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... length, say about 500mm. That output size setting changes both the width and length. To change the length and width independently, if you are feeling brave you may like to experiment with the data distortions. These are legacy functions from the early days of Templot -- I haven't looked at them for years, and I imagine few others have done so. If you make any settings you must reload your .box file afterwards. Also the grid is not distorted, so if you want that printed correctly you would have to adjust the grid spacings accordingly and ignore the grid labels. Click main> program panel menu item, then program> expert> data distortions> menu items. The help notes are about 15 years old, so bear that in mind when reading them. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Jan 2012 12:14 from: Dr G Alan Gee Thanks Martin, However were do I find the output command on version 91c posted: 27 Jan 2012 12:29 from: Martin Wynne Dr G Alan Gee wrote: Thanks Martin ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1808.php
... topic: 1677 Continuous check rails posted: 4 Nov 2011 13:26 from: Raymond I thought this might be useful for any one who has not yet figured it out for themselves yet. I needed several continuous check rails on sharply curved sidings and this method produces them at the correct spacing using the new module for adjusting check rails. Having already made the curved road, save it and then make a copy. Go to Template and 'Insert turnout into plain track'. Go to Geometry and use 'No track centre lines' Go to Do and click 'Switch drive mark' to delete the switch. Now delete all the rails except the check rain on the inside curve. Go to Real, 'Adjust check rails' and lengthen both ends to the full length of the curved track. Result, a properly spaced check rail with bent ends. Simples! Regards Raymond Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Development doings- archive> Continuous check rails ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1677.php
... from: Gordon S Thank you so much.... Attachment: attach_1221_1669_11- _ET- _Through_station- _29_- _New_shed.box 180 posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:28 from: Martin Wynne Here you go Gordon: 2_290619_010000000.png You can change the platform colour (before going to the sketchboard) at output> output drawing options> platform colour... menu items. These are not saved in the .box file, but will be part of the program preferences when I get them finished. You can adjust the platforms at real> platforms... menu item (for the control template). .box file attached. Hope this is ok, let me know if not. regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_1222_1669_eastwood_town_tri als_2011_10_29_1109_58.box 194 posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:50 from: Gordon S Thanks so much. I'll play around now and see how it all looks once I get the few additional sidings sorted. posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:58 from: Martin Wynne As this is the "Templot talk" forum, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1669.php
... posted: 16 Oct 2011 22:36 from: Martin Wynne Good news. Jim has pulled out all the stops on a Sunday afternoon: OK pipe size will be increased at the latest tomorrow during the day. This will cure all current speed problems. regards, Martin. posted: 18 Oct 2011 10:38 from: Martin Wynne Jim installed a much larger pipe yesterday. That's the internet link between his servers and the outside world. But it's a big extra investment for him, so we are expecting some "adjustments" to the hosting fees when they come up for renewal. The result is that most users in the world should be seeing a big improvement today in response times to Templot Club. Unfortunately some users in the UK, including me, and possibly others elsewhere, are seeing that occasionally a page takes a very long time to load. As far as I can trace, this is being caused by errors on an internet link between Colorado and Ohio. There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it, other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1655.php
... topic: 1654 Couple of TDV issues posted: 14 Oct 2011 14:09 from: bainin Hi Martin, I'm enjoying most of my experience so far with the latest TDV. I'm working with 9mm gauge tram track, so I particularly like the interactive check rail adjustments, which help me to simulate quite a lot of girder rails in turnouts. But I have had intermittent problems clicking on the TSnn/MSnn labels. Just doesn't seem to work sometimes, although I cannot figure out any particular set of circumstances that causes problems. One other issue: Templot won't quit for me! I have to end the process in task manager. Neither issue is critical. And one question: Is there a way of deleting custom switches (something that's also very useful in simulating tram track)? System is XP SP2. Regards, Mike posted: 14 Oct 2011 14:52 from: Martin Wynne bainin wrote: But I have had intermittent problems clicking on the TSnn/MSnn labels. Just doesn't seem to work sometimes, although I cannot figure out ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1654.php
... topic: 1648 Couple of TDV issues posted: 8 Oct 2011 16:19 from: bainin NOW POSTED (CORRECTLY, I HOPE) IN DEVELOPMENT DOINGS Hi Martin, I'm enjoying most of my experience so far with the latest TDV. I'm working with 9mm gauge tram track, so I particularly like the interactive check rail adjustments, which help me to simulate quite a lot of girder rails in turnouts. But I have had intermittent problems clicking on the TSnn/MSnn labels. Just doesn't seem to work sometimes, although I cannot figure out any particular set of circumstances that causes problems. One other issue: Templot won't quit for me! I have to end the process in task manager. Neither issue is critical. And one question: Is there a way of deleting custom switches (something that's also very useful in simulating tram track)? System is XP SP2. Regards, Mike Last edited on 14 Oct 2011 14:11 by bainin posted: 14 Oct 2011 15:01 from: Martin Wynne Hi Mike, Sorry I missed this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  13k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1648.php
667. PDF MAP
... Hi all. I went through a similar exercise recently when I was sent a pair of scanned maps in PDF format. The trackwork ran diagonally across the pair and I used the method Martin suggested of using the PrtScn (print screen key) and pasting it into Paint (still using windows XP) and saving as BMP files. The real fun then began when I discovered that the two maps were scanned at different scales and the ratio was not even two to one, but somewhere in between. The first shape can be adjusted to fit by juggling the scaleing factor in the loading process.This was when I discovered how useful the "Scale" button in the "Mouse action" section of the Background shapes window was, as by experimentation I was able to find the correct percentage needed to change the second map to the correct size required and then resave it. I post this note in case someone else encounters similar problems. Tony W. Last edited on 19 Sep 2011 23:34 by Tony W posted: 20 Sep 2011 10:24 from ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1636.php
... is important that the paper size is set correctly. This paper is more commonly available in US Letter size (11in x 8.5in) than A4. Because of the effects of the printer calibration, and manufacturing tolerances on the paper size, it is unlikely that the printed page alignment marks will exactly coincide with the folds in Z-fold paper. This does not affect the accuracy of the printed templates. If you are using Z-fold computer listing paper as banner paper, you can prevent printing through the sprocket holes by adjusting the trim margins. Click the PRINT> TRIM MARGINS>? TRIM MARGINS HELP menu item for more information. For continuous banner printing an accurate printer calibration is especially important to maintain accuracy over long print runs. Remember to do a separate calibration for the banner paper which you are using. For more information click the PRINT> PRINTER CALIBRATION> CALIBRATE PRINTER... menu item. When printing on single sheets of paper Templot ignores any empty (blank) pages and prints only the pages of your drawing which actually contain ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1628.php
669. New User
... the Geometry button and select straight although this method will work just as well with curved track. In the ZOOM/PAD window at the top right of the screen left click the- button and the screen should zoom out one step. Left click the Real drop down menu at the top and go down to Timbering and left click the Square-on (to main road) option. The next trick is to extend the exit track. Left click the Action drop down menu and go down to Mouse actions geometry then choose Adjust overall turnout length F4( short cut key of which more anon) Note the mouse action box appears and the pointer changes to a triangular target mark, move this to the left side of the screen and left click the mouse, note that it changes to a double ended arrow. Now see what happens when you move the mouse! Continue moving the mouse to the right until the figure in the Mouse action window gets to about 600mm. Left click again and the pointer will change back to the triangle. The length ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1627.php
670. TDV
... the S7 pre-set -- 78.17mm real> V-crossing options> curviform V-crossing real> V-crossing options> V-crossing angle... set it to 8.75 tools> make ladder crossover> make curviform ladder tools> make branch track Remove the underlying conflicting templates and re-connect to the diamond. You will probably want to shorten the first half-diamond (F4). In practice a C-9 might be more likely for the top turnout, but that would require some further adjustments to the turnout positions (CTRL-F6). regards, Martin. posted: 27 Aug 2011 22:36 from: Len Cattley Hi Martin I did this and it worked, but I don't know how to do the timbers. I've enclosed the new file. Regards Len Attachment: attach_1159_1597_S7_Tebay_& _Kirkby-Stephen_crossing.box 204 Last edited on 30 Aug 2011 00:32 by Len Cattley Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  16k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1597.php
... SF. Hi Charles, It is not possible to fit a reverse loop in 1000mm x 1000mm in 00 gauge. Well it is, but the radius is silly -- 280mm (11") radius: 2_200628_320000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 20 Aug 2011 16:26 from: Charles Orr Hi Martin Many thanks for that. I thought that might be the case I can make more space available lengthwise. Can you tell me how you produced the previous formation? That is what I was trying to do and then adjust it until I had a sensible radius. (I have managed to successfully produce the scenic part of the layout) regards Charles posted: 20 Aug 2011 16:59 from: Martin Wynne Charles Orr wrote: I can make more space available lengthwise. Hi Charles, Are you still restricted to 1000mm clear width? In that case the maximum radius which will fit will be about 470mm (18.5") which is still very tight for 00, but just about doable. In 00-SF you will need some gauge ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1591.php
... : 15 Jul 2011 11:23 from: Stephen Freeman I would hope that they should be arriving any time soon if not already. Anyway, I have found that when fitting in a conventional method, it is easier to bend a little loop in the wire to solder to the pointblade, don't worry if you don't get it quite right first time as not being brass it is unlikely to break and can be easily replaced anyway. If the gauging is not quite to your liking simply unsolder one wire from the centre, adjust and re-solder. Likewise if the wire should become unsoldered, just solder it to the rail first and then the centre. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> New Tiebar Design about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1557.php
673. Ceeton 2
... you might be right it's insufficient.. open to suggestions without crowding it too much. posted: 7 Jul 2011 11:40 from: Nigel Brown I realised the long loop could be used like that, after my previous posting! Should be fine. Nigel posted: 14 Jul 2011 11:09 from: Katier Coming close to starting to build this monster, hoping to do all the pointwork myself so I've done a couple of tweaks. Wasn't happy with the mainline heading 'south' so I've straightened it a bit, adjusted the branchline and removed the Double slip. It's now two points end to end and I also as a result tweaked the MPD. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Share and show> Ceeton 2 about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to top of page Please ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1555.php
... time! is that outside slip a #4 or #6? as I really don't want to disturb the existing track on the section from 3 foot to 7 foot on the plan Hi Ian, I did it quickly in TDV -- it's an irregular diamond left to right: 4.59 5.02 5.6 The lower turnout is 1:6 with a 12ft switch. I intended it only to convey the idea -- were you to actually go with such a plan it would need to be re-done more carefully, and adjusted for the optimum fit at the board joint. regards, Martin. posted: 4 Jan 2012 10:17 from: RedgateModels Show off TBH I think I'm pretty happy with the double slip and GWR 9ft heel- 6. Current stock will fit and I always have scope to expand the layout by a few feet should I ever have the need to run a 9F into the station. Good fun this layout design- Summat Colliery was already done for me in Peco code 75 so I didn't have all these things to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1762.php
... these are 1:6 slips. This has caused the switches to be unnecessarily too far from the V-crossings. If you use the slip switches intended for 1:6 slips (A -type) you will get an easier radius in the slip roads, and less conflict with the K-crossing check rails. 1:6 slips are always a problem in this regard for 00 gauge. For more about this, see: topic 324 Note that since that was written, in TDV it is much easier to adjust the K-crossing check rails, now by mouse action. The timbers in diamond-crossings and slips are almost always equalized (skewed) as drawn. It is difficult to arrange the K-crossing chairs if timbers are square-on. regards, Martin. posted: 15 Feb 2012 06:36 from: alangdance Thanks for the reply Martin. These these were ment tobe 1:8 slips. Will redo again tonight. Any info on the the timbers. Alan posted: 15 Feb 2012 06:38 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1830.php
... is intended to create a guide line for cutting open-top baseboards, rather than anything based on the prototype. A proper function for this needs a lot of work on the generator. A full implementation requires 4 additional lines on each side of the track -- top of ballast shoulder, bottom of ballast shoulder, edge of formation, outer edge of drain/cess. And a 5th if you add the boundary fence. However, a short-term fix would be to make the width of the trackbed edge line adjustable to represent the cess. At present it is a bold marker line created by two lines half a rail-width apart. I can add an option to make it say 10mm wide instead to represent the cess, with a hatched infill to save ink. I will look at doing that for the next update, which I'm hoping to have ready in the next few days. For a typical single track railway, the formation would be 15ft wide between each cess, the cess/drain being 2ft-6in wide on ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2083.php
... didn't provide any dimensions, but I believe the 25" map has been scanned at 1440dpi and I used that size: 2_111939_260000000.png 2_111939_270000001.png The best fit I could find was to to take the centre road as the main road on a constant 5754mm radius. The turnouts are then C-10 LH and C-9.5 RH. These sizes put the switch tips and V-crossings on the marked locations. The middle V-crossing came out at 1:7.12 LH. The wing rail on one side needed a bit of adjustment to clear the running rail adequately. I have attached the BOX and BGS files below. I have not done any partial templates or timbering -- over to you, or some other kind soul on here. The BMP file which you posted was a 1-bit scan, which is a problem in the current TDV update -- you may see it with a solid colour background. I have converted it to 8-bit PNG format, and attached it below. I recommend that you reload that file into your ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1919.php
... , At present they can be removed by deselecting them in the generator and then doing a rebuild. I will look to include them in the output options, but I'm wondering why you want to do that? It's useful to know where each radius section begins and ends when building the track. Secondly, when adding a platform to the turnout side of a parallel crossing, would it be possible for it to follow the turnout road rather than the turnout side of the main route? That's a tricky one, because if I adjust it to follow the loop track it will be wrong for any approach track on the same template. The platform edge can only parallel the main road, it can't follow the turnout road. What you can do is manually change the front edge spacing accordingly. Increase it by the current track spacing, which by default for 6ft way is 11ft-2in= 134". Templot will even do the arithmetic for you, just enter #134 to increase the existing dimension showing, which by default is 28.75", and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2082.php
... make diamond-crossing menu item. If the angles differ, the result will be an irregular diamond crossing. If the angles are the same, the result will be a regular diamond-crossing. Method 2. Start with a turnout having a curviform V-crossing. Click the tools> make ladder crossover> make curviform ladder menu item. Click it again a few more times. The above two methods can cope with having a transition curve in the main road, although you will probably need to follow up with some adjustments to the transition zone to get the desired result. Method 3. Start with two lengths of curved plain track crossing over each other, or one curved and one straight length. One should be a background template and the other the control template. Click on the background template. On its menu, click peg/align tools> make diamond-crossing at intersection menu item. Follow the instructions and wait a moment while Templot does the calculations. You will then need to split the underlying original background template and shorten each ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2080.php
... asymmetrical Y point? I would like to place a Y point in a 54 inch radius curve, where the right hand leg would be the running line with has a 54 inch radius and then the left leg would branch off, with a 60 inch radius. Hi Kim, Is this quick dabble something like what you are looking for? 2_261627_450000000.png What you do is set the 54" main road curving (negative for a Y-effect -- contraflexure), and set a curviform type of V-crossing. Then adjust the V-crossing angle (F9 mouse action) until you hit the desired resultant turnout radius (60" is 1524mm as shown). This is using a 1:24 switch and ideally you need a custom switch here a bit shorter, say 1:18 or 1:20. Probably you also want equalized timbering. regards, Martin. posted: 26 Sep 2012 22:39 from: kimstation Hi Martin, This looks just what I was looking for. Thank you. Kim Parts of Templot Club may ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2063.php
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