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... doesn't get used on Templot Club again this year...unless you manage to slot it in of course. You are of course correct about the practice and yes the materials are cheap. I have done C&L style wood sleepers and chairs in 7mm( even though I cheated and got ready-assembled crossings) and found it fine. Tried it in 4mm and it just seemed beyond my patience level, too many chairs with fingers struggling to thread them all on the rails. The original layout I was to build a few weeks back was based mainly round a harbour and industrial branch so the lack of chairs didn't matter. Only problem is every time I read a railway mag my ideas change and the layout plan becomes something else. Thank heavens for Ebay. Thanks to you both. I... I must... I must practice... I must practice doing... I must practice doing my... I must practice doing my turnouts... I must practice doing my turnouts in... ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1383.php
702. frog wing
... 14 from: traindriverluke hi all Im new to templot (0.91.c). I model in N scale and Ive been making up some turnout templates for my layout which is based on bendigo in victoria, Australia. We use a frog angle of 1.52. I have two questions 1. Could some one tell me how to make the frog wing go straight at the end instead of flaring out to the side. I'll attach a file of it. 2. Ive been playing around with double slips. I noticed it takes a few templates on top of each other to make it. Once done is there away to make it one whole templete. There are many in the yard and would save a huge amout of time. Thanks for your help luke Attachment: attach_998_1395_vr_turnouts.box 180 posted: 1 Mar 2011 00:40 from: Martin Wynne traindriverluke wrote: 1. Could some one tell me how to make the frog wing go straight at the end instead of flaring out to the side. I'll attach a file of it. Hi Luke, Welcome to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1395.php
... topic: 1405 building order for double slip? posted: 6 Mar 2011 10:31 from: Nick R I've built a few turnouts before but the most complex to date was a Barry slip. I've now started on a double slip (or double compound in GWR speak) and have the outer slip rails and vees in place. My question is, where do I go from here? With a simple turnout the order of construction is fairly obvious and I would continue in a way that allows me to gauge each new added rail from those already in place. Maybe I can't see the obvious, but it's not clear to me what the best order of assembly is to ensure that I can always gauge new rails from existing ones. What's your recommended order for building one of these? Nick posted: 6 Mar 2011 11:24 from: Paul Boyd Hi Nick If you have a look at my website at http://www.paul-boyd.me.uk then go to the "Rural Railfreight" page, you'll see a photo sequence of a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  31k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1405.php
... topic: 1408 Windows menu icons posted: 7 Mar 2011 13:54 from: Martin Wynne I've always assumed this is bog-standard Windows knowledge, but I have had to explain it a few times recently. It is quite important to know this stuff, to make sense of the menus in Templot: 2_070826_160000000.png A round bullet mark on a menu item means that it is part of a radio group of menu items, where selecting one item de-selects all the other items. Only one item in the group can be selected at any one time. This is called a "radio" item, from old-style car radios where pressing one button in caused all the other buttons to pop back out. To turn off one of the items in a radio group you must click one of the other items in the group. Repeated clicking on an already bulleted item won't do anything. The groups of items are separated by horizontal lines in the menu. On the other hand, a tick mark on a menu item means that it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1408.php
... posted: 8 Mar 2011 12:04 from: Martin Wynne Hi Peter, Please upgrade to a later version than 074b before attempting to follow the videos. This note appears on the video list page: red_pointer.gif These videos are for Templot versions 078e or 082d. If you are using 074b, please upgrade before attempting to follow the video: upgrade info. I'm sorry that note is now a little now out of date. The latest version of Templot is 091c, which incorporates all previous features. It does however include a few changes in terminology. If you want to follow the videos exactly, I suggest installing version 082d temporarily. Download 082d from: http://www.templot.com/tug/templot_pug_082d_setup.exe You can download as many different versions of Templot as you wish, and use whichever you prefer at any time. You can either rename the TemplotZero.exe program file accordingly (e.g. TemplotZero82d.exe) or save each version of TemplotZero.exe in its own folder (e.g. C:\TEMPLOT082D\). But please don't save Templot in the Windows \Program ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1409.php
... shop.browse&category_id=289&Itemid=9> posted: 22 Mar 2011 22:59 from: Rob Manchester Thanks Mike and John for the suggestions. I have used Bill Bedford springing units in 4mm and thought the brass was very thin and flimsy. I haven't handled any of his 7mm items. Like many of us cost is an issue with the items and adding £7 to the cost of each wagon( plus maybe springs/axleboxes if the originals aren't used) is a lot when I maybe doing quite a few. I have talked with Bill at WEP models today and he sent me dimensional info on the ones he does. the size seem to match exactly with Slaters wagon kits and are also fine for Parkside with a little packing. They are inside bearing types which means the w-irons/springs/etc are built up as normal. It also means painting can be carried out before the wheels are fitted. They are £3 per wagon plus postage which is better for me. Thanks again. Rob posted: 23 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1430.php
... Wynne Gordon S wrote: Is there a way of adding the radial lines to make accurate segments? Hi Gordon, Use the drawing pen attached to the spacing-ring tool. This creates lines in your background shapes. 1. Put notch at one end of line. 2. Jump the spacing-ring to the notch. 3. Move/draw the pen to the spacing-ring. I've quickly made a bit of Jing video -- sorry it's so scruffy, ignore the mistake in the middle. Allow a few seconds to download. Zoom in closer when you try it, so that you can actually see the notch and the ring. regards, Martin. posted: 9 Feb 2011 13:26 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Gordon, If you need longer lines extending beyond the track ends, make double-track outside your curve. Draw to that template, then delete it. There are other ways of doing the same thing. For example you could peg dummy centre-line-only straight templates at each end of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1366.php
... : It keeps going back to A4 even after I change the paper size with a uncalibrated pdf generator !! !! !! Hi Stephen, Are you perhaps changing the paper size before changing to the PDF printer? That won't work reliably in any software in Windows -- you must always select the printer first before making any other settings. I've made a bit of screenshot video, showing the click sequence which I used to create large-format PDFs. What are you seeing or doing which is different? Allow a few seconds for the video to download. If you stop the playback you can drag the slider to find specific screenshots. regards, Martin. posted: 23 Mar 2011 07:23 from: Stephen Freeman No still doesn't work. However it does now !!! I had to go into advanced settings in properties for Win2PDF to reset the default paper size. Last edited on 23 Mar 2011 07:25 by Stephen Freeman posted: 23 Mar 2011 07:46 from: Martin Wynne Borg-Rail wrote: No still ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  38k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1431.php
... modellers even go to the length of filing a nick in the wing rail in order to bend a sharp angle at the knuckle, which looks awful and is entirely unnecessary, and looks nothing like the picture above. ** Well worth replicating in he model, for much smoother running. Here I have added the gauge lines in yellow, and you can see that the vee nose is blunted back from the gauge intersection (fine point, FP), and taken down below the level of the wing rails. Only a few thou is necessary in the model to reproduce this, but it can make a big difference in the running quality: 2_270449_340000000.jpg regards, Martin. posted: 6 Apr 2011 00:01 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Thanks for the reply and the pictures. I am making sure that my vees are blunt enough and drop down slightly below wing rail level to give the wheels a smoother ride. BTW I stopped off at the SVR on the way back from taking the mother-in-law to lunch the other ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  18k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1444.php
... timbers function offers to restore normal settings if the control template is currently set for no timbering. But this does not work if the control template is a half-diamond. The workaround is to click the real> timbering> equalized-constant menu item yourself. (This is the only timbering style available for half-diamond templates.) Note that the omit all button on the shove timbers dialog should not be used to omit all the timbers. It is intended to be used only as a precursor to restoring just a few of them -- i.e. a quicker method than individually omitting the majority of timbers. To remove all the timbers from a template, click the real> timbering> no timbering menu item. Note that these timber style settings are radio group items in the menu. If you don't know what that means, please see: message 8805 (I'm going to have to include the above line in a lot of the help notes -- what I had always assumed to be common Windows knowledge has turned out not to be ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1450.php
... more important for traffic running in a facing direction, so the working length of a check rail is normally much longer than the extension length (see diagram). If a very short check rail is necessary, the working length should have priority in the design. The length of flared end on a check rail is governed by the line speed. High speeds require a longer and easier flare to avoid shock as the wheel makes contact. In yards and sidings the bent flare can be quite short if necessary, maybe just a few inches beyond the last plain check chair. For running line bullhead track with bent flares, the check flare length is largely determined by the available left and right special angled check-end chairs. This is one reason why modern flat-bottom track uses machined flares instead of bent, so that the flare length and angle can be set to match the line speed. regards, Martin. posted: 26 Apr 2011 00:04 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Many thanks again for the most detailed explanation to my ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1465.php
... topic: 1473 Printing Background shapes posted: 3 May 2011 00:36 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Having a few problems printing a background shape along with my trackplans. I did a drawing of a room with walls and the like and scanned it into the PC. I can put the drawing into Templot OK and it shows on the pad as expected. I can't however get it to print correctly( or at all!). On a Canon IX5000 inkjet I get an entirely black shape( therefore not being able to see the trackplan) where the background shape is when printing with the 'Print Pictures( Stretch)' option ticked- expensive on ink with A3! If I go for the 'Outlines Only' option I just get two diagonal lines from corners to corners where the shape should be- I can however see the trackplan. On a HP Laserjet P2055 I get no background shape printed with any option. The trackplan is OK. Bear in mind that I am printing with 'Advanced Printing Features' and 'Print Optimizations' both ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1473.php
... at least, they couldn't at the time when I was writing the code originally for Windows 95. To match the label orientation on the screen, the text must run vertically relative to the top and bottom of the printed page. Bearing in mind that the templates are construction aids rather than works of art, I reckoned that it didn't really matter how the labels appeared, provided the information gets printed on the page. Perhaps it does matter? If the label shapes are being obscured, you can click bat name label a few times until they are clear of the template before making the label shape, allowing for the anticlockwise rotation. I will look again at this, but other things should probably have priority. Thanks for reminding me about it. regards, Martin. posted: 8 May 2011 21:33 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin Thanks for the explanation- that all makes sense! I wasn't sure if there was something I was missing. It was as construction aids that I was using them, and now I know the limitations it's ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1476.php
... Thanks for the explanation. I probably left-clicked, didn't get the menu, so just right-clicked instead. I agree with everybody. Very little advantage in practice and potential for confusion. Cheers Nigel posted: 8 Aug 2012 12:01 from: Andy Vines I am obviously in the minority, but I like Quick mode for quick editing of lengths and curves etc. when designing up a 'quick' layout, I still use Normal mode to start with but once I have the basics and want to try a few 'quick' changes I change to quick mode, so maybe it could be left in but called quick edit or something. The ability to just quickly click on individual templates and quickly extend or curve them makes it easier for me to play around with plan before finalising it in normal mode. posted: 9 Aug 2012 11:36 from: Martin Wynne Andy Vines wrote: The ability to just quickly click on individual templates and quickly extend or curve them makes it easier for me to play around with plan before finalising it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  117k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1490.php
... options> wide centre-lines only menu item. To match existing terminology that should perhaps be "very thick" rather than "wide", as elsewhere line width is always referred to as line thickness. It's always the words which trip me up. regards, Martin. posted: 19 May 2011 21:59 from: Paul Boyd Hi Martin That all makes sense! I'll have another play later. Cheers posted: 3 Jun 2011 21:35 from: Martin Wynne For the next TDV update I have made a few changes to the print pages dialog: 2_031623_210000000.png 1. There are option buttons to change the output mode on the print pages dialog in addition to the settings on the output menu. This makes it possible to swap modes between one page and the next, should anyone want to do such a thing. Mainly it is so that you can change the mode before printing if you have forgotten to do so. 2. As a reminder of the mode in force, a splash panel now appears on the print preview screen. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1493.php
... for something, the more places it is located the more chance you have of finding it. I agree that if you know the program inside-out, things need only to be in one place. But not many users are in that happy position, and even if they are it's often handy to have several different ways of getting to where you want to be. It's not necessary to memorize all of them if you don't want to. So this is one change I won't be making. I may even add a few more! regards, Martin. posted: 31 May 2011 23:53 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, I decided late this evening to have ago at Sketchboard, first let me say, I did read your notes "Templot Development Version -- please read this first", and noted that Sketchboard was deemed as "barely yet usable", but thought I would give it a go anyway. Now I had the copy of my New Street layout on the workpad in Templot, I then called in Sketchboard by ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  44k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1492.php
... suspect it's unintended in many cases. More on this subject at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templot/message/773 regards, Martin. posted: 15 Feb 2011 12:25 from: Martin Wynne Hi Brian, See this topic: topic 812- message 4872 Do you have the NERA reprint of the LNER 1926 track standards book? It includes several drawings showing timbering layout for crossovers, etc. There were significant differences in timbering practices between companies. The LNER drawings in the above book show only a few long timbers under crossovers. The GWR drawings for "blocked crossing work" show a much greater use of long timbers and heavier timbering layout generally -- see the drawings in David Smith's book. There is also the consideration of timbering style -- whether timbers are "square-on" or skewed (" equalized"). The latter generally allows fewer long timbers to be needed. See this message for more detailed notes about this subject: message 2272 Often in a case such as Len's the most likely arrangement is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1370.php
... job become possible. Naturally, anyone wanting to innovate has to jump through all sorts of hoops to demonstrate that what they propose is at least as strong and safe and, hopefully, long-lasting as existing accepted best practice, but it has led to some worthwhile new products and methods being introduced on the Brave New Railway. Judi Ah, so that's how the cracked rail fiasco came about, years of experience thrown in the bin for the sake expediency! I don't know if that's true (it would certainly explain a few things), but I certainly saw this in the automotive industry. In one case it brought a luxury car maker to it's knees- a mistake was made by an automotive engineer, who didn't have a full understanding of hydraulics, that persisted for about two years until a real hydraulic engineer took about 10 mins to spot the problem. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Trackbuilding topics> Concrete Sleeper Spacing about Templot Club ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1357.php
... topic: 1203 Transition curves posted: 15 Aug 2010 12:42 from: Judi R Hi, I've been trying to get my head around Templot for the past few days and scored a major victory today when I finally cottoned on to how to re-select a template previously placed onto the background without getting a duplicate on top. I have the disadvantage of having used AutoCad and similar packages beforehand, even though it was a long time ago. Now I'm trying to get to grips with transitions. I've managed to create a transition curve from a straight to a circular curve, although the "start" and "finish" were at the opposite ends to where I expected them. Now I want to create a transition curve at the other end of the circular curve back to a straight. I've read through the tutorials and watched the videos, but I can't find anything on this. I've placed a straight alongside the end of the curve and have tried to link them with a transition but Templot says it can't but won't say why. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1203.php
... of the turn out curve rulers. Well the label on them says: Obtainable mail order from: R H Wood 30 Frilsham Way COVENTRY CV5 9LH Tel: 01203 715846 regards Alan posted: 5 Oct 2010 09:54 from: Martin Wynne olstykke wrote: I searched the Templot forums for three rail track and 3 rail track, but didn't receive any hits. Does Templot do 3 rail? Hi Thor, Welcome to Templot Club. I don't know of anyone hand building 3-rail track in 0 gauge, although a few are still using stud-contact. For coarse-scale 0 gauge you may find some of the Gauge 1 track parts from Tenmille Products useful: http://www.tenmille.com You would find it helpful to join the Gauge 0 Guild and ask about 3-rail on their forum: http://www.gauge0guild.com Sorry, there is no direct support for 3-rail in Templot. However, you can represent 3-rail by printing the track centre-line at the same width as the rails (1.6mm for 0 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1261.php
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