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... it by shutting down Templot and saying no thanks to restoring previous session. 3. It appears that the parking bay holds only one item per bay. Is this true? I tried retrieving an item from bay 1 two times but on the second time got nothing on the workspace even though the bay 1 retrieve option was enabled. I would have thought I could retrieve any number of times. 4. Does the system place the switch heel correctly the first time the snake command is executed? I didn't see any mark to align it and if I accidently moved it how would I know where to put it? 5. The tutorial says to delete the half-diamond A to the control and retrieve the switch heel from the bay. Retrieving the switch heel erases the half-diamond A from the work space. What do I do now? The undo command doesn't work. I can undo two steps and get the view of half-diamond A but right-clicking does not display the informational menu. The control box shows two copies of ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  29k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1354.php
... the line and insert a turnout that has the Terminus route as the switched path? I hope that I have described the scenario clearly enough. Any thoughts gratefully received! Hi Brian, Even a C10 will have a significant speed restriction over the diverging road. You would need a very much longer turnout than C10 to be able to regard the diverging road as a "fast" line. The normal practice would be always to have the fast line as the main road of a turnout. So you should try to re-align the lines to achieve this. In other words, in your diagram the facing turnout in the Up lines is a right-hand turnout, the trailing turnout in the Down lines is a left-hand turnout. You may not need to re-align the lines by very much. Try changing to a *curviform* type of V-crossing (important) and then applying negative curving (F6) to a right-hand C10 turnout until it looks very much like a left-hand turnout. If you ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  54k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_91.php
... off in the next TDV update. Many thanks for finding and reporting it. However, I'm not too clear why you are using a background picture shape for this signal box? The background picture shapes are mainly intended for scanned track plans, maps, etc. For what you want, why not add the image directly using the sketchboard? Then you get the auto-scaling function via the file name which we discussed at length a while ago. And you also get the option to easily rotate the image to any desired alignment and add transparency effects. And combine it with other items to create more complex items. Click the add item> bitmap image button at A to add the image. If you want it to show also on the workpad, tick the box at B to show items on workpad: 2_021324_540000000.png regards, Martin. posted: 2 Apr 2012 19:34 from: Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Many thanks for the quick response. It looks as if for once I'm not the culprit of my own dilemma. Apologies for sending ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1895.php
... prototype without considering model tolerances. Terry Flynn. posted: 24 Feb 2012 23:27 from: Martin Wynne I wrote: hopefully some screenshots tomorrow. That took a bit longer than expected, but it has worked out quite well. Many thanks to Russell for starting this topic. The new dummy vehicle function is analogous to the existing spacing-ring function, and will often be used at the same time, so I have combined them on the same dialog: 2_231502_110000000.png A dummy vehicle can be rolled along the control template alignment, and copies of it can be left at various locations as required. This allows clearances to be checked: 2_241739_180000001.png 2_241739_150000000.png 2_241739_190000002.png The above screenshots show 7mm/ft scale vehicles on 1800mm radius (inner track), with 87mm spacing to 1887mm radius for the outer track. The solid outline shows the actual vehicle body dimensions. The dashed lines show a clearance envelope along both sides. The centre of the vehicle is also marked for convenience. The default sizes used are: body length: 65ft (780") body ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  112k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1835.php
... , as getting the rails right seems to me to be the main priority for the moment. Apart from the map, I have taken into account information from a limited number of photos found on the Web. The diorama would cover the section from the station buildings to the road bridge- around one metre overall. I decided to include some track either side of this in my track plan (a) just in case I ever decide to expand the model into a full layout and (b) track off limits influences the alignment of the track inside the diorama. My query really is if the more complex trackwork is workable or not? I am already aware that the ordinary single slip would require one of the checkrails shortening by one sleeper to clear a point blade. The 2 slips and the 3-way interlaced turnout also require detailed work to add all the check rails etc- but I prefer to try this once the basics are OK. Any advice and comment would be appreciated. Richard Attachment: attach_1857_2466_Dudley1.box 298 posted: 6 Jun 2014 22 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  40k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2466.php
... : Brian Nicholls Hi Martin, Sorry to say I think I have found a fault that crashes my system. The crash occurs when I use one of my large size bitmap files of Birmingham New Street as background in Templot, (with, I might add, no other application running on my PC). The bitmap file loads perfectly OK and provided I do not zoom in too much I can carry on working ad-infinitum (as far as I can estimate). However, when I zoom in very close for alignment purposes, and try to manipulate the control template, it crashes the system. Without the large background file loaded, Templot works fine right up to, and including the largest zoom factors, it is only when I have the large file version of background on the workpad does the problem occur. Please note, if I use smaller background files, these do not seem to give rise to the problem, which suggests that there may be a file size limitation for background images which allows zooming very close in. When the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  74k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1367.php
... topic: 2689 Diamond Crossing posted: 19 May 2015 14:46 from: Alan Whitaker Hi New to Templot so bear with me, I wish to build a diamond crossing, I don't know how to set the radius of each track, it is crossing on a radius and is on a radius, i guess its a curved form. Alan posted: 19 May 2015 15:18 from: dave turner Alan Create two plain tracks- then delete one to the control- mouse click the other track- Peg Align Tools- Make Diamond Crossing at intersection. If neither track is a transition curve and they aren't at too great an angle to each other then Templot will create your diamond. If one or both are transition curves then goto help- watch a video- Scruff video Andrew transition diamond to watch Martin's instructions. posted: 19 May 2015 16:15 from: Alan Whitaker Hi Just watched the video, lost after 2 mins, I kind a need a diamond a bit like it starts but at the end it don't show how ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2689.php
... Godders posted: 14 Dec 2013 15:31 from: wcampbell23 Hi Godfrey No doubt there are better ways of doing it- but here is my suggestion: Set up the tracks on either side of the transition. Attached a curved track to each side so that the curves are of equal radius (unless you want otherwise) and opposite hands so that they do not intersect. One curve should be stored in the background and the other the control template. Click on the template for the background curve and select the Peg/Align tools option. Select the "make transition curve from the control template" and then try the left or right hand options to see which works for your situation. Provided you have a workable solution, delete the original curve templates as these are no longer needed and adjust the length of the transition to meet your two straight tracks. It's easy to try different radii for the transition curves to see which solution gives the alignment you find most suitable- just delete the new transition template and repeat the process. You have a ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  35k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2360.php
... the custom settings, etc, store it in the library, and have it" inserted into plain track" as and when i need it. that would allow me to reuse components, but not in the same physical location thanks again posted: 31 Mar 2015 19:16 from: Martin Wynne Hi Dave, There are lots of options, it depends what you are trying to do. See for example on the storage box, the edit> obtain to the control template> menu items. Another option would be the align functions. Put the first control template on the background. Copy the library template into the control template. Click on the background template and peg/align tools> align control template over background template>. Then delete the background template (you can click it through the control template). Leaving the ex-library template in its place. But I suspect what you are really looking for are the modify on rebuild functions. You can update one or a group of background templates to match the control template in various ways ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  46k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2664.php
... you don't have to do that: s4soc_b8_curved_crossover_1.png I increased the track spacing to 7ft-way to simplify the chairing at the centre just for this example. It's necessary to use the transparent option where the images overlap. Here is part of the printed template output -- a fully chaired curved B8 crossover in P4: s4_soc_b8_curved_crossover_print_1 .png Don't forget to tick the option to include picture shapes in the print output (it is off by default). There are functions on the background shapes dialog to let you twist the picture shapes into alignment with the adjacent tracks, via the notch. If you load these C&L templates into Templot as picture shapes, you can then use the printer calibration function in Templot to ensure a precision print. To obtain a hi-res bitmap image (PNG) for that purpose, use the excellent free PDF-XChange viewer program for the PDF( http://www.tracker-software.com/product... nge-viewer ), which has an Export To Image function -- you can set to 600dpi for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  62k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2369.php
... problem or am I just missing something? posted: 21 Jan 2014 11:59 from: Martin Wynne Borg-Rail wrote: No matter what I do I cannot seem to alter the flangeway widths for groups. Of course works OK for individual templates. Have I found a problem or am I just missing something? Hi Stephen, You can do it by creating a custom gauge/scale setting, and then using the convert group button, on the gauge/scale selector dialog. As always with this function, template alignments may be disrupted. The gauge/scale selector dialog is at gauge> other gauges... menu item. There isn't a simple way of doing it because it's not simple. For turnouts having regular type V-crossings with auto-fit entry straight (the Templot default), changing the flangeway gap changes the crossing entry straight and hence the turnout lead length. Template alignments can therefore be disrupted. To avoid this, before changing the flangeway gap on a regular template which is part of a track plan, ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  14k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2384.php
... cuts around the proposed drilled hole; but I found it a bit of a fiddle. The comment about Copydex remaining flexible while PVA is rigid is also correct. My own (permanent) layout is laid on 6mm foam (cheap camping mat) with flexible adhesives; but I found that the only place where the trains were really quiet was where a section of track had been temporarily laid and not secured to the underlay atall -- not really viable in the long term. This stuff also gives problems maintaining horizontal and vertical alignment at rail joints, making some sort of rail joiner or functional fishplate necessary. Our group experience on "Burntisland" was that the closed cell foam caused difficulties at baseboard edges. Since this is an exhibition layout the question of noise doesn't really arise. Personally, if I was starting from scratch again, I might be tempted to forget about underlay altogether. Regards Allan F posted: 23 Dec 2011 14:58 from: Martin Wynne Ed Callaghan wrote: Martin does that imply that you'd endorse the use of Copydex rather ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  104k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1747.php
... topic: 1280 Peg/ align> make diamond crossing posted: 4 Nov 2010 20:34 from: Richard Spratt 68_041529_520000000.png I wish that Templot had a menu under 'make transition curve..' that is 'make diamond crossing from the control template'. I've been struggling with trying to get a diamond crossing to fit a similar situation to that shown and I can't. Since it's only for the fiddle yard I've decided to leave it as is and draw the Vees etc in by hand when it comes to making that section of track. But I've also been trying to draw a double junction for the Picton project which lies almost in the middle for the scenic section so it would be really useful for that. posted: 4 Nov 2010 21:16 from: JFS Hi Richard, You can't automatically make a diamond like like this in Templot as it is "irregular"- that is the two roads are of differing radii. Richard has a development in hand to create such daimonds at the touch of a mouse button, but we so far ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_1280.php
... . Don't worry too much about sleeper detailing just yet, get the whole plan done first, I find it easier that way. Once you've got the turnout as you want it, then "make crossover". The "straight" road on the other turnout will follow the curve of the original curve then you can extend the approach length and exit length to match that curve. orry about the detail later. I find it easier to use the "mirror on peg" function at each end of an existing template to align an make the next template. If you have a quick look at my other thread on here, the rather complex layout I'm copying took me about 3-4 hours of twiddling to get to the nearly complete state.. posted: 6 Oct 2020 16:55 from: Martin Wynne Graham Long wrote: i) The panel lengths are: just under 1 length i.e. 17 sleepers for Templot 1 and Templot 2 was 1 length and 13 sleepers. How can I blend these two templates together so that the " ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  47k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3794.php
... of custom working in Templot is: 1. create your customized control template with all the settings you need. 2. store it as library template to keep it safe for future use. 3. store it again and copy it to the background. 4. modify its size or position or extend and split off bits of it and insert turnouts in them, or whatever is needed to create the next one. 5. copy that to the background. and so on. If you already have some templates defining the required alignment, you use the align over background functions to put the control template on that alignment. You shouldn't need to enter the custom settings more than once if you work methodically. If you can describe exactly what you are trying to do, or what you are doing which isn't working, I can be more specific. regards, Martin. posted: 27 Jul 2012 18:06 from: Alan McMillan Hi Martin I'm probably not being very clear. Sorry The problem I seem to have is that I have created a template ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  69k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_2034.php
... Jan 2018 17:08 from: Martin Wynne Hi John, For that you need the swell mouse action. See: http://templot.com/companion/swell_function_ctrl_f10.php Looking at your plan it is probably not a single radius. Instead of using swell you could start with the turnout, make branch track from it, curve the branch track to the line, and then make transition to the existing straight track. For an example of this process, see: http://templot.com/companion/link_existing.php That keeps everything aligned, whereas swell takes the ends of the template out of angular alignment with adjacent templates. Swell is normally used on an isolated template which is not aligned with any others. cheers, Martin. posted: 26 Jan 2018 17:12 from: johndon Thanks Martin, much appreciated. posted: 26 Jan 2018 17:17 from: johndon I see what you mean about just using swell, it gives rise to this effect when the line goes straight, I shall try your other suggestion, thanks again. 2828_261217_340000000.png posted ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  28k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3198.php
157. DXF files
... topic: 3628 DXF files posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:57 from: Roger Stone Hello, How do I load a DXF file into Templot? The DXF file I have was exported from Tempot but I no longer have the original. I want to reload it either as usable templates or as a background so that I can align new templates over it. Roger posted: 17 Mar 2020 13:27 from: Martin Wynne Roger Stone wrote: How do I load a DXF file into Templot? The DXF file I have was exported from Tempot but I no longer have the original. I want to reload it either as usable templates or as a background so that I can align new templates over it. Hi Roger, A DXF file (any DXF file, not only from Templot) can be imported into the background shapes. If it's from Templot you can let it print as usable templates as it stands, or use it as a guide to align new templates over it. 2_170817_410000000.png Note however that Templot is restricted to a maximum ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  15k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3628.php
... am having great fun, thanks Martin! However, being very familiar with electronics PCB layout s/w, I'm perhaps coming at this from a slightly different angle from those more familiar with the more engineering packages such as Autocad, and in a way, I suspect such PCB design packages have more similarities with the way we work than the engineering type do, and perhaps some of the features would be useful in track layout. Some of these might be: 1) Ability to put precisely located pegs, (with editable alignment indication) on the background, to locate entry/exit points or tie in to existing track. 2) Linked track sections, so, say if you edit the first curve in a long length of track, the successive stages stay locked to it and move as one, (it would also be really cool if you could lock the end point as well, and the curves and lengths auto updated, but I suspect that would be a lot of programming!), rather than then having to rejoin everything afterwards ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  34k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_975.php
... in the six foot on each side of the diamond? Jim. Last edited on 13 Aug 2017 11:17 by Jim Guthrie posted: 13 Aug 2017 11:52 from: Martin Wynne Jim Guthrie wrote: What are the flat strips just outside the rails in the six foot on each side of the diamond? Hi Jim, They are stiffeners attached to the ends of the timbers, to prevent the timbers moving apart or closing up. It is important that the K-crossing wing rail knuckles don't move out of alignment with the moving point rails. In a fixed K-crossing they are all bolted solid with spacer blocks, but obviously that's not possible with moving point rails. In an ordinary switch, switch anchors do the job of keeping the moving point rails aligned with the stock rails. Because of the much steeper switch angles in a switch-diamond, such anchors would not be feasible. regards, Martin. posted: 13 Aug 2017 13:11 from: Jim Guthrie Martin, Thanks for that. Jim posted: 13 ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  21k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_3061.php
... topic: 296 Joining groups of templates posted: 29 Dec 2007 12:29 from: Ezra Kowadlo I am new to Templot. I can't seem to get the dailog window when clicking on the 'peg/ align tools> notch under background peg' menu option. I have been exploring Templot and trying things out before following the tutorial. Have I upset a setting before I embarked on following instruction in the tutorial? Ezra posted: 29 Dec 2007 12:52 from: Martin Wynne Ezra Kowadlo wrote: I can't seem to get the dialog window when clicking on the 'peg/ align tools> notch under background peg' menu option. Hi Ezra, There have been some changes to that menu in recent versions. Please can you say which version of Templot you are using, and which tutorial you are following? The Templot version is shown in the help> about Templot menu item. The dialog window appears only if the template on which you clicked has previously been selected as a member of a group of templates (showing in the group colour ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 22  -  19k  -  URL: https://85a.uk/templot/archive/topics/topic_296.php
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