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... topic: 2760 Templot Companion on Google Chrome posted: 19 Oct 2015 19:48 from: Martin Wynne It seems that the Templot Companion web site at: http://templot.com/companion/ cannot be accessed in the Google Chrome browser on Windows 8 and Windows 10. It is fine on Windows 7. Until I can get this fixed, please use Firefox or Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge to access the Templot Companion. You can also access it from within Templot itself. Go to help> experimental Companion formats> EXE menu item. Thanks to Derek for reporting this. regards, Martin. posted: 19 Oct 2015 21:45 from: John Lewis Martin I seem to have got the Templot Companion using both Chrome Version 46.0.2490.71 m and (separately) Opera 32.0 I am using Windows 10 John Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Templot Companion on Google Chrome about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A- ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2760.php
... topic: 3464 Goods loops posted: 30 Jul 2019 09:39 from: KeithArmes A friend is planning on building Grafham station on the MR Kettering- Huntingdon line. The running line is single and the goods loop is also a single line. As a 10ft way is not needed for PW workers safety, would a standard 6ft way have been used. Keith Armes 2116_300438_200000000.png posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:25 from: Ariels Girdle Midland standards were published in an early MRJ. From memory, all goods loops were supposed to be greater than 6ft posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:40 from: Martin Wynne Hi Keith, If it was just a running loop it's more likely to be at 6ft way on a single line. If it was a working part of the goods yard, used for loading vehicles, etc., then it needs to be at 10ft way. Given that there is only one short siding and a large area marked "Goods Yard", that use seems very possible. But that doesn't mean that it complied ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3464.php
... on the other side it would be possible for both side roads to be occupied simultaneously. That isn't possible for a (double) outside slip, like this: double_outslip.jpg regards, Martin. posted: 18 May 2009 08:33 from: philchudley Thanks guys for the very prompt and informative feed back, thanks Martin for the clarification. The photo is exactly what I had in mind althought only a half scissiors version. Will apply the ideas and suggestions and post the results when finished. Cheers Phil posted: 18 May 2009 10:09 from: Alan McMillan Hi Phil I've taken the liberty of tidying up your formation. Hope this works for you. Regards Alan McMillan Attachment: attach_551_819_milton_sidings_tidi ed_up.box 367 posted: 18 May 2009 11:10 from: philchudley Many thanks Alan, much appreciated and the end result looks great! Thanks again posted: 18 May 2009 11:12 from: Alan McMillan You're very welcome Phil, glad to be of help! Alan posted: 18 May 2009 11:49 from: Martin Wynne Swissrail wrote: Hi Phil ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_819.php
... topic: 2770 Problems with updated templot posted: 1 Nov 2015 10:30 from: madscientist Updated yesterday to latest version I run under a Windows 7 parallels box on a Mac I notice two issues I do t think I've seen before 1. Lots of drop down menus have" extra" blank spaces ie a menu item would have 1 blank clickable space above and below. Maybe this is by design 2. The other strange thing, is the right click, menu( IE the one with X& M( make the template etc). Now pops up at the extreme left of the screen, it doesn't seem to be movable. I often have desktop widgets there and the menu appears under everything( that's correct) Can that menu be customised as to where it pops up, on a big 27" mac the menu often ends up miles away from the application window Dave Last edited on 1 Nov 2015 10:32 by madscientist posted: 1 Nov 2015 11:16 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: I notice two issues ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2770.php
... links, F-key chart, etc. Also I want to add more settings into the saved program preferences. In truth I've been putting off doing the help notes for a long time, but there is no choice now. I know I'm the wrong person to write them, but there isn't really anyone else who can. So the next TDV update is unlikely to contain any new features, but will hopefully have a bit more explanation of some of the existing ones. regards, Martin. posted: 7 Oct 2011 10:44 from: Alan McMillan Martin Wynne wrote: With today's TDV update (Build# 4309) I feel that the core functionality in TDV is now complete. Unless you know otherwise? Hi Martin I just thought I'd remind you that we had a conversation on 4th August last year about adding a flatbottom rail foot by changing the rail head size on duplicate templates and making it possible to apply these changes to all templates at once. You replied, "I will add this to the modify on rebuild options in the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1539.php
... topic: 817 template menu posted: 15 May 2009 10:19 from: DANNY POSTHUMUS i cant fin the template menu i used the upgade but i dont know if it did upgrade please help danny posted: 15 May 2009 10:56 from: Martin Wynne DANNY POSTHUMUS wrote: I can't find the template menu. I used the upgrade but I don't know if it did upgrade Hi Danny, Welcome to Templot Club. The template menu is here: menu078a.gif The template menu was called the track menu in version 074b. If you can't see it, you are probably still using version 074b. Details of the version 091c upgrade are at: topic 330 After downloading the 091c upgrade file, you must "Run" or "Open" it on your computer. You should then see a dark blue screen. Just follow the instructions. regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> template menu about Templot Club Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_817.php
... topic: 1531 undo button posted: 10 Jun 2011 15:31 from: richard_t Hi The undo button on the "toolbar" seems to sometimes "stick" in. Although it's not doing undoing it seems a bit odd. Of course not always! Richard Last edited on 10 Jun 2011 15:31 by richard_t posted: 11 Jun 2011 08:43 from: Martin Wynne richard_t wrote: The undo button on the "toolbar" seems to sometimes "stick" in. Although it's not doing undoing it seems a bit odd. Of course not always! Hi Richard, I can't reproduce that here. Can you provide a recipe to make it happen? The undo and re-do tool buttons repeat if held down. But I haven't been able to make them stay down with any combination of right clicks, dragging, keyboard presses or other tricks. regards, Martin. posted: 11 Jun 2011 16:01 from: richard_t Hello I've tried but I'm afraid I can't – I tried with a blank file and created a few ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1531.php
... Working on the outer track I used free position for the turnout but when I came to change its position I could not delete the original position. I have run the tutorial on this and the drop-downs are not on the version 0.74 I am using( since I read it was suggested that this should be used to gain experience before updating). Should I download the update now? Thank you for help. Stuart posted: 25 Nov 2010 22:53 from: Alan Turner Yes Alan posted: 26 Nov 2010 10:32 from: Martin Wynne Templot User wrote: I have drawn both the inner track (3' rad) and the outer track (5' rad) using make double track TS and adjusting the curving. I cannot find a way to work on the outer track without deleting the inner and vice a versa. Is there a way? Hi Stuart, Using version 074b: When you have finished adjusting the current template, click the control> store& background menu item. This stores the template specification in the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1294.php
... the TS side whereas I wanted it on the MS side (I hope I've got these the right way around). I concluded that the notch and maybe also the peg positions were driving this behaviour and by playing around with their positions I finally achieved what I wanted. Surely there must be an easier way of doing this. While the crossover positions were going wrong, I undid (left arrow) the changes and they disappeared. However, when I looked at the storage box list, the same crossover was defined about 10 times!! I deleted the duplicates with the storage box delete button. BTW, the storage box is for "Midland Central" even though I saved it with a different name. Best regards, Terry Attachment: attach_2863_3473_Upwole_2019_08_01 .box 135 posted: 2 Aug 2019 15:25 from: Martin Wynne Terry Schroeyens wrote: I want to experiment further before starting an actual track plan. I prefer to make mistakes on an experimental plan which I can easily throw away. Hi Terry, Welcome to Templot Club. Wow! That's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3473.php
... your computer such as F:\RAILWAYS\MODELS\TEMPLOT\. If after installing you get a message "This program may not have installed correctly" please cancel it and ignore it. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Aug 2011 23:05 from: sm I'm afraid I couldn't get passed the unlock/release code which I didn't write down when I bought Templot posted: 18 Aug 2011 23:16 from: Martin Wynne Hi Stuart, I have sent you an email. regards, Martin. posted: 10 Jun 2014 22:48 from: Simon Dobson Martin I think I did exactly the same when installing Templot on my laptop and on my desktop computers- both are installed in a folder called Templot Dev, which I assume is the default folder created by the installer program. One install, the desktop machine, exhibits the above "cannot close" whereas the laptop seems to close normally. Should I just move it to another folder, or reinstall in a new folder, or? Thanks Simon posted: 10 Jun 2014 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  92k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1589.php
... topic: 3484 Round type of GWR 2 bolt chairs (4 mm scale) posted: 14 Aug 2019 13:30 from: Hayfield During a chat with Phil today he told me he has unearthed some of the earlier GWR rounded 2 bolt chairs that the GWR used on the concrete sleepers (and I guess elsewhere). C&L now sell the squarer type so whilst stocks last there are some available now from C&L. posted: 31 May 2020 10:56 from: Graham Long Hi I am a little confused about the new C&L chairs. The wording on the website description maybe a bit confusing but I read it as, their new 2 bolt chairs were used until 1926 at which time GWR came up with a 3 bolt design for use on concrete pots. The GWR must have continued using 2 bolt as it is my understanding that the two bolt pattern was used into BR days I have read elsewhere that the C&L were an earlier type, pre 1900, and used for 95 pound rail before ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3484.php
... fill it with a crossover, forgetting about the actual shape of what was in that position in the garden. posted: 9 Feb 2009 13:16 from: Nigel Brown Hi Geoff Yes, for simplicity I was assuming you could derive the second track from the first. However, it's only a bit more work (and possibly for accuracy a good idea anyway), to measure the position and angle of each end point of the second track relatives to the corresponding end point of the first track. cheers Nigel posted: 10 Feb 2009 11:47 from: Andy B You could try just 1 or 2 photos that capture the whole formation, then use GIMP (search the forum for Martin's examples of its use) to manipulate the pictures. Should be easy to set the transformation needed, as you can take a few exact measurements to check it. Andy posted: 10 Feb 2009 20:08 from: GeoffB Andy B wrote: You could try just 1 or 2 photos that capture the whole formation, then use GIMP (search the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_723.php
... to have complicated track work to keep to existing space). As Martin says- I cannot understand why people wait until there's a train in the way before taking photos of the track. Below the photo I have a rough Templot outline of what I expected to find and also a small 1920's map extract. Any opinions on this would be appreciated. It's either I find a solution or I take tranquilisers.Derek Attachment: attach_2154_2740_strangetrackbogha llshed.jpg 668 Last edited on 23 Sep 2015 17:34 by DerekStuart posted: 13 Oct 2015 22:10 from: Tony W Hi Derek. The fact that the piece of trackwork is half off the picture does not help with seeing what is there. The road in front of the loco beyond the ground disc has a double bladed trap in it, although only the nearest switch blade is visible, to protect the running line. It would follow that the right hand track would also need the same provision. The switch blade you can see that looks like part of a slip road would be the left blade of another double ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2740.php
... topic: 1659 Printing Query/Error? posted: 21 Oct 2011 10:40 from: Richard_Jones Hi Martin, This well be a "driving error" on my part rather than a flaw... When I changed from "side" run to "end" run to print out some trial templates for Singleton I find I don't get full coverage of the layout, with a significant number of pages absent- any suggestions? many thanks for any suggestions Also, I will need to change my computer in the near future- is it possible to transfer TEMPLOT across to the new machine. best wishes Richard ps the box file is reasonably similar to the one I uploaded. posted: 21 Oct 2011 10:55 from: Martin Wynne Richard_Jones wrote: When I changed from "side" run to "end" run to print out some trial templates for Singleton I find I don't get full coverage of the layout, with a significant number of pages absent- any suggestions? Hi Richard, You can't print more than 33 x 26 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1659.php
... the weekend work tomorrow. Alan posted: 21 Oct 2011 09:26 from: Dr G Alan Gee Tried out the video this morning works perfectly. Then tried to do it again but not using making simple crossover, just using plain track by using make return curve. When I try to expand reverse curve by F3 or F4 the track follow the tangent of the reverse curve and will not join up in a straight line. Why is this and how do I overcome it. Many thanks Alan posted: 21 Oct 2011 10:10 from: Martin Wynne Hi Alan, The return curve template has been set to exactly the correct length, so don't extend or shorten it. Simply do main> store& background to store it as-is. Then click on the the second turnout and delete to the control. Then tools> make double-track TS. Now you can use F4 to shorten/extend the new track to fit. Put the red fixing peg at the opposite end before doing so by clicking the peg indicator (red ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1658.php
... posted: 15 Sep 2010 12:46 from: Judi R Hi Richard, Depends on which era you're modelling. BR practice over the past 30- 40 years or so would be to square the timbers to the main through road and, as Richard has said, put in about half a dozen through timbers under the crossing 19'-6" or 20'-0" long for a standard 6-foot. Unless you're modelling a confined area, your third track would normally be placed further away, 8 to 10 feet from the adjacent track, and the timbering would then "unlace" itself. But... the exception always proves the rule! Judi posted: 15 Sep 2010 14:42 from: RichardTP Hi Thanks for your replies. I am trying to do an LMS 1930's ers layout. Should I square all of the timbers to the main lines? If so is there a tutorial anywhere on how I do this. Thanks Richard posted: posted: 15 Sep 2010 14:50 from: richard_t I can provide ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1246.php
... too. posted: 3 Aug 2015 18:38 from: Paul Boyd I'm afraid I get the same as Dave. I was always under the illusion (delusion) that the web used standard protocols. It seems every company has its own versions of any standards... Apart from this, I have to say that so far I'm quite happy with Edge. It's snappy and does seem to support most things, although the lack of any ad blocking extensions for now is irritating. posted: 3 Aug 2015 19:10 from: Martin Wynne Paul Boyd wrote: I'm afraid I get the same as Dave. I was always under the illusion (delusion) that the web used standard protocols. It seems every company has its own versions of any standards... Hi Paul, Unfortunately "design-mode" (using the browser as an HTML editor) is not well covered in the standards. Templot Club actually has 4 different editors: 1. Enhanced Editor 1 (you can see a 1 showing on the top right of the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2732.php
... I would like it to be proven (without snags) before I do so, and as I am also a newcomer (although I purchased Templot some time ago) I would like the tutorials I wish to view to closely relate to the version I would use. I would be concerned that the tutorials may not relate too closely to the 0.91 version. Would it be possible for you to forward the 0.82.d version as an email attachment for me to download? Thank you in advance. Regards Paul posted: 9 Oct 2011 10:57 from: Geoff Cook The 0.91 version has been in use since July 2007 so its not really new "Geoff Cook Last edited on 9 Oct 2011 10:58 by Geoff Cook posted: 9 Oct 2011 12:45 from: richard_t I think the tutorials relate to version 0.74 more than 0.82 Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> 0.82.d Pug about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1649.php
659. Dock Road
... some curves are a bit sharp in the sidings, but then they were of course. The loco's of the period were of short wheelbase so going to and from the shed (the track plan needs a shed pilot) shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, there it is. All comments/suggestions welcome. Phil Attachment: attach_894_1260_dock_road_1860_ori gi_10_10_01_1344_13.box 324 posted: 3 Oct 2010 18:16 from: phileakins Thanks for looking- I'm attaching a screenshot of the track plan to make things a little clearer. Phil Attachment: attach_903_1260_Dock_Road_03-10-2010_18-08-40.png 581 posted: 7 Oct 2010 12:08 from: phileakins I wonder what it is- I can't seem to stop tinkering with a perfectly workable design. Thank goodness I keep saving it as I can then back-track! However, I have found that If I replace the regular V crossing with a generic one of the same value in the two yard turnouts I can gain several valuable extra inches in the turnout's nominal radius without changing anything else. I've no idea whether it's prototypical ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1260.php
... There is also a mobile App, and a channel on Smart TVs (which I tend to leave running). Here's the link if you would like to submit some of your own images: http://legacy.radioparadise.com/image_upload.php Here's the RP main page: http://www.radioparadise.com/home 1. knightwick_1920_rp.jpg 2. far_forest_1920_rp.jpg 3. dunley_sheep_1920_rp.jpg 4. bredon_bike_1920_rp.jpg 5. vinegar_works_1920_rp.jpg 6. summer_hill_xing_1920_rp.jpg 7. nt_stile_1920_rp.jpg 8. cheveridge_farm_1920_rp.jpg (see also: topic 3228- message 26850) cheers, Martin. posted: 23 Mar 2019 10:10 from: Martin Wynne Just got the email back from Mike at RP -- par for the course, 3 images accepted out of the 8 submitted. Accepted numbers 1, 6, 7. Others declined. It's understandable with hindsight of course. Lots of songs about bridges and walks in the woods. Not so many about old vinegar works. But if you watch RP for long, you can't help noticing a liking for derelict buildings and rusty farm equipment, so worth a try. Compared with some of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3399.php
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