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... 00:11 from: Martin Wynne Simon Dunkley wrote: Does the current version do it independently for K and V crossings? Hi Simon, No. Version 091c supports only regular diamond-crossings -- which means the K-crossing angle is always the same as the V-crossing angle. Irregular diamond-crossings (in which the K- and V-crossing angles differ) are new in TDV. Have you tried wrapping background scans to the control template: 2_191552_300000001.png regards, Martin. posted: 24 Aug 2011 07:12 from: Brian McK Hi, I downloaded Simon's PDF file but when viewed at magnification, linework for rails showed this odd display ?? Brian McK. 414_240209_130000000.gif Simon Dunkley wrote: And finally, for now, a pdf version of the same plan, to 1:16 of the size for S scale. posted: 24 Aug 2011 20:30 from: Simon Dunkley I suspect that's because I produced it at a reduced scale, and magnifying it has brought it home. I can post a pdf that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1595.php
... topic: 1622 Irregular Crossing timbers 2 posted: 10 Sep 2011 22:44 from: Len Cattley I think I have made the best choice of timber places for my Irregular Crossing, I have downloaded a file so you can judge for yourself. Kind regards. Len Cattley Attachment: attach_1175_1622_S7_Tebay_& _Kirkby-Stephen_crossing.box 132 posted: 11 Sep 2011 07:28 from: Raymond Hi Len, I think you will have to go back to the drawing board for that. You have a 7.4 crossing directly conneted to a 4.65 and therefore, no smooth line through the crossing, it needs to be on a curve. Also the 7.4 crossing does not connect to the turnout to the left. Regards Raymond Get yourself turned purple and try it with the new system. posted: 11 Sep 2011 10:44 from: Martin Wynne Raymond wrote: Hi Len, I think you will have to go back to the drawing board for that. Hi Raymond, Len's file is from TDV. You have loaded it into 091c by mistake. Hi ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1622.php
643. RMweb
... of a massive load on the server and the database engine. In many ways RMweb is a victim of its own success -- for the number of users now on there it needs much larger server resources than the voluntary donations could ever provide. Now that RMweb is under the wing of Warner Publications, perhaps they will be investing in additional servers. That doesn't explain the present hacking of course, which can only be due to a security flaw in the software. regards, Martin. posted: 2 May 2012 16:07 from: Martin Wynne For those suffering RMweb withdrawal. Although the RMweb forums are offline, the Modelling Inspiration online magazines are still available, and contain some excellent material and pictures: http://rmweb.co.uk/MI1a.pdf http://rmweb.co.uk/MI2.pdf http://rmweb.co.uk/Mi3.pdf Martin. posted: 3 May 2012 08:48 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: For those suffering RMweb withdrawal. Martin, I don't think I would suffer from that these days. It's much too large to take an ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1929.php
... topic: 1848 Spacing Ring- What should I see? posted: 27 Feb 2012 07:52 from: Jerry This may be a foolish question. I have searched the forum and companion on how to use this, "spacing ring" but.... I cannot get Templot to even show the spacing ring. I can find it in the menus. Could someone please give me a step by step guide? Thank you. Jerry posted: 27 Feb 2012 10:24 from: Martin Wynne Jerry wrote: Could someone please give me a step by step guide? Hi Jerry, No foolish questions. To see the spacing-ring, 1. click the tools> spacing ring menu item: 2_270511_310000000.png 2. the dialog is displayed, and the spacing-ring appears as a double ring, initially located at the grid origin. 3. use the mouse action buttons to move it around, and change its size. 4. click the? help button for a detailed guide to its use. Note that there will be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1848.php
645. Kingsbere
... Arthur. More importantly you also need a Trap point (not a Catch point) in the works siding to prevent wagons rolling out across the main line. Something I normally look for but overlooked as I was more concerned with the timbering. The Omit rails option used to be under Real several versions back, but as Martin has already noted, it is now under the Do menu, it still catches me out occasionally. Tony. Last edited on 25 Jan 2012 23:03 by Tony W posted: 26 Jan 2012 07:52 from: LSWRArt Hi Martin Not a problem. I only thought it might be in Real because that is where you amend check rail dimensions, but I should have checked round some of the other headings. If DO is where all the bits and pieces of the program are filed, I will know to look there next time I cannot find something. Considering I have only been using the program for a little over a month, I am really pleased with what i have been able to achieve. Best wishes ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1797.php
... diamond, you will see what I mean. I know this is not a situation that happens in reality as the axles are restrained by the sideframes, but it illustrates the principle. Switched crossings overcome this situation by removing the gap in the running rail. Tony. posted: 16 Mar 2012 19:01 from: AndyJ Hi Guy's Thank you for all this help.. Its alot clearer now. This is how it looks now then.. Cheers Andy Attachment: attach_1388_1813_Herstmonceux.box 210 Last edited on 16 Mar 2012 19:07 by AndyJ posted: 16 Mar 2012 22:00 from: Tony W Hi Andy. I do believe he's got it. I presume you have decided to leave point 3 as it was. Tony. posted: 16 Mar 2012 22:29 from: AndyJ Hi Tony Point 3 (I think) is the one that you tweeked for me. Its moved slightly and i wanted more of a gap between the branch and the headshunt and the easiest way was to add the straight bit Number 19 between the curved point ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  61k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1813.php
... the map and then insert turnouts into it. With the TDV you can add diamonds where two lengths of plain track cross over one another by making one length of plain track the control template, place the mouse pointer over the other length of plain track left or right click the mouse. Select P peg/ align tools> D make diamond-crossing at intersection. It really does do all the hard work for you. Tony. Last edited on 30 Jan 2012 12:25 by Tony W posted: 30 Jan 2012 07:32 from: Jerry Thanks for the advice Tony. You obviously saw how I struggled to get it to look something like the plan. I don't regard my work as complete yet and will go around again and use your method. When I was a lad, collecting numbers I never realised the extent of the yard, even though our school, which was just to the South, arranged almost annual trips around. Oh that I had paid more attention 50 years ago! Thanks again Tony Parts of Templot Club may ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1814.php
... used 50mm which is a tad too narrow. Also how do you save the, non standard gauge All advice and suggestions would be greatly recieved Thanks John Phil Thanks the 9' switch makes it a bit smaller, but the look is good. John Attachment: attach_1360_1818_0-16.5_turnouts.box 231 posted: 19 Feb 2012 23:29 from: philchudley Hi, Will look at the box file later this week, most likely on Wednesday, and post my findings soon after. All the best Phil posted: 20 Feb 2012 10:07 from: Hayfield Phil Thanks Some how I made the standard sleepers too short@ 31mm, 36mm gives it a better ballance. I think 44mm will be too long. I have just found out Peco teack is 33mm posted: 20 Feb 2012 12:41 from: Martin Wynne Hayfield wrote: I want to use 7mm sleepers with code 75 bullhead rail and chairs to 00-SF gauge The problems I can see are that the sleeper ends are too short, and that as I have selected 0 gauge the rails are ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1818.php
... had an article on Maidenhead with lots of pictures and some plans? The up and down relief lines seem unusually far apart through the station. Indeed there were a couple of signal posts in the "6ft" way between the relief lines. On much of the GWR line out of Paddington the main lines were originally broad gauge and the relief lines were a later addition always standard gauge, but it looks as if the relief lines were originally BG, which may account for the unusual spacing. John posted: 9 Feb 2012 07:49 from: Jerry My thanks to Martin and John. Maidenhead was certainly Broad Guage, as John says there is a fairly accurate history in MRJ No 36. I would only query some of his naming of certain locations, which could only be clear to those born and bred in the town (my Mother). The diagrams in Chris Turmer's article on pp 191-192 and 200-201 seem to be derived from the same OS map; scanning at high resolution and then opening both OS and scan in ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  56k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1821.php
... topic: 1845 Metric Calculator posted: 25 Feb 2012 15:07 from: Phil O Hi Martin Any chance of making the Metric Calculator available to use in the Sketchboard mode as it is a bit of a pain to keep going back to Templot, Tools, ETC. every time I want to check dimensions. Many thanks in advance Phil posted: 25 Feb 2012 16:08 from: Martin Wynne Hi Phil, The metric calculator should remain visible in front of the sketchboard if you don't close it. You can drag it mostly off-screen if it's in the way. If you click the small up-arrow in the top left corner a few times it will scale down to a smaller size and be less obtrusive. However, I have now added a menu item on the sketchboard menus to display it when needed: options> metric/scale calculator menu item. In the next TDV update. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Feb 2012 16:46 from: Phil O Many Thanks Martin. Cheers Phil Parts of Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1845.php
... track templates have a hidden switch -- it would reappear if you inserted a turnout in the template later.) If you want to have a memo note specific to an individual template it's best to add the note after you have stored it. You can click the template and then press K or edit memo notes... on its menu. Or on the storage box select the template and then edit> edit memo notes... menu item. regards, Martin. Last edited on 2 Mar 2012 09:07 by Martin Wynne posted: 2 Mar 2012 12:16 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Many thanks for the response to my query. The whole issue was not really a big deal as it is a simple matter to clear out any unwanted memo notes, it was just a case of not noticing it before, and it made me wonder if there may be something not quite right. However, you have now explained the situation, and I am also now aware of it, so no harm done. BTW ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1855.php
... 4. On its menu which appears on the left, click peg/align tools> make diamond crossing at intersection menu item. 5. Click the green bar continue- make diamond-crossing at notch on the next dialog. 6. You may need to wait a few seconds. 7. F4 to extend the siding again. 8. Store the template. 9. Now you have all the alignments to start splitting out some partial templates and shoving timbers. regards, Martin. posted: 1 Jan 2012 14:07 from: LSWRArt thanks Martin for the two emails I will try this tomorrow, when I have recovered from a rather late New Year's Eve and can concentrate properly. Best wishes Arthur Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Outside slip design about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1756.php
... But I don't think it is that- although it might be something about my computer/system that is introducing a delay- I'm using TDV with Windows 7. I don't recall this ever happening with Templot 91c, though. To be honest I'm more intrigued than inconvenienced by it; and it has caused me to be a bit less hasty and check that the function dialog box has appeared before I actually start to make changes, which is probably not a bad thing. Regards, Stuart posted: 5 Mar 2012 23:07 from: Martin Wynne stuart1600 wrote: I have encountered something which may be similar to what Julia has described. If I select, for example, F4 to change the length of the control template and then move the mouse, sometimes I get drag panning instead, complete with the "compass point" cursor. I have assumed that this is due to some slight delay between hitting F4 key and Templot actually implementing the function, so that the mouse is automatically putting drag panning into effect. Hi Stuart, You must wait ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1859.php
... topic: 1869 Wrong action from menu item posted: 13 Mar 2012 23:07 from: Andrew Fendick Hi Martin, I'm using Templot Dev version 0.98.a; OS is Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64bit; on AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile processor. When working with a turnout template as the control and selecting the menu item Action> mouse actions: control/ geometry> adjust plain track length F4, the F3 (approach length) action is triggered. I can recreate by just starting Templot and using the default turnout control template that is set when you do not reload any previous work. The 'adjust overal turnout length F4' menu item and the 'adjust approach length F3' menu item both work as expected. posted: 14 Mar 2012 00:18 from: Martin Wynne Andrew Fendick wrote: When working with a turnout template as the control and selecting the menu item Action> mouse actions: control/ geometry> adjust plain track length F4, the F3 (approach length) action is triggered. Hi Andrew, Many thanks for finding that. Those ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1869.php
... before finalising the templates. However, like most people I just keep plodding on without paying too much attention to things I do, one might say, automatically, so I cannot be absolutely sure if I have checked any transitions before using the dummy vehicle facility. Like your self Martin, I am beginning to think that something may be slightly off with my system, so as stated above, I will try a re-load of the TDV. All the best, Brian Nicholls. posted: 28 Mar 2012 16:07 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Just a follow up note. I tried the issue again, and when I opened the dummy vehicle menu (as before) I found the vehicle shape was way out to the right any well below the template, so naturally I rotated the vehicle in an anti-clockwise direction (the shortest route back to the template), and low and behold the issue was there, it failed to track the centre line. However, I then rotated the dummy vehicle in a clockwise direction ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1888.php
... start with a 12ft curved 1:6 for the three-throw? And do I have to do anything special at the heel end? Thanks Mike Johnson posted: 28 Mar 2012 16:35 from: Alan Turner To my knowledge Three Throw turnouts were not used in running lines. However the principle is that each pair of switch blades has a long and a short blade. The inner blade is the short blade. You will also need a knuckle in the running rail. Alan posted: 29 Mar 2012 10:07 from: Martin Wynne mike47j wrote: I can follow the tandem turnout for the central frog, but I'm not sure what to do at the toe end. In the image gallery is a drawing of a Great Central three-throw which shows the centre blades are 3ft longer than the outer blades. Hi Mike, I think you mean this Great Eastern 3-throw? 2_280950_180000000.jpg The full-size original scan is easier to read (click the links): http://85a.co.uk/forum/view_gallery_single.php?display ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  36k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1889.php
... push on a new one. One could make the fit of rail in chair a bit looser as per prototype; the easiest way of doing this may be to thin down the profile of the rail slightly. I'd suggest the builder does simple experiment to see if it would work in his case. Nigel, Many thanks for that suggestion. I reckon that would work well- as you have proved. The builder is also a Templot owner so he might even be reading this thread. Jim. posted: 7 Apr 2012 07:43 from: MartynS Hi Nigel and Jim, Yes it is me ,with reference to the idea above my thoughts were similar but to use a cast chair with a hole drilled under the chair and then to locate on to a spigot drilled into the sleeper or to drill and solder a piece of 0.7mm nickel silver rod under the chair and then a locating hole in the sleeper. Hope this makes sense Martyn. posted: 10 Apr 2012 14:58 from: Stephen Freeman Interestingly enough I have just built one ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  32k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1900.php
... topic: 1917 Help needed with Tandem posted: 10 Apr 2012 07:50 from: its_all_downhill Hi all, I have been happily using Templot for some time now and have managed to become relatively proficient with it at least to my needs, but I still have one stumbling block that has gotten the better of me at every attempt! Tandems.... So this Easter weekend I set out to overcome this problem. Setting up 2 laptops so that I could view on one and do on the other, following the tandem video that Martin created. I even wrote out the steps from the video so that I could see each command before using it. I have attached my box file for your perusal and have managed to get as far as placing the third crossing on the the k crossing. Please excuse the ignorance of technical terminology as I have so far happily used Templot in blissful prototypical ignorance. Couple of points that may help me to understand the makeup of the tandem is.. is the creation of the 3rd x-ing ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1917.php
... 48 from: Tony W Katier wrote: I've attached the troublesome box file. If someone can help would be appreciated. Hi Katier. With those crossing angles you will not get a tandem turnout to work. There are a number of restrictions about combining turnouts in this way. I have altered the turnouts in the station approach tandem to arrive at something more feasable but am still pushing it with the middle crossing. This will give you a bit more length than the original design you posted. The goods yard point (the pink one) I have left as a three throw for the moment. Although appropriate in a goods yard, they can be difficult to construct and operate and if you do not fancy the challenge there may be an alternative of making the turnout before the three throw a tandem instead. I have only done them in rough for the moment, it is not worth sorting out the timbering etc until the design is finalised, I have learned that the hard way. Anyway, see what you think. Tony. Attachment: attach_1343_1785_emmyton_12_01_29 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1785.php
... Can I also clarify something on 31.5mm 0-MF. Am I correct in thinking that the gap at the common crossing and at the wing rails are reduced to 1.5mm, as well as the gap for the check rails? If so, I guess this means that you cannot buy a point kit or a pre-made common crossing, which I had thought of buying to help me make my first point. Best wishes to Martin and to all at Templot for the New Year Arthur posted: 31 Dec 2011 13:07 from: alan@york For some, steel looks better, as NS has a yellow tinge. There is also the matter of the layout's environment: steel can rust. Some say that steel is easier to solder,(and needs more careful cleaning afterwards to eliminate flux residues). Rail cleanliness also depends upon the environment, and I also wonder if DCC is better than DC? See discussion here: topic 321 So, there may be personal considerations. Apart from cost. alan@york posted: 31 Dec ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1755.php
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