that do have issues have other problems with their PC such as permissions, ant-virus or something else. It has nothing to do with Templot. Nice photos Andy, it takes me back a bit. Oh and by the way, Martin, thanks for this update. Regards David Last edited on 9 Sep 2017 08:29 by DaveJ61 posted: 9 Sep 2017 10:08 from: stuart1600 Martin Wynne wrote: Dear all, In addition to the report here today about installation problems with the latest program ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3075.php
... topic: 3003 NBR special chairs posted: 2 Apr 2017 23:30 from: grahamroberts Out walking today, I came across the remains of a quarry siding off the erstwhile Waverley Route (the modern Border Railway), and was interested to find a few unconventionally-shaped NBR bullhead rail chairs dated 1922, still in place on their sleepers. There were several sleepers' worth of these, in left-hand and right-hand patterns: 62_021819_420000000.jpg 62_021820_190000000.jpg Are these chairs possibly for rail-built buffer-stops? (they were close to the end of the siding). If not, what is the wider base-plate for? regards Graham Roberts posted: 3 Apr 2017 00:14 from: Martin Wynne Hi Graham, My guess (purely a guess) is that they are joint chairs. Allowing the rail to be supported as close to the joint as possible while leaving space for the fishplate. If so, and found near the end of a siding they were probably on a second-hand track panel, where connected ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3003.php
... rail are in one piece. That's not an option on a 2-rail model. By default this increased double-slip clearance is on for 00/EM etc, but off for P4/S7 etc. This can be changed as required. It does of course reduce the slip road radius, which is why it applies only above 1:6.5. None of this is yet released so it is not too late to change it if you have further suggestions, but I'm hoping to get it released in the next few days. My biggest worry is that it will immediately spark calls for tandems, outside slips, scissors crossovers,... regards, Martin. posted: 27 Aug 2017 21:33 from: Martin Wynne FraserSmith wrote: I assume that the different constraints imposed by a 1:5 crossing requiring an outside slip will still mean I have to tackle that manually. HI Fraser, Thanks for your comments, and the link to your most recent message, which I seem to have missed originally. Sorry about that. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3067.php
... for the video, to make the screen clearer to watch.) regards, Martin. posted: 25 Sep 2017 07:26 from: Andrew Duncan Martin Wynne wrote: Andrew Duncan wrote: So when I found that snapping (to the nearest template) wasn't working Hi Andrew, The much better and intended way to use snapping is via the snap functions in each template's menu: regards, Martin. Thanks MartinI've just printed out the pages with all the functions on it to have a go at understanding them and putting a few of them into action. Kind regards Andrew posted: 6 Oct 2017 14:34 from: Richie Kynaston Andrew Duncan wrote: I on the other hand was a bit at a loss without it, as I don't know what the alternative is to make two templates line up correctly! So when it didn't work after pressing the F7 key I wondered if I'd inadvertently changed a setting somehow and went looking for clues. In the end I searched the forum for snapping. Happily I came across Martins thread only the second item ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  73k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3066.php
... settings in the gauge/scale list because there are just too many of them, and it is next to impossible to get definitive details of the track standards used. Always create narrow-gauge as a custom gauge/scale. It's not in the list because you don't actually need it there. Just load a .box file containing a template using it, and copy that template to the control template. A library template is intended for such purposes -- i.e. a place to save any custom settings (not just the few in a custom gauge/scale setting). However, if you do want it to be in the list on a fresh startup, save your program preferences: This is how to start saving your program preferences (old screenshots, sorry): 2_150324_360000000.png 2_150325_200000000.png Be aware that there are only 4 slots for custom settings in the gauge/scale list, so if you create more than that number, they won't all be available in the list. But they will be in your library templates. p.s. the gauge/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3064.php
... at learning it then, but have forgotten 99% of it since! I've now started a new project- ordered the shed, booked a builder to lay the concrete foundation, booked the electrician, and drawn the track plan on the back of an envelope (designed around Peco 0-gauge track. Last night at the club I was told I should be building my own C&L track, so I guess I should be drawing up the plan in Templot as well. If there is anyone who can spare a few minutes give me a nudge into the right menus in those new dark unknown areas that were not even a twinkle in Martin's eye when I first started, I should be most grateful. Firstly I need to draw a 24ft by 13ft rectangle (the shed), followed by a second rectangle 103mm inside the first (the inner wall), then create the continuous running line (c /l 75mm inside the inner wall- works out at about 5ft 11ins radius at the ends, I think), then finally add ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3063.php
... blocks used on the Templot sketchboard. Download from: http://winaero.com So my screens are now back to how they were before, and I'm happy: 2_092331_520000000.png Thanks Sergey. p.s. it will also install the classic version of Paint for you. *not strictly true if I spend 6 months rewriting all the menus as OwnerDraw. Martin. posted: 10 Aug 2017 08:06 from: DaveJ61 Thanks for the info, Martin. I now have Winaero Tweaker installed on my machine and have already changed quite a few annoying windows settings. As time goes on, I use windows less and less due to Microsoft's policies and implementations. I find myself using my linux box where I can configure my machine how I like it. David posted: 10 Aug 2017 09:46 from: Paul Boyd Microsoft's attempts at self destruction have converted me to the Mac. I bought a secondhand Mac Mini cheaply to see how I got on with it, and am converted. One of the first things I got running on it was Templot, of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3060.php
... by posting FBR files only. It's all the more annoying because it works fine in Wine on Linux. Anyone tried it with CrossOver on a Mac instead of Winebottler? cheers, Martin. posted: 17 Nov 2017 18:38 from: Ian Bunch Martin, I can actually access the videos. The BBFlashback player opens from the Help menu. I clicked on the link in the splashscreen 'old video list' That opened the Flashback Connect player (in Chrome) shown in the screenshot. So it does work, just a few more clicks than usual. 1815_171338_100000000.png posted: 17 Nov 2017 18:46 from: Ian Bunch This is after selecting 'watch a video' from the help menu. Templot downloads it and it plays in the micro player. 1815_171345_180000000.png posted: 17 Nov 2017 19:34 from: Martin Wynne Thanks Ian. The first one is the MP4 video on the FlashBackConnect server, viewed in your browser. That should work on all devices, it would be alarming if you couldn't access that. The second one is the FBR video ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3058.php
... because I bought one, though I don't think the one I have covers Exmouth. I' sure that your station should have a bracket on the platform, as does Bournemouth West (which has 3 such brackets), with shunt signals but as there are two possible routes it should have the extra arms. Therefore, I don't think anyone is going to argue with the scheme you have arrived at. posted: 24 Jul 2017 16:34 from: John Palmer Here is my take on the signalling arrangements: 2129_241123_180000000.jpg A few notes: 1. For a terminus, the distants are likely to have been fixed at caution. 2. The Outer Home signals would be positioned at such a distance as to permit station operations to continue notwithstanding acceptance of a train; i.e. at least 440 yards in rear of the Inner Homes. 3. I have included yellow discs, as this seems to have been the practice adopted at Exmouth, which does indeed have a somewhat similar layout. 4. Again following the practice at Exmouth I have not applied ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3050.php
... each of the crossing corners will pass down through the large plated thru co-located holes to be soldered. The 4 smaller holes on the LHS allow my bare wire connections to be made, without any crossing over wires to worry about. The layout of the PCB is such that it can be cut up and used to more easily wire any normal railway single or double crossing or linear set of linked crossings as well as quad one used for the Union. Hopefully, I'll be able to show a running video in a few weeks time. There still needs to be a lot of work with relays as many of the other possible Grand Union routes will require DCC polarity reversals. Andy posted: 20 Nov 2019 21:21 from: Martin Wynne Andy Reichert wrote: Hi Andy, That's very clever! It does look a bit expensive though? But your statement: just for the central crossings alone, there are 16 separate switchable corners has me pondering. On a conventional diamond-crossing, only the two V-crossings need to be switchable ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3559.php
... alternatively if dot-for-dot is ticked the view will zoom in to show one screen pixel for every printer dot. Untick to revert to free zooming. 3. exchange option in the parking bays The parking bays for the control template now have an additional option to exchange the current control template with the one parked there: 2_241046_380000000.png It's helpful to give parked templates a name as a reminder if you park more than one, as above. Click the name... button on the template information panel. Plus a few other minor changes and fixes. This is an Admin topic so can't be replied to here. Comments and feedback welcome at: topic 3506 Martin. Changes in previous versions here: http://85a.co.uk/forum/view_forum.php?id=20 Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Companion> Release notes> changes in version 223d about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3507.php
... pics of the results here. Have fun with your new printer. cheers, Martin. Attachment: attach_2908_3511_tc_3d_0_mf_bs95r _mm.dxf 149 posted: 28 Sep 2019 14:30 from: Tom Allen thanks Martin, p4 is the scale/gauge and code 75 is the rail (c &l). If 2 bolt were more prevalent then i can easily go down that route. posted: 28 Sep 2019 14:31 from: Tom Allen edited. As soon as i get it i'll be experimenting on the chairs so there'll be a few photos appearing. Last edited on 28 Sep 2019 14:35 by Tom Allen posted: 28 Sep 2019 21:31 from: Phil O Hi Tom, If you have a look on page 5 of share and show, you will see photos and footprint drawings of GW special chairs, which may prove useful to you. Sorry I can't give you links. Cheers Phil. posted: 28 Sep 2019 21:32 from: Tom Allen thanks Phil posted: 28 Sep 2019 21:37 from: Tom Allen found ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3511.php
... , and they just can't be relied on to work reliably in every circumstance on every system. You end up with no hair and a computer thrown out of the window. Yes, users can change the Templot install location to their Documents folder if they wish, or any other folder owned by Windows, but if you do that you are on your own if it goes wrong. For backups, simply add C:\TEMPLOT_DEV\, or wherever else you choose to install Templot, to your backup set. Quite a few users now install Templot to a USB memory stick. That way you don't lose it if your hard drive fails, and you can just plug it in on any computer with internet access and carry on where you left off with all your files to hand. Useful if you have occasional access to a system with a larger screen. regards, Martin. posted: 1 Jul 2017 22:44 from: Richard Spratt Unfortunately I've had more USB stick failures than hard disk failures. The last one lost me 2days work. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3042.php
... chair positions for switches and crossings: http://exactoscale.com/track-components/chair-positions/ Click the links below each diagram to download the PDF files. They are vector files and can be zoomed in to reveal the full detail. You can then use them as a reference while constructing pointwok on Templot templates: 2_191943_000000000.png© Exactoscale I'm currently working to add chairing to Templot, at least for the basic turnouts. It's extremely complicated and varies for different prototypes and periods, so it can never be just a few clicks. The chairs also have to re-arrange themselves when timbers are shoved. Here is an idea of how it will look on the trackpad: 2_301200_590000000.png The main reason for doing it is to create files from Templot for home 3D printing, like this: 2_260016_310000003.png 2_220920_110000000.jpg 2_252113_340000000.jpg But there is still a long way to go. At present I'm fully occupied with other more pressing stuff, such as a new file format for the open-source version of Templot. cheers, Martin. posted: 20 Oct 2019 15 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3525.php
... chairs per sleeper= 3242 chairs. BUT, big but, that doesn't include any plain track approach and exit tracks in the turnout templates. The total length of timbering in those above is 68820- 55114= 13706mm. Dividing that by 34mm will overstate the number of timbers because it should include some longer crossing timbers. But those will require extra chairs, so the end result may not be too far out. It all depends on your track design and number and size of turnouts, etc. If there are only a few turnouts, you could perhaps go through the design and split off all approach and exit tracks to get an accurate plain track count. The main intention of the above screen was for those wanting to order rail and timbering strip. No-one has ever asked for a total count of the timbers before -- I will look at adding that in the next program update, and separating sleepers from timbers. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3041.php
... see: topic 1391 regards, Martin. posted: 24 Jun 2017 11:21 from: Martin Wynne p.s. that template wasn't aligned to the turnout on the left. Here is something which may be nearer to what you were looking for. Attachment: attach_2457_3038_richard_bosmellin _curve.box 334 posted: 25 Jun 2017 09:53 from: RichardS Thanks Martin. I'm in good company if Gordon of Eastwood fame has also seen the phenomena. Glad too that it's a known 'system feature.' My PC is quite old now and has a few moments so I expect the processor capability is lacking as you suggest. I've added RAM and minimized all the other demands on the processor but I know it's nearly time for retirement. (Although it should run Win10 it didn't do it very well and I reverted to 8.1 so it's built in obsolescence is starting to kick in) Thanks for attending to that curve. I was trying to even out a change in radius after that turnout where I initially had a join between two templates. I hadn't noticed it wasn't aligned. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3038.php
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