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... if there's a simpler approach now that so many things are easier than formerly. Hi Julian, That's all still the same. I don't remember making any changes, but this topic is 13 years old, so it's possible something has changed. But those old web pages are looking very poorly -- images missing and links not working. I will try to get them up to date and in the Companion. Also I may have made a Jing video. That will take some finding, and will need converting to FBR because few browsers now support SWF Flash. I will see what I can find. cheers, Martin. posted: 6 Jul 2020 15:48 from: Martin Wynne p.s. Julian, I've just remembered that you now need to change this setting to sleepered when rolling rails to flow the timbering: 2_061045_490000000.png Otherwise the rolled-in sleepers will be missing. cheers, Martin. posted: 6 Jul 2020 16:56 from: Julian Roberts Thanks again Martin! While you're doing that I'll explain....I think I ought to ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  82k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_157.php
... maybe Martin should give up and go play golf instead of working all hours of night and day to give us the amazing product that he has and with the unbelievable support. Again, Martin has asked us a question. Whatever our answer, we owe him the courtesy of a response. Glen Do remember that each time you visit this thread it counts that as a view. I've visited this thread now probably getting on for 15-20 times. So it's easy to see why viewing numbers get so high but responses so few. Kind regards Dave posted: 4 Mar 2009 08:20 from: Brian Lewis Martin Wynne wrote:... but it will be one more thing where Templot differs from the Windows standard. I can scarce believe that this could be said seriously. Like it or not, Windows is an accepted and easily understood standard world-wide. Surely the fact that Templot operates so differently to Windows is the core reason why folk find it so hard to master? I think I will go ahead and make this change ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  75k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_743.php
... how the NBR went about timbering a tandem, it would be much appreciated. <edit> Aagh! Sorry, seem to have posted this to the wrong sub-forum; hope it will be of some interest nonetheless. </ edit> Attachment: attach_1261_1720_aonach_mark_2_11 _12_09_1614_14.box 490 Last edited on 9 Dec 2011 17:46 by John Palmer posted: 9 Dec 2011 21:20 from: Tony W Hello John. First off let me admit that I am no expert on pre-group railways let alone the NBR. The few pictures I have seen appear to show that standard 9 footers are used throughout. That said, the options for timbering a tandem in such a fashion are quite limited. My suggested solution is attached. I do not claim this is the only solution and if someone knows better then I hope they will let you know. You just have to tidy up the rails through the crossings now. Well done for what you have achieved so far. Tony. Attachment: attach_1262_1720_aonach_mark_2_11 _12_09_2056_14.box 416 posted: 9 Dec 2011 22:06 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  41k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1720.php
... Do you mean Allan Ferguson's excellent beginner's tutorial? It's here, but bear in mind it uses version 091c: http://85a.co.uk/getting_started_with_templot_allan _ferguson/ regards, Martin. posted: 24 Aug 2010 14:14 from: donald peters Exactly right Martin, Many thanks Regards Donald posted: 24 Aug 2010 20:42 from: nigel bown mmmmmm may I just add my two penny worth. I purchased Templot after seeing What COULD be achieved. at first I must admit I struggled. but after persevering (and a few emails to Martin) I have got to the stage where I can do what I set out to do. Perhaps a new help function with a more ordered index might be useful. other than that Keep up the good Work Martin Might the problem that most people have is they try to sprint before they can crawl and dive straight into'' the track plan'' posted: 25 Aug 2010 13:15 from: donald peters Your two penny worth is worth a lot more than that, believe me.I hope that ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  86k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1211.php
... . In the original article, no mention was made of the actual flange depth. But the authors did make mention of the smaller ScaleThree flange but thought that satisfactory running would be obtained with flat track- no mention being made of springing or compensation. On flange depths, the depth of Proto:87 flanges is 0.33mm (according to the NMRA web site), P4 flanges are 0.38mm, S scale flanges are 0.46mm, and the Scale7 flanges are 0.66mm. So you might suggest to 2mm modellers that they could shave a few thou off since their flange depth is not far short of the Scale7 one. But I have been pragmatic in my early days with S scale flanges and added a few thou on when turning the profiles to give a bit more wiggle room, but with springing or compensation, exact scale flanges seem to work well with track to a reasonable standard. I don't think it is pragmatic to expect model railway track to stay flat. It would be interesting to see if the 0.30mm ScaleThree flanges were practical using compensation or springing. ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_295.php
... filmed on the Eastern Region and there is no sign of said ramps over facing point locks so this may be a GW/ Western region form of protection possibly because of the ATC plunger on the front of the loco's. Cheers Phil PS. I have photo's of the ramps somewhere& when I get a bit of time I will look them out and post them. Last edited on 18 Nov 2008 04:11 by Phil O posted: 23 Nov 2008 02:47 from: Phil O Hi I have found a a few pictures of the facing point lock ramp that I took at the ESR a few years ago. Unfortunately there is no detection gear etc. as it is on a ground frame but gives you the idea. Cheers Phil. Attachment: attach_422_627_P3300053.JPG 340 posted: 23 Nov 2008 02:48 from: Phil O 2nd picture Attachment: attach_423_627_P3300054.JPG 349 posted: 23 Nov 2008 02:49 from: Phil O 3rd picture Attachment: attach_424_627_P3300055.JPG 337 posted: 23 Nov 2008 02:52 from: Phil O Final picture. As you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  25k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_627.php
... Also noticeable (as I helped out on the C&L stand) there was total interest in better quality trackwork what ever 4 mm gauge the modellers worked in, as opposed to other shows where top class layouts are shown where the acceptance for quality trackwork in 00 gauge is still quite low. As for the show its self, the high number of demonstration stands must be commended, something smaller/local shows seem to omit. I have no idea about those selling rolling stock kits but again there were a quite a few modellers (far more than normal) taking the plunge into trying P4, buying the odd length of track and or a turnout kit or a few track parts just to give it a go. I would guess stands selling loco or rolling stock kits would have also benefited by those who after a chat with a demonstrator went on to buy something to build posted: 26 Sep 2016 17:30 from: DerekStuart To add to Mr. Hayfield's comments, it was also noticeable how many people were talking very enthusiastically about Templot ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2929.php
... be created without much direct use of the notch, using the functions in the tools menu. (The keyboard shortcut for reset notch is CTRL+\ ,backslash, not as shown on the video.) p.s. if you put a rail along the grid axis, in order to print the whole template it will be necessary to move the page origin. Generally it is better to have the grid origin as the corner of the baseboard or railway room, and work entirely in the positive quadrant on the grid. A few of the basic peg positions: basic_peg_positions_1220x572.png BEGINNERS PLEASE IGNORE THIS To answer your specific question: What do the 5 dimensions in the info box for a piece of straight track control& what datum do they measure from? The shift and transform dimensions derive from the calculation datum, which you can see as a green dot on the Y-axis. You will rarely if ever need to know this, or use them. cheers, Martin. posted: 18 Jan 2020 20:22 from: Phil O Hi All, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  20k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3597.php
... topic: 3399 Radio Paradise photo uploads posted: 22 Mar 2019 21:45 from: Martin Wynne It's been a while since I last submitted any images to Radio Paradise, so I thought I would find a few from recent outings, and create a topic for them here. Chocolate-boxy won't do, strong visual content is wanted. They must also be 16:9 landscape aspect ratio, which sometimes rules out images I might otherwise consider sending. Mike usually accepts about 40% of the ones I submit, but I never manage to predict which ones they will be. So over to you -- 8 images below just submitted. I will post the results when I get the email back. He has over 63,000 images in his database, of which only a couple of hundred are mine. So I'm quite chuffed when I see one of mine being used -- on one day recently I noticed 3 of mine in the space of a couple of hours. Here's the link for the Radio Paradise slide show (no ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3399.php
... I'd get members views before progressing. Regards Scott Scott, Having messed about recently with a circular layout, I'm aware of the problems of doing crossovers between concentric tracks- i.e. the radius of the diverging road on the outer track can get quite tight and possibly too tight. Noting that your layout is in S scale (intelligent gentleman) i see that some of your crossover radii are getting a bit tight for S- getting down to about 42" in one case. I'm not saying this is unworkable, since a few S scale modellers have worked down to these radii with some success, but it does mean that you have to be careful with the selection of locos and rolling stock which will work through them successfully. Otherwise, it looks a good plan. I was wondering if you might not want some carriage stock storage, and you might be able to squeeze a siding between the arrival and departure roads. This might mess up the design of your station area since it would place the platform faces on the outer sides of the track ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_672.php
... wrong. You still haven't said whether you are intending to buy the ready-made pointwork from Marcway, or build the kits? If the kits, by far the best solution is to discard the Marcway templates and build them on Templot templates instead. That way you can have proper curved turnouts for example. If ready-made, if you can scan one and post it here I will see if it's possible to create a reasonable match in Templot for it -- I did one for the SMP 00 plastic turnout a few days ago. But I can't possibly do the entire Marcway range, I don't have the time, sorry. cheers, Martin. posted: 5 Feb 2020 01:20 from: Andrew Barrowman Marcway list "Layout Planner Photoplans of O Gauge Range" on their website. Cost £11.95 I suppose they could be imported as background shapes in Templot and used to quickly generate "best match" turnout templates. posted: 5 Feb 2020 09:24 from: Hayfield madscientist wrote: The point is Martin, anyrsil or ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  80k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3606.php
... needed very often. If you leave the setting on normal it should behave exactly as before. Or if it doesn't, that's a bug which I need to know about. Setting a new mint template resets normal every time. But it will be useful on occasion, to avoid needing partial templates. For example, this is a straight turnout, but using the adjustable main road exit it is possible to have a change of radius immediately beyond the crossing without losing the long timbering, by pegging on a separate template having a few shoved timbers omitted (radius exaggerated here for clarity): 2_150917_500000000.png (Note that the adjustable main-road exit applies only to the running rails. The check rail and wing rail are not affected, and could be extended using real> adjust check rails menu item as before. In which case they won't follow any change of radius in the running rails, so would need to be used with care.) The F4 overall length mouse action sets the final cut-off position for the template. Only two things can ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3155.php
... moving my goods yard a template at a time many times as I moved it around the design. The issue that I have at the moment though is that I have managed to print out the background templates on my second attempt- my first produced nothing after 10 hours! but the background shape that I was working to has not printed. To be able to fully determine whether I have met my design aims, I need to see both the "original" and the trackplan on top of it and study it for a few weeks. Is there a way to get the background shape (picture) in my case printed? I thought I had clicked the right options but apparently not. At some stage I will also need to decide where to cut the design for transportation as the intention is to produce a 2mmFS exhibition layout so I will need to draw the board edges and thickness too. Many thanks, Clive Essery posted: 5 Feb 2014 11:48 from: Raymond Hi Clive, The print commands are listed under 'output' where you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2398.php
... the mouse. Now in Windows 7 you can't even get the underlines to show by pressing ALT. But they do still work. I can't believe that Windows 95 was actually quicker to use. So in due course I will add the extra letters to all buttons and menu items everywhere. It seems crazy to have such a useful feature fully working, but no-one can use it because you can't see which letter to press. regards, Martin. posted: 19 May 2011 15:10 from: Martin Wynne A few more shortcut changes which I didn't mention earlier: INSERT key is now store& background, i.e. it duplicates the existing CTRL+ V shortcut (which remains). There is also a top tool-button for this (double down-arrows). DELETE key is now do> snap to zero (invalidate) menu item, i.e. the same as clicking the red Z tool-button. This is a toggle -- pressing it again undeletes. This allows beginners to "get rid of" the control ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  130k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1499.php
... posted: 13 Nov 2007 22:58 from: Martin Wynne Edward wrote: I need to print out the whole trackplan on the whole scanned background map (showing building footprints etc) rather than just the control template- how can this be done? Hi Edward, Exactly as before. To print the entire track plan click the print> print entire pad menu item. However, I think you mean you want to reduce the size of the print so that it all fits on a single page, or maybe just a few pages? And perhaps to extend the print beyond the track templates to include all the background map? To change the size of the print click the print> enlarge/ reduce size> menu options. The new page size will be reflected in the dotted page outlines showing on the pad. However, it's usually much easier to set the size, and the position of the pages, by mouse action. That way you can see immediately what you are going to get when printed, and what will be included and what ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  57k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_227.php
... this afternoon, could not resist having a play at it in Templot. Given that the background image is just an OS map, it is interesting to see how the geometry works out. 1129_081623_560000000.png I would really like to see a photo of this layout as it would be interesting to know just how some bits were built- but one has not yet surfaced. I would be very interested to hear people's views on the geometry and opinions on how it might have been built. Only twenty two templates so far- just a few partial templates needed to finish it off... Just in case anyone else fancies the challenge, I include the box and the shape files. Best wishes, Howard Attachment: attach_1746_2400_Ludgate_Hill_old _layout_attempt_1.box 415 posted: 8 Feb 2014 21:33 from: JFS.. and bgs... [might have been better if I had spelt the Topic Heading correctly!!] Attachment: attach_1747_2400_Ludgate_hill_old _layout.bgs 380 Last edited on 8 Feb 2014 21:37 by JFS posted: 8 Feb 2014 21:39 from: Martin Wynne ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  102k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2400.php
... 2500, which I hope I may be able to use, even if it means some form of enlargement (or re-drawing parts of), However, I have not heard from them for some time now, which seems they do not wish to sell me a copy !! I shall, however, be a little more patient on this and send them another email shortly. Hi Brian, I think you must order online via their web site. You should receive your email with the PDF file attached within a few minutes of ordering, certainly within 24 hours. Full online ordering details are here: http://www.old-maps.co.uk/faq.html#buy As far as I can see, the only email option is to use your PayPal login email address. regards, Martin. posted: 28 May 2012 18:40 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Thanks for the further info. PAYPAL, there's the rub !! !! I think we have been round this route before, as previously stated in other messages, I ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  50k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1967.php
... -SF for the standard gauge trackwork? any pitfalls especially with the inclusion of narrow gauge flangeways etc or does the closer flangeways of OO-SF actually make sense in this application? posted: 10 Sep 2019 12:45 from: Ariels Girdle Depends on the wheels you plan to use for the stock. Much modern NG stock (eg Bachmann) has relatively fine flanges that will run through pointwork to P4 standards (I have tried!). If you already have stock then maybe best to do your own testing as few people actually do this sort of thing and all probably have a different variety of stock. posted: 10 Sep 2019 12:54 from: RedgateModels Good point, at lease one NG loco will be using a Farish "08" chassis, so pretty old wheel specs. posted: 10 Sep 2019 14:32 from: Martin Wynne Narrow-gauge modellers often use the wheels and track standards from a smaller scale. For example 009 models at 4mm/ft typically use N gauge wheels. It defies logic to build ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  204k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3498.php
... topic: 3478 P4 Wheels on EM-SF track posted: 10 Aug 2019 20:14 from: Rob Manchester Hi Martin, Just had an email from a old friend I haven't spoken with for years. He is just starting to put a layout plan together after being abroad for a few years. He has a stock of kit-built EM locos with back-to-backs set around 16.6-16.7mm so looks like maybe he had my idea of using EM-SF too The problem is he has a quantity of high end unmade kits that have Ultrascale P4 wheels with them. He asked about the chances of using these on EM-SF. I reckon it could be done but he would loose the ability to run them on standard 1mm flangeway EM. Do you concur? Thanks Rob posted: 10 Aug 2019 20:39 from: Martin Wynne Rob Manchester wrote: Hi Martin, Just had an email from a old friend I haven't spoken with for years. He is just starting to put a layout plan together after being ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  37k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3478.php
... topic: 3514 Recent narrower Hornby coach wheels posted: 3 Oct 2019 15:09 from: Andy Reichert I rarely buy any UK 00 RTR, but was given some latest run Hornby Gresley suburbans recently as a gift. On inspection, I was surprised to find that they have 0.1" wide wheels, particularly since a few years back their 2-6 -4 BR tank to experiment with I had bought had 0.11" wide wheels, as per the NMRA HO spec. Since I will be changing the wheels for P87 width ones, for use on 16.5 mm HO Track, it doesn't affect me, but It certainly won't help UK modellers using commercial 00 track. And, without checking, I thought the DOGA "specs" don't match that size wheel either. Am I missing something, or is this a big goof on Hornby's part? Andy posted: 3 Oct 2019 15:34 from: Martin Wynne Andy Reichert wrote: I rarely buy any UK 00 RTR, but was given some latest run Hornby Gresley suburbans recently as a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 29  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3514.php
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