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... topic: 2173 Attention 00-SF track builders posted: 8 Mar 2013 09:49 from: Martin Wynne C&L have today announced a massive program of developments in turnout kits and templates, including for 00 gauge: http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=42&Itemid=72 What is not yet clear is whether they will be: 1. continuing their present commitment to the minority DOGA-Fine standard, or 2. adopting the 00-BF standard, which has been the traditional "scale" 00 track standard for over 60 years, or 3. embracing the latest 00-SF standard, which is rapidly gaining in popularity because of the improved appearance and running qualities without the need to modify existing wheels. Options 1 and 3 would seem to be the most likely, because many of the tools and components would be common with their EM gauge kits. Once the expensive jigs and tools have been made, it's likely that the chosen standard will be set in stone ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2173.php
... what urgency..? No idea, we have a working system now, it just depends where you and others want it to be and when. Computer going to sleep now and so am I.... Rob posted: 5 Nov 2019 05:51 from: Graeme Hi Martin, I suspect Rob's view is likely to be shared by a large proportion of your users- i.e. "the main thing that I want is for my existing designs to be protected." For me it has a rather different focus (partly because I HAVE no existing designs!- hahaha) For me it is about the software. Templot is a remarkable piece of software and I want it to continue to have a long and happy life. I believe I can (and intend to) contribute to that. It would seem from your comments that perhaps a few others are looking to join in too, which would be great! All contributions have value. Sorting out cosmetic issues may not seem hugely valuable, but it absolutely is, as it ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3542.php
... it, except it is a bit thirsty on Epsons own cartridges which I used until the guarantee ran out. I am now using cartridges from ink and stuff, 5 of each for the price of one colour cartridge from Epson and I haven't changed them for over 12 months and I can see no discernible difference in the quality of the output. HTH Cheers Phil Last edited on 9 Mar 2010 18:03 by Phil O posted: 9 Mar 2010 19:32 from: Nigel Brown Hi Jim I have an Epson R800 A4 photo printer, which is fine. If I wanted an A3 I'd probably go for the R1800. It does go through a cleaning cycle on occasions, but not that often, and I reckon calculated on a cost per year basis I'm happy with it. I use it more for photo prints than Templot. Bought it somewhere around 2003. cheers Nigel posted: 9 Mar 2010 20:53 from: Dellboy Hi Jim There's also cheap ink at http://www.inkwarehouse.co.uk They do a very wide range of cartridges and ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1066.php
... float. There may be other pop-up windows as well that I'm not thinking of, but those two are the ones that seem to get in the way the most and are constantly getting moved. [Yea, I know, I can temporarily hide or minimize those already, but that kind of defeats the point.] The ONLY ones worth doing this to are the ones that get left up for reference; the "setting" and "parameter" windows would not benefit from being unconstrained to the pad as you focus on them until you're done with them, then close them. Just a thought. Thanks, Joe posted: 10 Apr 2008 22:27 from: Martin Wynne jeckardt wrote: I would LOVE if the Templot Zoom/Pan and Information windows could be moved outside of the pad frame, i.e., independently to the second monitor. Hi Joe, This was discussed recently: topic 97 I will look again at moving zoom/pan outside the pad. The problem is that any use of such external windows shifts the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_405.php
... with Word, but XL is extremely flaky on my machine- trying to open a second workbook causes an "insufficient resources" crash (with 8Gb of RAM!). I don't expect Bill Gates will lose sleep over it Given the comments in the thread it is an irony that I was taking Templot to our club night to show some of the doubters what it can do- to the extent that I went wondering the streets to find a house with BT WiFi but none were in range! Hence my frustration. Please focus on the positives! Best wishes, Howard Edit- to put paras back Last edited on 10 Jan 2014 15:18 by JFS posted: 10 Jan 2014 13:15 from: JFS Sorry the message above is not more readable- it was paragraphed when I sent it. My fault- I should use the recommended browser. posted: 10 Jan 2014 13:59 from: Martin Wynne JFS wrote: I am really, really regretting posting my message. It seems to have caused a mass response which was completely ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  67k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2373.php
... : RedgateModels Already done it, thanks for the advice posted: 22 Dec 2010 13:17 from: Nigel Brown Notice that you've got some overlapping sleepers. This could be a good time to get some practice in sleeper shoving. Push them about a bit until they don't overlap, while trying to maintain reasonable spacing. They don't need to be at right-angles to the track. Cheers Nigel posted: 22 Dec 2010 13:40 from: RedgateModels Thanks for that Nigel, I'll look at that once I've got the A4 template sorted out ;) posted: 22 Dec 2010 22:18 from: Mike Huxley Nigel Brown wrote: Notice that you've got some overlapping sleepers. This could be a good time to get some practice in sleeper shoving. Push them about a bit until they don't overlap, while trying to maintain reasonable spacing. They don't need to be at right-angles to the track. Is there a tutorial for "shoving sleepers" or is it something that is a hit and miss have a go at? I've got ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  27k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1317.php
... Martin- I'm dying to see the new pug! Phil Last edited on 2 May 2011 19:39 by phileakins posted: 2 May 2011 20:18 from: Raymond Dear Martin, You're knowlege of the subject is second to none. I don't care if it takes several readings and experiments to 'get the point', knowledge that is valuable is alway hard won (why bother othewise?) and always worth the effort. Trackwork is a complex subject that requires a, relatively, complex explanation. Forget Joe Public and focus on Joe Specialist. Regards Raymond posted: 3 May 2011 08:50 from: kenbec Martin, Forget Joe Public and focus on Joe Specialist. I am concerned to see this attitude expressed in this thread. I hope it does not become part of your philosophy. He who forgets Joe Public soon finds that Joe Public forgets him, usually to the detriment of his business. I obviously don't know how many there are without a great deal of technical knowledge who just want to create a layout as a hobby but this ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  284k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1126.php
... : Martin Wynne madscientist wrote: It is a serious topic, primarily because unlike the multitude of set-track planning apps, Templot is unique. One thing to seriously consider Martin, is to open source the code, that way at least the code base isn't lost I'm returning to this topic because I have been giving it some serious thought in recent weeks. I mentioned earlier that I shall be 70 this year, and as the actual date of reaching my biblical "three score years and ten" draws nearer it does focus the mind on "what happens next?". For the last 20 years Templot has been a significant part of my life, and I'm not sure that I want it to play such a dominant part from now on. I would like to get back to the situation which existed in the 20 years before that, when it was no more than an occasional hobby interest. The program is now quite widely used across the hobby and there are some modellers relying on it as part of their lifetime modelling project. I'm ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  143k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3189.php
... something I don't really want to do. I enjoy coding, but only on stuff I know I will find useful myself. Just now I've been side-tracked back into the 3D printing, after visiting a friend's layout a few days ago. There's a lot of unfinished 3D DXF stuff in Templot at present. cheers, Martin. posted: 25 Jan 2020 19:20 from: Gordon S Thought you may be interested in this. I printed off a print map of the section I'm working on and sadly even on A4 paper, it's still to small to see where the particular crossover is I'm working on. I can cope with it, so no need to do anything. The pic is for info only.... Still can't upload an image. Perhaps it's something with a Mac/Safari. I'll try and attach the image. Attachment: attach_2982_3599_Scan.jpg 117 posted: 25 Jan 2020 21:18 from: Rob Manchester Test image upload from Win7/Firefox, sorry no other browsers available 2001_251617_020000000.jpg Rob posted: 25 Jan 2020 21 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3599.php
... straight track on his plans is over 30' radius! there was never much straight track on a Frank Dyer plan! I've managed to rework the layout to reflect the Templot idea with little compromise. Most points move along a little, and the flowing curves do match Frank's ideals. there's a couple of places on the main line where Frank has used 36" radius, they're being opened out to 42" radius minimum. Next question, I'ver copied the original 1.5" to the foot plan, but it spreads over 3 A4 sheets on the windows program. Is there a way to join these in Templot to make one plan? I suspect there must be. Thanks again for the help, I was up till 0100 this morning bashing away with Templot. Once the initial set-up things are sorted out, it can be quite easy to use. posted: 20 Aug 2010 14:59 from: wcampbell23 Hi Roy My copy of Photoshop Elements that came with my digital camera has a photomerge facility (in the File menu) which I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  195k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1199.php
... doing something wrong- can anybody help? I am not sure if the background shapes (which are bitmaps of the track plan) will load with the box file, so I am attaching them to a separate entry Hopefully Paul Attachment: attach_829_1182_NOGv91c_10_07_27_2 305_20.box 211 posted: 27 Jul 2010 23:15 from: Paulr1949 And here is the BGS file... Attachment: attach_830_1182_NOG_3_boards_v2.bg s 201 posted: 27 Jul 2010 23:32 from: Martin Wynne Hi Paul, Did you upload the wrong file? That plan is 00-BF, not 7mm scale n.g., and I can't see any diamond crossings. You need to upload the bmp image files -- the bgs file contains only the image dimensions and outlines. regards, Martin. posted: 28 Jul 2010 10:02 from: Paulr1949 Martin Wynne wrote: Hi Paul, Did you upload the wrong file? That plan is 00-BF, not 7mm scale n.g., and I can't see any diamond crossings. You need to upload the bmp image files -- the bgs file ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1182.php
... scanned data. However I have just scanned another plan and whilst the file size is similar( same DPI) it printed as a black rectangle. Sizing the background image down resulted in a proper print being produced. Is this all down to printer memory or associated issues? The PC has 32GB of memory of which about 26GB is available. Please let me know if I am missing something. I am saving the files as JPG from the scanner. Each of the scans is usually an area less than 25% of an A4 page. Cheers. Rob posted: 3 Jan 2018 03:46 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: Each of the scans is usually an area less than 25% of an A4 page. Hi Rob, Do you mean the original on the scanner, or on the printed templates? It is very difficult to advise because every system has different capabilities. It is easy to exceed the capabilities of a system because of the enormous degree of magnification, far beyond what is expected in other software. The internal bitmaps ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  33k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3169.php
... 2018 00:51 from: Rob Manchester rodney_hills wrote: Rob, Noted that large-supplier Peco does not (yet?) list code 75 bullhead rail amongst the Individulay components... I've just sent of a query on this to the Peco T.A.B. Regards, Rodney Hills Hello Rodney, No, they don't and I am not sure they will aim to do so. They don't have any suitable chairs available as far as I know. The Individulay 'range' is a bit odd in 4mm scale with just a focus on flat bottom rail and associated items that match together. In 7mm either FB or BH Individulay offers all you need to make plain track or turnouts( assuming you are happy to chop and bodge the crossing/wing rail chairs). I think the 7mm range was introduced to allow users of the Peco RTR turnouts more option in track design but I am unsure if the chair designs are the same? Back to 4mm...the rail used in the Peco 75BH isn't a standard profile as the rail foot is ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 16  -  59k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3196.php
... when rolling-stock is being propelled, because the V-crossing at C is in the outer rail of a curve, which means the wheel B is likely to be running with its flange hard against the running rail. The solution to this would be to extend the check rails at D further to the left in order to check the back of the wheel at A. Unfortunately that is not possible in N gauge because of the wide flangeway gaps needed. This is always a problem with standard 00 gauge (00-BF) and N gauge. The wide flangeway gaps can make it impossible to replicate some prototype formations. The only solution is to change the relative positions of the V-crossings. The way to do that is to adjust the running-line track centres, until a design is achieved in which all the V-crossings can be properly checked (i.e. have all check rails where needed). You are currently using the default N gauge 25mm track centres. Given the comparatively easy radii in the running lines, you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  30k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2687.php
... heard any? Regards. Trevor. posted: 23 Aug 2014 15:45 from: Martin Wynne Trevor Walling wrote: If I go from View, Movie Size, Fit To Window then the Full Screen option within the player window I get a fully functioning video. However if I go to the Maximise button instead it opens at full screen but freezes and will not function. Hi Trevor, On Ubuntu I'm seeing the opposite. Maximise and Minimise work fine, the only issue being that on restore from Minimise the player loses focus and needs to be clicked on before the spacebar will work. On the other hand, any attempt to use the Full Screen option produces strange results, maximised or otherwise. The menu bar disappears entirely (losing the much needed Jump To contents list), the slider toolbar disappears and reappears seemingly at random, and the video frames repeatedly re-size themselves. My guess is a muddle between the size of the client area of the window and the full size window over the borders. My advice to Ubuntu users wanting ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  108k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2511.php
... and there is then room for a middle timber. Click the real> timbering> half-diamond timbering> timbering as model menu option to have Templot adopt this non-prototypical arrangement and include a middle timber. For more information about this, click the real> timbering> half-diamond timbering>? half-diamond timbering- help menu item. This is the prototypical arrangement for a short crossing in P4 -- narrow flangeways, no middle timber: 2_270615_360000001.png This is the non-prototypical model option in 00-BF -- wider flangeways, the diamond points are further from the centre, and there is room for a middle timber: 2_270615_350000000.png regards, Martin. Parts of Templot Club may not function unless you enable JavaScript (also called Active Scripting) in your browser. Templot Club> Forums> Templot talk> Half-diamond timbering about Templot Club Templot Companion- User Guide- A-Z Index Templot Explained for beginners Please click: important information for new members and first-time visitors. indexing link for search engines back to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  12k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2494.php
... distance from the crossing nose to the check rail- see CG (Check Gauge) in the diagram below, or refer to this thread 105_220431_590000000.png This photo shows a couple of gauges in use to ensure the check rail is the correct distance from the crossing nose. 105_261255_370000000.jpg Hope this helps! posted: 26 Aug 2014 18:39 from: Hayfield Paul Thank you very much, never thought of it that way and it would explain the odd occasion I get a slight tight spot on 3 ways I sometimes think I tend to focus on parts rather than the whole thing (tunnel vision?) Do I see you still use the odd rivet? posted: 26 Aug 2014 18:54 from: Hayfield We have some very talented builders on here (not counting myself as one) and a very simple photo with an eagle eyed member has just given me a free lesson (thank you). I am a bit surprised that so few have shown their work either to pass on their valuable knowledge or to obtain some feed back. posted: 26 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  26k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2521.php
... transition curves there, so you don't need all that complication. Just click the menu item as above. To change the hand of a turnout without changing the alignment, click invert handing on the template menu. to make it face the other way, click swap facing-trailing on the same menu. I see that you have set the gauge to 00/H0. That's not really intended for handbuilt track, unless you want to match Peco turnouts with the wide flangeways and bumpy running. Most 00 trackbuilders use 00-BF or 00-SF, according to which rolling stock you will be running. There is a lot more discussion about this on RMweb. regards, Martin. posted: 19 May 2015 18:17 from: Alan Whitaker Hi Martin Thanks for that, I tried it but is says I have a slew so not doing it Alan posted: 19 May 2015 18:23 from: Martin Wynne Hi Alan, There was no slewing in the .box file which you uploaded. Click the geometry> slew (nudge)> ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2689.php
... all remaining as you require. regards, Martin. posted: 25 Feb 2015 12:10 from: Tony Vaughan Thanks for your very quick reply. I have test printed the section of track that comes up when you first open templot and this printed ok. For my track plan using the output button, i now get a message box saying "overlap for pdf" with details of moving the origin/amount of pages it is trying to print. It seems that i am trying to print out a grid of 33x26 A4 pages! the actual track plan is only about 24 pages. I will have a further play. Thanks again. Martin Wynne wrote: Hi Tony, Please try printing from the output menu: output> print background templates (track plan). Try printing one page at a time. The print now! options bypass the printer setup functions, and send all pages to the printer. This requires a system with plenty of spare memory. p.s. Please make sure your printer is not set to "photo quality" ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  23k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2639.php
... am having a senior moment in trying to add a background shape My club is in the process of building a new layout Belmont on the old Stanmore to Harrow Weald Line. When loading the previous plan I ended up with a miniscule plan which somehow I managed to enlarge. I would line to get the latest hand drawn plan in at the correct size please I open Background shapes, then go to add a shape. I chose scanned model trackplan and this is where I am making a mistake. Its on a sheet of A4 297 mm x 210 mm The 2 boards total 8' long and are 1/9th scale. 255 mm long x 48 mm Please what do I enter in X dimensionY dimensionNo idea of the DPI so entered 150 in both as suggested and 9 for the scale now its come out at about 50% too wide and what looks like 25% to long Also please how easy is it to move the shape to line it up with the bottom left corner and how to do it please edit One thought is to cut ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 8  -  24k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2737.php
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