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... topic: 1276 New to Templot and need help posted: 21 Oct 2010 23:23 from: Mike Huxley Hi all, I'm new to using the system and can't work out how to do a few things, so Please give me a few pointers. First one.... How do you create a simple loop in a curved track without crossing points? Second one.... How do you make a simple siding off the running line without using "return curve", as this doesn't seem to work in extending a sidding at a different angle to the main line. Maybe it's my age and not understanding all of the tuturials. However, help for the simple things is needed... Please. Cheers, Mike posted: 22 Oct 2010 08:47 from: Martin Wynne Mike Huxley wrote: How do you make a simple siding off the running line without using "return curve", as this doesn't seem to work in extending a siding at a different angle to the main line. Hi Mike, Which ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1276.php
... topic: 3147 3 Way Tandem posted: 3 Dec 2017 16:57 from: Alan Kettlewell Hello, My first post on here. I've spent a few full days getting the hang of things in Templot and got around to having a go at a three way tandem turnout. After many times following the various advice and examples I've finally produced the attached. It's to be a component on a friend's O gauge layout (hopefully) so is set at 0-MF with a main curve through the centre track of 4752.32mm. It was the first deviation away from the example in the tutorials I was following so I hope it's worked out about right. So I'm just asking experts to cast an eye over it with a view to advice where it may be incorrect (or not). Many thanks. Cheers...Alan Attachment: attach_2595_3147_My_1st_Tandem.box 279 posted: 3 Dec 2017 17:01 from: Alan Kettlewell I think I've cocked up and loaded the wrong box file. I'll try again...doh.. posted: 3 Dec 2017 17:08 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  49k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3147.php
... topic: 3009 New 7mm Project posted: 11 Apr 2017 20:03 from: Josh C Good Evening, I just thought I'd start a new topic to show you what I have been working on recently, and for any feedback on what other people think of the plan and for some guidance on a few finishing touches for this design. I have recently been working on a project with a friend of mine, who has recently started out in 7mm. As you will see from the attached photo and file. The project consists of two parts; a permanent fixed running loop with fiddle yard and a integrated layout that has been designed to exhibit. The outside loop, which contains a double slip, two points and a passing loop on one side and a ladder fiddleyard on the other side. This has been designed based on 32mm Peco track work, this part of the layout has already been built and is just about up and running. The fixed part of the layout has been designed like this so we have somewhere to continuously run locos ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3009.php
... crossings have 1.0mm flangeways. When making crossings, they all start out as straight, so a C&L one is no different in that respect. In most cases, the actual track through the crossing itself is straight (regular crossing) although in some cases the curve continues through the crossing (curviform crossing). Using a ready made crossing will help, although once you understand turnouts, you'll realise that they're not that hard to build yourself. If you've never built any track before, I would suggest you make a few turnouts with copperclad sleeper strip, even if you don't use them on a layout- just regard then as practise pieces. Once you understand how a turnout works, then try building with chairs. I've never used plastic sleepers/timbers, (I use plastic chairs/ply timbers) but I would imagine that once the chairs are glued, they're glued so adjustments will be near impossible. Once you've done the "copperclad apprenticeship" you might like to consider the plastic chair/ply timber approach as you get the realistic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  65k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1740.php
... rivet size? posted: 30 Dec 2011 14:23 from: Richard_Jones Does anyone have any views on rivet sizes for rivet and Ply built track? EMGS offer both 2mm and 2.5mm rivets- whilst if you work in EM (like me), you need the 2.5mm rivets on the pre-punched plain sleepers, is there any reason why you shouldn't use the 2mm rivets on pointwork where you can make certain it is directly under the rail? Presumably this would also be easier for fitting cosmetic chairs? I have a few packs of the original Studiolith tinned steel rivets, if anyone want them bets wishes for Christmas and the New Year Richard posted: 30 Dec 2011 15:08 from: Geoff Cook Richard_Jones wrote: Does anyone have any views on rivet sizes for rivet and Ply built track? EMGS offer both 2mm and 2.5mm rivets- whilst if you work in EM (like me), you need the 2.5mm rivets on the pre-punched plain sleepers, is there any reason why you shouldn't use the 2mm rivets on pointwork where you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  70k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1754.php
... 11 Sep 2015 18:32 from: Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: Martin, perhaps given that most Templot users building 00-SF turnouts are going to connect it to 16.5 track that Templot could be modified to flare the ends back to 16.5 for 00-SF.? Hi Dave, I'm not too clear what you mean by "back" to 16.5mm? The track gauge for 00-SF is 16.2mm. I'm not convinced that the majority of users would connect it to 16.5mm track, and even then only for a few of the templates. A lot of users will be constructing 16.2mm plain track, if not for the entire layout then at least for short lengths within pointwork areas. Handbuilt plain track allows jointed track to be properly modelled with closed-up sleeper spacing at the rail joints, correct pattern chairs, full-length keys protruding on one side of the chair, etc. If desired, any plain track templates on an 00-SF track plan can be changed to 16.5mm gauge. Just select them as a group, then ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  106k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2742.php
... . I think you are paying a lot for the idea since the construction of the instrument doesn't warrant that price. Jim. posted: 24 Sep 2017 08:57 from: polybear Interesting idea, and useful for flexitrack users. But presumably not a true transition curve? As for price, I was expecting maybe £40 or so. But £195? That's just nuts. I don't expect many will appear at that price, for what is after all a piece of (I suspect) laser cut stainless with a few tapped holes and securing screws. Brian posted: 24 Sep 2017 11:35 from: mikewturner These guys are at Wigan show next weekend if anyone wants to see one in the flesh. Regards Mike posted: 24 Sep 2017 14:08 from: Martin Wynne polybear wrote: But presumably not a true transition curve? Well, er... But near enough for most users. And now we need a double-track alongside -- and with the spacing increasing to allow for extra vehicle clearance on sharp curves ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3083.php
... iMac In that case I'm a bit puzzled, because running on a Linux desktop here is fine. Is the iMac known for overheating problems? I know nothing about Macs. Have Apple crammed everything into the smallest neatest box they can find, leaving no room for decent ventilation? Martin. Quite possibly. Let me put it this way, I downloaded a small tool which enables me to control the speed for the HDD, ODD and CPU fans, which has generally seen a marked improvement in things. the Mac is a few years old now, bought in the days when people got such things as annual bonuses, and has had its memory upgraded to enable the latest OS to run. It may be getting a bit past its best before date, but this particular issue is not new- it had gone away for a while, but has come back, so I finally thought I would mention it! I also have issues with bringing dialog boxes to the front, for example if I delete a group of templates, I have to acknowledge ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  85k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2129.php
... and then press Enter. From the left menu, select Choose what the power buttons do. Under the Shutdown settings section, uncheck the box next to Turn on fast startup (recommended). Click the Save changes button. Cheers Fraser posted: 27 Nov 2019 17:00 from: Rob Manchester It is worth bearing in mind that full support for Windows 7 is scheduled to end early in 2020 so there may be many more of us thinking of upgrading to W10. Mind you I also suspect there may be a fair few who will hang on to older versions due to driver availability for some of our odd devices I am sticking with W7 until it isn't safe to do so but it is nice to know that once on Windows 10 the updates process is much easier to understand: 2001_271157_590000000.png Rob posted: 27 Nov 2019 17:14 from: Gordon S Someone very kindly provided me an official link that still allowed you do upgrade to Windows 10 free of charge. http://www.cnet.com/how-to/upgrade-to-windows ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  88k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3560.php
... topic: 279 A few questions posted: 8 Dec 2007 12:19 from: Stuart Mitchell Hi.. I have noticed that sometime when working after I have save to background and then delete to control I end up with a few extras which I have to delete, Is thre something I'm doing wrong?? After I place a template I need to curve it but in the center of the point, as to give the point a kick to line up as per drawing, How can I do this?? Other than them, I'm having a great time using templot. Thanks Stuart posted: 9 Dec 2007 02:38 from: Martin Wynne Stuart Mitchell wrote: I have noticed that sometime when working after I have save to background and then delete to control I end up with a few extras which I have to delete, Is there something I'm doing wrong?? Hi Stuart, The usual reason for duplicate templates is that you did store& background before using the tools> make... functions. There is no need ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_279.php
... That Templot "is probably the worst of them". Based on what? An hour where he couldn't get it to work? It took me three attempts to get my head around the basics. And I have a long way to go. But that is because I haven't had the time to give to it. I have however printed out a 36' rough layout plan to let us work out how big the overall footprint will be and see how the larger buildings disappear on something that size. And up to a few months ago, when Windows lost my profile, working on other bits a pieces. Like transition curves and how to generate them properly. Correct templates for NSWGR track. I am aware that the documentation is not where anyone of the users, let alone Martin, would like it to be, but I'm also mindful that Martin is not a corporation. And I have had worse product and service from some of those. I was trying to point out that as a complaint goes it was fairly lacklustre. Wasn't it? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  147k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2377.php
... , or do you actually want to mill the point and splice rails? If it is milling the actual rails, then as others have said, you would probably do the job quicker with a good hand file. If you want to reproduce the 'socket' in the point rail which accepts the end of the splice rail, then you have a fairly complex shape to form which would be a bit of a fiddle to do in a simple milling machine (as against a multi axis CNC machine)- much quicker with a few needle files in the bench vice. If it is milling a jig, then your machine might cope with cutting the slots using slot drills and taking light cuts and often. Use slot drills in preference to end mills since they cut a slot to size whereas end mills will cut oversize. Use an aluminium alloy to get easier cutting and which will not take solder. Using steel would be a biting off a bit too much for your machine. To get accurate angles, you can use a rotary table which can give ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  89k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_273.php
... second road from the bottom) to the control, then use the commands,< tools>< make ordinary crossover> This will fill in the exit road gap properly. The reason this happened was because you changed the adjacent centre-line spacing without redoing the turnouts (i.e. using the original turnouts, or at least one of them). For the turnout gap of the one on the bottom road near to the centre, just use, F4 and adjust the length of the main exit road. There are a few miss-aligned track joints also, which need to be corrected, otherwise overall alignment will be affected, and will make building the tracks more problematic. See attached image below. I will have a closer look at the track plan, and sort out the anomalies, using the plan as you have now generated. I will also put in a 3 way tandem on the right-hand side so you can see what it looks like. I will report the corrections to you for you to understand what to do. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  93k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2539.php
... : 1 Jan 2014 05:29 from: Martin Wynne MaxSouthOz wrote: I kept thinking that I was being connected to a website. That's why I kept asking about saving my templates on my own computer. Thanks for posting this. It's very helpful to understand how the program looks to someone seeing it for the first time. The GO button starts Templot running. The first thing it does is connect to the Templot web server to check that you are running the latest version of the program. The connection lasts only a few seconds and is nothing to do with saving templates. I put the note above the button so that if you see activity on your internet connection you are not alarmed. When you get further into using Templot you will discover that you can save your program preferences between working sessions, and you will then see two GO button options, like this 2_010003_220000000.png so that you can choose whether to start up using your saved preferences or not. Program preferences are nothing to do with track design or templates. They are settings such as ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  68k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2368.php
... was done in full-size practice. Needless to say the figures for the various offsets are produced by a micro-computer, using a program written by Martin. This service will be available soon from 85A Models. This must be one of the most interesting developments in modelling in recent years." Kind words there from the late Roy Miller. What would Roy have made of Templot today? But twenty solid minutes poring over 1mm graph paper! With my eyes now 27 years older I can understand why there were so few takers at the time. I was set thinking about the origins of Templot in the 1980s by this message on RMweb today: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t =11090 regards, Martin. posted: 5 Nov 2007 12:02 from: Jim Guthrie Martin Wynne wrote: Kind words there from the late Roy Miller. What would Roy have made of Templot today? But twenty solid minutes poring over 1mm graph paper! With my eyes now 27 years older I can understand why there were so ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_221.php
... worth digging out a copy if you can. Regarding the catalogue, there are no point kits as such, but an etch that provides all sorts of special chairs and some very good instructions. 2-bolt or 3-bolt refers to the prototype- the GWR used 2-bolt chairs whereas lesser railways used 3-bolt I haven't yet made up my mind on tiebars- the trackwork in the photos is waiting for more space to be able to build the layout. My main concern is one I have with a few one-man bands selling very good product- I get committed to a particular product, then for whatever reason it disappears off the market. I notice the catalogue is three years old, so your first port of call would be to send an SAE (remember those?) to Michael Clark and check current pricing- it may simply be 2017 pricing still. When I have placed orders, they've always arrived very quickly- it probably takes me longer to find my cheque book! (Remember those, as well? ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  39k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3713.php
... (especially if the paper is damaged when removing a previously stuck sown template). All of my turnout templates were obtained from the EMGS and C&L. The C&L templates include an outside single slip with crossing angles of 1 in 4.5 and 1 in 6.5. If possible I would like to attempt a draft of the trackwork in templot to assess the feasibility of the layout in terms of space and geometry. I have searched the forum for previous requests for help in creating an outside single slip and found a few topics. I did find one almost complete template that someone had created, but with the wrong crossing angles for my use. I had already used my paper templates and created a formation that I felt was acceptable and so I have decided to stick with the crossing angles on the template I have. If someone would be kind enough to help me out by producing a template in templot of the C&L template, I would be most grateful. I can just about manage a conventional single/double slip by following ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2369.php
... roughly laid out a couple of C&L templates and convinced my self a plan will work, when the actual track goes down, it either looks wonky or doesn't quite match the plan. I'll fire up templot tonight and look at the files Martin posted (It's 7:30am here), but I have to take the kids to "Thomas' day out" at a local preserved railway http://www.roaringcamp.com/thomas07.html And when we get back I'll be putting together a ton of IKEA furniture for a good few hours. So this means I may not be able to reply in detail until you are all asleep Thanks for all the replies, Martins second suggestion combined with having 2 roads go under the road bridge might be the best suggestion, or I'll just need to live with a "too short" runaround. I need to put my thinking cap on. Thanks!! Last edited on 29 Jul 2007 20:31 by Rextanka posted: 3 Aug 2007 02:54 from: Rextanka I finally got set up and down ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 34  -  80k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_117.php
... . But now I find myself doing the same thing. I am to build a new shed, 7.5m x 4.5m in our garden. In this will build my best OO layout yet. In simple terms it is a double track oval with two branches, one double track to a reasonable sized station, the other single track to a simpler one. It will be based on BR(S) practice in the 1960s ..ish. I am not a novice and have been building railway models for many years. In the last few years I have built two end-to-end terminus to fiddle yard layouts. Both used templot and the track was built with SMP for plain line and copper clad soldered bullhead pointwork. I am very happy with both and I have learnt a lot, the second layout is much better technically than the first! I am not looking for slavish prototype fidelity but I want something that looks good and feels like the real thing. This jpeg is a general overview.1588_161717_090000000.jpg The attached box file shows where I have got to so ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3613.php
... connection. Just some feedback that may (or may not!) help you! Cheers Rich Last edited on 8 Nov 2012 10:40 by RT posted: 8 Nov 2012 11:36 from: Martin Wynne RT wrote: Could it be made, so that if the programme could not connect, it accepted it and started anyway? Hi Rich, If I do that I can guarantee that 75% of users will not update their version and will simply go on using the version which they originally downloaded. After a few years I shall be in the same mess as before trying to answer questions about several different versions, and it will be impossible to create a new Templot Companion which is up-to-date for all users. Templot very nearly made me ill 12 months ago because of endless support requests from users who simply would not update to the current version, and I'm not going back there. Templot is now free for anyone to use, so if anyone doesn't like the way it works -- don't use it. Sorry ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2105.php
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