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... . It's horses for courses. Templot is the way it is because it's the best way to design railway track. regards, Martin. posted: 5 Mar 2009 21:36 from: Martin Wynne Brian Lewis wrote: Gosh! Democracy still seems to have a place in society. Well done! It's not democracy, it's ear-ache! For me. Printer options. Which ones? Not everything can be set up in advance until Templot has read the data from the printer. For example a user preference for colour printing is meaningless if the available printer is black and white only. Change the default on track names to 'no track names' OK. Scale/gauge Scale/gauge isn't a user preference, it's a design setting specific to each template. It's saved in the .box file. I can't put it in the user preferences. It might be possible to have a separate set of design preferences (represented in a master template), and you could then have a user option to "use master template at startup" (which ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  239k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_752.php
... topic: 1199 Difficulty getting started posted: 11 Aug 2010 20:32 from: roythebus Well, I suppose it's me either being too old to learn, or having a blonde year, but having spent ages trying to master Templot, I can't even get the crossover I've just drawn to print. I was hoping to be able to rebuild my current layout more prototypically using Templot, but personally I find it extremely complicated to use. I've looked at the videos and it all seems too easy, but reality is different to what is shown on some of the videos. for instance, I make a simple curved crossover on double track. I then try to modify one of the turnouts to get an easier radius, but then another turnout appears at random on the overall plan. I then find I can't print the original crossover, despite going into the template store; there's no print box shown. Has anyone yet written an idiots guide to Templot yet, or is there anyone out there who fancies doing a rather large layout plan? I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1199.php
... laser cutting service can be reached. Hi Paul, I have now sent Brian hi-res raster and DXF vector versions of this, to try on the laser: 2_110654_040000001.png Full size it is 24" wide at 4mm scale. Here is part of the hi-res image: 2_110654_140000004.png I'm confident we can find a technical solution. Whether Brian wants to offer a C&L bespoke timber cutting service from Templot files is a matter for him of course. It's likely to be more expensive than simply sticking timbers on the printed templates. For sufficient strength the "rail" webbing links have to be wider than BH rail as shown, so they would need to be chopped out with a small wood chisel to avoid being visible. regards, Martin. posted: 23 Mar 2009 03:59 from: Paul Hamilton What I need next to confirm Martin is the spacing for the sleepers to Midland pattern and confirmation that 45' panels would be correct in this context. Any pointers on the general spacing of the sleepers on the MR 45' panels ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  132k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_767.php
... topic: 3393 Templot print output posted: 6 Mar 2019 15:26 from: Martin Wynne Anyone here adept at data-mining from government stats? I was trying to find the number of households having an A4 printer (or larger), rather than simply the number of computers or internet access. There's quite a lot of evidence that the number of home printers is falling rapidly. Certainly the price of ink and the amount of it the kids get through are no longer the talking points they once were. High street copy-shops seem to be the place where folks now get their photos printed, if they bother to print them at all. Googling "uk plan printing" returns dozens of places offering large-format digital printing from PDF files. Which has obvious implications for Templot. Is it time to shift the emphasis from printed output to the PDF export as the default output? Going further, there is plenty of space on our server. Templot could optionally upload the PDFs to the server as part of the output process. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3393.php
... topic: 1497 print now! posted: 17 May 2011 02:31 from: Martin Wynne This topic is about the new print now! feature in TDV. posted: 21 May 2011 09:32 from: Martin Wynne You might like to test the new print now! functions -- print now!> print.. menu items. The former print menu is now called output, because it includes the settings for PDF and the other new output formats, and the metafile settings for the sketchboard. Which makes the function simply to print a template somewhat non-intuitive to find. So I have added the print now! menu items which should be obvious to anyone. They also by-pass all the usual printer setup and calibration dialogs (a frequent complaint) and just print immediately to the current printer using the current settings. Please give it a bash and see if it breaks. Martin. posted: 22 May 2011 10:31 from: Phil O Hi Martin I have just tried it and it works a treat. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 114  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1497.php
... topic: 1066 Slightly OT- What A3+ Inkjet Printer posted: 9 Mar 2010 07:48 from: Jim Guthrie I'm on the hunt for a new, larger format inkjet printer, A3 or larger. I've been digging around on the Net looking at possibilities and reading the reviews and I haven't really found a suitable one which has received reasonably good reviews. The best reviews seem to be for the photo print end of the market but they usually require eight or more cartridges and I only want to print text and CAD plots (Templot, ACAD LT, etc) where three colors and a good black are more than adequate. I have suffered with Epson Stylus 1500 and 1520 over the past few years so I'm well up on some of the common problems with larger format inkjets- poor paper pickup and (with the 1520) heavy ink usage- (i.e. on my usual occasional use it does the head check/clear every time I power it up which uses more ink than my printing, exacerbated by the fact that the cartridges ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1066.php
... topic: 407 Won't accept colour printing posted: 11 Apr 2008 01:55 from: jeckardt You can definately treat this one as FYI and low priority... I noticed the "colour printing" toggle on the print menu and decided to give it a try. I set my printer to our "Tektronix Phaser 850DP" printer, then selected "colour printing". Templot reported, "Your current printer is not a colour printer, or has not been set for colour printing." Entering printer setup from there allowed me to confirm that the correct printer was indeed selected, and that it was indeed enabled for colour. Not quite sure how to remedy that... and I'm not inclined to spend much time figuring it out. B/W is quite adequate. Joe posted: 11 Apr 2008 02:28 from: Martin Wynne jeckardt wrote: I set my printer to our "Tektronix Phaser 850DP" printer, then selected "colour printing". Templot reported, "Your current printer is not a colour printer, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_407.php
... :> picture content:> reload... button. regards, Martin. Attachment: attach_1107_1010_singleton.png 808 posted: 16 Jun 2011 23:33 from: Richard_Jones Hi Martin, Thanks for that, I afraid I'm more than a bit of a neo-luddite- the original file (in colour) was 50 Mb, so I was desperately trying to get the file size down.... cheers Richard posted: 23 Oct 2011 11:54 from: Richard_Jones Ladies& Gentlemen, To echo the message under "printing query", here's a photo showing some full size (4mm scale) laid out (in situ) on the floor to get an idea of how it will all work (on high days and holidays only)- really its an exhibition layout, if it's ever good enough! 1763_221653_080000000.jpg best wishes Richard posted: 7 Dec 2011 15:58 from: Paulr1949 Richard It's been out for a while, but I've only just got round to reading my copy, but have you seen the latest edition of Southern Way? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  236k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1010.php
... topic: 307 Printing Proof Sheet posted: 12 Jan 2008 23:27 from: richard_t I've had a bit of a trial calibrating my Epson 1200 with banner paper. I managed, after a number of mis-feeds to get a calibration sheet out, and entered the values. I then went to print the proof sheet, but my printer mis-fed again and so didn't it print out, so I don't know the head-factor or the roller-factor. Is there any way I can print the proof sheet without printing the calibration sheet out again? I can measure from the existing calibration sheet, but I can't see a way of entering these values without printing the calibration sheet out again. Richard. PS: The mis feeds are due to my printer not having an inbuilt-cutter, so I have to cut the sheet, reroll the end of the sheet so the printer will take it and re-feed it otherwise it gets very confused. posted: 13 Jan 2008 02:17 from: Martin Wynne richard_t ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_307.php
... file format is best suited? Cheers Steve posted: 26 Oct 2018 14:28 from: Martin Wynne Steve Lovett wrote: Simply.... has anyone experimented with export file formats in anticipation of trackbuilding using exactoscale products? If so which export file format is best suited? Hi Steve, Can you explain a bit more what you are asking? As far as I know Exactoscale do not supply any computer software, so the question of compatible file formats does not apply. Users of Exactoscale track products usually need a printed track template on which to build them. Exactoscale supply a limited range of straight templates in P4 only, but for other gauges, curved turnouts and complex formations many users print a template from Templot instead. You can print directly from Templot if you have a printer connected to your system. A track plan would typically comprise several pages, which are printed with alignment and trim marks. Alternatively you can export a PDF file from Templot which can then be printed on any system. More specifically, you can export a PDF ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3349.php
... topic: 1013 Printing on A3 landscape posted: 15 Jan 2010 23:48 from: Robert Preston I've just bought Templot and started experimenting with it and have come unstuck with printing. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please? I have an A3 printer (Lasertjet 5000, and I'm running Windows XP). The crossover I have made will print on the A3 paper – but only in portrait orientation. The result is, the crossover prints on two pages, whereas if I could get it to print landscape, it would all print on one page. I have set the printer to A3 landscape, and in Templot, I have set the print orientation to sideways (and I have tried all the permutations) but it still prints across the paper. What am I missing? Robert posted: 16 Jan 2010 06:07 from: Martin Wynne Robert Preston wrote: I have set the printer to A3 landscape, and in Templot, I have set the print orientation to sideways (and I have tried all the permutations) ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 107  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1013.php
... topic: 3838 exporting to pdf for commercial printing posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:57 from: David Beale I need to get my track plan printed out commercially as it is large (8mx4m). I assume it is best to convert it to pdf and then send it to somewhere for printing. A couple of questions. Do in need to set up the sheet size and orientation, e.g. A1, or continuous plotter, before making the pdf, or does the person doing the printing decide the best/most economical way of doing it? When it is being printed, does the person printing need to calibrate the printer, or do I just accepted as it is (probably pretty accurate)? posted: 22 Dec 2020 13:41 from: stuart1600 I started a thread on this back in 2017; I'm sure the advice will still stand: topic 2983 The most important thing is to tell the printer to have his machine set to 100%- and if s/he argues go somewhere else!! posted: 22 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 107  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3838.php
... topic: 1878 Print Box List posted: 21 Mar 2012 15:21 from: Ian Allen Temploteers, Does the "Print Box List" do just that? Before I go ahead and waste ink and paper does this function in Storage Box print a list of data for all templates in a box file or does it print out the data for each individual template? I just need a list of things like overall length, crossing vee angle and switch blade types. I don't need to know all the various radii and angles at TXP etc. Ian posted: 21 Mar 2012 15:37 from: John Shelley Ian Allen wrote: Temploteers, Does the "Print Box List" do just that? Before I go ahead and waste ink and paper does this function in Storage Box print a list of data for all templates in a box file or does it print out the data for each individual template? I just need a list of things like overall length, crossing vee angle and switch blade types. I don't need to know all the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 107  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1878.php
... topic: 848 Switch drive mark posted: 28 May 2009 22:31 from: Len Cattley Hi Martin Is there any way to include the switch drive marks on printed templates, as being a novice in track work it would help me to get the drive position for the switch right? Kind regards Len Cattley posted: 1 Jun 2009 15:44 from: Martin Wynne Len Cattley wrote: Is there any way to include the switch drive marks on printed templates, as being a novice in track work it would help me to get the drive position for the switch right? Hi Len, The drive marks are normally included by default: switch_drive_mark.gif If you are not seeing them (and your magenta ink cartridge isn't empty ), you must have turned them off. You can toggle them on and off for individual templates at geometry> switch drive mark menu option. Perhaps you turned the mark off for one specific template, and then forgot to turn it on again before deriving other templates from that one? Or you can turn them on/ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_848.php
... topic: 3105 Large format printing posted: 12 Oct 2017 12:47 from: Nigel Cornish Hi, I am the project manager for a new build '00' layout at the High Wycombe& District Model Railway Society. It is a representation of Oxford station and environs around august 1960. It is some 32ft long and 10 ft wide. The scenic part is around 32ft x 4ft and it is this that I would like to print out, preferably on a continuous sheet of paper. Are there any commercial printers who can take a Templot file and print out the layout to scale? Regards Nigel. posted: 12 Oct 2017 12:59 from: Martin Wynne Hi Nigel, Welcome to Templot Club. Yes, you can export your track plan from Templot as a PDF file, which can be printed by many commercial printers as a single roll sheet. The usual width limit is 42". See for example this topic for more details: topic 2983 I don't know of any company offering to print directly from Templot .box files, but ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  22k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3105.php
... topic: 2027 How to print my plan out a quarter of the actual size? posted: 21 Jul 2012 12:37 from: keithj15 Hi, As a relative newbie, this being my first post, I have a question regarding printing out a completed plan to one quarter of the full size to use for building an accurate scale mockup of my layout. I have searched the forum to see if anyone has posted about this before, but so far I haven't found anything. I am using Templot2 v2.05.d on a MacbookPro via VMFusion 4/WindowsXP Pro, and I am printing on an Epson Photo 2880 with plain A3 paper. I have considered outputting the plan to full size on a custom PDF page 1188 x 1680 mm, and then printing this PDF 25% onto A3, which seems a bit convoluted. Also I am still trying, without success, to create the large custom page in the PDF printer settings, and rapidly coming to the conclusion that I shall have to edit the actual PPD file to add tis page to the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2027.php
... I uncheck, (one at a time- why not a pop-up that allows me to so do in one operation)?, track centre lines, radial end marks, outline extension marks, timber centre lines, timber infill, 8'6" marks on 9' sleepers, guide marks. This leaves me with an uncluttered template/templates that I feel is/are easier with which to work. (I really do not understand why these are opt outs- surely they should be opt ins)? Now I print out and if satisfied, save the file. But when I open it at a later date, Stap me! Everything I spent so much time unchecking is back! Why? If I save a file, surely I save all its attributes as well. There are a couple of 'niggles' in printing, which I cannotseem to by-pass. I am sitting in front of a bank of 4printers- two Epsons, an HP and a 31ppm duplex OKI. Each is so accurate that I save time by not ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_596.php
... topic: 1808 How do I print out on a continuous roll of paper my whole layout. posted: 26 Jan 2012 19:25 from: Dr G Alan Gee Is there a very easy way of taking a disk with my data on it to a commercial printer and getting the whole layout printed out.My layout size is 12ft x 2 ft. What about calibration of the commercial printer. posted: 26 Jan 2012 20:13 from: Paul Boyd Hi Alan You'll need to expore the PDF output options. You don't say whether you're using 0.91c or TDV, but with the latter, from the 'output' menu, choose 'export a file (PDF...'. I haven't played with the PDF export that much but I think the resulting dialogue box is self-explanatory. For a 12ft by 2ft layout, set 'long side' to 3658mm, 'short side' to 610mm and select 'end run pages' then click on 'create PDF' As far as calibration goes, I think that really all you can ask the printer to do ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1808.php
... topic: 225 Universal easement template posted: 7 Nov 2007 01:20 from: renluethi Hi Marin, I have just read the history and origin of Templot. This is a very interesting story and it clears my old question about the name of this program. For the pipeline I have one additional item: how about a printable easement template? It could be printed and transferred to a piece of cardstock or more durable material and cut out. This template should have markings along a transition curve, which shows the actual radius at this point, and the adjoining offset to the centerline of the tangent. This offset is for accurate determining the center of the circular curve. I see I can have each easement printed individually. However there is no computer in the room where the layout is under construction, and with a "universal easement template" I can play around to find the most pleasing solution. Regards, René. posted: 7 Nov 2007 01:59 from: Bruce Wilson Model Railroader magazine has such beasties in PDF format on their ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_225.php
... topic: 2387 Sketchboard print scaling. Help please? posted: 23 Jan 2014 15:08 from: Dasatcopthorne Hi Guys. I've managed to get a trackplan to appear on sketchboard but it only seems to want to print it on one A4 sheet. How can you change this please? Cheers Dave in 00-SF posted: 24 Jan 2014 06:26 from: Martin Wynne Dasatcopthorne wrote: I've managed to get a trackplan to appear on sketchboard but it only seems to want to print it on one A4 sheet. How can you change this please? Hi Dave, What do you want to change? 1. print it on more than one sheet? or 2. print it on a larger or smaller sheet? 1. To print the sketchboard design on multiple sheets like the track templates, use the normal template printing or PDF export functions in the output menu: 2_240057_360000000.png On the preview, tick the print sketchboard items option. You can swap between detail mode and diagram mode as required. You can control the number of pages ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 101  -  17k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2387.php
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